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The Fisherman Of Naples

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CHAPTER I. THE WAI.K OX THE BEAeH. i N the 6th oí July, 1&47, two women furtively issued, somewhat late in the day, from the palaco of the Vicaria, that ancient residence of the kings of the Two Sicilies, which is known at present by the name oí Castel Capuano. and which now ierres as a court of justice to modern Naples. The two persons in question, one of whom was a young girl of 18, and was dressed in the pieturesque costumo of a Neapolitan merchant's daughter, white her companion bad the appearanee of her nurse, immediitely dived into a labyrinth of steep and butow streets, paved with dingy looking flagstones. and in which the population of Saplos began to assemble from all parts, jow that the burning heat of the day was bejiuning to abate. After walking for about ten minutes they descended a rapid slope, and found therateives on the harbor. Suddenly the young girl seized her companion's arm and exclaimed: "Oh, heavcii ! whatdolsee? Look!" She pointed toward the bay, where Dame Pedrilla saw a line of Spanish galleons sailing about, with their bright colored streamers floating in the evening brecze. "It is the squadron of Don Juan Fernandez-hn is come!" added the young girl in a voice full of emotion. ".Merey on us! Let us return to the palace immediately, or we shall bo lost," said tte nurse. "How soï" asked the young girl, who teemed to have recovered a little from her fright. "Need you ask?" said the old nurse, with amazement. "Why, what have we to fear?" "In a few iroments your future husband mll disembark, and the viceroy will neceslarily ask for you." "Well, Inez lias orders to say that I keep my room through illness, and that I can seo no one." "Reflect well, my dear Isabella; on an occasion like tuis, the arrival of your future husband, the viceroy will surely insist on your appearing." "Fear nothing; Inez will say that I am asleep, and my father would not think of disturbing my repose." Tbo daughter of the duke of Arcos- for it is she whom we thus find traversing the itreets of Naples uuder the costume of a eommon tradesman's daughter - again took the arm of her nurse, and they both eonBnued walking along the quay. They were soon out of tho town, and continuad to pursue their way on that part of thebeach called the Mergellina. At first Isabella took no notiee of tho duenna' piteous exclamations ; hut they became frequent, and the old woman trembled so exeessively, that Isabella sudÜÈulf stopped, and, stamping on the ground with her foot, exelaimed: "You begin to tire mo; I will take upon myself to shield you from all disagreeablo consequences; so, tüencel" Dame Pedrilla sighed. "Come, daughter," said he, "fly not into passion, but be reasonable. Did I ever give you any advice but what was good and prudent?" "There you are right, nurse, and I am ihvays most willing to follow it, unless it is toogooil and too prudent. We will return tothe palace bef ore nightfall, you may rely 0 it. But, apropos, what was this riot? % father was all day away at the council, lídso I could ascortain nothing from him." Isabella evidently wished to give the conWsation a different turn, and to make a diversión in favor of her nursc's fears. "I thought you had heard all the particullarsof it," answered Pedrilla. I "All I l;now is, that the people appear disI atisfled with my father." 1 "Yes, they are ; but the viceroy laughs at I item. and he is right." "Ho; ho is wrong," replied Isabella. I "Graeious goodness! why, it would be I rtdiculous for him to care one straw about !■-- l'iawlings of such a rabblo- a set of I inmkarda and tatterdemalions, who, all put B "gether, are not worth a single maravedí." I ''Silence I you know that I do not like such a?uuge." I ( "Yes, I know. Jeanne's brother, your fine I man, biases your mind, and representa ■ lí these lazaroni to you as so many saints, ■ 'hile there is not one of them who does not ■ feerve to be hanged." "But what if they are hurried on to crimo I '; the harshness with which their misery is ■ fcatedr "Nonsonsei" exclaimod Pedrilla. ■ _"W"e shall never agree on this head, nurse. I -'.. teil me, what was the causo of the ■ I A peasant girl, who was carrying a B&et of fruit this moruing along the marI :c, could not pay the dues; the collectors of the customs therefore seized her ■ sket, and turned her out of the market." I "Poer woman!" I "Sheought to have remained at home," ■ Userv-ej Pedrill;i. I t to take her fruit! the only means lperhaps had of keeping herself from dyI "Sof hunger." I - ;h! it was agot up affair. The fruit I ÍÜ8006' ')een conflscated, when a whole le of scoundrels rushed to tho defense of IM woman, pillaged the office of the reI wer general, and hastened to the Church 'Santo Domenico, where the viceroy was I ?endinS mass. They waited for him under Pórtico, urrouuded him with the most ■ sQtful exdamations and toreJ from him, Ij'lKúrmenaccs, the promise that ho would "h the tax on fruit." ■ . % their menaces? Are you quite sure of I , ' suppose so, at least. Is it possible for IkL0 act otherwise? But onco within his tho viceroy ordered his guards to IS' "lese r'Ps' ant t'le 'ax now aa I ! vogueasever." ■ -ter my father had given his word? Is Ijkrtainly it is; they withdrew howling C'J'ilJ beasts, and force remained with 1 light?" said IsabeUa, sighing ; "that ■question. But, come; letus hasten on; lam desir-xs or ! .:■ .: , sraat c.:omii yonder think of all th:3." "What!" exdaimed PedrrïK; "is it yot:r lntention to go as far as the fisherman's h ut this evenlng?" "Most assuredly it is." "Are you serious, Isabella? The sun ia sinking fast, and it would be dangerous for us, after what has happened today, to be overtaken by night in the streets of Naples. T' "Fear nothing; we shall have some one to aecompany us on our return. Besides, there fs no cause for alarm with respect to the arrival of Don Juan Fernandez. All vessels, you know, coming from Spain, are forced to perform quarantine." "Truo; I had forgotten that." "Yoh see, then, that we can go in all safety to the hut. I have not seen Jcanne for a week." "Isabelle, is it really on Jeanne's account that we take such frequent walks on the beach? Is it really on Jeanne's account that a high born lady of Spain, that Isabella d' Arcos treads under foot all the rules of etiquette, and assumes a costume alike unworthy of her rank and birth f "On what other person's account should it be then?" asked the young girl, witb a blusb, whioh she tried to keep down by forcibly laughing at her nurse's attempts at remonstrance. Pedrilla saw that it would be useless to say more, so she patiently followed her mistress, who set off running along the road, as happy as a lark escafed from prison, and as light as a hind bounding through a glade. Every now and then she stopped, in order to gi ve Pedrilla time to rejoin her; and, while waiting for the duenna, she would gaze with rapture on the beautiful scenery that surrounded her. Before her was the azure bay, in which were seen in the distance the little verdant islands of Procida, Ischia and Capri, threo graceful emeralds, placed there on purpose to break the uniformity of this ocean of sappnires. On her left, Vesuvius raised its majestic head, and the setting sun erownea it with a iiadem of gold and fire ; and behind her, on the declivity of it3 huls, lay Naples, in tho form of an amphitheatre - Naples, that fragment of heaven, fallen by accident to the jarth - Naples, that ever smiling city, the foot of which is washed by the finest sea of ill tho world, and whose head is bidden liko i driad beneath the shado of Pausilippo. CHAPTER II. THE TEMPEST. The Duke of Arcos had governed the people of Naples for the last three years, and this was not the flrst tims that Isabella had beard their words of complaint and cries of iistress. Either from want of energy or excess of love, the viceroy allowedhis daughter to do pretty much as she liked; and she had long since civen a proof of the liberty she enjoyed by entirely breaking off with her rnaids of honor, to form elsewhere acquaintmces moro iu unisón with her ideas and tastes. On hearing that the people were oppressed, Bhe resolved to examine their condition and prove for herself their misery; and this was one of the causes of her mysterious walks about the city of Naples. Her two confidants were Dame Pedrilla a.nd a sly young Castilian, named Inez, the same who was at present fulfilling the functions of Cerberus at the door of her apart - ments. Dressed in a costume beneath whieh it was mpossible to reeognize her, tho daughter of the vieeroy fearlessly visited the steep and somber streets of Naples, which form a continual staircase that you ascend and descend in turn. At other times she mixed with tho laborious population of the harbor, and when she met with any one in need of assistance Dame Pedrilla drew forth a purse, and a few Spanish ducats were slipped into the hands of the unfortunate person, who was hardly ever allowed time to express his thanks, for Isabella immediately disappeared, and was soon bevond the reach of all words of gratitude. But Isabella's benevolence was more particularly exercised in favor of thoso fishermen who then lived outside the city, and whose wretched cabins, scattered about tha Mergellina, betaayed great iudigenco, if not complete destitution. Ono day, as she was leaving one of these cabins with a joyful heart, for she had just saved a whole family from ruin, sho expressed a wish to go out for a sail on the bay, and run over to Procida to eat oranges there. Pedrilla and she, therefore, went down to the shore, and begged a young fisherman who was mending his nets to convoy them to the island in his bark. "I will do so willingly," replied he, withDut quitting his work. "The sea is calm, and [ was about to take my sister Jeanne out for a little trip. So, if you like to go as far as my hut yonder and fetch Jeanno, we will set uut directly." Isabella ran off in the direction mentioned by the fisherman, and soon retumed, accompanied by a tall, handsome girl, with a serious expression of countenance and proud, noble look, resembling a princess bidden beneath the poor attire of a woman of the lower classes. "Good ovening, Jeanne," said the fisherman to his sister as she approached. "Good evening, brother," replied Jeanne, Dffering her fine forehead to her brother's lips. "You've not been lucky, I see." "No, Jeanne, I have not. I caught a magaificent salmón, but he broke through my net at the very moment I was about to drag him into my boat. He got off quite safe, and this will cost me two days' work. I do not complain. When the slave breaks his chain it is his master who suffers; it is but just. Has Dom Francesco been hereï" "Yes, brother, and he left this letter for j-ou." The young fisherman took the paper which Jeanne offered him and attentively perused ts contents. "Dom Francesco," said he, "cannot come for a week, and he begs mo to visit him at bis convent to-morrow. I wonder whether he's ill." "Alasl" replied Jeanne, "that would bo all that is wanting to completo our misery." "Tranquilizo yourself. I recollect now that he has shut himself up to finish his great work, before submitting it to tho eourt of Kome. But you appear melancholy, Jeanne. What is the matter with you? Pietro camo, do doubt, to seo 3-ou yesterday, as he promiscd." "Pietro was seriously wounded last night by tho 6oldiers of the viceroy," replied Jeanne. "Heavens! what do I hearf" "It was his father himself who came and told me of it. I immediately hastened to their eabiu and dressed his wounds." 'Kind, good girl ! your presence, doubtless, provod a salutary balm to him. But lo you caro much about the trip I promised you?" added he in a low voico, taking his sister aside. "Don't you think that I should do better to go aud pay the woundcd man a visit r' "No, for he has just got somo rest, and must not be disturbed. Besides, we have not a farthing in the house; all Pietro's thiiigs have been seized, and he also is without money. I have not been able to go to market, and it will, you say, take you two days to repair your nets. 80, how are wo to live till then Theac Étro ■ .'A, M course, give yoa somothing Lor ti-kn-.g tbem to the island.' "You aro rig'ut, sister. Vïo must try, in the first place, not to die of starvation." He picked up his nets, and loosened the cable by which tho hark was tied to the shore, while Jeanne aided Isabella and Pedrilla to take their placea in the little craft. They seated thomselves at one end of it, and the fisherman took up his station at the ther. He unf urled his triangular sail, seized the rudder, and the light bark, skimming the water's surface like a sea mew, immediately bore away toward Procida. Isabella, as may be imagined, had been struck by certain reraarks which feil from Jeanne in the course of the conversation she had with her brother before quitting the shore. She was desirous of kuowing why the soldiere of her father had, the night before, wounded a man in whom the flsherman and his sister seemed to take so great an interest. Isabella hesitated a long while, for the brother's countenance was overcast, and the sister appoared pensive; neither seemed disposed to enter into conversation. At last, however, Isabeila ventured to break the silence. "If you will teil me your name," said she to the young man, ''I shall be happy to send you those of my friends who may be desirous of sailins about the bay." "My aamels Thomas Aniello, señora," said the fisherman, "but my companions cali me Masaniello." "Why do you cali me señora?" asked Isabella. "Because you have a Spanish accent. Besides, I heard you just now address a few words in Castiliau to the person who is with you." "Oh!" said Isabella, much confused; "you understand Castilian, then?" "Yes," replied Masaniello; "the slave ought ever to know how to speak the language of his masten, It is a means of being the better ablo to serve them, when tbey are kind hearted, and of more easily demanding justice when the}' are tyrannical." A deep carnation covered the cheeks of the young girl, for while Masaniello and his sister were talking of their own affairs, she recollected having said to her nurse: 'What a pity it is that a handsome young man like this should wear the woolen cap and the ugly canvas jacket of a coinmon sailor! A more aecomplished cavalier could uot be found at court." Her embarrassment was, therefore, extreme, wheu sho learne'd that Masaniello had understood this phrase; but as the young man, who continued to look grave, seemed to pa y little attention to the stranger's opinión of his persou, Isabella soon gained courage to go on with the conversation. "You are right," said she, "I am Spanish, and my father is an offlcer in the viceroy's guards. I was thereforo much grieved just now to hear that some soldiers, who aro perhaps comraanded by my father, had wounded a person who seems dear to you. Let me know the place where tho attack was made, as well as the corps to which these soldiers belong, and I give you my word of honor that they shall bo punished." "These soldiers only obeyed their orders, señora," replied the fisherman; "it is not they, therefore, who are guilty. They aro but passiva instruments in the hands of tyranny, and it is with this tyranuy itself that wo must cope hand to hand." "With the viceroyi" exclaimed the young girl, in a voice f uil of emotion. "Yes, señora; with the viceroy!" "What do you reproach him with, then?" "I reproach him with making the people groan beneath the weifht of the taxes heaped upon them. " "But he acts in the namo of Spain; it is not he whom you ought to accuse. :' " 'Tis he alone that I accuse. And it is too much the interest of Spain to preserve her conquest, for her not to disavow his maladministration and his vile, unbearable despotism, which, if contiuued, will some day force the people of Naples to revolt." "Otreat heavenl can this be traef "Señora, you will bo of my opinión, when you have heard how Pietro has been treated." "BpeakT said Isaliulla, trombling with emotion. "Pietro," began tho fishonnan, "has been my friend sinco childhood. We are both from Amalfi, and he camo last joar to Naples, where he hoped, by his labor, to keep himself from want. But at Naples labor produces nothing, and only leads to ruin." "How soi" asked Isabella. "You shall hear," replied the flsherman. "Pietro had an aged father to support. He first of all turned laborer, so that he might scrape togethor enough money to buy a boat with. By (lint nf hard work and privations he (ucceeded, and then he carne and built a hut uext to mine. The viceroy issued two edicts, one after the other, about this time. Tho first of them announeed that every fisherman possessing a boat should pay an annual tax of sixty silver reals, and, by the second, all the cabins built along the shore were subjected to a duty of from twenty to thirty ducats, aeeording to their size. Thus Pietro and I had, each of us, to pay aunually to the fisc about tvvo humlrud reals, that is, much more th;m we make by our trade." "Merciful powersl But did you make no representations to the viceroyi" "The viceroy turns a deaf ear to all complaints, and only thinks of enriehing himself with oor apolla, His yearly allowance is a hundred thousand ducats, and he sends annually to Spain thirty ships, each loaded with three millions of piasters. Reflect on the largeness of tho sum! For it is out of the people of Naples that all this gold is Bweateul" Isabella turned pale, but kept silent. "When called upon to pay I, heaven be thankod. was ready ; for Jeanno is an angel, and courageously gets up every morning at 5 o'clock to go and sell her fruit at tho market of Naples. No tax has as yet been put on this calling. Fruit forms almost the sole food of the people; and the governmeut meroly hesitates, because it is afraid to attack them in their very exiatence. Ohl if our tyrants were ever mad enough to do that!" Jeanne raised her fine and melancholy head, and, looking at her brother, said: "The tax on fruit will be docreed this week: it was said so at tho market ycsterday." "Great Heavenl it is impossible!" exclaimed the daughter of the viceroy. "Everything is possiblo to insensa te power, which ever refuses to seo the light," replied Masaniello. "But to return to Pietro: I had 200 reals by me, but he, poor fellow, was far from possessin such a sum. With his faco bathed in taars, he f dl on his knees before the tax gatherers, who were taking away his furniture, and mplored them to leave him, at least, the bed of his poor old father; but he praycd in rain. In his rage, therefore, ho seized his musket, and 1 arrived just in time to prevent the perpetration of a murder, for his musket was already leveled at tho deBpoilers of his hut. I seized his arm, saying: 'Patienco, Pietro: these are not the persons you must punish.' His boat was taken along Tith the rest. He was now entirely without th ïijr-ans of livin.;, so ho turned smuggler, but he is not, for all that, one bit the less an bonest man. Do jou not now believe, señora," continued the fisherman, "that the 50,000 others who have boen treated like Pietro will some day riso up, and, in their turn, crush thoso by whom they have been approssed so long?' "I heliere," answered In I :it if the Duke of Arcos ;vro Lnformgü of t.:e real state of things, be roukl prevent all revolt by doing the poople justico." "May Heavea inspire him!" said the flshrman. Fivo minutes afterward, Isabella skipped lightly out of the boat, and taking the hand of Masaniello's sister, soon disappeared beneath the shady trees of the island of Frocida. As soon as they wero well laden with oranges, which they had bought of the peasant girls, they hastened to return to the seashore. As they approaohed within sight, they observed Masaniello, who had remained in the boat, waving a pieco of sail as a signal of distress. "Make haste!" cried he, as soon as they were within hearing. "Thesky looks threatening, and the soa begins to swell." "Mercy on ml" said Dame Pedrilla, making the sign of the cross. "It would be better for us perhaps to remain on the island." "Make up your mind as to what you mean to do," said Masaniello. "As for Jeanne and myself, we shall leave, happen what may." "Thenyou dont think there isany danger?" asked the viosroy's daughter. "I think wc ■hall have a tempest. But we shall brave it, shall we not, Jeanne?" "Oh! yes." "And so will I," said Isabella, leaping into the hark. "My child, you are mad!" cried Dame Pedrilla, in the greatest alarm. "You can remain behind," said the fisherman to the duonna; "but we havo no time to lose, so vou must he quick, if you aro cuming with us." "I order you to come," said Isabella imperiously. ' Dame Pedrilla obeyed, but she really thought her last hour was come. She therefore drew forth her rosary, and began to invoke every saint with whose name she was acquainted. The suu had Uisappenred, and the sea now began to assume that greenish tint which announces the approacb of dreadful disorder in its fathomless depths. The foaming waves dashed boisterously against the sides of the frail bark, and the sea mew shrieked forth its shrill notes, as it fluw bsckward and forward over the huads of the fisherman and his companions. Masaniello, stationed at the stern of the boat, grasped the rudder with a steady hand, and doxterously guided his bark through the roaring billows. His look was intrepid, and his hearing noble. "How is it," said Isabella to him, "that you still follow tho calling of a fisherman, when you might aspire to a moro lucrativo and less perilous profession?" "Because it gives me freedom," said the young man. "There is no profession which the foreign domination now exereised at Naples would allow me to follow without a blush." "What do you mean?" asked Isabella. "When the poor man," contiaued Masaniello, "renounces manual labor, he has but two resources left him - domestic or military service; but the former is the worst of slavery, for it degrades and dishonors him." "Well," added Isabella, "but what say you to the military profession?" "It is," answered Masaniello, "a holy one, when it calis on you to deliver your country, but a cowardly one, when it inerely serves to 'oppress