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Overloaded. You've eaten too much turkey. And eo 70a cannot work, eh ! Your head feela very mnrky- There ! I don't believe I could add another line and make it rhyme if I had a dollar for doing it. A few cents, however, will cure me. To relieve stomach and bowels from the effects of overloading, a full dose of Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Purgativo Pellets is the best remedy. They opérate gently, yet thoroughly, and without griping, nausea, or other unpleasant efïects. In vials, convenient to carry. Mot a Gilt Enterprise There. Penelope- There, Uncle, that makes 217 presents. Aren't they loyely? Her Uncle- My dear, I think I now understand why we are told that in heaven there is to be no giving in marriage. - Puck. l.mllev Tr.v. Great French Remedy. Dr. Le Duc's Periodical Pilis from Paris, F ranee, act only upon the generative organs in fe males, and positively cure suppression of the mensus (from whatever cause) and all periodical troubles peculiar to women. Established in Europe, 1839 ; England, 1850. Canada, 1878; United States, 1887. A safe, reliable remedy, warranted to excite menstruatation, or money refunded. The larger portion of the i lis to which ladies are subject is the direct result of a disoidered and irregular menstruatation. The American Pili Co-, proprietors. Price, $2. Sold by Eberbach & Son, druggists, Ann Arbar. Mich. 0 ArtUtlc Advertislnic. Undoubtedly the ivory Soap people deserve credit for the best grade of illustrations now being used for advertising purposes. The series of full-paee drawings which have been appearing on the last page oftheCeutury representsome of the most capable book and magazine artists in the country. The series must have cost no small figure. As yet the "way up" artists do notsign the work they do for advertisers, but I a'pprehend that it will not be long ere we shall see in the advertising columns such names as George Wharton Edwards, E. W. Kemble, etc. Such men as these bring to their work, besides meremechanical skill,a trained imagination and an artistic conception of things. These qualities, when used in conneetion with advertisements, command scarcely less interest than when used in the ordinary literary way. Printer's Ink, August 19, 1891. From India comes the khus-khus grass, the fibrous roots of which yield a very peculiar and pleasing perfume. In India the leaves are manufactured into screens for doors and windows, which, when wet, diffuse a refreshing scent. ICARTERSI CURE Blek Headacho and relieve all the ttonblM lOOf öent to a billoua etata of the system, auoh 9 Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsines, Distraes aíter eating, Pain in the Side, 4c. While their moat remarkable succeas bas been sho wa ia cuxlBg 4 SICK Heaaacho, yet Carter'a Littlo Liver Pili 1M Oqually valuablo in Constipat Ion, curing and pre venting thi8BnnoyinRComplaint,whilo they alaO correct all disorders of th6Btomch,Btimulatath9 livor and regúlate the boweld. fivea Ü tüey onij HEAD i Aobé they wou I d be almoi t pricelese to th oso wbd ' lafer from this distressing complaint ; but Í ortu nately their goodnesu does notend here,and thosa vrhoonce try them will flnd these littlo pilla valuebloln Boraany waysth&t they will not be wil liug to do without t bom . Bat af ter all aick bood ACHE 1b the b&ne of so many Uves tbat hete is wbiN we make ou r great boast. Our pillacureitwhUa otbers do not. Cartcr's Little Livor Pilla are very smaïl and very eaey to take. One or two pilla make a dose. Tbey are strictly vegetable and do not gripe or purge, bat by their gen tle action please all wha nsethem. Ia vials at 25 cents ; fiv? for $1. SOld by draggiits