The City
GovernorWinans was in the city Tues day. Sparrow heads brought $46.71 las week. The iruit works started up again this week. School eleotion and meeting next Monday. Mrs. Mary Holloway has secured an original pension. B. St. James has reuted the house of Fred Mcömber on North-st. A veranda is being built on three sides of D. Cramer's residence'. Thé county treasurer received $2,020.45 and disbursed $2,265.08 during August. Frank Dunlavy, of Scio, has rented the residence ofC. G. Liddellon Millerave. A social will be given at the Baptist church tomorrow evening by the young people. Complaint has been made against Charles Schleicher for assault and battery on his wife. Two elevators, one forfreight and one for passengere, will soon be placed in the Cook House. Maggie, infant daughter of James McKernan, of Northfield, died in this city on Friday last. The old dental building is being repaired. It will be occupied by the engineering students. Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. Healey mourn the death of their little son Earl, who passed away on Sunday. A. F. Hanson is removing his hou.sehold goode, this week, to Toledo, where be will reside hereafter. The Methodists will hold a missionary tea at the residence of Dr. C. GDarling tomorrow night. The board of fire commissioners hay e appointed two additional firemen, John Webber and Max Widlinger. Ex-Supervisor Albert Gardner will eaveon thellth for New Mexico, where ie will reside in the future. Superintendent Perry expects that ;he enrollment of the high school this year will be larger than ever before. Tbe Michigan state fair at Lansing which will take place next week, bids "air to surpass all previous expositions. Mrs. Helen Taylor, of Ypsilanti, has removed to this city and rented a house at the corner of Church and Willard-sts. Christian G. Jenter, assistant in the iharmacy department, has been appointed chemist at the state agricultura! experimental station at Geneva, N. Y. Christian Burkbird.t, of Lodi, wps i'muwn out of his buggy.Saturday evening, on the gravel road and was seriously injured. Two of his ribs were broken. Jacob N. Binder passed away on 'Friday morning at the age of ueventy-two years. He has lived in Ann Arbor since 1862. His funeral took place Sunday afternoon. Two boys, who were making nuisances of themselves Friday night on State-et, were arrested by the offlcers and were confined in the county jail till morning. Miss Gertie Carmo, who within two days after the death ofAeronaut Hogan, made a balloon ascensión in Detroit, will be one of the attractions at the Washtenaw county fair. Ed. E. Cole, formerly of Ann Arbor, now assistant toAeronautBartholomew, feil forty feet from his parachute at Detroit on Wednesday last week. He escaped death but his injuries have confined him to the hospital. Plans for the new wagon bridge over the Huron river, eastof town, have been prepared by H. O. Duerr, of Toledo. The contract will be let by the board of public works next Wednesday. The bridge will be a handsome structure. A telegraph wire brok e on Main-st, Friday afternoon, and feil over a telephone wire and the electric trolley to the ground, where it struck a passing horse. The animal acted as if it was crazy, but soon trotted away as if nothing had happened. Mayor Doty refused to comply with the request, recently made, that he order the destruction of peach trees inside the city limita, which were infested with the yellows, giving as his reason that the law did not apply to the cities, bat only to the townships. The city council, at a special meeting, held Monday night, granted the University authorities permission to grade East Catherine and Clark-sts, around the new hospitals. The deepest out will be about 5J feet and portions of Catherine-st will have to be filled. The Ann Arbor Light Infantry now has sixty-five members. A large number of honorary members, at present fifty-five, have contributed $10 apiece for the support of the company. It is expected soon to fit up club rooms at an expense of $600. Last evening a public inspection was held. Duriig fair week an exhibition drill will be given on the fair g round?. Rev. R. H. Rust will preach his fare well sermón on September 13. The Ladies' society of the Bethlehem church enjoy a basket picnic at Whit more Lake today. A ppecial term of court will be hele on Mooday. Judge Kinne goes to Monroe on Tuesday. Work on The Rkciister's