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The Cause Of Religion

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_ ... I Schools and churchesare always found ■ ojether - both working for the moral Lnd intellectual welfare of humanity. I Vo city in the country has educational B (Jvantages superior to those of Ann I irbor. It is safe to say also that no city I las superior religious advantages. ThirI ■een denominations - all the important ■ ■ê? in the country - are represented I iire. Several magnificent edirices costI ucr thousands of dollars have been I (rected and many more will be in the I iear future. All the pastors are very I active, fully impressed, as they are, with ■ die great responsibility vvhioh a college ■ [onn imposes on a clergyman. A large I mmber of religious societies are mainI tained by laymen who are scarcely beI ynd their pastors in religious enthusi" Bsim. A detailed account of every I (barch in the city is given below. FIRST CONGKEGATIONAL CHUKCH. I This church was organized in January, I ;.s. In June, 1849, its flrst house of I forehip, located on the corner of Fifth I and Washington-sts, was dedicated, and I here the church worshipped until its I removal to its present ediflce in !May, 1 1876. This building is a fine stone strucI ure, situated on the corner of State and I ffilliam-sts„ nearly opposite the Law I Department of the University. lts audiI torium bas aseatingcapacity of between E00 and TOO, and its chapel, rnissionary room, class rooms, parlor, kitchen, etc , afford ampie provisión for Sunday 6ehool, ocoasional meetings, social gatherings and other services connected with the life of the church. The amount expended in the erection of this house of worship was between 840,000 and 850,000. The number of members associated with the parish during the forty-three years of its history is 1,213. The present membership comprises some 350 persons, thoroughly awake to the interests of the church as God's instrumentality for Messing the world, most cordial in their reception to strangers, especially glad to wlcome the young people sojourning here as students, and to render them any assistance which shall make their residence here both pleasant and proritable. The Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor, connected with the church, is an energetic organization, nith an active membership of 100, at whose religious services and social gatherings all young people of the congregation are heartily welcomed. In the Sunday school, with its various Bible classes and classes for the study of special subjects, the endeavor is made to provide old and young with instruction which shall be both helpful and wteresting. Among the special studies recently pursued by such classes are the New Testament in Greek, the founding o' the Christian church, the intiuence of Christianity upon the life of the early centuries, the Old Testament Prophets and other topics of similar character. he number of pupils is about 210 The pastors who have served the ïrch in the past have been Itev. E. P. rsoii, Rev. L. Smith Hobart, Rev. ■d " Rev. Samuel D. Coch, Kev Abram E. Baldwin, Rev. Wm. w"?.rth' Henry Hubbell and Wh. Ryder. 6"e Present pastor, Rev. J. W. BradW'van alumnus of Middlebury Col5es ' t, and of Chicago Theological in p ,ar-v.' and has had pastoral charges Gal!. Ia I1L' Rochester, Minn., and citi b-K' I1L' before cominK to this Xo.' gs Pastorate here dates from Among the organizations connected with the church, and rendering valuable assistance in the various departments of work undertaken by it are a very efficiënt Ladies' Aid Society, the Ladies' Home and Foreign Missionary Societies, the Young People's Missionary Society, the Children's Missionary Society and the King's Daughters. The usual contributions of the church for all purposes are in the vicinity of 84,500 per annum. In 1890 the amounts contributed were $2,985 for various home expenditures, and 81,518 for benevolence. The Congregaticnal church has ahvays been an important factor in the religious life of Ann Arbor. President Angell, Judge Thomas M. Cooley, Prof. Martin L. D'Ooge, Superintendent W. S. Perry, and other prominent citizens are all active workers in the parish, and many that are now gone have left the marks of their faithful service behind them. ST. AKDBBW'S (EPISCOPAL,) CHURCH. A beautiful stone cnurcn, overgrown with ivy, standing quite a distance back from Division-st, elicits the admiration of all who pass. It is built after the early English stylé, without tower or turrets. The church proper is capable of seating about 800 persons. There is a gallery in the rear, and a recess chancel in front. Back of the main building, and connecting with it through a corridor, stands the chapel, a pretty little edirice, which serves for week-day services and meetings of a semi-religious