LUMBER ! LUMBER ! LUMBER ! you oontemplate building oall at FBRDON Lumber Yard Corner Fourth aa.d Depot Sta., and get our flarur tfor all kinds of LUMBEK We manufacture our own Lumber and ruarantee VERY LOW PRIOES. a-lv nsacsllnnd we wlllmakelt o jour interest, na oHr larve and well raded stock fnlly nstnluH onr aar tlon. JAMES TULRKKT, Prop. T. J. HKKCH.Nnpt. I&EIMICrVIEaD. -HANGSTERFERCATEEEE. TUSTO NEW STORE-f OU WASHINGTON STREET, Frat door east o( Main-st. ICE CREAM SODA, 5 CENTSThe finest Confectionary iu the City, 50c per ft. New_Firm! HAVING BOUGHT THE FEED BUSINESS 01 GEO. H. HAZELWOOD, we propose to keeD WOO1 of II klods, KindlIngwSod: SS BIed HAY Hii.l nu, rLOIIBnï FEED, of the best qu&lity, Charcoal, etc. Goods dellvered free to ny part of the City. W Cash paid for torn and Oats. The firm will continue the Truck Business ot C. H. Jones, as before. Order by Telephone promptly attended to. CLARK & JONES, Telephone No. H. 3 Harou-St. H.C. CLABK. c. H. J0KÏ3. wTpTlodholz 18 OFFERING BARGAINS IN' mimii ú nmimi mST'CUSS 600SS L SfECi.Ui:. New leu at 25,30 40 and 50c. per pound. Kettles, porcelain lined, freewith 1 pound Bakln Powder at 60 cents. China ware free wlth 1 pound Codee at zi cents per lb. The best goods at the loweat prices. Afways full weight and measure. AU good fresh and varranted. Dellvered to any part of the city. Yon wlll ave money by trading wlth W. F. LODHOLZ, nd6 Braad waj . FRUITFARM! PEARS AND GEAPES A SPECIALTY All kinds of Fruit and Ornamental freea aad Flowers, frem Ellwanqke & Bakrv. Order Early by Muil. Syrups, Medicinal Wlues. Raspberry Syrup Boneset, Dandellon and Other Domestio Gra'ps WInes, prepared especially for Invalida. -W-Pure Plymouth Rock Eggs. EMIL BAUB, W. Hdbos-St. Henry Richards, Dealer in all kinds of HARD WOOD, LUMBER, PBNOB POSTS, MAPLE PLOORING, etc, also PlflÊapdfilflQLÈ And all kinds of Firewood. Prices as Low as Anv Dealer in the Citv, AGENT FOR THE CHAMPION BINDERS ÁND H0WE&S, Si. 9 Detroit Ht., ■ Ano Arbor, nth _ ____ IG. H. WILD, MERCHANT TAILOR Is showing the largest stock ot FALL COODC. Ho has the finest llMirsi;i(iM.„ in Ann Arbor. Examine O. H. Wild's stock ot English Dress SuitingsJ AU the latest NoTeltles can be seen at N... 3 Unsltuiicioii Ht., Near Main. I CHOICE MEATS Cor. Wn-.lilnï(oii-l and Flflb-ave. Our aim is to please our customera by al wars handüng the very Cbolcest Meuts tiiat the market iSorcb.
Old News
Ann Arbor Register