special edition is progressie rapidly. "ov 1 t li e time to order copies. W. II. Smith, lit '89, formerly of Ypsilanti, has been appointed principal of the Pontiac high school. Mrs. Thomas L. Hewitt passed away on Wednesday last at the 8ge of sixtyeight. She leaves a husband and daughter. Wheat this week is "sick" and farmers are bringing but little into market. Prices range from ninety-two to ninetyfive cents a bushel. ' There will be a meeting of the members of the Church of Christ for communion and special service at the church on Sunday next at 3 p. m. Charles Schott, manager of the stone yard, has made use of some of his prisoners in carrying coal into the court house, thus saving the county exponse. Rev. C. A. Young, the pastor of the Christian church, will deliver the sermon at the union service to be held in the Baptist church next Sunday evening. At the meeting of the school board, Tuesday evening, a resolution was offered asking the pólice authorities to detail one or two officers to assist in the enforcement of the Iruancy act. The University has just published in pamphlet form the memorial addressj in honor of the late Professor Winchell, which was prepared by Professor M. W. Hairington and was read in University Hall on May 3rd. Alonzo C. Bliss, the well known shoemakt r, died on W?dnesday of last week at the age of OOyears. He was a veteran of the late war. He has lived in Ann Arborever since he was threeyearsold. He leaves a wife and one son. Charles H. Kline has patented an envelope, which is expected to show on its face whether it has been tampered with. If steamed, chemically prepared letters, which cannot be seen at other times, become visible and thus exposé the interference. The board of directora of the Washtenaw Mutual Fire Insurance Company met Monday and adjusted the following fire losses: Andrew Campbell, of PittsSeld.barn stock and grain, $2,400; Simon Winslow, barn and contents, $980; Frank Crittenden, hay on barracks, $100, and other minor losses. The Michigan conference of the Ohio Lutheran synod met on Tuesday and Wednesday with Rev. Max Hein. Eight ministers out of eighteen were presentThey discussed missionary work and doctrinal points. Last evening services were held at the church by Rev. Walter Schuette, of Detroit. Prof. Delos Fall, of Albion college, who is abrother of D. C. and C. S. Fall, bas just completed a book, entitled,"An Introduction to Qualitative Analysis by the Inductive Method." The work lias been well spoken of by Prof. Ira Remington, of Johns Hopkins University; Prof. A. B. Prescott, of this city, and others. Services will be resumed in the Preaoyterian church next Sunday. The subect of the morning discourse is "Tempted in all points like as we are." The ladies in the Foreign Missionary Society will meet Friday at the residence of Mrs. E. F. Mills, 9 Monroe-st, where ;hey will enjoy a missionary tea to;ether. Subject: Japan. Reuben Armbruster, highway commissioner of Pittsfield, has ordered the ;elegraph and telephone companies to transfer their poles from the east and north sides of the South Ypsilanti road ;o the south side, between the railway track and the road. He will also have ;he road made four rods wide. All srush and stone piles must be removed. Ingineer H. O. Duerr, of Toledo, was in the city Monday for the purpose of conferring with the board of public works relativo to the approaches for the new Toledo bridge. A roadway fifty feet wide will be left, with a stone abutment on one side and three iron pillare on the other. The sidewalk will be alaced on the north between the pillara and the fence. Work on the structure will commence immediately. The enjineer was instructed by the company ;o prepare plans for a bridge not only serviceable but ornamental. Treasurer Gruner, of the Ann Arbor school board, bas rendered his annual report, showing receipts as follows: Library fine money, 130.00, rent of house in first ward, $207.50; primary school fund money, $4,285.98; city tax, f33,344; from Ann Arbor township, $2,075.02; miscellaneous, $9; interest, $50.96; tuition, $7,792.87; overdraft to September;], $670.66; total, $48,465.99. The expenses were: Overdraft to September 1, 1890, $3,151.06; warrants paid, $45,314.95; total, $48,465.99. The estimated expenses for next year are $44,955.66, of which S30.250 are for salaries. It is proposed to raise $28,000 by direct taxation.
Old News
Ann Arbor Register