character. A fine stone building, to the north of the church, is used as a residence by the rector of the parish. Harris Hall. so named in honor of the late Bishop of Michigan, stands on State-st, and affords accommodation for the guild of students to which we have before referred. The total estimated value of these buildings is 865,000. St. Andrew's church is one of the i largest and most prosperous churches in the city. There are over 280 families, i 513 communicants, and about 950 souls ' on the parish register. About 80,000, j for curreut expenses, missions, charities, ! etc, are annually raised by the congre! gation. A flourishing Sunday school, numberj ing about 200 persons, and several parish societies are maintained. The Parish Aid Society, including all the women in the church, is organized for the purpose of doing various kinds of parish work. ; The Chancel Society is an association of about flfty young ladies, whose duty it is to take care of the chancel. The "Woman's Auxiliary, with 100 members, Í undertakes missionary work. The Brotherhood of St. Andrew is an organization of young men who pledge them selves to work among the men of the city. As before mentioned, the object i of the Hobart Guild is to look after the social and spiritual interestsof students. The ministerial duties have been so arduous that it has become necessary to have two clergymen connected with the church. The rector is Rev. Henry Tatlock, who has completed nearly two years at St. Andrew's. He graduated , from Williams College in 1871, and for fourteen years thereafter was a teacher, flrst, as principal of a high school in Massachusetts, and afterwards (for twelve years,) as principal and proprieI tor of a very successful boys' classical school at Rye, Westchester County, X. Y. In 1885, he sold his school in order to enter the ministry. He was ordained deacon in May, 1S88, and advanced to the priesthood during the following year. At the time he was called to Ann Arbor he was iirst assistant in the Church of the Holy Trinity, New York City. At present there is no assistant in St. Andrew's church, the last incumbent, Rev. W. O. Waters, having accepted a cali to St. Andrew's church, Detroit. It is probable that his successor will be appointed within a very short time. A vested choir of thirty-two voices, under the direction of John H. Allen, a very competent chorister, furnishea excellent music for the church services. Two missions are maintained by St. Andrews' - one at Geddes and one at Foster's. Services are also held frequently at the County Home. The Ann Arbor parish was organized in the fall of 1827, by five men, assisted by Rev. Mr. Cadlo,'of Detroit. It was prosperous from the first. The stone editice in whioh the congregation now worehips was built in 1867. Among the many notable rectors who have served in the church may be mentioned Rev. Geo. D. Gillespie, now Bishop of Western Michigan. PRESBYTF.RIAX CHURCH. The Presbyterian is one of the largest churches in the city. It stands on the corner of Huron and Division-sts and has a full seating capacity of over 1,00,0 and is valued at 640,000. Large parlors and meeting-rooms are found in the basement. On many occasions, even I this large building fails to accommodate the congregations whioh assemble vvithin its walls. The present membershipof the church is about 360. Over :00 families, comprising 800 souls, are under the care of the pastor. Besides these, between 300 and 400 students in the University of Michigan cali for spiritual guidance" Rev. J. Mills Gelston, the present pastor, graduated from the University of Michigan in 1869, and from the Union Theological Seminary in 1873. Before he carne to Ann Arbor he was in charge of several important churches. Ho has been in this city nearly threeyears. The Sunday school is large, numbering about 200 pupils. The method of instruction pursued is quite a new feature. Aside from the study of the International lesson, spei-ial courses of study are offered in the Bible-class department. Heretofore a course has been pursued in "Comparativo Religión," in "Christian Evidences," in the -'History ! of the Books of the Bible," in the " Í tory of the Early Church." The i nouncement for this season has not vet been made. The usual number of church societies are maintained. The Ladies' Home and Poreign Missiouary societies meet once a month. They liave proven very etfective agencies in church work. The j young people also maintain societies known as the Helpers' Band anti "Cheerful Workers," whichmeet once n month. The Young People's Association is quite a factor in church life. It is controlled entirely by the young men and vromen of the congregation. It aims to promote an active Christian life among the young. lts meetings are held every Sunday evening at G:30 p. U. They are largely attended, not only by