it. Tho only profession which would have suited me," continued the fisherman, "is that of an artist. Twenty times has the celebrated painter, Salvator Rosa, sketched before my eyes, in this very bark, the majestic views by which we aro surronnded." " Why clid you notbecomo his pupil, thenf' asked Isabella. "I contented myself with being his friend," replied Masaniello, "for it was too late to begin to study. He also advised me to enter the army ; but he soon understood my aversión to do so, for he, too, loves liberty, and abhors despotism. No, no! I would sooner starve tban serve under the viceroy." "You hate the viceroy, thenf' "I hate injustice and tyranny." These words were exehangod in the midst of the noise caused by the thunder and the roaring of the waves; but Isabella paid no attention to the storm : she was entirely absorbed by contemplating the pilot of the little argosy. "How handsome! how grand ho looks!" thought she. The violence of the tempest inereased; fliish upon flash of lightning turned tho gloomy heavens into a vivid glaro; the thunder rolled forth its heavy peáis in quick succession, and seemed to whirl the wind along liko monster caunon balls before it, so boisterously did it blow. The waves, too, rose like precipices, touching theskies; and as ono of these living mountaius appeared about to fall on Isabella's head, she suddenly yieldcd to her fright, uttered a shriek, and feil, half dead, into Masaniello's arms. A sort of electrie shock ran through the bodies of these two beings. The Spanish noble's daughter and the offspring of the poor man feit that they were about to lovel CHAPTER III. THE CABIN ON THE MERGELLINA. Ten minutes afterward, Masaniello brought hi3 bark and its occupants safely into the roadstead of Pozzuoli. They immediately set off f or Naples, whence they were distant two good leagues. Such was the origin of the singular acquaintanoe which was formed between the daughter of the viceroy and the poor fisherman and Lis sister. From that time Isabella constantly endeavored to inspire her fathor with some compassion for the misery of the peoplo. But tho viceroy of Naples, whose policy was inspiretl by a cold, unrelenting nature, and wliose heart was closed to every generous feeling, faeetiously joked his daughter on her Dow "hobby;" and when she hinted at the possibility of a revolt, he replied, with a burst of laughter: 'Thepeople, my dear child, are likeabeast of burden - the more you load them, the less will they kick." A few days after her attempt to convert her father, Isabella, who strove to persuade herself that she was attracted by the sister rather than by tbs brother, paid another visit, with Dame Pedrilla, to the cabin of Masaniello. As they approached, they perceived Jeann (Continuedlon 2)age 16.) eated outsideou a stono Deaeh, n . . : r buried in her hauds. At f.. t the visitors' footsteps she roso up, and ! bella then perceived that her faco was battied in teors. "Merciful goodness! what is the matter vjdth you?' exclaitned Isabella, riaiping jeanne to her bosom. "Alas!" replied Jene, "had yon como pooner, you would pcrhaps have hindereJ Mm f rom lea ving." "Who? Masaniellor "Yes! we ai-e ruined! He would listen to ■othing: but it is not to be wondered at." "Come, teil me what has happened, Jeanne," said Isabella, taking he hand. Masaniello's sister rose up slowly, threw the door of the cabin wide open. and said to Isabella. "Look!" "Gracious Heaven ! where is all your furniture?' exclaimed Dame Pedrilla, stupefied; "there is nothing left but the bare walk!' "Is it the people from the fisc who have done this?'1 asked Isabella. " Y(?,_" replied Jean. n "they have taken evorvthini, ,u. 1 1 d the nighton the bare grouijd. " Lh! this Is frightíul!" said Isabella, ut the seizure of our f urniture is noth(ng In cómparison with the rest. You don't know know all yet." "Heavens! What else has happenedf' "I had time to save two basket9 of fruit yesterday. They formed the sole resource of us all, for Pietro, who was lately wounded In a fray with the excise men, is not yet sufficiently recovered to do any kind of work. It is we who have kopt him till now, and thLs is one of the reasons why we are not able to pay the tax gathsrer. " "I understand your ruin has been the prica of a good action." "My brother," continued Joanne, "insisted on aceompanying me to the market. I begged him not to do so, for I foresaw what has happenetl. Oh, dearl oh, dearl" "Go on, Jeanne," said Isabella, with great anxiety. "Well, then, what I wanted was to obtain permission from tho head elerk at the fisc to sell my fruit before paying the market dues, which is oontrary to custom. They not only refused me, b'it one of the men there brutally wrested my baskets from me, and all my fruit rolled into the gutter." "Poor girl!" said Isabella. "As I have already told yon," continued Jeanne, "my brother had insisted on aceompanying me, and in this lies the greatest cause for regret. On seeing me so roughly treated it was impossible for him to reniain quiet. His cheeks burneü wim rage, ana with one blow he felled to the ground the man who had throwu my oranges nud figü Into the gutter. Every one said my brother was right, and 200 lazaroni, who criod aloud tor vengeance, immediately placed themlelves at his ordei's. The hoad clerk initantly took to flight witli his raen, and their office was dulivered to the flamea," "A fino piece of work, indued!" said Damo Pedrilla. "Silenee!" replied Isabella, harshly. "You must bo either mad or void of all feeling to talk thus." "When the outbreak was at its height," continued Jeanue, "some one cried out that the Duke of Arcos was at the Church of Santo Domonico, and Masauiello exclaimed: 'Brothers, let us go and see if the viceroy has ordered cowardly custom houso oüicers to insult our wives and sisters.' When the viceroy left the church," eontinued Jeanno, uand was about to get into his carriage my brother addremed hun at the wish of the pcople. Ho did this with proper respect. Ho held me by the hand, and I heard him relate the circumstances to the viceroy as they had happencd. Oh ! both his and the people's beha viur merited lomething better than such scandalous treaehery as has been practiced by the viceroy." "Treachery !" said Isabella, with affright. "Yes," repeated Jcanne, "treachery; for the duke thought our complaints well founded; and when the crowd, af ter my brother's speech, exclaimed: 'No more taxesl no more taxes!' the viceroy hastened to reply: 'No, my friends, there shall be no more taxes, beassured; I wil] immediately take measures fpr abolishing every tax which weighs on the indigeat and laborious classes. You ask for justice, and you shall havo it; I givo you my word for it.' These words," contiñued Jimnnn. "were received with cries of enthusiasm. The viceroy got into his carriage, and the people accompanied him to the palace. But his carriage had scarcely entered the Vicaria when a troop of mercenary Germán soldiers, supported by Spanish arquebusiers, suddenly issued forth and charged the iuoffensive crowd. Women, children and old men wore alike shot down and trampled under foot. I saw all this myself . Oh, 'twas horrible I" Isabella took Jeanne tenderly by the hand and asked her what had become of Hasaniello. "We were driven back to the harbor, where, after a short deliberation, the people resolved to riso in arms, and Masaniello was chosen chief of the revolt." "Great heavonl what do I hear?" exclaimed Isabolla. "VVhy did you not turn him, on your knees, from such certain ruinP' "I did all that the love I bear him could do, but he remained inflexible." "May heaven protect usall!" murmured Isabella. "He brought me back here," continued Jeanne, "and implored me not to attompt to shake him in his purpose. 'Have they not,' laid he, 'taken everything from us? Myboat is seized, and we have neither bread nor the means oí earmng any ; ana snau i see y ou dio of want? Nover. Under such circümstances revolt Í3 a saered duty. I will dellver Naples, and punish her tyrants." "But where 18 he now!" asked Isabella, inxiously. "I know not He has not told ma whero the conspirators are to meet." "But is he not coming back?" "Yes; I am without a home for to-night; he has undertaken to flnd me one." Isabella took her uurse aside, and said a few words to her in a low voice. Dame Pedrilla wished to offer some objections, but Isabella immediately interrupted her, and, throwing her a purse of money, said: "It is my wisb. Let everything be here in ■n hour." The duenna said not another word, but silently left the two young girls, and took the road that led to Naples, while Isabella went and sat down by the side of Jeanne on the etone bench. An hour afterward Dame Pedrilla came back, followed by a cart and three porters. The eart stopped before the cabin, and Jeane cried out in amazement: "It is our furniturel they have brought us back our furniturel" "And they havo not forgotten Masaniello's boat," said Isabolla, pointing to another cart, which had stopped about a hundred yards off. The boat was taken Out of the cart and put into the sea again. As her mistress had ordered her, Dame Pedrilla had been to pay to the fiso the two hundred reals, and redeemed all the objects which had been seized the evening before. "Ohl my benefactressl" cried Jeanne, her eyes streaming with tears of joy, l'how can I ver thank and bless you eufUuiently !" "Yeu soe, Jeance," replied Isabella, "the harm done you ís repaired. '. .. non beabloto continuo your custo::iarv :.i. dn i f life. Masaniello has uo longer nv re for encouraging the revolt, and he must now appease the people." "Here he comes ]" exclaimed Jeanne, with an expression of joy. And the young flsherman was perceived in the distance, with a musket on his shouldpr, coming at a rapid pace in the direction of tho cabin. CIIAFTER IV. THE CONSPIRATOR. lsabella and Janne left the duenna at the door, and ran to meet Masaniello. But, when they approached him, both of them shuddercd, and uttered simultaneously a ory of terror. The features of the young man were full of terrible animation ; his eyes were bloodshot, and it was easy to see ïhat rage, hatred and every other violent passion fllled his breast. "You here, señora!" cried he, on recognizing lsabella. "To-day is not a day for visits and walking. You must return instantly to the city, and take care to leave your father'á house no more, for to-morrow carnage and death will reign triumphant in the streets of Naples.", "Mèreiful powers!" exclaimed the two young girls. "Señora," added the fisherman, quiekly, "did you not teil me that your father was an officer in the army of the viceroy? If such is the case, and if your father lovesyou, let him break his sword this very evenlng, for tomorrow there will bo neither truce nor mercyl To-morrow the people will crush, without pity, every hireling of despotism." These last words were pronounced in a tone of voice fitted to make the bravest shudder. "I f righten you," continued he in a milder manner, and approaching lsabella; "pardon me; but do not forget the advice I have given you. The measuro is full; the day of vengeance is at hand ; yet let not my hands be dyed, señora, with the blood of your father." "Unhappy man," said lsabella, "you yourself may be the first to fall in lo-morrow's combat." "May heaven hear your words!" answered Masaniello, "provided that out of my blood spring the liberty of Naples, that our tyrants are completely vanquished, and that the squadron you see yonder carries them far away f rom us." He pomted to the Spanish galleons, commanded by Don Juan Fernandez, which had cast anchor in the bay about two hours before. "To-morrow," added the fisberman, "the gurs of this squadron wiü pour forth their thunder, with a view to crash tho revolt, for they are the orders of a man who will neoessarily support the vieeroy." "And who is this maní" asked Isabella, with emotion. 'Juau Fernandez. He was f ormerly governor of tho Indies, and he is now como to marry the daughter of the Duke of Arcos, to whorn he brings a dowry of three hundred thousaud ducats, the fruit of the most infamous extortion." At this moment the eye of Masaniello lighted on tho boat which had been seized the evening before. He started with surprise. "What do I see?" exclaimed he. "Is ita dreain;'' Jeanue made signs to Isabella, who had, as yet, hardly reeovered from the shock produced on her by the last words of Masaniello. "No, brother," said she, "it isnot a dream. Providenco has been at work for us in your absence. " The üsherman looked at the two young girls in turn. His chest heaved and bis eye was moist. Then he again turned toward the bay and exclaimed: "Yes, it is my own bark! I see once more the companion of my lif e, my daily bread I" , k-w , -i i _ _. _ è_ _n ___! x - - - tü "liut tuis is not au," saia eanne; "comer She took Masaniello by ono arm, while Isabella, much affected, leaned upon the other. The young fisherman started on, feeling the weight of that soft, white hand which did not fear to como in contact with his rough sleeve. "VVell, Masaniello," said Isabella, "will you still continue to grieve your sister and me by talking of raurder, blood and carnage?" Masaniello listened with great emotion to this gentle voice, which sounded like sweet music to him. On reaehiug the door of the cabin Dame Pedrilla said to her mistress, in a low voice: "My dear child, night is coming on; we must return." Isabella did not even hear her, and the angry nurse remained on the sill of the door listening attentively. and casting from time to time a look of suspicion into the cabin. The viceroy's danghter was delighted with the astonishment of Masaniello, who, on finding his homo furnished again, experienced the same emotion he had feit at the sight of his boat. "To whom," murmured he, "'do we owe all this?1 "Cannot you guess, brother?" said Jeanne, poiuting to Isabella. Masaniello knelt down, and, placing his hand on his heart, said to the viceroy's daughter: "Dispose of my life- it is yours." "Indeed," replied Isabella, "you owe mo no gratitude whatever ; I am but too happy at having served you," and sho offered her hand to the young man, who carried it to his lips. "So now," continued she, "3rou will not return to Naples, or, if you do, it will only be to calm the people and to quell the revolt. Promise me this, I implore you." Masaniello rose up hastily, passed his hand across bis f orohead and stared vacantly at the young girl. "Calm tho people - quell the revolt!" Btammered ha "Ohl brother," said Jeanne, "do not reiuse our benefactress what sbe asks of you." "Not another word - what you ask is impossible." "Impossible["excUumed Isabella, in great grief. "Yes, impossible, for the people have my promise." "You must ay that you have changed your mind," said Jeanne. "What! after they have chosen me for their leader? You would have me betray them t'uen ! Never '. Adieu 1" The young man turned toward the door, but Isabella, with her hands clasped and her face bathed in tears, threw herself before him. "Stop, Masaniello!" cried she, "just now you told me to dispose of your life. Alas! your offer was nothing but an empty word" "Not so, señora. I said then and I say now. Take my life, take ïny btood to its last drop, but leave me my honor I" "Does honor, then, consist for you, Masaniello, in rendering Naples desolate by fire and swordf' "Tho crime belongs to those who have forced the people to rise. They have eompelled the lion to leave bis lair, and they have, at present, none to blame but themselves if he devours them." "But it is you, Masaniello, who are excitlng the anger of the people. Why do you thus continue to fan the ñame, when you could extinguish it with a wordP "Señora," aid the young man, ''you have this day rendered ub a service whicb eatiües you to our eterna! gratitude; but if you me, in return, to commit an act oí treocliery, take back the things you have restored to us and let me leavo." "Ohl Masaniello! Masaniello!" "You, señora, are a Spaniard, and youcannot, tberefore, understand my duties." "I know that you are rushing headlong to your ruin." "What does it matter:" "The Duke of Arcos has immense forces, and Naples is full oí soldiere." "We have God on our sido." "Eut what will become of Jeanne if you fall?" "Pietro, üer affianced, who cannot join us in tho struggle on account of his wound, will bo left to protect her. But Jeanne is brave and strong minded, and sho would rather weep over her brother's tomb than see him abandon the holy cause whieh he has espoused." "Oh, Heaven! oh, Heaven!" murmured Isabella; "he cannot guess the real cause of niy terror!" "Do not forget, señora, the advice I gave you with respect to your father," said Masaniello. "My father! But if it is not on his account that I tremblc :"' "What do I hear?" "Alas! he runs no. risk; it is you alpne who re in danger." "Then, señora," said the young man, in a trembling voice, "since you fear not for him whom I at first imagined to be tho cause of your alarm, I ruay bo allowed to think - But no! nol such a thing is irnpossible !" "Do you, then, thiuk it impossible for me, Masaniello, calmly to see you rush to certain death?" "Señora, you cannot be aware of the trouble that your words throw into my heart. Pityloh, pity!" "Masaniello] my friend- my brother" "No, no!'1 quickly replied the young man, "I am not your brother ; I havo given you, in my dreams, a far dearer name." "And I will answer to it," cried she, with a burst of f rantic passion. "Oh, Isabella, spare mei Can I, tho poor Qsherman, ever hope to obtain the love of" - "Stop!" cried the young girl, with great emotion; "in owning to you the weakness of my heart, I reservo tho right of biddiug you adieu forever, if you reí use to accede to all my wishes." "It is perjury you would have me commitl" said Masaniello, in a. trembling voiee. "It is not perjury to que a revolt wüich you yourself havu raised." "Your accusation is r.njust. Tho anger of tlie peoplo bas been excited solely by the bad faiih of the Duko of Arcos." Isabella shuddered. "Though it be so, Masauiello," said she, "does a fault justily a crime! Wht mattere it ou which side the wrong lies I ara a Spaniard and you aro a Neapolitan; thus, if the revolt breaks out, we shall be separated forever." "You are right, señora," said Masaniello, after a momeut's struggle with himself ; "a fault never justifies a crime. Supposing that the peoplo and I ware wrong in committing a Crst act of violence, the man who afterward odionsly deeeived us, and who proflted by the confldeace with w-hich ho had treacherously inspired us, to shed the blood of tho Neapolitan peopleon tho place of tho Vicaria, is a'' "Stay, Masaniello I" 'This man, I say, is an infamous wretch!" "Oh! I imploro you, da not speak thus!" "If the fault is the people's, the crime is the viceroy's, and I will undertako the punishment." "GreatGod," esclaimed the young girl, "I have just told him that I love hkn, and this is his reply." "You Ioto me, Isabella? Oh, may Heaven pour its blessings on your head for this avowal, tvhich fiils my soul with pure anc boundless joy I ïou love mei - youl Alas; alasl" "Masaniellol no longer turn, I beseech you, a deaf car to my prayers." The young man ansvered nothing, but let fall nis head with tuo greateet melancholy. After a short silence he agaiu looked up, andsaid: " You were right ; you are a Spaniard, and I am a Neapolltan: wuai is about to happen will raise au insuperable barrier between us; you will, doubtless, uuto me, but I must sacriflco your love." "Silence! silenee!'' sobbed Isabella. "Hear me, and let me teil you how holy and unehangeablo is the affection I have conceived f or you. Your image has been deeply engraven ou my heart sinee tho first day I saw you." "It is falso; for, tvere it so, you would have sotne pity for me." "My sufferings are preaterthan yours, Isabella. Eut would you have me betray my brothers :" "You are leading them to thcir ruin." "I ara leading them to glory." "íío, no! you can have never lovedme." "It is becauso I love you that I am inflexible." "Hear him, oh, heaven! and judge," said Isabella, claaping her haiids. "Yes," rc.ieated Masauiello, "because I love you. Wcra I to obey you today, tomorrow I should blush in your presence, and you tvould possess the riglit to treat me as a coward." "MasaniclloP "As au infamous and cowardly wretch, for [ should havo lied to my conscience, broken my oath and repudiated my principies. I should havo laid tho basis of my happiness on the suffering of the people, and my happiness would havo been cursed and blighted." "No morel Como, join your prayers to mine, and teil him that he is mad !" exclaimed the young girl, running to Jeanue, and taking her by the hand. Masaniello's sister was weeping by herself in silence. Sho dried her tears, rose up slowly, and, pointing to the sky, said to the daughter of tho viceroy: "I begin to think it is the will of heaven. I, as well as you, havo tried, by my prayers, to tura my brother f rom his purpose, aud have knelt, weeping, at his feet. Nothing but the conviction that he is acquittíng a holy duty could give him the force thus to resist my sisterly tenderness and your dovoted love; let us therefore be resigned and pray for him." Isabella, thunder struck at these words, turned deadly pale, and would havo fallen to the groiiid had not Masaniello sprang ward ri4 caught her in his arms. He placed ier, pcrfecüy senseless, on a chair oí the abin. nnd, kneeling before her, pressed her old hand to his lips. "Adieu!" murmured he, "adieu! This is, lerhaps, the last time that we shall meet in hisworld; but if it i decreed that I am to ee y ou no more, if I f all in tuis undertaking, ■our name, with that of my well beloved istcr, will bo tho last words which my dying ips will utter." He theu rose up hastily. seized his musket and rushed out of the cabiu. CHAPTER V. A SUSPICIOUS JTEETrXGt ISight was descending. Masaniello, on eaving the cabin, thought he perceived a juman form seated at sorae distanee, under a rower of wild pomegranate and olivo trees, ïo fancied that this might be a spy, but, as ie had no time to lose, he passed on, and two minutes afterward was in Pietro's cabin. The smuggler made an effort, and rose to weieome Masaniello, whose hand he shook cordially. Ho was a man of about 30, with a frank, loyal expression of countenanee, and had arms which seemed formed of iron inew. "Eemain seated, Pietro," said Masaniello. "Why did you not como to seo me yesterday?" asked the wounded man. 