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OUR 25 CENT COLUMN. Adveitisemente, such as To Rent, For Sale, and Wants, not exceeding three lines, can be nserted three weeks for 25 nis. ■WAN TEM. WAJfTED.- Tbree or four lady or gentlemè canvassers. to sell Domestic, white and Davis Sewing Machine. No previous experience requircd. will pay salary or commiEsion. Apply at once. J. F. Schnh. 67tf Plain sewlng of all kinds; also comfortere, bedding, etc. Mrs. Fingerle, over Sheehan's Book Store. State-st. 74 ANTÉD- Young man who wishes to take a complete conree in Shorthand and Typewriting and pay his tuition by doing janitor work. Apply at once to the School of Shorthand, 20 South State-st, third floor. A competent lady who wishes to take care of house for the use of a few rooms for herself and son. Enquire at No. 10 Belser-st. g-fr 75 FOR MALE. TPOK One Ladies' Warwick Perfection X" Bicycle. Good as new. Cost Í135. Í85 will buy it. Cali at Wilsey's Music Store. 75 FOR IS A 1.1'. Steinway, Bradbury, and other seeondhand pianos. Clough & Warren, Story & Clark, and other secondhand oreans. All in good order, som e good 8s new. Alvin Wilsey, 2s s. 4th-ave. L_ OB SALE- Signs "Rooms," -Rooms and Board." "Boarding," 'For Sale," "For Rent," "Dressmaking,''etc., etc, at the Register Office. 76 OR 8AL1?.- Slxroom house No. 63 Millerave. This property offered cheap to close an o.state, Apply to Moore & Taber. otf _ IpOR SALE.- Farm of forty acres at Whit1 more Lake. Soil, a level, sandy loam. Good house, arn, and sheds. Finest lake front. Five minute! walk from hotels, post office and expresa office. Two railroads. Cali on or address Walter LvTaylor, 90 BroadwayAnn Arbor, Mich. 07tf F" "ÖrTsaLÏF- ATquantïty of machine oil. shipped U8 by mistake by a Wholesale dealer. This will be sold at a bargain in order to avoid the necessity of returning it. Inquire at the Register Office. -_ F ÖK SaXe- A largequantity of heavy wrapping paper, suitable for putting under cárpete, also old newspapers for sale cheap at The Register office. FÓR Sixty nice half-blood Shropshire Iambs. Also would like about eight horses to winter. I. S. Savery, Salem, Mich H FAKM FOR et ALK- The Bullock or Everett farm 3 miles west of Salem Station and 11 miles from Ann Arbor; containtng 109 acres; house and barns, stock and well water, timber; school and church within a mile; land naturally the best and in good condition. Also 40-acre farm for sale. The s U of theeast % of the s. e. qr. of sec 34 of Ann Arbor town, being part of the Howe-North place north of the county farm 3 miles from Mack & Schmid's, one and a half miles from city limits. First class land for peaches. Prices and terms reasonable. CaUon or addressAndrewE.Gibson,9S. Ingalls-st., Ann Arbor. Mleh. . . FOR REMT. FOR RENT.- Rooms in the Hamilton Block suitable for light house keeping. Steam heatingand water, Apply to A. W. Hamilton. 7o ORJÈKSTT.- A suite of rooms in Unlty Block enquire of B. Brown, Ko. 13 S, State-st. 73tf FOR KENT.- Dinlng room. kitchen and one sleeping room at 51 South University-ave. Warmed by furnace. Snitable for club board. Family wilt join club if deslred. i3_ F OR REKT AKI House for rent and furniture for sale. New house: New furniture. Address- LockDrawer ;. " TÏTRESiT.- Afine house and barns, Beauti 1 fully located just outside the city, and 39 acres of land with it, if desired. Apply to J. S. Mann, 32 E. Huron-st, Ann Arbor. 82tf 1.OST. LÓST.- A Silver Watch with chain made of Silyer Coins and ft Silver Cross . Finder apply at 4 N. Statest, Kev. 1. T. Suuderland, Reward offered. "_ " MISCELIiASEOITS. TflNDERGARTEN AÑ l'RIVATE JV School reopens Monday, Sept. 21st. For partlculais inquiro at 43 S. Ingalls. Ï8_ IF you wish to advertise anything anywhere at any time write to GEO. P. ROWELL & CO., No. 10 Spruce St.. New York. 870-921 E VER Y one in need of information on the subject of advertising will do welltoobtain a copy of "Book for Advertisers,'1 368 pages, priee one dollar. Mailed. postage paid on receipt of price. Contains a careful eompilation from the American Newspaper Directory of all the best papers and class journals; gives the circulation rating of every one, and a good deal of information about rates and other mattere pertatnins to the bnsiness of advertising. Address ROWELL'3 ADVERTISING BUREAU, 10 Spruce Bt, N. Y. Wanted. Apples for Cider and Evaporating purposes by the Ann Arbor Fruit and Vinegar Company. "ltf CITY TVOTICES. ice Cream. Vanilla, chocolate, coffee, pistachio, Btrawberry, macaroon, tutifruitti.bisque, nonquat. All Sunday orders shoula be given the day previous. tf 'S. V. Hanqstbbfbr. Farmers Before selline your rye and barley, get our prices. We want 10,000 bushels of each at the Ann Arbor Central Mills. ALLMENDINGER & SCHNEIDER. I'Ihj Ibií ril You can obtain a pack of best quality playing cards by sending fifteen cents in postage to P. S. Eustis, Gen'l Pass. Aet., C.B. & Q. K. R., Chicago, 111. !■ Children Cryfor Pitcher's Castorla. lees. Orange, lemon, strawberry, raspberry, pine apple, Roman punch. tf E. V. Hangsterfer. Children Cryfor Pitcher's Castoria. The iniiiiil Excursión to Petoskey and Traverse City via D. L. & N. and G. R. & I. rajlroads will be run on Tuesday, Sept. 22d. This will be the best opportunity of the year to visit the famous resorts of Northern Michigan at very low rates and in the best part of the season. Special train will run through. Tickets good to return until Oct. lst inclusive, on any regular train. Train will leave South Lyons at 8:38 a. m. Round trip rate $5.00. Geo. DeHaven, 73 Gen'l Passenger Agent. Children Cryfor Pitcher's Castoria.


Old News
Ann Arbor Register