residents, but also by students of the University and high school. Socials are given nearly every month in the church parlors during the winter season. They are alvvays pleasant and are ahvays attended by many guests. The Young People's Association will give an occasional social in McMülan Hall during the college year. The Tappan Association is, in a certain sense, connected with the Ann Arbor church. lts object is to protnote the social and spiritual welfare of students. The fine McMillan Hall, lately completed, affords ampie accommodations. The property is valued at S2T,000. Religious services are held on Sundays at 10:30 a. M. and 7:30 p. m. The Youñg People's prayer meeting takes place at 6:30 p. m. On every Wednesday evening general prayer meeting is held. Communion is administered on the first Sunday of every altérnate month. The Presbyterians were the first Christians to organize a society in Ann Arbor. This they did in August, 1826, under the direction of Rev. Noah M. Wells, a minister residing in Detroit. Eighteen persons were included in the erganization. The first place of worship was a log school-house standing on the corner of Main and Ann-sts. For eight years after 1829 the Presbyterians met in a wooden building which stood on the site of the present structure. It is said to have been the first Protestant church building erected in Michigan, west of Detroit. A frame church was built in 1837, which served as a place of worship until 1862, when its place was taken by the magnificent brick edifice which is still used. The church is now in a prosperous condition. Between 84,000 and 34,500 is annually raised for all purposes. ST. THOMAS1 CHURCH. St. Thomas' church (Uoman Catholic) is located on East Xorth-st. It occupies what now seems an humble structure, but what was cousidered a magnitieent temple in earlier days, when the congregation was small and building was both costly and tedious. With one addition, the editice stands as it was erected nearly rifty years ago. It seats about 450 people, but even with two morning vices the church has not been large enough, for yeara past, tu accommodate all who sought ndmittance. The present rector, Rev. E. D. Kelly, took charge of the church on the tirst of June thifl year, and imraediately instituted three niorning services, being assisted in his work by Rev. Father Goldrick, of Northfield. The number of families on the church rolls is over 300, and the number of communicants. exclusive of Catholic students attending the University, is about 1,000. The total number of souls under the care of the pastor cannot be much less than 1,100. It may be stated here that there are fully 300 Roman Catholic students attending the University. The usual services of the church are always held, both " in season and out of seasoii," and the attendance at all times, even on weekddy mornings, is very large. There are several societies connected with the church, the most prominent being the Children of Mary, the Young Ladies' Sodality, and the Altar Society. Branch 46 C. M. B. A., the Ancient Order of Hibernians and the Foley Guild are indirectly connected with the church. The last mentioned society was organized by the Catholic students of the University, and airead has a large membership. It was named af ter the present well-known bishop of Detroit. All these organizations have passed the experimental stage, and are prosperous in the highest degree. The financial condition of the congregation is good, and promises well for the future. The total value of church property will not fall short of 130,000, while there yet remains to be built a substantial church and rectory. The wants of the congregation were recognized long ago by the former rector, Father Fierle, who purehased valuable property bei tween Elizabeth and State-sts, and north on Xorth-st., which property is intended for a school and church. Already, the school, a cut of whiofa is found in another sketch, has been erected. It is one of the most substantial and beautiful ] buildings of Ann Arbor. A new church j on the corner of State and North-sts is to be erected in the very near future. It will cost upwards of 810,000, and will be an ornament to our city. Rev. Thomas Cullen, who came to Ann Arbor in 1840, was the first regular pastor of the church. Before his arrival, the few Koman Catholics resident here met together in private houses, and were attended occasionally by visiting priests. It was during Pather Cullen's rectorship that the present church was built. He remained in Ann Arbor until the time of his death, which occurred in 1862. His successors have been Rev. J. Stephen, Rev. H. Delbaer, Rev. J. Murphy, Rev. Francis J. Van Erp, Rev. W. J. Fierle and Rev. E. D. Kelly. St. Thomas' trustees are such well known business men as David Rinsey, William Mclntyre, Ambrose Kearney, Daniel