eveivwhere, or sent by mail. ''CARTER MEDICINE CO., New York: SMALL PILL, SMALL POSE. SMALL PRICt PORTRAITS! TF YOU WANT A PORTKAIT FROJI LIFE X Free Hand from Pbotograpb, or any Permanent Enlargement, place your order at Cole's Studio. Samples of whose work are to be found in the homes of Mr3. Dunster, Mrs. O. S. Morris, Prof. A. Winchell, Mr. O. M. Martin and many others. Address, COLE'S STUDIO, 351 Woodward-ave. Detroit. NEW ADVERTISEMEÑTS7 Miajlipiland Tunoir CURF.D ■ nn knifo: l:nPïkbookfre. Drs.GRATlONïASOBElj UHIlULII No. stret-t. rincinnatl, O. S33 PARKER S iPaal HAIR BALSAM Her9 Cloansoi and beaatifiet the hair. HTr H Promoies a ioxuriant growth. HNever Fails to Restore Gray tyWfPj-'jBl Hair to lts Youtnful Color. L?vf)Alf--H Cujtn sralp dtseases & hair fallicg. BJB?yïtX M k ra.J i im mmI W m. Êk C Vat Parker worst C'ouh, Weak Lungs, Debility, Indigestión, Pain, Take in time. 50 ets. H1NDERCORNS. The only eure cure for Com. Stopi allpain. i5c. at Uruggists, or UI'üCÜX & CO., N. Y. JOHN BAUMGARDNER, DEALKR IK AMERICAN AND IMPORTED GRANITES, and all kinds 01 Building Stone! QEMETERY WOFÜ -A. SPEOIALTT. Corner Detroit and Catherine te. ANN ARBOR, MICH. DETROIT June 21st, 1891. LAHMKfl AND XORTHER R. R. GOING EIST. A. Jt. P. M. T. M. Lcave HOWELL JÜNC 9 46 4 15 8 15 Arr've SOUTH LYON.... 10 12 4 50 8 45 " PLYMOUTH 10 82 5 18 9 07 " DETROIT 11 15 6 05 9 55 p GOING WEST. A. M. P. 51. P. M. P. M. Lcave HOWELL JUNC. 8 50 12 43 7 27 6 50 Arr've LAKSING 10 00 1 50 8 18 9 80 " GRAND LEDGE. 10 30 2 35 8 40 9 55 LAKE ODES8A.. 11 10 9 15 " GR'ND RAPIDS.. 12 10 _ 10 15 " IONIA 11 25 3 45 9 35 P.H. GREENVILLE _ 12 22 4 57 10 32 " HOWARD CITY.. 1 00 5 35 11 15 C H I O AGO Sept. 6th 1891. AID WEST MICHIGAN R'T. GOING SOUTH. A, H. P. M. P. I!. F. H. Leave GR'ND RAPIDS.. 9 00 1 05 5 30 8 30 Ar've HOLLAND 956 145 625 980 GRAND HAVEN. 10 37 3 14 7 05 1 18 MUSKEGON 11 05 4 15 7 35 10 45 GOING NORTH. A. M. P. M. Leave GR'ND RAPIDS 7 25 6 17 Ar've NEWAYGO .... 8 52 6 49 WHITE CLOÜD.. 9 15 7 15 " BIG RAPIDS 10 15 8 10 " BALDWIN 10 20 8 30 " LUDINGTON, 2 00 Q Hl via. F.&P.M. R. R. f w 9 w MANISTEE, 1 19 ln ,„ , via.M.&E.R.R.f 1210 1015 __ TRAVERSE CITY 12 35 10 50 Parlor Care on all traína between Detroit and Grand Rapids. Seats, 25 cents for any distance. Free Chair Car between Grand Rapids and llanIstee. Leave Grand Rapids 5:17 p. u. The " Favorites " between Detroit, Grand Rapids and all points in Western and Northern Michigan. GEO. DeHAVEN, General Passenger Agent. WheeungandLakeErie THE NEW THROUGH LINE BETWEEN TOLEDO AND B0WERST0N, STETJBEN7ILLE, MARIETTA. THROUGH COACHES BETWEEK Toledo & Marietta. THROTJQH SLEEPERS BETWEÏN IPITTSBURGH and CHICAGO, AND DA Y COA CHES BETWEEN TOLEDOand PITTSBURGH, Via Akron. Cuyahoga Falls, Kent, Ravenna, 2Leavittsburg, Warren, Nlles, Girard, Youngstewn, New Castle and Allegheny. The ONLY LINE running through "BEAUTIFUL ZOAR." A. G. BLAIR, JAS. M. HALL, Trtffic Manager. Grn. Pass. Agent. WursterandKirn MANDFACTUBEBS OF Fine Carriages, Wagons and Sleighg. Repairing of all Kinds Neatlr Done. Satisfaction Guaranteed. C3-IVE3 TJS -A. TBIAL. 31, 21, uu I -:■" Detroit Slreet, Aun Arbor, Mlcta. TO MÁCKIMC Summer Tours Palace Steamers. Low Rate. Tma Trips per Week Batwee DETROIT. MACKINAC ISLAND PetoBkey , Sault 8te. Marie, and Laks Huron Way Ports. Evry Week Day Between DETROIT AND CLEVELAND Special Piinday Trips durinu June, Julv, Auguit and Sept Doublé Daily line Between CHICAGO AND ST, JOSEPH, MICH. OUR ILLUSTRATED PAMPHLETS Bates and Excursión Tickets will be furnúihetf by your Tloket Agent, or address E. B. WHITCOMB, G. P. A., Detroit, Mich.,' Detroit and Cleveland Steam Nav. Co.


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Ann Arbor Register