'Because I had nothing but my ruin to teil you of; but today it is different." "Will you not revenge yourself ?" said the smuggler. "To-morrow," replied Masaniello, "Naples will be f ree, or I shall have eeased to live." "You are going to rouse the peoplo, then} You are going to fight} Oh, I shall be strong enough to f olio w you- wait for me." "Do not stir, I Lieg; but listen to me attentively." "Go on," said Pietro. "You still love my sister!" asked Masaniello. "How can you ask me such a question V' "And you still wish to marry her?" "Yes." "In that case, cured or not, you must not join us in the combat." Pietro started from his seat. "No, you must not," added the fisherman, "because it is necessary that one of us should remaní to take care of Jeanne. Do you understand me now?" A tear rolled down the smuggler's face. "You are right," murmured hö; "yet, after all, It's a hard tb ing." "Then this is setüed," aaid Masaniello. "If, therefore, I do no't return to-morrow evening, you will take Jeanne's arm and go witli her to the Bénédictine convent. Dom Francesco is to return today f rom Rome; I will cali presently and teil him that you and Jeanne are coming to-niorrow to receivethe nuptial blessing." "I hear," said Pietro, trying to stille his sobs. "Come, Pietro, if you cannot fight with us j'ou oan pray for us. Cheer up." And Masanieilo lef t the cabin. He did not talco the road to Naples, bnt followed tba outward wall of the fortifications and directed his steps toward Pausilippo. Suddenly, the same doubtful form ivhich he had seen on leaving his owu cabin appeared again before him. The young man quicldy took nis musket off his shoulder and clasped it tightly inboth hands. A loud, rough voico immediately exclaimeJ: "Halloo! Signore, I hear, methinks, the the wheel of your musket creaking. Corpo di Cristo I your cautioa is praiseworthy in such times as these, and while you, my master, are playing tbc game you play. Be not so hasty, and do not, at all avente, shoot mo before you have heard what I have to say. Diavolo! I f ormally object to it." By the time the stranger had finishod speaking, Masaniello found himself face to face w ith him. "Who are you?" asked tho flsherman, "and what do y ou want with me I" "Bravissünol signore, that's speaking plaiuly and intelligibly. But you seem to be in as great a hurry as a hind with a pack of hounds at lts lieels. Let us walk on together, and I wiH teil you." Masaniello replaced his musket on his shoulder, taking care, however, to keep a striet watch on the movemeuts of the stranger, who was of commanding stature, excessively robust, and armed to the teeth. "So you are going to revolutionizo Naples, caro piscatorer said the colossus, in an ironical tone. "It appears to me that beforo puttingquestions you might answer mine." "True. Don't be offeuded. You ask me who I am. Why, sangue do Cristol you know me well enough." "Thatmay be; but, at the same time, it would be just as well if you were to teil me your name, for I am not a sorcerer." "Corcelli, then, mió caro - Corcelli, at your service !" "What! the captain of tho bauditti of Vesuvius.'1 "The same, signore." "Well, what do you want of me!" "Well, carissimo, as j'ou placo me at once on a footing of familiarity, I will follow your example, and teil you, without more ado, that I want nothing of you, but that I come to offer everything. Yet, before proceeding further, I wish to know if you are really serious in your projects." "What interest can you take in themi" "The same interest that is takeu by every true Neapolitan who loves his country, and wbo hates foreign despotism." Masaniello raised his head, but the darkness prevented him írom seeing the stranger's features; but as the latter's voice seemed íull of fraukuess, ho answered: "We are serious in our projects." "Bravissimo !" replied the bandit. "But, per Bacco, my young master, you forget the Duke of Arcos has placed Naples in a state of def euso ; the castle is f uil of cul verins, which will spit out grape shot on you from the top to the bottom of its bastions." "No matter," said Masaniello; "I will brave their flre." "Very good; but have you reflected, Signore Piscatore, on the immense number of reiters and lansqueuets that flll tho place? Have; you taken into calculation all the Spanish infantry and Castilian arquebusiers which occupy every post and f ortress from the sea side to the furthest limits of the city? Don't you suppose that the vieeroy will let all these military blood hounds loose on you? Corpo di Baeco! you will be made minee meat of in the twinkling of an eyo." "You may be deceived in your conjectures, my honest bandit. The bare arm of the man of the people is worth more than the soldier's musket." "Nonsense, mio earol the soldier's musket will seud real bullets through the head of the man of the people, and, if you have nothing but your bare arm to rely on, the fish in the bay will shortly have tho pleasure of devouring those hy whom they are generally devoured, and then your hoped for liberty goes to the deviL" "But where am I to procuro annsP' said Masaniello, who began to yield to the bandit's grotesque reasoning. "Arms, carissimoï Eh!eh! the bandit of Vesuvius could perhaps furnish you with a few. All we want is to come to an understandins.'' ( Coniinued on page 17.)Speak, then." How many musketo and arquetrase do you require?" "I -n-ül let j-ou know, as soon as I have counted my men, in an hour," answered llasaniello. "Aro they all to be at the catacombs?" asked the bandit. "What!" exclaimed the fisherman, with surprise, "do you know the place we meet at?" "Know it! yes." "Who informed you of itf' "Cospetto! you're inquisitivo; but then you're young. I not only know," continued tbe baudit, "the conspirators' place of rendezvous, but I am also acquainted with the reason why you stop at this monastery." And Corcelli pointed to the Bénédictine convent. "What ia it, then?" asked Masaniello. "You are going to seek a monk bythe name of Dora Francesco, Am I rigUt?" "Do you know him, theni" "Yes; he was in my cave, near the volcano, this very morning." "You joke?" "Tot I, per Baccol We took himyesternight, on his return from Rome. and let him go this morning, for fear he should convert os." "It was, then, he who told yon all?" "Aha! povero! your inquisïtiveness is at workagam! No, itwas not he. But, while I think of it, have you ever seen the viceroy's daughter, mio amoreT' "Xo, uever," answered the fisherman, with gurprise; "but what inakes you askf' "Oh! nothing. Corpo di Cristo! I guessed the trick." "What trickr "Don't bo uneasy. These little Spaniards havo plenty of anxiety. Cospetto! but her taste is not bad; fellows of your sort are not to be met with every day." "You abuso my patience!" cried the fisherman. "What is the meaning of your enigmatical language?" "The meaning of it is, mio caro, that from timo to timo I look after your interest, and you ought to do anything but complain, since I am about to give you the means of obtaining a certain victory. Listen ! go and see the monk, then hasten to the catacombs, decido on the hour of attack, and afterward come to me at tho foot of Vesuvius. You will then be ablo to see what means I possess for carrying on war, to count tho men I place at your orders, and to listen to my conditions. Do you agree to come?" Jlasaniello hesitated. "I hope, mio piscatore, that you do not think me capable of laying a snaro for you?" "I do not," answered Jdasaniello, "for what could you have in doing soT' 'W'ell spoken, carissimo! On tho word of a brigand, you have nothing to fear, for I aman honest man." "I will be there," said tho fisherman. "But wait! I must teil you tha password " "What is it?' "Jlasaniello." "You honor me, indeed." "Are you not tho hero of tho day? Recolleet, I am waiting for you." "I will soon be with you," answered the fisherman. And they separated. CHAPTER VL THE CATACOMBS. Two minutes af terwards Masaniello was in the cell of Dom Francesco. "Hy sou," exelaimed the monk, pressing theyoung mauto nis heart, "how did you learn my return?" "From Corcelli, the captain of the brigands, who captured you yesterday." "Sancta Maria! Have you seen him, then?" "I have but just left him." "TThat can you have to hold converse about with him?" "Have you not beard what has taken place at Naples?" "No," said the monk. "But stay, I have heard of a riot, which was instantly suppressed by the viceroy's troops." "Is that all?" asked Masaniello. "Yes, all. Wero you ainong the rioters?" "It was I who was at the head of it, father." "You!" exclaimed the monk. "Yes, father, I; and I thank heaven f or your return. You have ever been my guide, nd if the light has sometimes waded through the darkness of my understanding, it is to you that I owe it." llMy son, I sowed in good ground, and the harvest is, therefore, abundant." "Listen, father; it is time that we should understand one another. The instruction I have received from you has inspired me with a desiro to freo Naples, and to relievo the people of tyranny beneath which they at present groan. Do you approve of this project!" "Silence! silencel myson. How can you ever hope to succeed?" "That is not what I am talking about. Do you approvo of that project?" "Well, then, yes! That is, if you have the meaus to cari-y it out." "Are you ready to join us in putting into exeeution those principies in which you have educated me?" "Myson! myson! do not hold out to me my deceitful hope; you are young, and your heated imagination carries you away. Yet could we but realizo the holy maxim of the Gospel, and really show that all men are bothersl" "We will realizo it," answered Masaniello. "Prove this to me, and I will follow you fhereveryou go." "Well, then, Dom Francesco, I have this % sounded the people, and havo found that jtay are all of the same mind as myself. On hearing me pronounce the sacred name of liberty every heart beat with hope, every 'na was raisod toward heaven, and overy yeshot forth flre. You ask me what guarsnteeslhavu of victory. You have heard, Md I wish for no others." "Go on!" said the monk, with a throbbing 'sart. "I havo but to make a sigu, and thousands ' lazaran) and flshermen will iustantly ariso tod rush, like a buruing volcano, whsrever "eadthem." "Isthisadream?" "To-morrow," continued Masaniello, "Nafewillboiree!" "But where did you harangue tho people?" Oa the harbor, after the viceroy's infaOobs act of treachery." Dom Francesco listened attentively to the 'Oef account which Masaniello gave him of at had taken place. Tho oíd man roso up, "d taking Masaniello by the hand, said: I have carefully weighed overy ono of Jour vrords, and X declare that you are jus"jj ia what you are doing." Then you approve of our project, father?" I ('Alas!" Masaniello, in a voico f uil c? I unn' "-1 was near 1)etra3'inS it. father." I ÜJ hat do 1 hear?" esclaimed the monk. I woman - a woniau whom 1 love - iraWed me, on her, knees, to abandon tho "jwrtakmg. Her tears made me waver for I ? pstaut ; but, heaveu be praised, my love uberty prevailed, and to-morrow will seo i rj Perhaps, contending haud in hand with rtather, forsho isa Spaniai-d and he an I ir?r. "la yiceroy's army. May heavun 41 it otherwiso! But the people have eJme their leader; so long Uve Naples I "m Uberty I "And now, my n," said Dom Francesco, pressing Masaniello to his heart, "what are j-ou going to do?" "At present I am going to the catacombs, where my associates are waiting for me." "I will accompany you." "Come, then, father," said Masaniello, "and you shall bloss our poniards." "But what measures have you taken to insure yourself and your companions a safe retreat, if your place of rendezvous were discovered and surrounded by soldiere?" "None." "Imprudent man! But followme, I will beyour guide." Dom Francesco, f ollowed by the flsherman, left his cell, traversed the cloister, passed by the chapel, and stopped at last at the top of a damp staircase, which appeared to lose itself n the depths of the earth. "But where would you lead me to, holy father?" asked Masaniello. Beforo replying, the Bénédictine drew from beneath his dress a steel, a flint and a key; then, taking Masaniello by the arm, he went down tweuty steps, and stopped before a massive iron door, which, on applying the key to it, turned heavily on its hinges. Then the monk said: "Myson, the cataeombs of Naples have four different outlets. One of them is in the wood of Pausilippo; this is, doubtless, the one by which you were all to enter." "It was." "The second is beneath the Castel Nuovo; the third is behind the choir of the Church of Bt. Januarius, and the fourth is in tho convent of the Bénédictines. You see that Providenee is with us. In case of danger you will be able to take refuge in the monestary, and woe to your enemies if they follow you into the intricacies of tho labyrinth it forms." "While speaking, Dom Francesco lighted two torches which he took from a hollow in the wall. The monk kept one, gave the other to Masaniello, and continued his way with the fisherraan, haviug flrst taken the precaution to tie at the beginning of the passage the end of a ball of striug which uuwouiid itself as they advanced. "This new thread of Ariadne, my son, will insuro your safety if the viceroy's troops block up the outlet of Pausilippo." "It is but too true, father," said Masaniello, "that we are surrounded by dangers. To-raorrow, or even this very night, I may f all. If I do," continued he, "promise me that you will bless the union of my sister Jeanue with Pietro." Tho monk pressed the young man's hand and silently dried a tear. Af ter walking for about half au hour a distant murmur feil upon their ears. " 'Tis they !" said Masaniello. "You told them to assemble, then, in the rotunda of Diocletian?" "I did, father." '"In that case, turn to the right," said the monk. A minute afterward they were in a sort of gigantic chamber, dug in tho rock, and the walls of which were covered with stalactites that made them sparkle in tho torch light as if they were walls of diamonds. Thero were assembled all the fishermen and lazaroni whom Masaniello had harangued the day beforo on the harbor. When the young man appeared a joyful clamor aróse on all sides. "It is he!" "It is our young leader I" "Long liro Masaniello I" Such wero tüe greetings with which hs was welcomed by the ragged men who filled the Bubterranean chainber. Masaniello mounted on a large stono which was in the middle of tho place. Both flshermen and lazaroni formed a circlo round him, and the greatest silence immediately prevailed. "Comrades," said Masaniello, "did you all iako different roads as I reconimended you?" "Yes, wo obeyed your orders." "Are you sure that thero are no spies among us?" "Fear nothing; we all know one another." "Liet those who havo arir.s draw near. " Tcu men camo forward, some ivith pikes and the otbers with arquebuses or partisans. "Place yourselves," said ïlasaniello, "at ;he entrance to the catacombs, and ]et none 'orco thelr way in, except over your bodies." Then, pointing to the nionk, who was standing on nis right, he added: "There, my friends, is iny niaster; there is the master of us all." "Ho is! he is!" exelairaed several voices. "We know him!" "It is Dom Francesco!" "The triend of the people!" "Long live the Bénédictine !" "It was not I," contiuued tho young man, "whom you applauded yesterday on the harbor ; 1 was but the echo of this holy man, to whom 1 owe the little instruction I possess. It was he who spoke to you through me." "liong live Doni Francesco!" cried all present. "It is true, my dear brethren," said the old man, "that to see you happy has been my hope through lifo, tho aim of my studies. I have spent my long career in pleading your cause and defending your rights. Liko tho Hebrews in the land of Egypt, you have toilcd f or greedy despoilers, who grow fat on your substanco and drink your tears. But another iloses has arisen to shako froin off you the yoke of Pharaoh, and to lead you to the promised land of liberty." These words were received with cries of enthusiasm, "Liberty f orever . "Liberty we'll ha vol" "No moro f etters I" "No moro taxes!" "No moro suffering!" "Liberty! liberty forever!" On a sigu from Masaniello silenco was restored. "Yes, Neapolitans, you shall be free, I swear it!" exclahned hp, with fire. "The struggle will bo a desperate one, and there Í will be many of us turned into martyrs; aro you, therufore, prepared to fight to tho death?' "U'earel" "lf I have no arms to give you, will you even then confront the troops of the Ticeroy without tremblijiE?" :'TTo willl" "And the guns of lus fortressesP WewUir "And the arquebuses of his guards?" "We will wrest them from tbeir blood stained hands." "Will jou coma with mo to break down the gates of the Vi;aria and dictato to the duke of Arcos the orders of the victorious people?" "Wre will!" "Then let every one approaeh and tabe the oath." Two men brought a Biblo and a crucifix to tho monk. Then all the conspirators approached in turn, and kneeling on one knee and placing a hand on the cross, repeated the folloning oath: "In tho presence of tho blessed Redeerner, and on the Holy Bible, I swear to defend, until death, the rights of tho people of Naples and to obey our leader, Masaniello." When they had all taken the oath Masaniello erclaimed: "My friends, draw your poniards." The daggers hid beneath the rags of the lazaroni and the jackets of the fishermen Immediately gleamed over the hcads of alL "Till now," continued Masaniello, "these hare been your only meaus of attack and defense; in default of other arms they will Btül suffice. And if you ever discover a traitor ia your ranks, swear to me that you will use them to pierce him to the heart." "We swear it." "And now, holy father," added Masaniello, kneeling before the Bénédictine, "implore for us the protection of heaven and bless our arms." All knelt down, like their leader. The monk extended his arms over tho prostrate crowdand said: "Go forth, my chüdren, to combat, for your cause is just and holy. Be prodigal of your own blood, but sparing of that of your cppressors, and may the God of armies protect you in thostruggle. I bless both you and your arms in the name of Heaven!" "Thanks, father," said Masaniello. He then rose up and added: "Brothers, go and take your repose. Sleep, as usual, on the Stones of tho harbor, on the sand of tho beach, on the steps of che churches, and under the peristyleof the palace, but to-morrow morning at sunrise let mo seo you all assembied bef ore my cabiu. Good night!" "Good night!" repeated all the conspirators. The torches were extiuguished; a few moments afterward all thoso present were scattered through the avenues of Pausilippo, and tho catacombü were again enveloped in darkneati CHAPTER VIL VESUVICS. On leaving the cataeombs, Masaniello vaulted on a horse which he had waiting for him. and hurried to Vesuvius. He had just reached the foot of the mountain, when tho challenge oL the sentinel stopped him. Jla6aniello told him his name. "Pass on," said the sentinel. "Follow th3 sulphur furrow which you see on your right, and you will reach the edge of tho volcano." In a quarter of an hour, Masaniello arrived at the appointed place, but there was no Corcelli to be seen. Ho at last perceived, at somo distance, a light in the hollow of a rock ; he drew near, and beheld forty or fifty individuals, in tattered apparel, standing against the walls of a grotto. A man, with long hai rand a velvet doublet, was sitting with his back to tho others, toward whom, honever, ho frequently turned. He had a pencil in his hand, and was tranquilly taking silhouette sketches of the figures that surrounded him. 'I haf stayed a lonk time widout moving, Mr. Artist," said an athletic Germán. "Vill you soon haf dono my bortraitï" "Silence! you rogue," answered the artist, "and keep still. By Kt. Januarius, you had better not make me spoil the drunkai'd I have dreamed of so long." Masaniello recognized the voice of his friend. Salvator Rosa. He entered the grotto without being seen by any one. "Mr. Artist," continued tho Germán, an ex-lansquenet, who liad turned brigand after having first beeu a vagabond, "don't forget to baint iny mustdachc, pegause tho girls of Suajña ding it fery fir.e!" Salvator llosa replied to this observation by a rap with bis maul stick. The brigand drew his poniard. "Back to its sheath with that, seoundrell" exclaiined Corcelli, placiug himself beüween Salvator and bis model. At this moment, Masaniello touched the captain on the shoulder. "Ah ! here he is at last," said Corcelli. "Rise, all of you, you rascáis, and salute II Bignore Masaniello!" At this name, Salvator Rosa turned round quickly, and camo and shook the iisherman by the hand. "You here?" said he. "Yes, I have something of importanco to talk to (Jorcelli about. Uut ho w uavo you, my dear Sal vator, got iuto such company?' "X left ISaples three dixys back to go and Btudy tho b"autics of our inountains when these three donkeys made me prisoner." "And you niay be certain that you will not leavo us befare you nave paid your ranBom," added the captain of tho bri ganda. áalvator tngan to laugh. "ïhis ia one of tho most original beings I havo ever met ■witn," said ho to Masaniello. "He imagines tliat a painter has money and can paya ransom! Oh, Corcellil what au illusion isyoursï' "Liet us retiro for a moment, and talk of our affaire," said Masaniello, drawing tho captain out of the cave. "In the first place," said Masaniello, "I roquire you t Salvator Kosa to liberty." "Whatl after I havo kept him gratis?' "Has he not drawu the portraits of nearly all your meur'1 "A tino far.íily picture gallery, indeed!" "Salv.itor is my friend." ''W'ell, then, let him pay me ahundred ducats, and go." "A huudred ducats! Why, Corcelli, no artist ever possesseil such a suin." "Thea tifty." "Capturo cardinals, abbes, raonsinori, and mako them capitúlate, if you liire; but do oot think that an artist possesses even fifty ducats." "Not fifty? nor twentv I" "No, nor twenty. It appears that youroll n gold, Corcelli. Ohl it is easy to see that you are a robber." "Well, then, tako tho prisoner atvny tvith you. Where thcre is nothing" "The brigaml loses his rights. Ifow that the preliminaries are settled, let nu fcnow how many men you have." "Two bundred." "Brave.