When Rat Tras si.-k. htj g&n ner Castoria VVhen ib was a Chihl. she cried for Castoria. C7hflC Bbu bfCAHM Miss, she clung tö Castoria. 'e had Children. she gave tUem Castorbk CHEATINC ÏJ" HORSE B LAN KETS Nearly every pattern of & forse Blanket is imitated in color and style. In most cases the imitation looks just as good as the genuine, but it hasn't the warp threads, and so lacks strength.and while it sells for only a little less than the genuine it isn't worth one-half as much. The fact that k Horse Blankets are copied is strong evidence that they are THE STANDARD, and every buyer should see that the %h trade mark is sewed on the inside of the Blanket. ma i Five Milo Ask lm Boss for ■ M Electric %0 Jh% Extra Test IK Ba kei HORSE BLANKETS ARE THE STRONGEST. 10p 5A STYLES fprices to suit everybody. If you can't get em from your dealer, write us. Ask fot e Va Büok. You can get it without charge. WM. AYRES ft SONS, Philadelphia. ' A NATURAL KEHEDY FOR Epileptic Fits, Falling Sickness, Hysterics, St. Yitus Dance, Nervousness, Hypocliondria, Melnucholia, ínebrity, Sleeplessness, Dizzim-ss, Brtta unil Spinal IVcakness. Th!s medicine has direct action upon the nerve centers, allaylng all irritabilities, and increasing tho üow and power - nerve fluid. It is perfectly harmless and leaves no unpleasant eflccts. A Vjiltiable Rook on Norvons d mJwá má Ii-se;ise sent ítvv lo any address, [Ha and poor patlenu can ain obtaia IILíh iñs modlcbu t'iec r charle. This temedy bas been onpftted by the Reverend Pastor KoeniK, oí Fort wiyue, I:nï . smee 1876, and lsnowproparü(LuMirThisiiitísr.. i bytbt KOENIG MED. CD., OHloaO, III. SolU by DrHBiïists nt -■■ :t lic. 6for85, tariro Size, S1.75. 6 I Mi ewaut dbtachahiiK LINK fwBELTINC. The Best. Now the Cheapesl. REDUCED PRICE LIST of drive belt& ot her Speclaltiea tor Eleritorfi,Conveyr8& Machine ry for hanillinir aziy material in bulk or jwrkaKe. LI5& BELT fllCÜMERf C0.t 3901 Stewart Aft., Cbicago, B Apamphlet of informatiou and ImB Bstnictuf the taws.dhowiiiK lluw tomf BObtaln Patenta, Oareut, TnuleV BMarks, Copy rihts, sent 1rtt.B VAddrw MUNN á. CÖ.2IÊ iBL 'C4M Broadwuy, fl #%,BUYSPOUNDBAR (l 5l) BEST&MOST atEC0N0MÍCAÍ j(y_ c - c a a o. M IfALLEN B.WRÏSLEY3 1
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