Ross, Morgan O'Iirien, Edward Dutfy and W. Cornwell. ' The services on Sundays are as follows: Masses are said at 7, 9 and 10:30 a. m.; Sunday school at 3 p. m., and vespers and benediction at 7:30 p. m. THE UJUTARIAN CHURCH. The Unitarian church is one of the most active religious societies in Ann (Continued on page 14.) THE CAUsFoF RELIGIÓN {Confuí"''1 from page 1-1.) Arbor. It has an attractive and convenient house of worship, built of stone, on the corner of State and Huron streets. Tt has also a handsorne parsonage, owned by the society, on State street, adjoming the church. " The society is free froni debt and the valúe of its property is about 822,000. The present pastor is Rev. J. 1. bunderland, under whose ministrations both the church and the parsonage have been built Mr. Sunderland was bom in Yorkshire, Eng., in 1812. His parents came to America when he was two veara old and settled in Chautauqua Co., N. ï ., His education was gained in the Burlington University (Iowa) and in the Madison University (N. Y.) When the war broke out he enlisted in the Lnion army and served a year and a half. Subsequently he entered the Baptist bmon Theological Seminan'. Two years after graduation from that institution he was led to question the doctrines of orthodoxy and became a Unitarian minister. Before coming to Ann Arbor he served as pastor of churches in Northheld, Mass , and Chicago, 111. Mr. Sunderland is well known throughout the country, as the author of several books and as the editor of the Unitarian. The Ann Arbor church was orgamzed in 18G7. lts nrst pastor was Rev. Charles H. Brigham, who remained in charge eleven years. It was in October, 1878, that the present incumbent cameto Ann Arbor. The society now has a membersnip of about seventy families; the services are also attended by a large number of students. The Sunday school and Bible class are held at 12 o'clock. The bitter numbers from 60 to 120. In the past two years it has gone carefully over the History of Israel andtheOrigin andGrowth of the Books of the Old Testament and the Xevr. The coming year it will devote to theGreatReligionsof the World. Connected with the church is the Unity Club, an organization literary and social in its character, which holds its meetings every Monday evening, from October to May. It has" papers by professors and studente of the University, and others, lectures by distinguished persons from abroad, music, readings, disCussions, concerts and dramatic entertainments. Every tifth meeting is a social, lt has a membership of upwards of 100. The ladies of the church are formed into an organization known as the Ladies Union, which besides carrying on social and charitable work holds literary meetings on altérnate Wednesday afternoons in the church parlors, with papers, talks and discussions. During the past year a series of papers were given on Travel and another on Social Science in its Relation to Women's Work. by leading ladies of the city. 1 he attendance on these meetings has been from thirty-flve to fifty. Among the young ladies of the church is an organization of King's Daughters, numbering forty members. These, besides being engáged in various lines of work, have monthly religious meetings. Ihere has been established in connection with the church a fine loaning library of nearly 2,000 volumes, which is free not only to members of the church but to students and citizens of the town. A free Sunday afternoon reading room is also maintained, supplied with the best religious papers and the leading magazines and reviews. Within the past six years Mr. Sunderland has established a liberal religious monthly magazine, entitled The Unitarian, which has been very successful, attaining a large circulation not only in this country but in England. It was published in this city until last January, when it was removed to Boston. But Mr. Sunderland remains still its editor. The church expects to bring several distinguished men from abroad into its pulpit during the coming winter, among the number Dr. Edward EverettHale of Boston. FIRST METHODIST EPISCOPAL CIUUCH. The Methodists have the largest church building in the city, and with respect to the number of members, they rank among the tirst. They were one of the very flrst denominations to establish a church in Ann Arbor. It was in the month of November, 1825, that Rev. John Baughman visited Ann Arbor and preached the first Methodist sermón. A society was organized nearly two years later, which comprised only five persons, two of whom were women. The flrst prayer meeting was held in 1827, soon after the organization of the church and the flrst conversión was made in February of the following year. No church was erected till 1837, when a frame building was put up, which served as a place of worship for twenty-five years. In 1862 the present church was built. The