-' "As lions." "Devoted?" "Likodogs." "Capable of bearing fatigue!" "Very donkeys." "And what armsT' "Three hundred muskets and fiva hundred poniards." "And you place all these at the service of the insurgenis ;"' "Yes, all." "On what conditions?" "I ask nothing, or nothing, my dear Masaniello." "What is itï" "Two hours' pillage." "Oh, thafs all?' "Yes." "Well, hear me. I havo giren -orders to have the man who appropriates to himself one single article shot. You see how ws agree." "But why, then, aro you going to have a revolution, my little angel?" "To freo Naples, and not for tho sake of pillage." "And whatadvantagoshall I find in Naples being freedr "You will proilt by tho vietory." "Howi" "You will be able to beeome an honest man, and to serve in the army as my lieutenant." "I am captain already, and you want me to ercposo my doublet to tho balls of the enemy to bccomo a lieutenant!" "Your men shall receive good pay." "How much a day ?" "Two ducats." "From whom?" "From me." "Ahl piccolo mio, what excellent-secuTity! But where is the Jew who would discount your bilis? Ho is still in his swaddling clothes." "I will pay in ready money." "With what?" Masaniello pointed to tho Spanish Tessels riding at anchor in the bay. "Among tlioso vessels," added he, "there is a galleon ioaued with three hundred thousand dncats, tho fruit of exaetionand rapiñe." "Tbreo hundred thousand ducats!" exclaimed Corcelli, stroking his mustache. "And how many gucs to protect them?" "I know not." "Huml Threo hundred thousand ducats 1 It'sapretty sum." "It is f rom tholndians of Mexico and the burgesses of Flanders tuat this money was extorted. Stolen from the peoplo, it will pay for tho peoplo's victory; for to-raorrow we will attack the flotilla of Don Juan Fernandez." "We are beginning to understand each other. But how will you manage to get at this treasurei" "My plan of attack is already arranged." "What post wül youassigu tous, Masaniello?" "You will occupy the gate of Marina." "Good." "And you will wait quietly until you hear the tocsiu of tho conveut of the Franciscans." "AVell, what thenr' "Theu you will mako a sallyon the market place, where you will find us engaged with tho riceroy'a troops." "By our lady del Carmine, you will then be ablu to seo what you aro to do. You can choose from the reiters, the lansquenete, the Castilian arquebusiers and the cavalleria del ro. All I recommend you is to do your business well." "Set your mind at rest. My meu will not fail to dash iuto tho hottest part of tho fray." '"Do not forget to return to the harbor after the battlu, and wait for me there." "You will bo obeyed in everything, carísimo. Yet" ■Well, what?" I f the expedition which attacks the flotilla is repulsed niay I not intcrfereí" "Coreelli! Coreelli!" replied Masaniello, "the thouglit of this galleon will lose you." "Noiisensel" said the brigand, laughing. "But day la brealcing. I will go and muster my men, and follow you in a quarter of an hour." Masaniello returned to tho grotto, where ha found Salvator still sketching. "Como, Salvator," said tho fisherman, "let naga" "What! havo you made this miscrennt reasonable at lastí" said tho artist, pointiug to Coreelli. "üu oír with j-ou, you beggarly painter," said tho brigand; "return to Naples and rid us of all these papers, pencils and colore, which tako up my men's atteution and der them frora doing tbeir business. And you, you scoundrels," added Coreelli, addressing his band, "look at him well, so that you inay bo ablo to kuow him, for he among you who ever brings him back shall receivo a hundred lasues.'1 "üy sword," said Salvator. "Givo it him, sanguo di Cristo! and let him go," cried Corcelli, impatiently. Tho artist beleed on his sword, slung his box of colors over his shoulder, took up his stick and followed Masaniello. "And now I will teil you, Salvator, what brought mo to Vesuvius this morniiig. During your absence, tho most surprising things havo taken placo at Naples." Hero iUasuuiello gavo ijalvator a graphic account oí everythiug which had happened. "Bravo! bravo! csclaimed the painter. "By öt. Januarius! 1 will join you! Xt shall nover bo said that the sword of Salvator Rosa slept in its scabbard whilo tho roar oL musketry rolled through the streets of Naples in the uamu of liberty!" Masanicllo and his companion descended the rest of tho mountain in silenco and soou arrived at tho inn whero the young fisherman had lef t his horse. As time pressed, Masaniello took Salvator up behind him, and tho horso darted off at f uil gallop. CHAPTER VIH. ESVELATION. When tho dauguter of the Duke of Afcos recovered and saw thut Masaniello had lef 6 the cabin, she uuderstood that the young man had resolved to mako tho sacrifiee of her love. She had wept at his knees, had owned her affeetion, and yet he had remainud inflexible. Th? pridc. therefore, of the no'"'e Spaniard suddeuly overéame her desp;. .. She roso up haughtily, imposod, with a f ture, silenco on Je&one, who was attempti,.,; to console her, and, to the great satisfaotiou of Dame Tedrilla, left the cabin. When she an-ived in A'aples tho streets were empty. All thoso who usually fllled them at that hour had gono to tho catacombs. Isabella hurried through tho city, and was soon in tho sumptuous apartments iuto which luez had received ordei's to admit uo ono."Oh, Heaven! señora, where can y.i bare been to at this hout-r said Inez. "Sümcel" replied Dame PedrUla. Then, approacliing Isabella, who had just fallen with a sigh into a chair, she said: "I felicítate you, ray child, on the step you have taken. Follow my advice, and go and find the viceroy. Acquaint him with the project of this miserable fisherman, so that prompt measures may lie taken for arresting blm and all the wretches of his kind." "What do you say?" cried the young cirl, itarting up, and burning with indignation. "I say," stammered the duenna, "that this Thomas Aniello ought to be hanged immediately, with all his accomplices." "Miserable creaturel" shrieked Isabella, with a furious burst of passion. "Out of my sight, and let me not see your face again!" The duenna hung her head and left the room. As soon as she was alone with Inez, Isabella burst into tears, and related to her all that had taken place in the fisherman'a cabin. This was not the first time that Isabella had made a confldante of Inez, and the sparkling oubrette was far from disapproviug her mistress' intention to see Masaniello once more. "Retire, señora, to rest," said shc, "for a few hours. I will awake you at day break, and we will go together to the cabin on the Mergellina." The first rays of the next day's sun had searcely kissed the waters of the sparkling bay, when the t wo young girls were to be seen walking along the beach in the direction of Masaniello's dweiling. But what was their surprise on beholding an immense crowd astombled round the cabinl All thoso whohad taken the oath at the catacombs the night bef ore had already arrived, and were impatiently waiting for their young leader. Isabella and Inez traversed these groups of men, who were clothed in rags] and whose looks wer-e somber and suspicious. The viceroy's daughter guessed too well the cause of the tumultuous assemblage. She entered the cabin, and found [Jeanne alone with Pietro. Isabella ran and embraced the young fisherman's sister, and begged f orgiveness for the manner in which sho left her the evening before; then, looking at her uneasily, she tremblingly murmured: "Where is he, Jeanne?" Before Pietro's affianced could answer, a loud, joyous clamor was heard outside, and the air rang with cries of "Masaniello! Masaniello!" It was the young fisherman, who had just returned from Vesuvius with the artist. "Go, Jeanne," said Isabella, "go and teil him that I implore him to see me once again." Jeanne obeyed. But when she approached her brother, and whispered something in his ear, he started, and made a violent movement, expressive of refusal. The viceroy's daughter saw the gesturo and shuddered. "Bal vator, my friend," said Masaniello to the artist, "go back, I beg of you, with Jeanne; she will take you to a person whose tears have already made wo waver. She is a Spaniard. You must make her understand that I can neither speak to nor see her now." The artist followed Jeanne to the cabin, and Masaniello, turm'ng to the crowd, exclaimed: "Everything is ready; m are provided with arms." "Where are they?" was heard on every side. "At the gate of the Marina, hidden in threo cart loads of straw, which are under the care of some of Corcellf s men, disguised as peasants." "Bravo!" cried all the conspirators. "And now," continued Masaniello, "listen to my last orders. " All were instantly silent. "Divide yourselves into two parts. Th first will remain, imarmed, under my command ; the other will proceed to the gate of the Marina, where the men who form it will receive partisans, blunderbusses and muskets. Keep your arms as secret as possible; ntter no cries, but wait for the signal, and enter the city the moment you hear the tocsin of the cathedral sound." 'We will obey you," cried they alL 'I name Sal vator Rosa, whom you all know, leader of this división." "Bravo! bravo!" "Long live our leader!" "Long live Sal vator Rosa!" At this instant the artist rejoined Masaniello. "Brother," said he, in a low voice, "where did you make the acquaintance of this young girli" "Here, on the beach." "Do you know her family?" "No." "Has she never spoken of her father-to you!" "Her father is a captain in the Spanish army." "You hare been deceived." "What do I hear?" "1 say that she has deceived you ; her name Is Isabella d' Arcos, and her father is viceroy of Naples." l, Masaniello started like a wounded tiger. "Viceroy of Naples!" exelaimedhe. "I am sure of it," replied the artist. "She did not recognize me, altbough I have often worked at the frescoes of the Vicaria. Her presence here must be owing to some deep design. Masaniello, beware!" "Great Godl"' cried Masamello, "my head burns. Sbe, the daughter of the despot, in my cabinl I understand all now; suedoubtless carne here as a spy." "Masaniello, be calm." "I will," said the fisherman "I think," added Salvator, "that you ought to go and speak to her. If there is treachery the can be detained as a hostage. But, in this case, there must be no mercy, no weakness." "I would pluck out my heart sooner than Bhow any," said Masaniello, pressing the artist's hand. Salvator Rosa put himself at the head of his división and moved toward the place where the arms were to be distributed. As for Masaniello, he chose a lieutenaut and ordered him to take his men and await his arrival on th-3 road leading to Pórtico. This dono, he hurried to the cabin. He entered with a fiery eye and a beating heart. Having waved to Jeanno, Inez and the smuggler to retire, he folded his arms on his breast and cast a withering look on the daughter of the viceroy. The i unhappy girl let f all her eye before the irritated countenance of the fisherman, who cried out in a voice of thunder: "Isabella d' Arcos, what do you want here?" Had a thunderbolt tallen on the poor girl's head it could not have produced a more terrible effect; she clasped a chair, in order not to fall, and murmured, in a stifled voice: "Pity! Masaniello, pity! Oh! who could have acquainted you with a secret which you ought still to be ignorant of?" "So you own itl You, do not seek to deceive me any lonmr. ,1 bare no time to lose, therefore, I again (cali .pn you, Isabella d'Arcos, the daughter of the viceroy of Naples, of the tyrant of my country, to teil me what you want here, in the abode of the man of the people, by whom your father is abhorred?" "Masanidlo. speak not thus to me; you kill me with terror. Alas! I totxj once more to save jrou." "Itisfalse! Whut interest can you take Inmy safetyf "Oh, heavenl how can he ask me!" These last words were pronounced with so trwwi accent of despair and real grief that Masaniello feit his heart tremble and his anger yield. ■'Oh," niurmured he, "do not still hope to deceive me. Your conduct i3 beyond excuse. It is impossible that you, the daugbter of him who represeuts the king of Spain, could ever have loved the poor fisherman of the Mergellina!" "Masaniello !" "No, no!" continued the young man, "you merely came to trouble my happiness, or f rom idle euriosity; and may heaven grant that it was not for a worse purpose!" "What do you mean, Masaniello?" asked Isabella, trembling. "Oh! I know, señora, -what your justifleation will be. But if a sentiment of filial love excuses you in your own eyes; if, in order to save the viceroy from the dangers which surround him, you had recourse to stratagem, you might at least havo spared my heart, and not lent your own to falsehood, in order to obtain my confidenco." Isabella listened to him with a starting eye and a face as pale as death. "This ideáis not your own, Masaniello!" cried she. "Confess itl It has been suggested to you by some one else- by a person ■who cannot judgo our acquaintance properly, and who calumniates me without knowing me." "It is truc," said Masaniello. "Who is this ]ii:-sonr "He whom I just now sent to you, and who recognized your person." The viceroy's daughter placed her hand on her heart, and uttered a sigh, as if she had just been relieved of fin enormous weight. "Oh!" said she, "I should have despised you, if I had found you capablo of entertaining such an ignoble suspicion. I can understand that the revelation of my rank aiid birth conf used your head, and made my conduct appear unaccountable. One word will sufflee to enlighten you on everything. As I could not descend to you, I had formed the project of raising you high enough to present you, some day, to my father and to say to him: 'This is the man I love!"1 "Isabella!- no more!" exelaimed the fisherman, with the greatest anguish. "Xay," answered she, "let me justify myself , for you havo accused me. Such was my dream, then. You possess all that is neeessary to rise rapidly to a brüliant positiou. Yesterday you talked to me of honor, and said you would not betray the cause of the people. Is it betraying the cause of the people to approacu him whom you blame, and to gain, by reasoning, that which an ill advised revolt will forover place beyond your reach? The viceroy would yield to persuasión; but he will chastise violence. Oh! I implore you, do not let me have the sorrow to see you treated like a criminal, you whose life might be so brüliant, you for whom I had coneeived such boundless hopos" "Mad and chimerical hopes!" interrupted Masaniello, led away, for an instant, by the mirage of ambition which Isabella had held before his eyes, but who quiekly recovered all his fiery energy on thinking of the wrongs of the people, and of the poniards blessed by Dom Francesco. "Then you are still bent on this revolt!" said Isabella, "Yes." "And you renounce my lovef ' "Señora, Don Juan Fernandez cast anchor in the bay yesterday. He has come from Spain on purpose to marry the viceroy's daughter." "But I hate him - and will never be his!" "What! señora," said the fisherman, his faceradiant with joy, "will you refusethis ollianco?""Yes," murmured she, in the midst of her Bobs, "f will refuse it; forit is you alono, Masaniello, that I love. Oh ! yield to my entreaties. Yield 1 1 implore you I" "It is impossible. Were I to betray the cause of the people I should be f orever cursed both in heaven and on earth." "But I have just told you of a better way to serve the cause of the people." "Illusion! Were I even to obtain the position your dreains have placed me in, I should become corrupted, like the rest, and practico perfidy as they do. Nolno! I will remain Masaniello, the fisherman, and hasten to the combat." "Gracious heavenl You are hurryingto your destruction." "What matters? When tyrants vanquish, the scaffold they raise becomes a throne of martyrdom for the vanquished." "Masaniello! Masaniello! has everything ceased, then, between us!" "Yes, señora. The daughter of the viceroy and the fisherman of the Mergellina must forget past days My heart will bleed in consequence. It is with sorrow and regret that 1 tear in twain this page of my life. But the suffering people expect their deliveranca from me. Adieu! I ani henceforth unknown to youl" CHAPTER IX. THE TOCSIN. Pietro aecompanied Masaniello some distance along the road leading to the place where his men were waiting for him. "Well," said the young fisherman, "since you wish to be useful, take your affianced with you to the Abbey of Santa Cinara, which I have supplied with fish for tbe last two years, and the abbess of which will not refuse to take my sister in. If we-are vanquished, Jeanne, while there, will escape the brutal ity of our inurderers, and my mind will be at rest about her." "I will," said the smuggler; "what nextT' "As soon as Jeanne is in safety, go to the gate of the Marina, and keep an eye on Corcolli and his band. I mistrnst this man. There is, or I greatly mistake, some fatal project bidden beneath his proffered services." "Good," said Pietro, and they shook hands and separated. Two hours after, a curious scène occurred in the interior of the city, in the market place, and before the very office of the customs, which had been reduced to ruins. The collector and his offleers, who had been driven away the day before, returned early in the morning to resume their functions, escorted by a company of lansquenets, who had been se.nt on purpose to protect and defend them. The oiïicers, visibly unsasy, set about preparing to receive the market dues. In about an hour, a number of men, walking two and two, were observed coming along, with the greatest regularity. Eacb man who carried a basket of fruit had at his sido a companion who carried nothing, but wbose right hand, buried in his bosom, seemed to clasp an offensive arm. The head of the cortege stopped before the custom house. The collector called on the man who came first to pay his dues. He pretended to submit his basket of watermelons to the inspection of the officer, but the latter, on approaching, suddenly feit his throat touched by the sharp point of a dagger. The companiou of the man carrying the basket had just drawn his hand from beneath his jacket, and cried out, in a voice of thunder: "Back iritb yonl í rom today tb people pay no more market du The offlcer back, terrified. Thn canje a basket of fl„'S, and the flgs passed hke Wie watermelons - by the aid of the dagger. The whole ebrtege went by in the same manner. At the first sign of violence the custom house officers had called on the company of lansquenets for aid and protection ; but the facetious Germans wore so amused at the scène passing before them, that they extinguished their matches, shouldered their muskcts and began clapping their hands, liko the market women standing around, and laughed heartily at the disconcerted appearance of the collector, at the fright of his subalterns and at the imperturbability with whieh the insurgents followed the example of their leader. For it was Masamello who opened the procession. Having stopped the peasants along the road and at the gates of the city, he had no difficulty in inducing them to refuse to pay the market dues. Maddened by the conduct of the lansquenete, the collector rushed through the narrow streets that surrounded the place, and soon reappeared with a squadron of reiters, a grotesque kind of horsonien, whose disordered costume and reckless appearance made them look hke so many beggars on horseback, and who can ouly be compared to the Cossacks of the present day. Masaniello saw them issue forth from the streets leading to the Vicaria. Lazarohi, mariners, portera and peasants all had their eyes bent on Masaniello, and were ready to obey his nod and rush to death on a single sign trom him. Every fruit seller had orders to remain perfectly quiet, by the side of his baskets and his companion, whose dagger was again hidden beneath his rags. Masaniello kept his eye constantly fixed on a dark edifice, which might bave been taken for a fortres if a tapering spire had uot towered above lts ramparts. This was the convent of the reverend Franciscan fathers, furnished with battlements and bastions, like that of themonksof Bt. Beuedict. Twenty stalwart men had been sent through the back Btreets, and before the inmates of the convent could receive an alarm had forced an eutrance, and taken possession of the belfry. Masaniello saw a red flag floating out of one of the tower windows. "Jiy men are there," said he. Three other bands, sent in different directions, had also made themselves masters of the bells of Santo Filippo di Iseri, of Santo Domenico, and of the cathedral. At the first signal the tocsin was to be sounded every where. The peasants, followed by their armed acolytes, now drew up in a line. If the lansquencts had favored the disorder the reiters, who had come at full speed from the palace of the Vicaria, did not seem at all inclined to folio w their example; they drew up in battle array before the insurgents, and the collector, follwed by his officers, again summoned the peasauts to pay. "In the name of the viceroy," said he, "I command you to pay the duesl" His words were booted. Masaniello approaehed. "Go, and teil your master," Baid he, "that the people refuse I Go, and teil him that they demand the charter of Charles the Fifth, and all their former rightsl Bay, also, that we are ready to die, and that if he does not comply with our demands fire and carnage will presently stalk through the streets of Naples!" The collector and his men drew back before the awful expression of Masan iello's countenance. They sought refuge in the ranks of the Germán cavalry, and the reiters spurred on their horses to the charge. "Our liberties!" roared the crowd, "or death to the viceroy I" In an instant every basket was overturned; oranges, meions and flgs strewed the ground. A thousand hands picked them up and showered them on the horsemen's heads. It was in vain that the reiters spurred their horses- the latter, frightened by the'yells of the people, reared and threw their riders, or turned round