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BUSINESS OARDS. ATTENTION! n0 yv WA5iT anythlng in the line of P BANANAS, ORAJÍGES, I M.V HlllliS ofnll kinds, l '!■; CREAW, ICE CKKIJI SODA. jverything at Wholesale and Retail. Xj. & IF. KOPP, 10 E. Hiiron-sl. Our New Store. ADES' FALL AND WINTER GOODS IN ALL THE NEWEST STYLES. ce Children'a Hats and Caps, RibFeathers and Tips to be sold at a low price. Give ua a cali at our New Store, Cor. Foiirth and Washington-sts, Respectfully, MRS. A. 0TT0. "ÁRTHUR J. KltSON, Contractor & Builder. atjmites furnished on all kinds of Architecture. atninct amd Shop, 21 OfMes-ave. HVI.P. VOGEL, DEALER IN FfiESH, SALT1 SMOKED MEATS. AND GAHE IX SEASON. 22 E. Hübon-St. - - Ann Arbor. ÜW MILLINERY STORE. Fancy -:-Mllnery. IN ALL THE LATEST STYLES. írerybody invited to Examine Stock. MRS. J. L. JOHNSON, No. 23 N. Main-St, WHEN IN YPSILANTI STOF AT THE Occidental - Hotel. Mineral and Fresh Water Baths, B-SFECIAZ KATES TO STUDEUfTS.St rite o'clock DInners Sundays. H. E. SHUTTS, Prop'r. 1 R. WILLIAMS, Attorney at Law, Hilan, Mii-li. Money loaned for outeide parties. All legal tiiness given prompt at tention. ILKX. W. HAMILTON, Attorneral Iw. Wlll practice In both State and Dnited 8te! Duts. Office Rooms, one and two, lst floor of ae new brick block. corner of Huron and ïonrth txett, Ann Arbor, Michigan. TRUCK AND STORAGE. Sow we are ready wlth a New Brick Storehouse torUie storage of Households, Pianos, Books and ves. Planos and Furniture carefullj moved. Ulkindsof Heavy nd Light draying. PREI&HT (OKK. Wdence and Office, 46 N. Fourth Street. Tcleptaone 82. WM. W. NICHOLS, DENTAL PARLOES over Savings Bank opposite Oourt House Square. Teeth exlracted without pain by uee ifQas or Vitalized Air. WM. BIGGS. Contractor and Builder, lid all kinds or work In connection wl tli tbe above nromptly execnteu. 81iop Cer. of Churcht and S. University ave. Telephone 9 : P. O. Box 124S. Wall Paper? OP ALL The-:-Latest-:-DesignsPBICES TSE LOTEST. OSCAR O. SORG, The Decorator? JjS. Malu-st, ■ . . - ANS ABBOB. -A SPLENDIDRESIDENCE For Sale! We have for sale a splendid BRICK ÏESIDENCE, in the best part of the for SALE AT A BARGAIN. All mi repair. witable tenas of pay ment may be had Cali upon or address S. M., ___50tf Register Omes. 1SSIT & SSABOLT, isroa. e .ütd 8 veMngton Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan. 11 uays on hand a complete StocJt of eyerr thinginthe SROGERY LINE! V Coffees and Sugars 'iï0? Arücles bought for Cash and cansell " guree. Our frequent iarge invoice of "uie ign that we give bargains in QUALTTY AND PRIOE. e55? out own coffees every week, always 5 otnl?? Out bakery turnï oijt the veiy se; e "1 Crecken. CaU and The Laifent, Foatent and Flnest Ín tbe World. new ybrkT lonb8nde'iÍry3 anb Vlásbow Anchokia Sept 17 Circassia Sept. 26 Fdknksi " 19 Ethiopia. Oct. 1 CityokRome " 24 Anchobia " 3 NEW YORK, GIBRALTAR ANB NAPLES. SALBBN, SECBND-CLASS ANB STEERAGE ratee on lowe.stterms to anrl f rom the principie SCOTCH, ENGLISH. IRISH AND ALL CONTINENTAL POIflTS. Excursión Tickets reiluced, made available to return by either the Picturescjne Clyde & North of Ireland, or DBAFTSANDMONEYORDËRSFQRAHYAMOUNT at lowest current rafe. Apply to any of our local offents, or to HtfNDERSON BROTHERS, Chicago, III. JAMEN R. BACBi A vent. LonsE's extbkt CLOVERlLÓSSÜM l'emale Weakness Sores, Ulcera, Tumors, Abstenaos, Blood Poisonlng, Salt Bheum; Catarrh, Kryslpelas, Bheumatism and alí blood and Skin Diseases. Price 9i. per Pin: Bottle. or 6 Boules for t. i Ib can Solid Eiira - U-y. J. M. LOÓSE RED.CLOVER CO Detroit. Mich. Sola bv aii dru8giu. Ak in.y atrents for W. I . Dougins Slnf s. II' not for in yonr place attk your dealer to senil for catalogue, secare lile ïency, mul get tliem íor yon- - a.ii BTTAKE NOSUBSTÏtUTE.l WHY IS THE W. L. DOUCLAS $3 SHOE centPeVn THE BEST SHOE IN THE WORLD FOR THE M0NEÏ7 It Ís a seamless shoe, wttb no tacks or wax thread to hurt tbe feet; made of the best fine ealf, styliüh and easy, and because we make more ahoes of this grade than any other inanufacturer, it equala haudsewed shoes custlng f rom $4.00 to $5.00. (te Oü (enuiui' Ilaiicl-wcwed, the flnest calf Pwa shoe ever oftered (or $5.00; equals Frenen Importad ahoea wbich cost f rom $8.00 to $12.00. CA 00 Hanri-Sewed Welt Shoe, fine calf, Pr fltyllsh, comfortable aud durable. The best Bboe ever ollered at this prioe ; sarna grade os eustom-made shoes costlng f rom $6.00 to $9.00. 0 90 Pólice Shoe; KarmerH, Kailroad Men (■ and LetterCarrlersall wearthem; nnecalf, seamless, smooth inside, heavy three soles, extensión edge. One pair will wear ayear. CO 30 fine cnlfj no better shoe ever offered at wi thls price; one trial wlll convlnce tbose who want a shoe for comfort and service. CO '" and $'00 VorkiíiKiiiHiiH shoet Vmb are very strong and durable. Tnose who have given them a trial will wear no other make. Pavc' 92.00 and 81.73 school shoes are b w J O worn by the boys every where; they sell on thelr merlts, as the increasing salea show. 1 oHioc''-1111 lluntl-newed shoe, best WOw ICO Dongola, very styliah; equalsFrench imported shoes costingfrom $4.(A) tu $6.00. l,adifb' 12.50, SÍ2.00 and 81.75 shoe for Miases are the best ñne Uongola. styli&h and durable. CautioH.- See that w. L. Douglaa' name and price are staiuped on the bottum of each Bboe. W. L. DOUGLAS, Broek ton, Mass. Wtf. REINH AKIT A CO. 43 S. Main SX


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Ann Arbor Register