value of the church and parsonage is estimated at $-"5,000. Methodist ministers are transients, and, as a consequenoe, the Ann Arbor church has had many different pastors. During the past year Rev. K. H. Rust has been in charge. He is an alumnus of the Wesleyan University at Middletown. Conn.,"and also of the Union Theologioal Seminary. On Sunday evening, September 13, Mr. Rust preached his fareweü sermón in Ann Arbor, and within a few months he wül assume the presidency of the Cincinnati Wesleyan College. His successor will be Rev. Camden M. Coburn, now pastor of the First church in Saginaw. Mr. Coburn is a tine scholar, an earnest worker and an eloquent preacher. His first sermón will be delivered next Sunday. Over 300 families, comprising at least 1,000 souls, are under the spiritual guidance of the Ann Arbor church. The actual number of members is 550. A large and tiourishing Sunday school, with twenty-six eflicient teachers and 350 scholars, is maintained in connection with the church. The Woman's Poreign and Home Missionary societieB have been organized amoñg the ladies of the parish. The Ladies' Aid Society is designed to serve the ends of benevolence. The Young People's Band, which meets every Sunday evening for prayer, does very effective work among young men and women. Besides these societies should be mentioned the Wesleyan Guild, an organization which aims to look after the University students. Under the auspices of the Guild, a course of lectures by someof the bishops and great divines of tbe Methodist chureh is given every year. The contributions of the church for all purposes are large and generous. During the past year over $6,000 was raised. Much of this was expended in missions and charities. The church building has been repaired and renovated. It is a fine Btructure with a seating capacity of 1,200. The commencement exeroises of the University were frequently held in the large auditorium before the present University Hall was erected. Even now the room is frequently so well fllled that chaira have to be placed in the aisles. The basement cont.iins a nuinber of parlors, besides a large meeting room which is capable of seating about 600. The value of the church is not less than 850,000. A parsonage is also owned by the society. The temporal mattere of the church are looked after by eight trustees, including some of the most prominent residents of the city. At present they are: J. E. Beal, A. L. Noble, W. F. Breakey, Dr. D. A. MaoLaohlan, John Perdon, Prof. E. L. VValter, Dr. W. W. NioholB and H. A. Kitson. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH. This church was organized in the spring of 1828. It began in the home of its first pastor, liev. Moses Clark, in the neighborhood of Geddes, east of Ann Arbor. In 1832 it was transplanted to the village of Ann Arbor. At that time Daniel Brown and his wife were received into membership, and they are probablv the sole surviyors of that early band. The church building was first located in lower town. It still exists, with some alteration, and is used by the Methodists as a chapel. In about the year 1850 the church loeation, following the movement of population, crossed the river, and for inany years remained on east Catheriue-st. The brick dwellings at Noe. 28 and 25, mark the site and are constructed of the materials of the old i-liurch. The present edifice was built in 1881. It is of dressed boulders carefully chosen and placed. It has a seating capacity in the main audience room of 800, and is acoustically perfect. The arrangement of galleries and transepts bring each individual of a large congregation within range of familiar address. The pastor's room and ohoir room above, lecture room, parlors, class rooms, dining room and kitchen below, complete the equipment of a modern church. The churoh property is valued at 830,000. The church has also come into recent posBession of an excellent parsonage, the bequest of the late Mrs. S. S. Cowles. Jt is located at No. 29 east Ann-st, and is valued at 8-1,000. The pastors of the church have been: Muses Clark, J. S. Twiss, Harvey Miller, W L Brown, A. A. Guernsey, O. C. Corostock, Marvin Allen, A. Tenbrook, C. DeLand, E. S. Dunham, S. Graves, G. W. Gunnison, J. M. (regory, A. L. Freeman, S. Cornelius, N. S. Burton, S. Haskell, A. S. Carman. Of these pastors, O. C. Comstock was a member of Congress converted during ois term in Washington, and serviflg af terwards as a pastor very prominently. Ann Arbor people still talk of the original ways and quaint expressions of " Eider Cornelius." Professor Tenbrook, who served the church gratuitously for ii time as pastor during his connection with the University as professor and librarian,is still in Ann Arbor and active in the church. Drs. Samuel Graves and N. S. Burton, af ter important service in the pastorate and in