and disappeared, with the rapidity of lightning, in the adjoining street. A minute afterward there was not a singlo enemy to be seen near the market place. Here Masaniello gave the signa!, and the belfry of the convent of the Franciscans immediately filled the air with a lugubrious sound. The bells of Santo Filippo di lïeri tolled in their turn, then followed those of Santo Domenieo, and at last the great bell of the cathedral was heard above all the others. As the gate of the Marina was not far distant from the market place, Salvator Rosa was now seen to issue forth at the head of his división, and the brigands of Vesuvius, wearing helmets and armed with carbines, followed, and drew themselves up in line of battle along the market place. At this moment a formidable cry was raised by all these men - an immense clamor, which, for au instant, overéame the roar of the tocsin. Masaniello had just perceived the enemy; but, this time, it was a formidable enemy- Spanish infantry, Castilian arquebusiers, and the cavalleria del re, composed of old soldiers barded with iron, tried by twenty eombats, and mounted on fiery and impetuous chargers, which already seemed to sceat carnage and death. This menacing cavalry came down at full speed on the insurgents. But Masaniello had calculated e verything ; the measures he had taken were such that this second charge could not succeed better than the first. Round the market place were about a hundred stalls, built of wood. By the time the cavalry arrived every oue of these wero demolished, and their materials - beams, doors, benches, seats, etc. - rolled, at a signal from Masaniello, beneath the horses' feet, which feil, neighing with pain. At the same time a fire was opened along the whole line. While Masaniello and his men were engaged with the cavalry, Salvator Rosa, who had just stood a discharge from the Spanish infantry, rushed up to them with his men, before they could reloai their muskets, and obliged them to fall back in disorder on the castle. At another point, Corcelli and his brigands were engaged with the Castilian arquebusiers. Balls whizzed about on every side, the place was already strewn with corpses, and the ground dyed with blood. The increasing noise of the tocsin continued to summoii forti) from every part the ragged population of the faubourgs, armed with stakes, forks and boat hooks. All this panting, furious aud foamiug crowd joined Slasaniello after falling on the viceroy's troops from behind. At this moment the lansquenets, recognizing among Corcelli's band some of their former companions in arms, went over to them, and soon put the Castilian arquebusiers to rout. Then was heard the voice of Masaniello. "Stayl stayl" cried be, "kill no more Our enemies are put to flight, and we have vanquishedP "Long live Masaniello!" was heard on al sides. "And now," said Masaniello, mounted on a platform which had been erected hastily "let us thank heaven for our victory, for i is to heaven that we owe it!" And the crowd knelt down ín the bloot that it had just spilled. "Brothers," continued he, "t is now time for us to proclaim our rightsl" "Hnzza!" "No more taxes!" "We delégate you to procure the restoraion oL our rights." "I accept the office," replied the young man, "and I swear to prove myself worthy Of it. "Long live Masaniello!" "Long live the Head of the Peoplel" Masaniello signed to Salvator Rosa to mount the platform. "Write," said he, "what I díctate." The artist knelt down on one knee and irrote three decrees. The first re-cstablished he charter of Charles the Fifth; the second clared nuil the ordinances of the viceroy which imposed an exorbitant tax on wine and spirits; and the third abolished every eind of tax on fruit and flsh. Salvator read the decrees. which were received by the crowd with frantic applause. 'bis done, Masaniello raised his hand. "Brothers I" cried he, "we must resume our arms. Though vanquishers at one place, we are not so at alL We must go to the viceroy and treat with him as between oue power and another." And he descended from the platform. The multitude had already disappeared in he streets that led to the Vicaria. Bef ore lea ving the market place Masaniello ent for one of the most intrepid sailors he mew, ordered him to choose two hundred men, to man twenty boats, and while he himelf was preparing to attack the palace with iorcelli, to go and board the squadron of )on Juan Fernandez. CHAPTER X. THE VICARIA. A few hours before the events we have just related took place the Duke of Arcos, in jreat agitation, was pacing up and down an mmense room in his palace. The Duke of Arcos was aged; in his person he was tall and spare, and his features denoted a peevish temper and systematio obBtinacy. His eye was gray, piercing and imjlacable. He rarely laughed,'always walked reet, was imperious and haughty in bis ;estures, abrupt in speech, and of a grave and pensive demeanor; in a word, he was a Spanish grandee of the first order, stiff and ;ight laced, a solemn automaten, quiteasight o look at, with his somber colored costume covered with rrders, a strict observer of etiquette, ever parading and assuming theatrical attitudes. After walking about the room for nearly üalf an hour, he stopped before a table and rang a sil ver bell, which tinkisd most ïnelodiously. A short, corpulent personage, but with a íight step, a qiiick eye, an insinuating smile, and a sly look - in a word, the living antithesis of the viceroy - pushed aside the arras, and entered the room. "Conde de Badajoz y Suerra y Nevada y Fualdes," said the duke in a severe tone of voice, "are you not charged with the superintendence of my pólice?" "Yes, mi señor," replied the little man, with a bow so low and graceful that a dancing master would have been Jealous of him. "Then your spies are uufit for their o2Jo% I am not satisfied with their reports. Ther is nothing precise, nothing ezact in them. Why have there been no arrests? Whois this man that harangued the sailors on ths pier yesterday evening!" "The same who presented your highness with a petition beneath the doorway of Santo Domenico." "His nameF "I am not acquainted with it." "That is most blamable in you, Conde." "But it was impossible for me to learn it, mi señor." "I will accept no excuse. But how is it that this mob orator has not been arrestedi" "The sbirri tried to do so; but he disappeared in the crowd of lazaroni, and could be found uowhere. These scoundrels are all alike." "Then why not arrest them all?" "Your highness forgets; the prisons are full." "Afinereason!" "But, mi señor" "Enough! Conde de Badajoz y Suerra y Nevada y Fualiles, I am displeased with you." At this moment the arras was pushed gently aside, and the head of a sbirro, with his countenance discomposed and full of terror, appeared, and looked uneasily toward the Conde de Badajoz y Suerra y Nevada y Fualdes. The viceroy turned round, and perceived the pantomine that was going on. "Who's this, Conde" "One of my men, your highness." "Approach, knavel" said Isabella's father. The sbirro advanced with a trembling step. "Speak; what has happened?' "Mi señor, the entire people have broken out in open revolt in the market place." "You lie! such a thing is impossible," said the viceroy. "The farmer of the customs is below," said the sbirro. "The peasants refuse to pay the dues, and the lazaroni have threatened to kill the eustom house ofBcers." At this instant another sbirro entered, in a state of the greatest cousternation. "What news do you bring?" exclaimed the viceroy. "The people have openly revolted, mi señor," said the sbirro, in a trembling voice. "Two of my comrades have beea massacred at the gato of the Marina, and thrown into the sea." "By St. Jamesl it is a revolution, then?' exclaimed the Duke of Arcos, entirely forgetful of his studied sang froid. "A terrible revolution, mi señor" "Leave me, scoundrel. No, remainl what in the name of heaven is to be done? Oh, Conde! Conde! we owe all this to your want of tact!" "Mi señor"- "Silence! Let a hundred horses leave the palaee instantly and fly to the thickest part of the riotl Order my guard, both horas and foot, to prepare for battle! Go, Conde, and repair your faults by your promptitude in seeing my orders executed. Gol" Badajoz aud the sbirri withdrew. The Duke of Arcos began pacing the room again, but his demeanor had lost much of its calm and noble dignity. "A revolution ! Bah I it is absurd!" said be. "These scouudrels have lied. Besides, I have forces enough to make all these Neapolitan rascáis suo for merey. But, by our Lady, they must be madl Oh! his Catholíc Majesty would certainly laugh, if he could 6ee all this. So, so, sweet people, you havo longed for blood, and blood you shall have!'" At this moment the Conde returned. "Weil?" asked the Viceroy. "Your orders have been executed, mi señor." "Havo the cavalry left?" "Yes, your highness." "Are my other troops ready?' "They await but the signal to go and chastise the rebels." "Good! So, so, inhabitants of Naples," added the Spanish grandee, "it was our intention to get the upper hand, eh? and it Is at the end of a poniard that you present your petitions. By St. Jamesl we will bring you to reason, aud I swear that beforo an hour" He suddenly stopped, listened for an instant, and then exclainied: "The tocsin! It is not the tocsin, Conde!" "It is, mi senor," murmered Badajoz, in a voice of terror. "And who has ordered it ao be sounded?"' "ïiabody." "Gunrds, there!" cried he.violently throwing the arras aside. The officers of the Spanish regiment immediately rushed in trom the ante-chamber, where they were waiting for orders. "You hear, gentlemen," continued the vieeroy. "These wretches have dared to sound the tocsin. They will cast alarm everywhere, throughout Naples and all the surrounding country. Hasten to your duty, and let not one of these rebels escape I No mercyl no quarterl" He feil into an arm chair, murmuring: "Holy Madonnal they must be masters of the entire city. Listen- the bells of several churches are tolling. I hear the great bell oí St. Januarius- there, gol- what are you doing here!- go, I say, and let me know what is passing." Badajoz rushed from the chamber, but wís immediatoly called back by his master. "Rnn first," cried he, "and bring me my daughter, Isabella." After the departure of the minister of pólice, the duke went and carefully examined i secret door made in the wall. He then cálled three major-domi and ordered them to secrete, in some subterrauean places known but to them and himself, his cash box, his diamonds, his gold and silver plate, and every precious object the palace contained. Isabella, half dead with terror at what she bad seen and heard, had just returned from the cabin on the Mergelliua, when the Conde de Badajoz carne to lead her to her father. She could hardly walk, and when the vieeroy saw her pale, affrighted countenance, he hastily advanced to meet her, and, taking tier in his arms, said: "My dear child, I can account for your terror. Oh 1 wero the crime of this odious people productivo of nothing else but the paleness of your cbeek, I would have no pity for them, and grant them neither pardon nor mercy !" "Father! father P'murmured the poor girl, clasping her trembling hands together. "But it is, above all, their leader, a fisherman of the Mergellina - the same who had the boldness to address me under the doorway of a cburch - who, they say, excites all these brigands. Listen, Isabella! Do you hear the musketry? tt'by, they have dared to reply to the fire of my soldiers! Ohl they must bring me this leader, and by the blood of' "Pity, father I pity for him!" What do I hear? Have they had pity on me? Have they had pity on my daughter, who is dying iïom terror? Have they had pity on my troops, whom they are at present massacring? liet me but get this fisherman within my grasp, and he shall learn that I have not tortures enough for him." "Pityl" "He shall bequarteredalive! Or, I'llrather have every limb of his body torn slowly to pieces by the rack, as the former would be too quick a death for hira." Isabella had Uut the force to weep, yet the duke saw nol her tears, for he was blinded by fury. He hurried iuto the ante-chamber togivesome dreadful order or other, and, when ho returned, he f ound his daughter had fainted. Then followed a scène in whieh grief took the place of anger. The duke threw himself at his daughter's feet, took her hands in his, and vainly endeavored to revive her. A number of wild looking men, with their hair in disorder and their faces black with powder, rushed at this moment into the chamber. They carne to announce that the revolt was victorious. The troops, obliged to yield before the people, had fallen back in confusión on the Vicaria. "May woe bef all the wretches!" esclaimed the duke. "Mychildl Cali her women." The duke still remained kneeling before bis daughter, although he knew that the enemy were preparing to attack the palace. At last Isabella opened her eyes. "Oh, what a frightful dreatn!" murmured she. "Heaven bepraised! she revives. Isabella, my child, take courage; we must leavel" "Leave!" said she, looking at her father. "Tes, the danger becomes more imminent every instant. I have ordered a bark to be prepared. The Conde de Badajoz and my chamberlains are ready to conduct you to the squadron of Don Juan Fernandez." The young girl mustered all her strength and exclaimed: "Never, father, neverl" "But the rebels are approaching the palace. In an instant, perhaps, they will be here." "It is my duty to share your danger," said she, and with a gesture she commanded all present to withdraw. "Isabella," my beloved child," exclaimed the duke, "offer no further resistance, I imploro of you. Time presses, and the combat will shortly reccmmence, more bloody and implacable than ever." "Have the people vanquished, then?" asked. ihe, with great emotion. "Yes, but we still hold the Castel-Nuovo, In which I shall blockado myself and bombard Naples. Bo let them tremble I" "Bombard Naples? It would be a crime." '■What do you say?" exclaimed the Duke of Arcos, whose brows eontracted. "Does my daughter side with the rebels against her father?" "Alas !" replied Isabella, "the people suffer, father, and are reduced to the most dreadful misery. Would it not be better to grant some of their demands, and thus put an end to this impious strugglei" "What! make concessions?" exclaimed the duke. "Humble myselfl humble the king, my master, before these rebels, who petition with anus in their hands!" "They have been coinpelled to take up these ai'ms." "Enough!" said the viceroy in a severo tone. "The ridiculous notions and the nervous sensibility of a woman are not fitted to make her view these things in a proper light I insist on jour leaving.""No, father, replied Isabella, ürmiy, ''I ,nll notieave." "Are jou madi" "Nol" "Do you know that I can compel yon to leaveï" '■Then it will be tbo flrst time you have had to use violence toward me." The duke still nanaged to master his anger. "Isabella, my dear child," sald he, "I tremble when I think that each minuto may bring your ruin. Go and stay with Fernandez. Ho is your afflanced, and, next to your father's, it is his duty to watch over and protect you." "lly aiSancedl Yes, I know that it has pleased you to give him my hand ; but suppose I do not love him?" "Isabella!" cried the viceroy. "But suppose I do not love him," repeated the young girl, bearing unflinchingly her father's augry looks, "will you still force me to give him uiy hand? Will you still insist oncondemning me to eternal despair?'' "But why did you not teil me this before? TVhy wait till this fatal moment to inake such an announcementi" "You never consulted me. " "An obedient daughter ought to accept the choioe of her father. " "Yes, when that choico entails no misery." "Isabella," exclaimed the duke passionately, "you shall obey me." "ili señor' "You shall obey me, I teil youl The questiou at present is not about your marriage. I will listen at some other time to your objections, and shall duly consider thein ; in the meantime, you must look upon Dou Juan Fernandez as a friend of our faniily, to whom I send you, so that you may be out of the reach of danger." ';I beg of 3"ou, father, not to compel me to teil you a third time that my resolution is unchangeable." ' 'By our Lady 1" exclaimed the duke, seizing his daughter by the arm, "you shall leave, and instantly." "Kecollect, father, that I am a woman!" Baid Isabella. The duke, ashamed of his brutality, withdrew his hand. "But give me your reasons," said he; "in the name of heaven, givo me your reasons." She looked her father full in the face, and said: "I am Isabella d' Arcos. The honor of the viceroy of Naples is dear to me, and I remain with hira, so that history may never be able tosay: 'He possessed a heart of stone and a Boul void of pity, for he used the most refined torture to put to death those unhappy men whom distress and hunger had driven to rebellion.' " "Is that all?11 asked the viceroy, in a hollow voice. "Yes," answered Isabella. The viceroy rang. Badajoz and the chamberlains appeared. "How do things go on?" asked the duke. "Mi senor, the most vigorous resistance is being prepared, and circumstances give us reason to think that this time we shall master the riot" "Goodl Have you communicated my orders to the troops?" "Yes, mi senor." "Neither mercy nor pardon! And if the leader of the insurrection is taken, let not a hair of his head be touched - he belongs to the exeeutioner." "Father, fatherl this is infamous!" cried Isabella, advancing toward the vicercy. "You hear, gentlemen; the revolt is everywhere - in the bosom even of my own family. Isabella d' Arcos ref uses to go and wait for our victory over the rebels with the squadron of Don Juan Fernandez. Let the guards ad vanee and save her, in spite of herself." Twenty soldiere, called in by the chamberlains, entered the room. On a sign from the Duke of Arcos they began to close on the youns girl. Isabella, pale and tremb'.ing with rage, advaneed with a haughty look to meet them. Her Spanish blood boiled in her veins. She suddenly drew a sirall Toledo poniard from beneath her corsage and exclaimed: "Back, all of you 1 The flrst who approaches mofallsdead." All the guards drew back. At this moment a frightful detonation something that resembled a hundred claps of thunder all combined- rent the air on the side of the bay. Every one hurried to the window, and in the place of the ship to which mi senor the Duke of Arcos had wished to send his daughter nothing was seen but a shapeless wreek and an immense cloud of smoke, which the wind was hurrying toward the clouds. At the samo moment the arras were pushed violently aside, and Don Juan Fernandez appeared on the threshold of the door. CHAPTER XL THE BOABDIKD, The-sailor whom ïlasaniello had orderedto ittack the squadron was named Gennaro. He was a man of about thirty, inured to fatigue, robust and muscular, fond of danger, provoking and quarrelsome, and always ready to break the head of every one, or to let his oto be broken. Gtennaro chose his men and hastened to the seashore, when he saw, with the greatest satisfaction, the richly laden galleon riding at anchor, alone, tho rest of the squadron having gono to the other end of the bay, where they were tacking about in the cool breeze. A vessel loaded with hay was lying in the harbor. "This," said Gennaro, "will supply the placo of twenty other boats. In with you all; and, corpo santo! let not thesmallest bit of any of you be seen." "Bravissimo 1" cried the lazaroni, hastenlng into the vessel, and hiding themselves noder the hay. Themass of ships anchored around preVented the officers of the galleon from perceiving what was going on. Gennaro kept tf o men to work tho vessel, stationed himli at tho helm, passed out of the harbor, tod sailed toward the enemy. The galleon watched tho approach of the moving hay stack without the least mistrus Don Juan was himself on board the galleon wmch oontained nis fortuno. Don Juan Fernandez was still youne, but Í13 features bore evident marks of the abuso bad mado of pleasure. ïall and well made, elegant in his dress, and of irreproachable demeanor, he passed f or ono of the most ñnished cavaliers of the court of Spain, and many a noble señora would have been proud to bestow her hand upon uim. As he was desirous of learning the cause of the flring ho had heard throughout the day - for as the squadron was perfonning the quarantine, he had not been able to send ttiy inforraation, and none had thought of takii:g him any - he joyfully hailed the vessel commanded by Gennaro. "Heave to," cried Don Juan. "I have not time," answered Gennaro. "Where are you going?" "To Capri." "Put about, then, so that I may speak to you; it is in your way." "I can't." "By St. Jamesl but you shall, or I will send a broadside into you. " "Send away! - but have you anj-thingto drink on board?" "Yes; some malaga and sherry, at your choice." "Per Bacco! I'll come then. Don't move, you rascáis!" added he in a low voice to some of his men who had poked their heads out of the hay from curiosity. "Wc're stifled here," replied they. "Sacramentol I'll knock out the brain3 of the first who moves with my boat Look." A minute atterward Gennaro's vessel was alongside the galleon, under its port holes, and had thus nothing to fear from the guns it carried. "What bas happened at Naples?" asked Fernandez. "Ahí signore, very awful things indeed." "Explain your words." "Diavolo! I am very dry; your malaga would bc most acceptable," said Gennaro, in a wheedling tono of voice. "Get on board, then," replied Fernandez, throwing him a ropp. All the offieers were dining in the cabin, and nearly the whole of the sailors were enjoying a siesta! and were fast asleop on the hatchway. "Well," said Gennaro, as soon as he was on board, to the tsro men who were not beneath the hay, "are you ordered not to drink malaga?" The cord was again thrown out, and both the persons addressed climbed up the side of the galleon. "So, then," continued Fernandez, "there has been fighting in the streets of Naples?" "And fine fighting, too," answered Gennaro, "like that we are going to have here." "What do you mean?" "That's what I mean?" said the sailor, and he knocked Fernandez down with a terrific blow, and held