BACft ABEL & CO. THEOLDRELIABLE Dry Goods HOUSE. Special News i Ilousekcepcrs and Umirdmt Honse Pcople. lor tbe Scxl THIRTY DAYS We shall offer greater Inducements to Customers in want. UNEQUALLED VALUES. 25 DOZEN ALL LINEN HUCK TOWELS At $3.00 per dozen reduced to $2.25 per doz. for this sale. 25 DOZEN HUCK and DAMASK TOWELS At $2.25 per doz. reduced to$1.50 for this occasion. 5 PIECES 60 INCH WIDE. BARNSLEY CREAM DAMASK At 50 ets. per yd. Cheap under ordinary circumstances at 65c. ONE CASE BEST 9-4 BLEACHED SHEETING At 25 ets per yard; Regular price, 30 ets. 1OO DOZEN BLEACHED LINEN DAMASK NAPKINS At $1.00, $1.25, $1.40, and $1.50 per dozen, greatly reduced in prices for this sale. BLANKETS AND COMFORTABLES At much less than regular prices for this special sale, to stimulate business, This sale will prove a Bonanza to Housekeepers. Take advantage of this opportunity. The Old Rellable Dry Goods Home. Bach, Abel & Co., 26 SOUTH MAIN STREET. J. W. MAYNARD Wishes to inform his friends and customers tbat he has regained bis health and is again DOING BUSINESS AT THE OLD STAND ! 15 A.N Si STREET, FINE GROCERIES AT FAIR PRICES. I always pay cash for CHOICE BUTTER which I must have EVERY DA Y for RETAIL AND SHIPPING i -iugust 25th, 1891. j3 YOU CAN GET IT Galkins' Drug Store 34 South State-st. FOÜND! FOUND ! FOUND! $50 DOLLARS IN GOLD, YES, $50 DOLLARS IN GOLDj Also a first-class railroad ticket to Chicago or Petoskey, FREE for you for that little Wallet picked up on the Btreots, Saturday, the 8th inst containing a diamond ring and a diamond stud. The trinkets were not expensive; can be easily duplicated. Our advice to you- Í0 succeed in life - be strictly honest. IIMMD' J. L. BABCOCK, tf I H. DivlNlon-Nt. Aun Arbor,
Old News
Ann Arbor Register