educational work, are still active, the former as president nf Atlanta Theological Sennnary, the latter as pastor at Needham, Mass. J. M. Gregory, D-, is widely known as the tirst president of the Lniversityof Illinois, and a member of the nrst U. b. civil service commission. Dr. bamuel Haskell, whose admirable service in a pastorate of seventeen years is stiü tresh in the minds of Ann Arbor people, has recently removed to Kalamazoo, where he will serve as Biblical Instructor for Kalamazoo College. The present pastor, Augustine S. Carman, is in his fourth year in Ann Arbor, havingbegun his pastorate June 1, 1888. He is a gradúate of the University of hocnester '8 and Rochester ïheological Seminary '85 His first pastorate of nearly three years was in the city of Cincinnati, whence he was called to Ann Arbor. The church has a present membership of about400. The number of families is approximately 300. It is supposed that at least 250 or 300 students of Baptist affiliation are in Ann Arbor durmg the college year. The ofticers of the church, which was reorganized under the state law in June, 1888 are a pastor, clerk, treasurer, six ons and nine trustees, of whom the deacons constitute six. The church has for several years followed the plan of voluntary contributions, instead of the renting of pews as a uieans of meeting its expenses. Over 83,500 for all purposes is annually raised. The following orgamzations are in active operation in the church: Ihe Liulies Society; the Woman's Foreign Mission Circle; the Woman B Home MisBion Cirole; the Young People's Society; the Temple Builders; the King s Daugnters. KVA.M.F.I.HAL [.ITII K.KAN ZIOn's CHURCH. Although in age the youngest, Zion's church is the largest of the Protestant churehes. There are about 310 families and 974 confirmed members on the parish rolls. The Sunday school comprises 322 scholars and thirty-sis teachers. and nothing did they miss more than The church was organizad in 1875, with the assistance of Kev. H. F. Belser, who continued to act as pastor until quite reoently. It bus been very prosperous from the beginning. At present the congregation worship in a brick editice on the cornerf Fifthave and Washington-st, which was once occupied by the Congregationalists. It is expected that a new church will be erected before many years have passed away. Xext to the church stands a frame school house, in which the children of Zion's parish are educated. The value of the total property is placed at about 88,000. The pastor, Iiev. Max Hein, carne to Ann Arbor in May. 1890, from Appleton, Wisconsin, -where he preached for seven years. He is a gradúate of the Capitol Üniversity. of Columbus, Ohio. Two parish societies are maintained - one by the ladies and the other by the young ladies. Much earnest missionary and charitablo work is done. The congregations are very large. In fact, it is necessary on many occasions to turn people away, simply becnuse there is not room for them. The difficulty of seating a congregation of over 1,000 persons in a room which will accomodate less than 500, is frequently experienced. 0EBMAJ1 EVAJIGELICAIi BETHLJKHEJl's It was sixty-two years ago that the first Germans. J. Schilling and J. Mnnn, came to Ann Arbor. Finding what they desired, a fertile soil and a good climate, they at once settled here and were soon followed by others of their countrymen. Ann Arbor then consisted of but a few huts in the woods. Toil, hardships and deirivations were the lot of the settlers; the schools and churches they had left in their fatherland. So it was not long before they raised their voices and cried to the " Missionshaus " at Basle, Switzerland, " Come over and help us." And not in vain. In the year 1833 arrived a missionary, the late Rev. F. Schmid, who served the congregation many years. He preached the lirst sermón in a schoolï house four miles west of Ann Arbor. I The congregation, consisting of thirtyi three families, now ehose for their elders, J. H. Mann and D. F. Allmendinger, and for trustees, John Beek, Abraham Kromann and Christian Brusehe. In 18:33 a small meeting house was built two miles west of Ann Arbor, and this " Zions-kirche," as it was called, was the first Germán church in Michigan. The cemetery near this church ' has been greatly improred and is still in ; use. The Germans in town increased so iteadily in number that it was thought better to hold the meetings there, and Rev. F. Schmid preached in the old Presbyterian church and in the court house. By 1845, however, they wore able to buifd a ohurch. Tliough services were held there before, the Btruoture was not eompleted till 1849, when it was dedioated and oalled " Bethlehem'sOhurch." Thifl bas been enlarged several times, in 18G3, 18G8, and agaiu in 1878. In 1858 a pedal harmonicon ivas iniported trom Btuttgart, and this was replaced in 1877 by the present large organ. Since 1809 a beil was luing in the tower. In 1871 Rev. F. Sohmid, feeble and ill, was compelled to give up his work, and Rev. H. Reuther, also f rom tho "Missionshaus " at Bale, was oalled by the congregation. 