a poniard to his throat. The two men followed their captain's example, and grappled each an officer. "Help! help! cried Gennaro, In a voiee of thunder. In an instant, all the men hidden beneath the hay wero on board the galleon. "Brigands!" cried Fernandez. "Silence," said Gennaro, "and repeat to your crew the orders I am about to give you, or you die." At this instant both officers and sailors, attracted by the noise, rushed on deck. "Order them to go down again," continued Gennaro, pressing his poniard closer against the breast of Fernandez. Ho had scarcely uttered the words, when a musket shot stretched him on the deck,which he inundated with his blood. Fernandez bounded up like a tiger, flew down the hatchway, drew after him the boatswain's mate, who had just delivered him, and disappeared. His crew consisted of twenty men, all brave, determined and robust. His resolution was soon taken. He assetnbled his men around him, made an attack on the lazaroni, who were plundering the ship betweeu decks, and threw them all into the sea out of the port holes. "Now," said he, "let us go on deck and throw the rest of these scoundrels overboard!" This order was executed with wondert ui rapidity and success. The sailors of Fernandez committed fearful havoc among the lazaroni who occupied the forecastle. But the latter gained fresh courage at the voice of II Bambino, an athletic porter of the harbor, who had been thus christened in opposition to his size, and who had succeeded Gennaro in the command. Then the boat hooks of the one side, and the muskets and handspikes of the other, recommenced their bloody work. It was a deadly hand to hand struggle. But the soldiers of Fernandez, overeóme by nurnbers, were at last obliged to retreat to the foro deck. Fernandez saw that his galleon was lost. "Perez," said he to tho captain, "hold out to the best of your power, and prolong the combat as much as possible, even at the loss of your best saüors." He then ran to the powder magazine, overturned a barrel of powder, applied to it a match which would burn some time, and having lighted the further end of it, he closed the door of the magazine and returned on deck. "I see," said he, to the lazaroni, "that to attempt further defense is useless. We are but ten against sixty. Yet we would all Booner die than be taken prisoners." "We would!" cried all the Spaniards. "I propose a capitulation." "What is it?" cried II Bambino. "We will abandon to you the galleon, provided you let us leave." "Addio, addio, earissimo!" exclaimed the Neapolitans, with a shout of laughter. "A moment," added II Bambino, "a moment, sweet gentlemen. You have killed fifteen of my men, without counting those who have been drowned. We shall be obliged to have masses said for the reposo of their souls, and we want the three hundred thousand ducats hidden in this ship to payfor these masses. Where is the money?" "Look for it." "Per Bacco I your answer does not snit; I want to count the money before you go." "Let us leave, or we will resume the üght." "Get out tho long boat," cried II Bambino. "All our boats are on board the other ships," remarked Fernandez. "Then take our vessel, and a happy journey to you, mio gentile capitano!" Fernandez replied nothing, but descended into the vessel with tho rest of his men, and bore away from the galleon. "My compliments to the viceroy," cried II Bambino. The Spaniards immediately directed their course toward Naples. "Fire and thunder!" exclaimed tho Neapolitan commander to his men, "we are real héroes I" The lazaroni threw their caps Into the air, and, brandisuing their boat hooks above their heads, uttered cries of joy. "To the hold, my boysl and bring up a few casks of sherry, so that we may drink to the health of Masaniello. We will look for tho ducats afterward." This was no sooner said than done, and all the lazaroni were soon engaged in drinking, when suddenly a man appeared, and, with a pala and haggard countenance, exclaimed: "The powder magazine is on flre! We ara lost!" These words froze the blood of all present, and they lookcd at each other, terror struck nd bewildered. "What the devü are you mutteriug therei" eried II Bambino. "The trutVi," replied tbe lazaron; "i looKed through a crack iu the door of the magazine, and saw a lihted match burning near a barrel of powder." "Damnation!" cried tho lazaroni, rushing to tho side of the sbip. But the greater part drew back before the ocean's yawniug abyss. Those who knew how to swim, but their number was small. jumped into the.sea. The others ran about the deck liko madmen, looking for a ineans of escape, stretching forth their hands to the shore, blaspheming, weeping and invoking Our Lady and St. Januari us. Il Bambino, who was now quite drunk, continued to Jaugk and fill his glass. Suddenly a_ frightful explosión took place beneath the Leet of these men. An immense mass of flre shot from the sea into the air, and each of its blazing streams carried with it planks, carronades, lazaroni, casks, barrels of wine and boxes of gold. The sea opened, closed again au instant afterward, and was immediately covered with the remains of the galleon. A thick cloud formed itself in the air, and was wafted along for some time without dissolving. Fernandez had already reached the harbor, and was entering the chamber of the viceroy at the moment tho explosión happened. Don Juan erplained tho catastrophe to the duke, who, abandoning tho thouvht that the squadron could offer a safe retreat to his daughter, said to her: "You were asking me just now, my dear child, to tako compassion on these miserable rebels. I now yield to your entreaties. Don Juan will accompany you to tuo CastelNuovo, and I will remaiu here for the moment. If we repel the robels heaven be praised, but if they force an entrance into the palace I will see them, speak to them, and iisten to their complaints." "Ig would bo better to send some one to parley with them at once," said Isabella, in a trembling voice. "Isabella," answered the duke, "will you allow me to thiuk for myself i You are unraisonable, my dear girl, and you seem to take the viceroy of Naples for your slave." "Yet, it is to be feared, mi senor," said Fernaudez, "that this horde of rumans will do some violence to your person." 'Fear nothing," said the duke, in a low voice, to Don Juan; "you are not aware how ignorant and stupid these people are. I have already deceived them three times, and I will do so again." Fernandez saw that there was no reply to this. He offered his arm to Isabella, who dared not resist any longer, and prepared to leave for the Castel-Nuovo. Two companies of guards escorted them. But the moment they left the palace by a secret door they feil into the hands of an immense crowd of people, who instantly recognized tho viceroy's daughter, and cried aloud for vengeance. CHAPTER XIL VICTORY. Masaniello had surrounded the palace of the Vicaria with his fishermen and lazaroni. Yet the Vicaria presented a formidable appearance. Several companies of reiters and lansquenets defended tho entrance, and the Spanish guards of the Duke of Arcos were statioued on the bastions. Masaniello placed his men as sharp shooters, reserving, however, a picked body with which to force au ent;-anee into the palace when the time for doing so had arrived. The fire had scarcely opened, when both reiters and lansquenets, won over by those of their countrymen who had already joined the people's cause, abondoned their posts, and ran up to the insurgen ts, crying out: "Long live the Neapolitans! Down with the Duke of Arcos !" They mixed with the lazaroni, and immediately rushed back with them towards the palace. The gates were instautly broken in. All those Spaniards who offered any opposition were massacred without exception; the grand staircase of the Vicaria was quickly dyed with blood and strewn with the wounded and the dead. Masaniello was at the head of the combatants. He advauced from room to room and from passage to passage until he f ound himself in the council chamber, face to face with the Duke of Arcos. "Duke of Arcos," said Masaniello, after looking at tho viceroy for a moment, "the people of Naples, whom you have so long oppressed and crushed with taxes, and whose prayers and threats you but yesterday disdained to listen to, are today come themselves to protest against the tyranny of their master. Look !" And he pointed to the tumultuous assemblage roaring without, to their hatchets, their muskets, their pikes and their poniards, whicu were raised from time to time above their heads in a threatening manner. The viceroy looked for au instant at the crowd of men, who uttered repeated cries of vengeance, and then turned his gray eyes on Masaniello. "And who are you?" asked he of the young man; "you who are seen wherever tho revolt breaks out, and wherever traitors massacra the servants of the king i" "Who am I? A dog," answered Masaniello, with bitter irony, "whom the farmera of the customs have pilfered for the last ten years, but who has now determined, Duke of Arcos, to taste untaxed the fruit he culti vates and the fish he risks his life to catch, or to die with a musket in hls hand." "But your name?" "Masaniello." "And you are the scoundrel who has dared attack the soldiers of bis Catholic majesty Philip the Fourthr1 "Hold! Duke of Arcos, Masaniello means the victory of tbe people. Masaniello is the people's will, and this will could crush you like a reed." "Death to the viceroy I Death tothotyrantl" cried the insurgents. Some of them rushed into the chamber, and the Duke of Arcos saw himself covered by their muskets. The oíd Spaniard did not, howover, abate his pride one jot. He seized Masaniello by tbe arm, and led bim to the window. "Young man," said he, "you aro brave and generous; save, therefore, this multitud, whose misery has moved you, and who cannot shower sumeient praise on you now. Yet take carel popularity is but a changing breath, wbica would raiso you to power today, and to-morrow dash you to the ground; show yourself to be a loyal subject of the king of Spain, my master, teil ma what you desire, aud neither honors nor fortune shal: be refused you." "I require the people of Naples to be made free and happy," replied Masaniello. "I roquire that they shall no louger be forced to work liko beasts of burden in order to enrich insatiablo foreigners; I require that our homes shall bo no longer pillaged, and that women aud children shall no longer be cast, numbed with cold and dying of hunger, iuto the stroets. Thero, Duke of Arcos, that is what we all desire." "Let him grant our demands or diel" cried the insurgeuts. The viceroy seemed to yield. "But what are your demands!" asked h, with a slijht ironical accent. "i ne Qismissai ai all ioreigners trom tha public posts of Naples, and the abolition of the taxes," cried a hundred voices. "Have you any paper that I must sign, or what else must I dof" AU eyes were turaed toward Masaniello. "Not an howr ago," said the latter, "I published, on the market place, in the midst of the victims whom your satellites had ïmmolated, three decrees, sanctioneJ by the aeclamations of the people. Let these edicts receive the approbation of the king of Spain and beforo sunset Naples sball be, if not tranquil, at ieast disarmed." While he thus spoke, ïlaBBiielV drew a paper from bis pocket, arA rrí it aloud. "I thoroughly approve of all this, Masaniello," said the vieeroy, tapping the flsherman on the back ; "you must remato with me, to be my counselor and my guide, and you shail see jourself to the exeeution of these decrees. You will also free me from the fatal influentes which have misled me up to the prosent moment." "Sign, then," said M&sanieQo. "What! is uot the word of a nobleman, of a Spanisli grandee, of the representativo of the f amily of the Arcos, a sufficient guarantee for you?" "No!" "No! no!" repeated nll the others, "not af ter you have already lied to au entire people." The firo of hatred showed in the viceroy's eye. He contained hirnself,however,tremblinglv seized tho paper, and leaned back against the wall, in order, apparently, the better to peruse it. A moment of solemn sííence followed. All that was heard .vas the confused murmur of the crowd, and the noise made by the muskets and partisans ou the stono flooring of the palace. Suddonly a panel of tho wall yielded behind the Dul;e of Arcos. He glanced at the crowd of men before him, gave a loud, sardomc yell, and disappeared. Masaniello tried in vain to follow. A hundred arms struck, iu turn, at the secret door through which the viceroy passed. But tbe panel yielded not. The inaurg nts could but just perceive tho joint, after they had torn down the Astrakhan leather with which the wall was covered. Cries of "Treachery! To arms!" now responded on all Bj MmmnieUo leaped on the carved oak table which stood in the middle of the room. In one hand he. held hls poniard, and in the otherthe paper containing his decrees. "The Duke of Arcos has fled!" said he. "So mueh the better, for he only knew how to pillage. assassinate and betray. The people aro intelligent euough to govern for themselves, and strong enough to defend the independente they have couquered. I declaro that Philip the Pourth, kine of Spain, has forfeited the throne of Naples, both he and his deseendants! Long live our Lady and our liberty!'' ."Long live our leader! long live Masaniello!" added the insurgents. Masaniello was carried in triumph to the terrace in front of the chamber in which the Bcene we have just related took place. The streets were fllled with noisy and motley crowds of women, peasants, fishennen and lazaroni, who were rejoicing over their victory, and singing their national songs. The combat had ceased, and not a soldier was to be seen anywhere. They had all taken refuge in the Castel-Nuovo, on the towers of which they were already pointing their oannons agaiust a people intoxieated with joy. An immense shout ran throughout the city when the Neanolitan flag was seen floating on the terrace of the Vicaria. But a greater one still was raised whcn he who had planted it thero was recognized. It was Masaniello. He motioned the people to be silent. "No more Spamards!" cried ho "Long live Masaniello, the head of the people!" replied the multitude. "No more taxes!" "Long live Masaniello!" "Nomoretyrants! Henceforth the motto of Naples shall be 'Christ and Liberty!' " "Christ and Liberty!" repeated the enthusiastic people, in voiees of thunder. The fisherman returned to the council chamber, called around him the leaders of the revolt, ordered them to keep the people under arms, to place sentinels at the corners of the streets, and to cut off the aqueducts leading to the Castel-Nuovo. Then he drew up a proclamation, in which the life and property of every one was proclaimed saered, and in which those who committed tho slightest act of pillage were threatened with instant death. At this moment Dom Francesco entered. "We are victorious, fatlier," said Mosaaiello. "The treacherous Duke of Arcos has fled." "Let him go," replied the monk, "and teil his master that the people of Naples will no longer bear a foreign yoke, and that they have regained all their rights and liberty." "Yes," added Masaniello; "let him go, though he takes with him my last hope - my only lo vel" "You weep, myson!" exclaimed the monk, who was stiU ignorant of tho dreadful secret which Salvator Rosa had divulged'. "Francesco," said Masaniello, "one day bas sufficed to destroy all my happiness." "What do you mean?" "This young girl I loved" "Wellí" "For whom I would sacriflce all, my life, my liberty- is Isabella, the daughter of the Duke of Arcos!" "Unfortunate man I" exclaimed the monk. Abundant tears ran down the flsherman's lunburned cheeks. "All is lost!" murmured the monk. "No! nol" exclaimed Masaniello. "Liberty Is too precious a thing to be thus abandoned ; it must be conquered by tears and suffering. Were it even to kill me, I would tear fron my heart the love I have conceived- that monstrous passion which was to unite the man of the peoplo and the daughter of the tyrant." "Will you have the strength to do thi, my son?" "Yes, father; the field of liberty must often be watered with our tears as well as with our blood." "May heaven bless your efforts, Masaniello ! Man is weak. Remember that the look of a woman may break the sword erasped by the firmest hand. Isabella must leave without your seeinp; her again." "Oh! there is nothing moro in eommon with me and the despot's daughter," replied tbe fisherman. Then he added, in a voice choked with tmotion: "Bnt where could I see her? Who knows what has becomo of her? Perhaps But nol I must have but one thought uow, since nch is the will of heaven. Tho enemy of tho Duke of Arcos must be the enemy of his daughter. Adieu! father, adieu I" CHAPTER XIIL TEE ABBE1 OF SANTA CHIARA. Dom Francesco had scarcely quitted tho palace when l'ietro appeared. "What new of the Duke of Arcos?" asked Masaniello. "His standard is üsating on the donjon of the Castel-Nuovo. But it is not there thatour most formidabli enemy is to be found. Corcelli has asseinbtod his men at the gate of the Marina, ond dernandi an hour's.pülage." "Ah! U Hgnoro Corcelli wants to pillage Naples," murmured Masaniello. "He wants to recover on terra firma the dueats swallowed up by the ocean; but he has no longer to do with his old acquaintances, the sbirri of the viceroy, rascáis wbo were ever ready to effect a compromise. He shall leave Naples and her territory to-morrow or I will have him tracked like a wild beast. But are oar conirades still in the palace, Pietro?" "Yes." "Armedr "To the teeth." "Good. I will see Corcelli. As for you, return to the abbey of Santa Chiara, and teil my sister Jeanne that I am in perfect safety. You must not be seen with me, for I want you to keep a watch on these brigands one night more, and they would mistrust you, if they knew we had been together." "Is there no one else in Naples, Masaniello, who is dear to you?" asked Pietro. "Of whom would you speaki" "Of the young girl who repaired the hann done us by the Duke of Areosf' ■ Masaniello turned pale, and said in a trembïing voice: "Has anything happened to her?" "The peoplo surrounded her carriage and dispersed her escort," replied Pietro, "at the moment she was leaving the palaee, Corcelli and I saved her, and, the Madonna be i, Isabella is now out of danger, for I havo taken her tu" "Ènough! enoughl Pietro!" interrupted thu fisherman; "1 neither wish to sae this woman again nor to know tho place of her retreat; return, therefore, to the alibey and let Isabella be restored to her family; I will join you an hour henee." Masaniello took up his musket, assembled his men, placed himself at their head and left the Vicaria. He was triumphuntly reccivril by t!i" erowd assembled without; every voice blessed him and every hand sought his. He passed slowly through tho enthusiastie multitude, repeating at every step: "Brothersl let us be calm and moderate in our vietory, and show ourselves worthy of the liberty we have just gained. Let us even respect the property and persons of those who have so long devoured the fruits of our labor. Do not let us give our enemies the right to accuse us. Let all pillagers be seized and executed instantly. The power which the people have founded must be respeeted." "Death toall pillagers!" immcdiately regounded on all si "Paolo," continued Masaniello, turning to a lazaroni, "take flve hundred of your most determiued comrades, and go and occupy the sea shore between the harbor and the Marina; do not let a single one of Corcelli's brigands pass. I will maren on them from the oppoeite Eide. These inen have some sinister project in view. " While Paolo was executing these orders, Masaniello led an army of lishermen ncross the market place, pussed witu them through the gate of the Marina, and advauced toward Corcelli's undisciplined horde of banditti. "Follow me," said he to the captain, and he led him into a neigh boring tavern. "Corcelli," added he to the condottiere, "you served us usefully this morning." "Yes," replied Corcelli, "I do not think that, without me, you would have put the Spaniards to flight with your oranges, pomegranates and watenrejons." "We must now think of restoring order among the people, whose worst passions are let loose." "Halloo ! why y ou' ve soon learned the language of his ezoelleney, Monsignore the Duke of Arcos. Per Bacco ! With your torn hose, red sash and dirty jacket, youlmake a charniing little viceroy !" "Laugh as much as you like, Corcelli, but rest assured that you will not leave Naples alive, unless you obey the orders of the Ut tle Ticeroy who so much delights you." "Diavolol if you want to be obeyed, you ougbt at least to pay, my fine f ello w; but now that the galleon of Fernandez has blown up, where are all the dueats you promised us? To what blockhead did you intrust this expeditiou? Oh! if Ihad been therel But you mistrusted me, Masaniello." "Your men will be paúl." "But how, mio caro'": "That concerns me." "And what concerns me, carissimo, is to take care that the doublets of my men are not riddled with balls, unless I see some means of being able to replace them." "What do you proposo doing, then?" "You are ignorant of the laws of war, my dear Masaniello, for you have never waged it but against the doradoes and turbots of the bay. When a king, or a duke, or the emallest baron possible, has cmployed tho services of a free company, and when he is unablo to pay their captain, do you know what is the means the latter has recourse to in order to fill the bellies of his men?" "No." "Well, then, he pillages the people of the said king, duke or baron. And, by St. Januarius, I will treat you as a viceroy, Masaniello.' "And, by the holy Madonna, I will have you hanged in the market place." Corcelli burst into a loud laugh. "Sangue di Cristo!" exclaimed he, "the Neapolitiins have done a fine thing. They have now got a ragged fisherman for their master, instead of a Spanish grandue in an embroidered doublet." "And the will of the people shall be moro respected thau was that of the king in velvet doublet, and whose yoke we have just shaken off," said Masaniello. He here led the brigand to the window of the tavern. "Look!" continued he; "the shore iscovered with armed men. Your soldiers are nrrounüea by a circle of iron. Un a word or a sign froin me jou would all be masaered." "Saeramentot we. bare been betrayed." "Leave Naples instantly, and as soon os order is re-established I wül pay you 20,000 ducats on your quittiug the Ñeapolitau ttrritory." Corcelli seemed to understaud the dancer which menaced nim, for ne immediately prepared to obey Masaniello's orders. As soon as the bandits had disappeared Masaniello set out for the abbey, where ' Pietro was waitiug for bim. When ho arrived he fouud theabbess ready lo receive him, and he was immediately conducted to bis sister. "Oh! welcome, welcome, my dear brother," said Jeanne; "the Lord has chosen you to aecomplish great things, and I am proud to be called your sister." Masaniello smiled gently. "Yes, we have accomplished great things," said Masaniello, "but I feel myself almost unequal to the arduous duties I have to fulfill.:' "Courage, brother, courage I Providence never abandons those engaged in a good cause, " added Jeanne, "but the daughter of the viceroy is here," "Isabella here!" exelaimed Masaniello. "You must see and console her, for misfortune has fallen on her family and she is in the greatest despair." "See her! Oh, no, it is impossible!" "lmpossiblel Ohl do you foi-get that it was she who came to our assistance when we were weighed down by misfertune?" ''Oh! yes; I well remember her noble conduct." "And beeause her father is at present proscribed, beeause it is you who now rule at tho Vicaria, you refuse to hear her? Oh! Masaniello, bo not uugrateful." "Pity!" murmured the fisherman. "Well, then, no!" added he, with an effort, ':1 will not seo her; thero is too wide a stream of blood between us. Friendship ought not to unite those whom warfare has rnade enemies." Jeanne listened no longer to her brother, but i-aised a curtaiu, and Isabella appeared before Masaniello. "My father! my father 1" exelaimed she, 'what have you done wit a my father?" Masaniello drew back wit'j aiï.