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OUR 25 CENT COLUMN. Adveitlsemente, such ai To Rent, For Sale, and Wants, not excceding three Unes, can be Inserted three weeks for 25 cents. WANTE1. Three or four lady or gentleman canvassen, to ell Domestic, white and Bavis Sewing Machine. No previous experievce required. Will pay salary or commission. Apply at once. J. F. Schob. 67tf Plain sewlng of all kinds; also comforters, bedding, etc. Mrs. Fingerle, over Sheehan's Book Store, State-st. __ 71 WANTEI- Young man who wishes to takea complete oourse in Shorthand and Typewriting and pay bis tuition by doing janitor work. Apply at once to the School of Shorthand, 20 South State-st, third lioor. FOR SALE. ÍpOK SALK.- Cheap, one Warwick Safety Bicycle, good as new. Enqaire of No. 10 West Second-st. 72 Folt Signa "Rooms," "Rooms and Board." "Boardinu," "For Sale," "For Rent," "Dressmaking,"etc., etc, at the Register Office. 76 OR KALE- Houso and imi No. 54 south Pivision. Inquire at the house. 72 OR SALE.- 81x room house No. 63 Mlllerave. This property offered cheap to close an estáte, Apply to Moore & Taber. 08 1 f ÏpOR SALE.- Farm of forty acres at Whit' more Lake. Soil, a leve), sandy lom. Good house, barn, and sheds. Finest lake front. Five minutes walk from hotels, post office and expresa ofSce. Two railro&ds. Cali on or address Walter L. Taylor, 90 Broadway, Ann Arbor, Mich. 67tf FOR SAI. F. III HKXI'.-Fout new houses with every modern convenlence, on Hill-at and Forest-ave. Inqutre of Henry Richards, 9 Detroit st, Ann Arbor, Mich. 71 FOB s A I.E. - Th James Morwick House and Lot, No. 74 Eat Washington-st. Inquire of N. W. Cheever, No. 10, N. Fonrth-st. 71 FOR SAI.E- A quantity of machine oil. ihipped UB by mistake by & Wholesale dealer. This will bc sold at a bargain in order to avoid the neceasity of returning it. Inquire at the Register Office. ' FOR SALE- A large quantity of heavy wr&pping paper, suitable for putting under carpeta, also olí newspapers for sale cheap at The Register office. FOR SALE- Sixty nice half-blood Shropshire Lambs. Also would like about elght horses to winter. 1. 8. Savery, Salem, Mich. 7 lAKSf "FÖiTtJALK- The Bullock orËverett Jr farm, 3 miles west of Salem Station and 11 miles from Ann Arbor; containing 109 acres; house and barne. stock and well water, timber; school and church within a mlle; land naturally the best and In good condition. Also 40-ncre farm for sale. The s i of the east % of the s. e. qr. of sec. 34 of Ann Arbor town, being part of the Howe-North place north of the county farm 3 miles from Mack & Schmid's, one and a half miles from city limits. First class land for peaches. Prices and terms reasonable. Cali on or address Andrew E. Gibson, 9 S. Insralls-st., Ann Arbor. Mich. 60tf FOR REKT. OR KENT.- DiDing room, kitchen and one sleeping room at 51 South University-ave. Warmed by furnace. Suitable for club board. Family will Join club if deBired. 73 OR RENT AND KALE- House for rent and fumiture for sale. New house: New furniture. Address- Lock Drawer G. 73 FOR RENT - House, corner of Packard and Hill sts. 9 rooms, furnace, bath room modern conveniences. $300 a year payable monthly in advance. 72 tfOR RENT- Seven Roomt lower floor 21 ' south Dlvision-st. Inquire at the house. 72 OR RKNT.- Two houses on west Huron sL, Enquire at J. D. Stimson's No. 8 Maynard Et 72 0 RENT- A sii room house E. Universityave, near Packardst. Two dollars and a half per week to small family. Address box 3034. 71 TO RENT.- A fine house and barns, Beauti fully located just outside the city, and 3g acres of land with it, if desired. Apply to J. S. Mann, 82 E. Huron-st, Ann Arbor. 62tt LOST. Y OST - On Wednesday, Aug. 26, from my resi1j dence on the Gravel road. a two years old Newfoundland dog, jet black. Large reward will be given for his return. 71 John Cobbel : L'OST.-A8ilver""WatchwiUrchain made ofSilver Colnsand a Silver Cross. Finder apply at 4 N. Stateest, KeT. J. T. Suuderland, Reward offered. 74 MISCELLANEOCB. V 1NIIEROARTKK AND PRIVATE JV School reopens Monday, Sept. 21st For partlculars inquire at 48 8. Ingiuia. 73 PASTURE - Woods, stubble and spring clover: 92 acres; running brook; ncar County Farm, (3 miles from Mack and Schmid's,} Horses: 25c per week; cows 20c. Inquire at 9 south Ingallsst or at County House. 72 TF you wish to adrertise anything anywhere at J_ any time write to GEO. P. ROWELL & CO., No. 10 Spruce St.. New York. 870-921 EVERY one in need of Information on the subject of advertislng will do well to obtain a copy of "Book for Advertisers," 368 pages, prlce one dollar. Mailed, postage paid on receipt of price. Contains a careful compilation from the American Newspaper Directory of all the best papers and class journals; gives the circulation rating of every one, and a good deal of Information about rates and other matters pertalning to the bnsiness of adverttilng. Address RO WELL'S ADVERTISING BUREAU, 10 Bpruce St.. N. T. 870-921 Wanted. Apples for Cider and Evaporating purpoees by the Ann Arbor Fruit and Vinegar Company. 71tf Ice creara and Ices served to families in 1, 2, 3 or 4 qt. bricks. Hangsterfer. tf J. W. MAYNARD WisheB to inform his friends and customers that he has regained his health and is again DOING BUSINESS AT THE OLD STAND ! 15 ANN STREET, FINE GROCERIES AT FAIR PRIGES, 1 always pay cash for CHOICE BUTTER which I mast have EVERY DAY for RETAIL AND SHIPPING ! August 25th, 1891. 73


Old News
Ann Arbor Register