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Dr. Fruth

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No Money Required of Responsible Parties to Commence Treatment. Formerly of New York, now the celébrate i Examinlng Physiclan of the Frutii Medical and SurgiCAl Institute, Chicago, 111., by request of many Friend; and PatientB, has declded to visit ANN ARBOR Thursday, Ootober lst, 1891. Consultation and Examination Free and Strictly Confldeutial, in the Private Parlors of the COOK HOU8E- one day only. Cv JHJm E B t 'wip - IDIR,. .A.. O. IFIRCTTB:, Examining Physician of the Fruth. Medical and Surgical Instituto. Permanent} y Established and Incorporated under the laws of the State of Illinois with a capital stock of $100,000, for the scientiflc and succeeful treatment of all forms of Chronic and Sexual Diseases, Catarrh, Asthma, Stomach, Kidney, Bladder, Nervous and Special Diseages f Men and Women! Ably assisted by a full slaff of eminent physicians and surgeons for every department of medicine and surgery. Female Diseases positively eured by a never Slarriagc - Married persons or young men failing method. A home treatment eulirely harmcomemplatiag marriage, aware of physical weakless and easily applied. Consultaüon fïce and ness, loss of procreative powers, impotency, ür any strictly confidential. other disqualification, sieedily restored. Dr. Fruth, after years of experience, has urEpilepsy or Fits positively cured by our new fected the most inlallible metliod of curing Vital and never failiug Hospital treatment. drain in Urine. Nocturnal losses, Impaired Mem,_., ,., ■ . , ■ -. ory, Weak Back, Melancholy, Want of Eneïgy, K}d? and Bladder Diseases, Bnghfs Disease, Premature decline of the Manly Poivers-thosc Diabetes and kindred maladies, treated and cures terrible disorders arising from ruinous practices of cffected iu thousands of casee that had been proyouth, blighting the most radlant hopes, rendering nounced beyond hope. marriage unhappy. Private Diseases- Blood Poison. Byphillis, Gonoumaybefnthcfirststage,rememberyouare orrhoea, üleet, Stricture, Hydrocele, Vartco, approachlng the last. If you are bordering upon cele, Loss of Sexual Power, and all diseases of the the last and are suflering all its effects, remember genitourinary organs speedily and permanently tnat if you obstmately persist in procrastination, cured. No risks incurred. Consultation free and the time must come when physicians can rentier strictly confidential. Medicine sent free from obyou no assistance, when the door of hope will be ■ servatiou to all parts of the ünlted States. ,.„, „ . . .. Catarrli Cured.- Catarrhal affectlons of thenose, „Ai g tn w ' íbrouíih, icn?lX"'i.e orv.the throat, luntra and stomach. bronchiUs. asthma. careles exubcMnce of yonthfnl Botrlts. have been ponBumDHon and dyspepela, niccessfully treatcd unfortunate and (lnd themselves in dan ge r of loaby the most recent and scleutiflc methodi whlck mg thelr health and emb nering their after live & vast hospital experlence has preved worthy maL before idiocy, insanity falhng fits or total of COnfldence. We desire no better proof of ucïmpotency results, cali with full confidencc. Cess than the testimoniáis, on file at the institute Piles Cured without pain, knlfe or cautery. ofthousandsofhelplesBcasesthatwehaverestored No detcntlon from business. to health and happiness. Free Examination of the Urine.- Kach person applylng for medical treatment should cud or brlng an ounce of their urine, which will receive a careful Chemical and microscopical examination. W flVflPB Pflt PUB t! Perfected in old cases which have been neglected or unskillfully treated. WUdUilAtUil ÜVImWN No experiments or failurea. Parties treated by mail and expresa, but where possible, personal consultation is preferred. Curable cates guaranteed. W Cases and correspondence confidential. Treatment sent C. O. D., to any part of U. S. List of 1S0 qneation free. DR. FRUTH, Chicago, nis. State address, for convenience of hls Michigan patienU, is Lansino, Mica.


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Ann Arbor Register