-ight, for Isabella was no longer the gay, smiliug being he was wont to see, but her features wero pale and haggarii, while her eyes wero red with weeping. "The Duke of Arcos is in tr,(ety, noble lady,'1 replied the young tribuno with an air of affected ooolness. "He has taken refuge in the Castel-Kuovo." "Heaven be praitedl" murmured Isabella, clasping hor hands and lookiug upward. "And now," added she, "what do you intend to do, Masaniello?" "Bvery tie is broken between Spain and Naples, between the executioner and his victim. Let not your father again attempt to shed the blood of the Neapolitan people. All his endeavors to regaiu the power he has lost ■would bo usoless. Let him return to Madrid and leavo us f ree." "Theu - you drive us away." "Tho dethronement of tho king of Spain has boen proclaimed. To-morrow, noble lady, a bark will conduet you to your father, and you can then acquaint him with the resolution of the people." "Ihe Duke of Arcos is oí noble birtb, and he certainly will not meet yoiir wishes so easily asyqiiseem to think." "Then let him prepare for war; woare ready." "It it you wbo speak thus, Masaniello, you whom I lovo, you for whoin I braved my fathers anger" "It is the people's wil]," interrupted Masaniello, "and 1 must obey it." "The people's will I But are you not master of Nap i "Your father has already deceived us twice." "Masaniello, no morel" exclaimed the young girl. "I love you" "Silencel" replied Masaniello; "the people are watching at the gates, and their anger is inexorable; ycu will lose us both." The young Spauiard approached Masaniello, and, leaning on his shoulder, said: "What are the eonditions I am to carry to the Castel-Nuovo?" "I have already told them to you " "What do I hear?' "Is it not eiough to grant the Duke of Arcos his Ufe? Had he conquered would he have spared us?" "Oh, you cannot love me!" said Isabella, with a look that made Masauiello's heart &ink within him. "I listen but to my honor and my duty. Oh, could I listen to my love! Pity! pityl" "Then there is no more hope?" "Alas!" "Be it so!" replied the proud Spanish girl, drawing herselt' up to her full height. "The daughter of the Duke of Arcos is sufficiently humiliated, without begging any longer. Henceforth let war and hatred reign betweeu us." "Adieu!" murmured Masaniello. "Unhappy being thatl am!" exclaimed the young girl, whose heart was ready to burst 8t the thought of this eternal separation. And she threw herself into the arms of Masaniello, who fult her lips touch his. "My head swims," gasped the unfortunate young man, "my resolution is givng way. Isabella, listen to me." "You are my lover, my afflanced. Oh, drive me not f rom Naples; do not send me to die, inconsolable and in exile, f ar f rom you !"' - and the tears of the loely Spaniard feil upon the face of Masaniello. "Oh, yes, to be separated from you would indeed be misery, my well beloved!' exclaimed the fisherman. "Yes, the Duke of Arcos shall once more see how great is tho forbearauce 01 the victorious. Pietro shall give you to-morrow the edicts I have published ; your father can sign thera, re-establish tho charter of Charles the Fifth, and return to his pa :ice." Isabella still remained in the fisherman's arms, bestowing on him tho most tender mai'ks of gratitude. CHAPTER XIV ABDUCTIOS. Corcelli's men took up their quarters at nn tnn in the faubourg of Lorette. As soon as they had entered Corcelli called for the landlord. "What"s your name?' said he. "I am called II Cappucino, monsignore," replied the taveru keeper, casting an uneasy glanee around him. 'Well, then, reverendissimo Cappucino, ;' Baid Corcelli, "serve us up atubof olla podrida, lots of smoked hams and a cask of wine of Vesuvius. Do you heari'1 "Yes, monsignore, I hear; your lordship wants a tub of olla podrida, lots of smoked hams and a ca=k of lacryma Cristi." "Just so." "But these things will cost rather dear." "What does that matteri Masaniello, the head of the people, will pay." "Heyl" said the tavern keeper, shaking his head. Corcelli looked at his musket, loveled it at the tavern keeper, and added : "Masaniello, I repeat, wfll pay." The taveru keeper immediatuly withdrew, bowing to the ground. "We shall leavo for the Apennines tonight, you scoundrels," said Corcelli, addressing his band. iè You can all drink as much os you like, but those who get druuk UI bo left behind, and to-morrow they will bo hanged." Having said this, Corcelli sat down and began to üll his pipe, for ho ivas a great smoker, in spito of the laws of tho huly Cutholic1, Apostolic and Homan Church. The olla üodi-ida. the hams and tho wine Boon arriTed, and the hungry band feil upon them like so mauy wild beasts. As soon as Corcelli had supped he beckoned to his two lieutenants and led them into the adjoining room. "We have, as you know," said he, "been balked of the pillage we expected." "Yes, dnpedf" interrupted a littlo old man of paternal appearance, and whose angular face was worn and haggard. This personage had been nicknamed IJ Buon Padre, on account of the simplicity ot his gestures and his unetuous way of speaking. We need not add that II Buon Padre, was one of the most determinad, avaricious and inexorable raseals of Corcelli's band. "The Duke of Arcos," eontinued Corcelli "though he had a certain love for hangin? us, which, 1 believe, is traditional in, was yet a very generous viceroj', who intrusted us, from time to time, wlth a lucrativo expedition. Then the lords and ladies of the court sometimes honored us with their confldence If they wauted to calm a jealous üusband or to correct a faithless lover, it was our poniards they employed in both cases. But this cursed revolution, which we, like fools, helped to bring about, has deprived us of the best part of our revenue." "Then did you lead us against the Spaniards?" replied II Buon Padro. "Did you not know that cvery kind of industry suffers in time of riot! All confldence is destroyed, money disappears, there is nothing to be dono on tin.' roa 1. and, per Bacco, we condottieri die of hunger." "Il Buon Padro is right," added Marsupio, ■ Diiil lieutenant. "A nobleman like the Duke of Arcos, whose aneeetors havo iuhabited'a castle on the top of a mountaiu for the tart flve centuries, and who have never had any ocoupation but that of slaughtering the monks and plundering all travelers, can understniul a bunnen like ours. He bas some respect for us gentlemen of the mountains, and makea sblrri of us when we grow old and when the sharp air of the Apennines no longer snit our uealth. But these fishermen and peasanta have neither pity nor consiik:-ation for us." Aft"r ba ving allo wed his lieutenants to givo freo coune to their bad humor, Corcelli said: "Masaniello has promised to pay me twenty thousaml ducats; but the humbug will be liko enough to send down here flve or six bundred ftshermen armed with boat hooks, and to have ueharpooned liko eongers. What do you think, Ifarrapiof "I think that viceroys in hobnails are moro danerous than those in velvet doublets," replied thu lieutenant, potuing htE outaglassof wiue, which he salli one draught. "I have, therefore, determined," contimicd Corcelli, "to leave this veryuight, but bef ore doing so'' Here his voice became nearly inaudible. "In a word, I know where to find a treasure - two treasures - which I will cai-ry off at any time." '■Ahí" said thetvco lieutenants- and they drew nearer to Corcelli, and looked him anxiously iu the face. "But these treasures are locked up in an impenetrable house and protected by a strong guard." "Corpo Santo 1" cried II Buon Padre and Maronpio together. "In what house?" asked the latter. "In a convent." "And of how many soldiere does the guard consist?" "Of three hundred - nuns." The captain and his two lieutenants burst into a loud laugh. "Ah, Corcelli!" said they, rubbing their hands, "what a jolly fellow you are! A convent to be stormed and three hundred nuns to be reduced to slavery! We shall keep the recollection of this night for a long time." "Is the treasure heavy?" asked II Buon Padre. "Why , it is, and it isn't ; but let us get hold ' of it first, and we will count tho ducats af terward." "You're right." "But I may as well teil you all," added Corcelli. "You recollect that we took the daughter of the Duke of Arcos to the Abbey of Santa Chiara this morning!" "Yes." "I know that Jeanne, the sister of Masaniello, is also stay ing in the samo retreat ; I will carry off these women, and, whichever may be the party that triumphs, I shall bo sure to receive a good ransom." "What is the hour you have fiíed ou?' "Midnight." "Good," replied II Buon Padre. "We will go and direct our men to rub their arms up a little. For, suppose the nuns should resistí Hang it! ivo must be prepared for everything." Corcelli and his two Heutenauts remained some timo longer in conversation, and then returned to the room in whicu their men were drinking, to givo the signal to leave. The greatest confusión now prevailed among the banditti. The most intoxicated of them got up, uttering frightful oaths, as they tried to keep their equilibrium. Others sought af ter their arnis, and when tho ranks were at last formed it was discovered that Conrad, Salvator Hosa's model, was still lying on the íloor, completely overeóme with liquor. 'üetup, you rascal," said Corcelli, striking tho ground with his f oot. "I wand do ged indo do paggago vagous," gt-owled tho druukard. "Good night, and rood luck to you to-morrow morniug !" said the captain. He placed himself at the head of his men, and soon arrived in tho neiguborhood of tho Abbey of Santa Chiara. The banditti hid thernselves in the masses of the surrounding houses, while theír cap taiu went to reconnoiter the convent. Aïter examining the place for some time, he found a low chapcl, with a slanting roof. Ho easily climbed up on the edge that raD round the top of the chapel, and looked in at the window in tho roof. The abbess and several nuns were engagod in prayer arouud the altar. Corcelü gave his men the signal to ad vanee, and a minute afterward the window was brokeu in, aud the gloss of it feil with a loud crash on the stone Üooring of tho choir. In spite of the rule whlch comniaudod the nuns to keep their eyea constantly iixed on the grouud, thoy could not hinder themselv es from turniug their affrighted looks toward the place tho noiso como frora. A man appeared on the edge of the window and juuiped nimbly into the middle of tho choir; tweuty others followed, and took up their station on each side of the altar. The nuus did not move. Their duty, as doubtless their fear, riveted them to theii plac-N. They appeared as if under tho influence oí a frightf ui diviun. Corceüi advanced toward tho abbess, and made lier a mock obeisauce. Il Buon Padro and Marsupio placed sentinels ut every outlut, so that uo ouo might escape. "Venerable mother," said Corcelli tothc ablieK, "permit a repentant simior to kiss your hand.:' And ho took her hand.'kissed a magniflCènt emerald whieh n-as 011 ouo of her üngers, drew it off, and let it fall into tbs immenso pocket of his tu:ii' "Help, sister.-, help]' cried the abbess. ' Trepare your arrns," roared Coreelll, Ín a wAco of thunder, "and shoot tho flrst of these iromen who stirs or otters the least ery." The nuns covered thcir faces with their reils; nml then began a frightful scène of Bacrilege and spoliation. The brigands had not half nceomplished their work oL pillage and destruction, when Corcelli, taking asido ten of his most determined scoimdrels, approached the abbess. "Have uot two women taken refuge in your convent today?" inquired he. "Two women!" stammered the abbess, whose head was now confused by fear. "Yes - certainly- but of whom are you talkiug?' "Of Isabella, tho daughter of the Duke of Arcos, and of Jeanne, tho sister of ilasaniello. You must deliver these two women up to us." "Oh! never! never !" exclaimed the abbess, wringing her hands. "Obey instantly, old woman!" replied Corcelli, striking tho ground with his musket. "No! it shall never be said tbat I gave up two young girls who harl sought refugo in tbc sanctuary oL my convent I" An instant aftenvard she feil back, wounded in the arm by a trust from Corcelli's ixiniard. "Where are they?' roared Corcelli, foaming with rage. ïhe abbess answered nothing. "Nuns of heil," ezclaimed he, "will you deUver up to me Isabella, the daughter of the Duke of Arcos, and Jeanne, tho sister of Masaniell'-i:'' No voice returued an answer. Coreelli repeated his question. Then an old sister advanced, and taking God to wltness that she and her companions ■vrere acting under tho influenco of fear, she led the bandit into the cell occupied by tho yoimg girls. Jeanne and Isabella wero asleep in tho samo bed. Tho old nun awoke the sister and (fflanced of Masaniello. "Rise and dress yourselves, my dear chili dren," said she. "Why so, good mother?" asked Isabella. "You will know but too fcooii. Hasten, then, and dress yourselves, and offer up a fervent prayer to heaven. The convent has been invaded.'1 "But where is my brother?" exclaimed Jeanne. "Masaniello ia doubtless still ignorant of thy misfortune. The holy Madonna alono can save us." Tho two girls put their clothes on hastijy. Corcelli summoned Isabella to his presence. 'Señora," said he, "prepare to follow me. Your father, the Duke of Arcos, is waiting for you at tho Castel-Nuovo, and I have orders to tako you to him." "fias he given you any letter for me?" "Any letter!- ahí noble lady, eau you think me silly enough to have such a thing about me? If these beggarly Neapolitans had stopped and searched me, I should have been lost." Isabella hesitated. "Your companion must also accompany you. The Duke of Arcos wills it so." "But my father does not know Jeanne." "It is I who have spoken to him of the sister of Masaniello." "What eau be my father's object in vrishing Jeanne to aecompany me to the CastelNuovo?" "Masaniello holds you as a hostase." "Welli" "Corpo Santo! the Duke of Arcos would not bo sorry to have, in his turn, the sister of Masaniello in his power." "It is falte, villain!" exclaimed Isabella, with indignation. "My father is a Castilian, my father is a noblemau, and he is incapable of having given you such an order." "Less words, if you please," cried Corcelli; and turning to his men, he added: "To your duty!" Five or six brigands rushed into the cell, seized the young girls, bound them in spite of their cries, and then gagged them both. Corcelii reiurned to the chapel, barricaded tho gates oL the convent on the outside, and effected his retreat with his doublé prey without haviug aroused anv one in the wholo ueighborhood. CHAPTER. XV. DOM FBANCESOO. Pietro had faithfully executed the orders of Masaniello ; but, by a fatal series of circumstances, he had been able to save ueither Lis afflanced nor Isabella. The smuggler had followed them in their flight from the faubourg of Loretto to the Convent of Santa Cinara, aud had bidden himself in an alley opposite, in order the better to observe their movemeuts. Unfortuuaiely, tho beginning of tuis alley was occupied by f our or flve of Corcelli's men, who hindered Pietro from seeiiig, forced as he was to retreat to the end of the alley, what was going ou. At last Corcelli aud bis men set off from the convent, but Pietro still remained ignorant of what had taken place. He followed, and only learned his misiortuno when, af ter walking some distance, he saw the bauditti open tho thick rank in which they were marehing, whilo Corcelli led the prisoners to a calessiuo which was waiting to receivo them. The vehicle took the road to Calabria and the banditti formed themselves iuto a running escort by the side of it. Pietro still followed, for it was, above all, necessary that he should know to what place Corcelli conducted his victima. On, on ho ran, with tho courage of despair, until he at last feil down, worn out with fatigue aud weepiug with rage, in the middle of the road. The poor fellow managed to drag himself back to the faubourg of Loretto, where ho arrived at break of day. Ho entered the tavern of II Cappuciuo, and found Conrad still asleep there. Pietro called up poor Cappucino. "You have had carousiug here to-night?" said he to the tavern keeper. "Ah! signore nüo carissimo! don'tspeak o it," replied II Cappucina; "but," added he in a plaintive voice, "do you know Masanielloí" "Yes." "Well, then, this scoundrel hcre and his bllowers, vio have consumed more olla Kxlrida, hams and wine than would keep all ie king's cavalry for a weck, have told me jat Masaniello will pay ior what they have ïad. Do yon believe it.'" "How can I know? But listen," added 'ietro; "if you will obey me, I promise you aat you shall be paid." "What must I do, then, Santa Maria del üarmine?" "One of these fellows is still here?" "Yes, signore mió, a horrid Germán, who eats like a boa coustrietor, and drinks more hauafish." "Keep him here till I return." "Will that be soon? for if I have to keep ïim long" "Fear nothing. Let him have what he ïkes, and you shall be paid to the last enny." And Pietro cast a glance or two at Conrad, n order to see with what sort of a rascal he ïad to deal, and then took nis departure for be Vicaria. Naples had just awoke when Dom Franesco knocked at the gates of the Vicaria. Ie was immetliately received by Masaniello, vho led him into the council chamber. "You did not sleep last uight, my son," aid tho moni; to Masaniello, whose cheeks wero pale and whose eyes were red with weeping. "No," replied tho young man; "tho load I now bear crashes me; yesterday I feit strong ud f uil of resolution, but today I feel my veaknen, and am almost sinking beneath dopair." "Courage, Masaniello, courage! Woe beide him wbo hesitates, after having let loose oegushing waters of promise!" "Yes, oe betide me! for my ambition will loso me!"' "Can you regret your vietory?" asked Dom francesco, scrutiniziug Masaniello's coun;enanoe. "The future terrifles rae." "You aro erabarked in agood cause, and ïave accomplished a glorious revolution. Continuo the Work you have so well begun, andremain faithful to your principies; acomplish, without hesitation, the mission ■ou have received to free the people of Tapies, and heaven will direct your acts, and vill givo you the f orce to triurnph over every langer." "Aid me, then, in my endeavors. Can yon not advise me as to what plan I ought to pur"On leaving you yesterday, Masaniello, I Irew up the form of a new constitution. .asten to it." And the monk read as follows: "In the namo of the Holy Trinity, the 'ather, tho Sou nnd tho Holy Ghost, and conforinably to the principies of the Gospel, '., Masaniello, fisherman of Naples and head of tho people, declare what follows: "Tho king of Spain and his descendants have f orover forfeited the throne of Naples. "The form of government will henceforth ie that of a republic founded on election." % : Masaniello exhibited signs of irapalanco. 