111 health forced him, in 1877, to resign his duties. He rsturned to Switzerland. In July of the Mme year, tho present pastor, Rev. John Xeuniann, a gradúate, as his predecessors had been, of the "Basler Missionshaus," took charge of the congregation. In the same year the parsonage on Fourth-ave was erected. Bethlehem'sehurch now numbers 20C families, (XX) coinmunicants and about 1,900 souls. It has a school on Firsl-st, which is attended on the average by fifty pupils. Frederick Fischer, the teacher, is also the organist and the director of the church choir. The Sunday school, of which Emanuel Spring is superintendent, has 300 pupils. A mission circle ("Halbbatzen-Verein,") numberingforty collectors and four hundred givers, is active in the church. So also are a Ladies' Society, of sixty members, and B Young Ladies' Society, of thirty-five members. The church annually raises, on an average, $3,500. The value of the property at present, belonging to the society, inoluding church, parsonage and school, is about 114,000. Steps have been taken looking to the erection, in the near future, of a riner place of worship. The congregation has been highly blessed in the past and looks confidently towards the future. GERMÁN METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHÜBI II. In 1847 a brick church was erected at the oorner of División and Liberty-sts, for the use of the Germán Methodists. The church membership is not large, only nine families and twenty-eight members being oq the church register. What is lacking in numbers, however, is made up in earnestness. The pastor for the year past was Andrew Krumling, who came to Ann Arbor from Francisco, Mich. His successor has not yet been appointed. A Sunday school with about thirty members is maintained. The Ladies' Sewing Society is the only other organization connected with the church. The value of the parish property is placed at !?4,000. It includes a church and a parsonage. The fortner is one of the oldest buildings in the eastern part of the city. THE CHURCH OF CHKIST. The Church of Christ, or Disciples' Church, is the most recent church organization in the city. lts establishment has been a struggle on the part of the few resident Disciples and students of thfi same communion attending the University, assisted by the Christian Woman'8 Board of Missions. In 188G a temporary organization of about forty members, consisting largely of students, was effected. Through the courtesy of the Congregationalists, meetings were held in the parlors of their church on Sunday afternoons. The outlook was by no means flattering, but the more sanguine never ceased to hope, fully realizing how vast was the field of labor about them. Not knowing from what direct source the financia! aid necessary to build a chapel would come, they did not anticípate that by the present time they would have a beautiful house of worship completed, entirely free from debt, nnd a pastor secured to begin active, aggressive work. This was accomplished in the following manner : About the time the rlrst organization of the Church of Christ was formed in Ann Arbor the Christian Woman's Missionary Society of Michigan began to consider the establishment of a Mission church at Ann Arbor. The Christian Woman's Board of Missions, with headquarters at Indianapolis, also became interested in the work, but their large expenditures, both in home and foreign rields, made them hesitate to assume the entire financial responsibility of such an important enterprise. How to secure the necessary funds for the work was the question, which was solved by the will of Mrs. Sarah H. Scott, formerly a member of the Church of Christ in Detroit. She bequeathed a considerable property to the various state and national church orgamzations. In her liberality Mrs. Scott did not restrict these orgamzationa as to how the funds accruing from the bequests should be appropriated. The entire amount was placed at the disposal of the ('. W. B. M. for this purpose. With some aid from the churches in Michigan, the C. W. B. M. has erected the elegant and substantial chapel, costing, with the furnishings, ?17,(XX). It contains several beautiful memorial Windows. Those in memory of Mrs. Sarah E. Shortridge and Isaac Ewett are the largest. The pulpit furniture was donated by A. M. At water, of Wabash, Ind. The C. W. B. M. and the local members are especially indebted to Bro. John S. Gray, of Detroit, for his untiring and efficiënt superintendency of the work of building. To him almost entirely is due the credit of having suoh a handsome building at so moderate a cost. The church is