Schairer & Millen
SPECIAL SALE OF ADVANCED STYLES - ■ ra NEW FALL DRESS GOODS AND TRIMMINgÍ IN BLACKS COLORS AND FANCIES. - THE . - _ ____ FIRST IN THE MARKET WITH NEW FALL GOODS. Our Dress Goods Stock shows novelties not seen in any other stnr such as Cheviots, Snowflakes, Camels Hair Twills, Bedford Cor?' Tweeds, Homespuns, Angora Cloths, Broadcloths, Serges, ï'rench ami English novelties and other rough effects which are so stylish this fall Eich European Dresses, each and every one a beauty to look at As a special bargain and to give our Dress Goods Department a bis boom, we offer 75 stylish Dress Patterns at $3.(j7 a guit, worth 8500 48 pieces New Fall Dress Goods in Rough Effects at 50 cents a vard One Case 36 inch Fancy Serges at 15 cents a yard. Special 500 Yards all Silk Surah Worth 50c, in Black and Colors, at the Low Price of 25c a Yard. 65 Pieces New Wool Black Goods at 50 cents and 75 cents a yard. 15 Pieces Coin Dot Curtain Scrim at 5 cents a yard. 35 Pieces Dark 10 cents Outing Flannel at 6c a yard. 25 Pieces White Shaker Flannel at 5c a yard. 100 yards Black Sewing Silk, 35c a Spool. Best quality Knitting Silk, 35c a Ball. One Case Dark Print3 3íc, a yard. 50 Pieces Wide Twill Towelling at 4c a yard. Big lot Lace Curtains at 69c a pair. The demand for Fur Trimmed Garments is very large. Our Stock compnses the very newest styles in Jackets for Fall and Winter Wear Reefers with Hip Seams trimmed with full Astrachan Roll, Oppós. sum Mink, Persian, Lamb and Mufflon, full 28 and 30 inches long A] nandsome stylish garments. Misses' Jackets, age from 12 to 18 years, $3.50 to $10.00 Misses' Newmarkets from $3.00 to $12.00. Over 400 Ladies' and Misses' Garments received and placed in om Cloak room the past ten days. All of which we invite inspection. Leaders of Low Brices and Always the Cheapest,
Old News
Ann Arbor Register