excellently located on South University avenue near State street. The seating capacity of the auditorium alone is about 450. When the parlors are opened it will furnish G00 sittings. The church will be ally dedicated on Sunday, October llth, it :i o'clock p. -M. The dedicating address will be delirered by Kev. lï. B. Tyk-r. pastor of the Church of Disciples, New York City. Kev. Charles A. Young, of Brooklyn, N. Y., has been called to tho pastorate of the church. His residence is on south Twelfth street. Tho Church of Christ will remain a mission of the C. W. B. M. until it beoomea self-supporting. It will represent the purpose and principies of the movement known as the Christian Church in the west and the Dieciplee' Church in the east. Their distinctive ]loii is the unity of faith in a personal ■ c. Jesús "the Christ, the Son of God," leaving questions of church polity with the individual oongregation and questions of interpretation with the individual Christian. They numberabout one million communicants, aud are especially strong in the central and west oin states. They are evangelical in their faith and congregational in cliurch government. AFRICAN METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH In 1871 a parish of the African Metho dist Episcopal church. with sixteen members, was established in Ann Arbor. Rev. J W. Brooks was the first pastor. The growth of the church has been very encouraging from the first. At present there are fifty members, all united and enthusiastio in behalf of the church. The congregation has been worshipping, since its organization, in a small frame structure, now found to be entirely too small. A larger building, which will cost when completed, 83,500, is being erocted. Over S500 has already been raised by members of the parish and white friends, for the purpose of carrying on thia improvement. During the past year the amount contributed by the congregation for all church purposes was 1.000. The present pastor of the church, Rev. Abraham Cottman, came to Ann Arbor about a year ago. He joined the African church at the age of twenty-five and six years later entered the ministry. He is untiring in his efforts to build up the parieh. SECOND BAPTIST CHURCH. The Second Baptist church has a membership of forty-four, forty-one of vhom are residents. There are eighteen amilies connected with the church, emracing seventy-two souls. The Sabbath chool, including officers and scholars, numbers fifty-six, with an average aten dance of about forty-five. The church property is valued at about $3,000. The audience room, which vas very neatly furnished last spring, irior to the dedication in May, will seat omfortably 150 persons. The iSecond Baptist church is an out[rowth of a Union church, organized n 1858. It was formally recognized as i Baptist church in the year 1882, vhen the organization was effected by 3r. S. Haskell and others. The present pastor, Rev. Enos L. Scruggs, is a gradúate of the Lincoln 'nstitute, Jefferson City, Mo., and the Jnion Baptist Theological Seminary, ocated at Morgan Park, 111. He rinished lis course in the latter institution j ril 17, 1890, and came to Ann Arbor, I ,his being his first pastorate since enterng upon the active duties of the minStry. During the past year interest among he members has been greatly increased. Jnity of spirit and purpose has pervaded he little congregation and as a result over one thousand dollars was raised to complete the church and to meet other demands. The pastor and people look 'orward to the future hopefully. and exDect by strenuous efforts to pay off the present indebtedness and thereby pave he way for more vigorous work in the moral and spiritual upbuilding of the African race. With freedom from debt and the ability to raise enough money to make it self-sustaining,the church willsoon be on a permanent basis. A Suminary. It needs but a few figures to show that the church membership of Ann Arbor exceeds that of most cities of its size. The following table, while necessarily only approximately correct in most cases, will give a good idea of the size of the various churches. It will be seen that over half the population belong to some one or other of the religious bodies: M 'S {? i i J =s ClIUKCHES. 'S 'S Lg -Í- Afrioan Methodist 30 50 35$ 3.500 Baptist 200 400 300 34,000 Hotlileliem iLntlieran). .. 206 600 300 14,000 Congreitational 150 350 210 45,000 Disciplest 17,000 lïpi-iropal 280 513 200 65.000 (crinan Methodist 9 28 30 4,000 Methodist 300 550 350 55,000 Presbyterlan 200I 375 200 66,000 Boman Catbollc 3001.000 235 30,000 .IBaptist IS 44 M 3,000 ünltarlan 70160 1T6 22.000 Zlon'e (Lutheran) 310 974 825 Total 2,073 5,044 2,410 $365,500 t Not vet organized. This number means little, as Unltarians do not estímate by members.


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Ann Arbor Register