'Dom Francesco, however, feigned not to perceive it, and continued: "Eyery three years a council of ten, char jed with the drawing up of the laws, will be chosen by the Neapolitan people, all of whom, whatever may bo their station or fortune, will have a right to vote. Any Neapolitan is eligiblo to act in this council. "A chief magistrate, chosen in the same manner, will be charged to wateh over the constitution, and to seo that the laws are esecuted. He will be elected for two years and will take the title of Tribune. "Special laws will provide for the independence and regularity of the elections. "Done, in the name of the Neapolitan people, at the palaee of the Vicaria, in the year of our Lord lü-17." "Good, father. But teil me, do you thiuk uat the king of Spain will allow us to establea our republic without defending his rightsF "By the aid of the peoplo we have vanquishcd him, and by the aid of tho peopla we will vanquibh him again." The fisherman shook his head incredulously. "Havo you not proclaimed f rom the terrace," exclaimed the monk, "that Philip tho Fourth has forfeited the crown? You asserted it yourself ou the night I guided you to the catacombs, and you cannot now abandon the causo of the peoplo without committing an act of cowardico and infamy." "Time is a good counselor, Dom Francesco. The Duke of Arcos occupies the Castel-Nuovo, tho fortress of St. Elmo, and two or three other strongholds; in a few hours ho could reduco Naples to a heap of ruius, while we havo no meaus of defense." "Are not the aqueducts cut off? TYill not the want of water force the viceroy to surrender?" "But we are without money. I had the Vicaria searched yesterday from top to bottorn, yet nothing was found. I owe Corcelli 20,000 ducats, but I do not possess a real. How, then, are we to raise troops, or to obtain arins!" "Mako an appeal to your brotheVs - the Neapolitans will not refuse to buy their independenco with the sacrifico of a few ducats." "So, then, the revolution, which was brought about through theenormous amouut of taxes beneath which the people groaned, would but doublé tho sums of raoney hitherto exacted from them. No, no, father ; this cannot ba." "Everything appears impossiblo to those who have no longer any f aith in their cause," sorrowfully remarked tho monk. "Our fathers were formerly happy, when they possessed the charter granted them by Charles the Fifth," contiuued Masaniello. "They then loved Spain, and armed themselves in her defense; let us, therefore, insist ou tho restoration of the rights which this act gave us, and of which wo havo been unjustly deprived." "In other ternis, you are willing to treat with the viceroy!" "And to restoro him that power, the weight of which is crushing me," added the fislierman. Hero the monk approached Masaniello, took tho young man's hand aftectionately in bis, and, looking him steadfastly in tho face, said: "Swear that the recoüection of Isabella has liad no influenee on your conduct. Masaniello, I fear the eontrary." A deep blush spread tself over tho young man's face. Ho stammered out a few words, but Pietro, who entered at this moment, drew him from his embarrassment. The smuggler was covered witli dust and mud; his hair was In disorder, aud his faco flushed with excitement. His appearanee made the monk and Jlasam'ello tremble. "What has happened?" cried the latter. "Brother, prepara your arms," replied Pietro; "vo have all received a terrible blow.'' "Speak!" "Corceliihasüed, and has left us cause to remeinber him." "How so i" "iio has pillaged tho convent ot Santa Chiaii." "But Jeanne - what has become-oí herí" "He has curiad her oü." "Maledictiou ! - aud" Masaniello dared not pronounce the ñama of Isabella. "The daughter of the Duke of Arcos has been carried off also.""Ybu did not Ueep watch over the brirancis, then?" exclaiined Masaniello. "I never quitted thera for an instant." "And yet you did not let mo know thisf cried the fisherman, tearing his hair. Ho feil into a cbair, aud a long cry of grief and despair escaped liis lips. "Run to the harbor," said hoto Pietro; "cali to arms all the fishermen and smugglers you can find. Adieu, father I This evening Jeanne and Isabella will be free, or Masaniello will have ceased to brea the." "Are you going to quit Naples, then?" isked Dom Francesco. "Do you know which road Corcelli has taken?' asked the fisherman of Pietro. "The road to Capua." "Tes, father, yes; I am going to quit Uaples," added Masaniello, turning toward the Bénédictine; '"I am going to attack this vulture's nest, in which Jeanne and Isabella are held eaptive." "But all will be lost if you abanflon us. The Duke of Arcos may attack us, and who will there then be to lead the pooplo on?" "What do I now care about the revoluüon of Naples, or tho efforts of tho viceroy? Dom Francesco, your heart is dead to every human passiou ; cold caleulation only guides your steps. But by tho holy Madonna i Tam aman; I am young, and may I neví see the light agaiu if, ere tho day bas sped, Corcelli's prisoners aro not free." "What streatns of blood will havo flowed, what numbers of victims will havo perished, oh, heaven!" murmured the Bénédictine, "by the time Masaniello returns to this city, whieh Providence seems to have abandonedl" "Sanguo di Cristo;" exelaimed tho fisherman, half suflfocated with rage, "you taik liko a madman, l'ather. For Jeanne, whom this ruüiiiu Corcelli holds In his claws, is iny sister." "Is it solely on this account that you are about to take this jouruey into tho Apeunincsï" asked Dom Francesco, coldly. "Igotorescue bothherand Isabella," roplied Masaniello; "that angel of beauty and love, who, but yesterday, whispered in my ear. ;it the convent of Santa Cinara, such sweot vows, and such ineifablo promises. Oh! father, ono must bo mild and cowardly Indeed not to try to redeem, at tho cost of all his blood, the honor and liberty of these poor women who now hope but in me." "Then you havo seeu the daughter of the Duke of Arcos again, Masaniello?" " "She had taken refuge with Jeanne in the convent of Santa Chiari, and I went there to see my sister." "You ought to have told me this, my son, when I read you the draft of tho constitutiou; we should havo avoided a good deal of discussiou," added Dom Francesco. At this moment an arrow, shot from the place beforo the Vicaria, struck against the wall facing the window and feil at Masaniello's feet. A letter was attached to it liasaniello snatched it up and read the following words, in a paiiting voice: "Masaniello, when you read these lines Isabella and your sister will be my prisoners. If, three days henee, you have not placed beneath the largo oak which stands in the midst of the plain of Portici, facing the tavern of Buona Fede, 10,000 ducats for Jeanne's ransom, and 50,000 ducats for that of the noble Isabella d' Arcos, two women will never again go in your bark to eat oranges at Procida. Reeollect that it is dangerous to deeeive Corcelli." "You see, father, how necessary it is to treat with the viceroy, and to obtain the money required for tho ransom of his daughter and Jeanne. For if, after all, our expedition should not succeed! if in three daj's- butit is too horrible to think of, Dom Francesco! Therefore, take pity on us, father; we were once dear to you. Go to the CastelNuovo, and come to some understanding with the Spaniards, wbile I lead tho expedition against these brigands. The viceroy will grant you, who are an ecclesiastic, and whosa virtues are known to the wholo town, what he would ref use a poor fisherman liko Masaniello." "My son," replied the monk, "I wish to wam you against an unfortunate love; I have tried all I couli to stop you on that perüous way, at the end of which you will find nothing but death, and perhaps dishonor. But, alas! 1 have not succeeded. Yet, I will not abandon you in misfortune. I will go to the Duke of Arcos; he will pertaps consent to meet you on somo neutral ground, chosen by common consent. But let the people remain under arms if you wish to conquer the viceroy' pride. Díctate to hiin yourself the wishes of the Neapolitans, and k-t him know that you have at your orders 20,000 muskets, ready, at a moment's notice, tomaintain your demands." "Thanks, father, thanks ! let my interview with the duke take place about 5 o'clock, in some church or other, in that of Santo Domenico, for instance, which is half way betweenthe Castel-Nuovo and tho Vicaria; let ! my edicts and tho charter of Charles V te published toward the evening, so that I nay afterward be able to go and infliet on nis Corcelli just punishment for his perfidy." Dom Francesco withdrew. "Listen, brother," said Pietro to Masa"iello, after tho departure of the monk, "you öust not quit Naples. Besides, by openly attacking Corcelli in his den, you would exP Jeauno and Isabella to tho greatest vio". I havo a mean of getting at Corcelli." "WhatisitP Pietro related to the fisherman the eveuts of tho preceding night, and told hún how e of tho bauditti, Conrad, had remained in ie tavern of II Cappucino. Then he exPuuned the manner in which he hoped to fwg tho prisoners back to Naples ; which he would not hesitato, if necessary, cut tho throats of thosa who had carried te two young girls off. jjasaniello approved of his project. was therefore agreed that tho fisherman söould ouly employ himself in procuring tho Jaag girls' ransom, while Pietro was introJited by Conrad into tho fortress occupied Dy Corcelli aud his band. CHAPTER XVI. THE CASTEL-JitTOVO. Dom Francesco advanced, with a solemn ! aud a pensive brow, toward tho CastelOVo. whither his important mission suinnedhim. üo was terrified by tho aspect of Naples: I oustt'ty WM StiI' lnore aSita-ted and tumultuI mi ' uad been tho preceding evening. I (Va mid armed men filled the streets, I 'iig for Masauiello to como and lead them I B tack tho Castel-Nuovo. I Beí TaS "'ith tho ereatest difficulty that tho I iurotmo at last contrived to reach tho I fthoeastle. I s ou as ho was pereeived, with a white I ' u hand, from tho turrets, tho goverIteeth' fortress went down himself to I Bénédictine explained in a few words I ;fJ ' his coming, and asked to seo ■ -ibishop of Naples, who had accompa■ 'WDuke of Arcos in his escapo from I scsaiana' The 5venior Ied D frauI Issen ÜS the subterraneous passago into the I "Sarird his emineucv tue Cardinal FUoI 1BVaiidinal wasgaged in prayer when I SeatM Ctiue entered the chamber. I 1-.1U au arnicbair, with his head listI L,011 bis riaii Uaadi he was lowingr meohanieally (ho monotonous psalmody of his prostrate i:haplains. The two priests wero reading him his breviary, and prayin in his stead. For Alonsignore Filoinarini was a great ehureh dignitary, and rich and noble enough to implore, by proiy, forgivoness of his sins and the graco of God. By an almost imperceptible gesture the prelate signod to him to bo seated, and the monk obeyod. The serTico was just orer. We must not f orget to remark that MonsigDoro Filomarini had not quitted, for a single Instant, his listlessposition, that his chaplains had risen and knelt for him, and that he had bowed and crossed himself throughout by proxy. The cardinal's d-.votiin cost him exaotly a hundred and sixty ducats a year. This was not mach ; but then the cardinal had other ivays of indulging in extra vagance. Dom Francesco approached him, as soon as he had sent his chaplains away, and waited for his eminence to speak to hira. "Whnt aro the Neapolitans doing?" asked the cardinal. "They are drinking, singing and playing at musket exercise, monsignore," replied the Bénédictine. "And where is Masaniello?" "At the Vicaria." Monsignoro Filomarini smiled. "This young man has, doubtless, a court," said he; "lazaron!, fishermen, thieves and smugglers are, I suppose, his chamberlains, his stewards, his captains of the guard and his gentlemen of the bed chamber. You know him, Francesco?" "Intimately, monsignore." "What sort of a man is he?" "Very handsome, brave and generous, with all duo deference to your eminence." "You give him a splendid characterl Oh, I forgot," added the archbifhop, with a smile and bis usual drawl, "vou are his einbassador." "I eome in the name of the people of Naples to bring words of peace and reconciliation to the Duke of Arcos." ?"ïhe Duke of Arcos will listen to nothing, neither ought he." "Then he wishes for a war of extermination ! Monsignore, he shall have it." "The Neapolitans are rebels; their persons and goods are conflscated, by law, to his Catholie majesty. But what are the proposals you bring f rom this Masaniello 3" "Ihave no power to negotiate; I merely come to sue for an interview bfctween the head of the people and tho Duke of Arcos." "Then your friend means to treat with the duke on a footing of equality?" And the cold, ironical smile of the cardinal again played upou his lips. "If it is true, monsignore, that tho pecpla havo not been mado for kings, but kings for the peoplo, I do not see why Masaniello should not place himself, with respect to the Duke of Arcos, on a footing of tho most perfect equality." "I will go and inform the viceroy of your presence," said the cardinal. And he drew the arras aside and disappeared. The garrisou of the castle was in a deplorable state. The Duke of Arcos not only saw that his provisions would soon be exhausted, but the water had been cut off since the evening before, and the men were now receiving but small rations of tho stagnant water of the moats. The chambers of tho castle scareely sufficed to lodge the staff of the duko's little army. The soldiers, huddled together in tho courts, and exposed during the night to damp, and in the day to the heat of the sun, feil UI, whilo those who withstood the weather becamo discouraged. The greater part, too, were suffering from nostalgia. It is necessary to have seen a revolution in order to understand how despondency could havo so soon gained on the Spaniards shut up in Castel-Nuovo. A riot of a few hours often dispirita men whom fcwenty regular defeats would have no effect on. The Duke of Arcos, who, for the first time in his life, saw himself obliged to lower his Castilian pride, dared not own, even to himself, that ha wished to capitúlate. Tho nrehbishop found him on the platform of tho castle, whence ho was observing tho Neapolitans, who were hoisting cannon to the top of tho ueighboring churehes. Tho viceroy was also exchanging signáis with tho fortress of St. Elmo. As soon as he had learned the motive whieh brought tho prelate to him he sent for Fernandez. In order to understand tho following dialogue it must be remembered that it takes place betweeu a cardinal, thoroughly initiated in the intrigues of tho court of Romo, and two noblemen whom tho cabinet of Madrid had often. employed on tho most delicato business. "Fernandez," said the duke, "what you predieted has happened. Theso louts know aot what to do with the power they havo conquered, and now wish to surrender." "It could not happen otherwise, mi senor," replied Don Juan. "Your highness' preseneo is necessary for the happiness of tho Neapolitans." "This youug fisherman, this Masaniello, you know, era ves au interview ; is it proper that I should grant it?" "I see uo reasou why you should not." And the eyes of Fernandez turned toffard tho gibbet, which gloomed on tho summit of tho donjon. "His eminency tho cardinal archbishop will, therefore, havo tho kindness," continued tho duke, "to inform the leader of the rebels that I will grant him a privato audienca at 12 precisely." 'I tliml:," said tho prelate, "that your highness would do well to see the envoy of tha iusurgents." "Is it your opinión, cousin, that I can pfBcially receive such a man, without having him hanged immediately? Would it not bo better to send at once for Masanielloi" "I will beg your highness to remark, that this euvoy is a Benedictino inonk, and that his age and calling ought to shelter bini from all violence." "Jet him come, then," said tho Duke of Arcos. "Fernandez, be good enoogh to Introduce him." Don Juan Fernandez lefV the terraeo and soon returned, followed by tbe raonk. The Duke of Arcos sat down on tho carriage of a cannon. The archbishop waa on his right, while he had his intended son-inlaw on his left. Francesco stood beforo them, wtth his head uucovered and his eyes bent on the grotmd, "You como f rom HasanielloT' asked the Viceroy. 'Yes, monsignoro," answcred Francesco. ''Have you power to act in bis nameí" "I have not; the Head of the Peoplo will himsclf treat with your highness, monsignore, if you consent to meet him on neutral grouncl- at tho church of Santa Dominico, for instance, or at any other spot half way between the Castel-Nuovo and the Vicaria." "Would ho not como haref "No." "Fernandez," said the duke, turning to Don Juan, "have you given orders for immediately opening the fire on the city!" "Yes, mi señor; tho garrisou ís animated with the best spirit; your soldiers will do their duty." "You see," remarked the duke, "all that remains for the rebels is to submit properly." "Tako care, monsignore," replied Dom Francesco. "I have just traversed the streets of Naples. If the combat begins, not one single Spaniard will escape" The viceroy burst into a laugh. "I am anxious to learn what are the eonditions this Masaniello intends to propose to our most gracious and noble master, his Catholic majesty, Philip the Fourth. By tho blood of tho Arcos 1 this young scoundrel seems to forget that thero is a gibbet in tho market place, and that many, more worthy than he, have perished with a hempen cravat round their necks." "Masaniello wishes to nvoid the spilling of bloed, to calm our civil discords, and to replace Naples under the rule of the king. If he had listened to tho advice of thoso clear sighted persons niio'1 "To yours, perhaps. Dom Francesco?" interruptod the archbishop. "Exactly, monsignore, to mine." "Well, what would ho have done, then?' asked tho viceroy. "Ho would have f ore ver scared f rom Naples those interminable flights of birdsof prey whdch shoot iucessautly across the sea to settle in our lovely piolas. But ho would not. Heaven grant that he may never have to repeut his moderation !" "So then, this fino fisherman of the Mergellina is willing to let us still reign a little longer in Naples. Grood father, we are ful ïor this condescension. But what does he require to allow us to return to the Vicaria?" "He himself wil] let your highness know." "But yet I cannot quit the Castel-Nuovo ■without knowiug what is the nature of the negotiation." "The Rov. Dom Francesco," said the archbishop, "thinks that Masaniello, the head of the people, as he calis him, will merely ask for a fresh sanction of the charter of Charles V, and your signature to certain edicts of hia own. Is it uot so, father)" "Exactly, monsignore." "Then what is the good of all thia martial noise and preparatiou for war!" aeked the duke. "Had I not already granted Masaniello everything he requires?' "I was told that your highness had disappeared when about to sign the decrees which the insurgents had brought with them." "True; for how could I grant anything validly while a hundred poniards threatened my breast and doublé the number of muskets were leTeled at my person" "In the Church of Santa Domenico you will be free from danger." "Let hostages be sent, then, and I will go there." "The interview," said Dom Francesco., "shall take place in presence of monsignoxa the archbishop. Masaniello pledges his word that you and your servants shall be sheltered from all insult. I myself will answer for Masaniello. Accept my proposal, monsignore, and at 13 the barri cades shall open to let you pass, and the street of Toledo shall be cleared ; you can then be accompanied by as mauy troops as you like; Masaniello and his friends will arrive by the street of tho Vicaria." At last tho Duke of Arcos yielded to the Benedictine's wish. Dom Francesco then settled the way in which the interview was to take place, and the viceroy took leave of him, saying : "Now go to Masaniello, and mako him understand that, whatover may be the issue of this meeting, order will be re-established to-night throughout Naples. Father," added he, "I have delayed speakiug to you till now of a personal misfortune, which has visited me in my holiest affections. My daughter Isabella has been carried off; she is at present in the midst of the insurgents. I hold Masaniello answerablo to me f or her with his head; and, above all, let him not forget tho respect due to her." The Benedictino had received no orders to inform the duke of tho abduction of his daughter. He was therefore silent, and slowly left tho platform of tho castle. Don Juan Fernandez accompanied the archbishop to the chamber he had quitted, and then returned to the viceroy. "Fernandez," said the latter, "what do you think of the visit we are going to pay to Santo Domenico, in obedienee to the good pleasure of 11 Senor Masaniello f "I think, mi senor, that very strange thiugs of ten happen." "What do you meanr "I mean that it is a curious sight to see tho heir of Arcos parleyiug with a triplo clowa like Masaniollo." "Patiencel Fernandez, patieucel" "Havo you determined to regrant theso Neapolitans - whoin Hcaven confound - the charter of Charles the Fifthi' 4 'Must wo not give way, wheti tho popular torrent threatens to swallow us up?" "Yes: but the breaehes it makes, as it rushes along, aro often so wide, rui señor, that it is impossiblo to repair theni. Lot us argüe this a little." "With all myheart." "When you havo abolished the taies on wine, fruit and fisu, mi senor, with what will you pay your annual subsidy to tho treasury of Madrldf" "Wo must economize, Fernandez." "On whati" "Ey our Lady del Pilar, I know not!" "Will you redueo the number oí your eüamberlainsP' "That is impossible." "Of your major doini?" "That is still more impossiblQ.'' "Of your equerriesï" "You well know that the of" viceroy's court is regulated by ordinances whioh must ba obeyed." "Then you must dismiss soma of your Epauish companies." "Whati And remain at themercyof thesa Neapolitau scoundrelsi You aro joking, Fernandez." "Ohl I you mean to leav off hawking, and to do away with your hounds." "No! no! dear Fernandez, but I shall economize in somo other manner." "Do you iutcnd to put down soms of youi equipagtíaí' "If I do how wül my embassadors arrivo. wnen they oome to present thefr eredentia tomer' "But you wil], at least, lessen tho expense of your stud. I can easily uuderstand that you will soou oure 3'ourself of that mania of yours for horsos, which canses 60,000 dueats to pass annually from your pocket into that of the Arab hui-se dealers." "Silonee, Fernandez, you irrítate rae, and I want all my patieiire for the approaching interview." "Will you have patience enough, mi senor, to listen to the complaints of your municipalities and corporations.when the fat citizens who form them como to clamor about tho aintennnco of their privileges? Will you havepatienoo to worm out of them, ducat by ducat.the suins uecessnry to supply the expei ses of your Household Í If Marguerito, the re. gent of the Low Countries.wero still ali ve, sha could teil you what sho had to put up with from the snarling disposition and sordid avance of the magistrates of Brussels and An werp; sho could also teil you whother ever had an instant's repose, when the worth} states general of Flanders, of Brabant, or of any other province wero assembled. The Emperor Charles the Fifth, mi senor, had, you seo, been brought up among all these Flemish creatures; he had a mania for charters; and the consequenco was, that, at his dcath, the immense empire he had founded feil to pieces. It would bo botter for you to abdícate at once than to grant theso Neapolitan scoundrela the charter they persist in endeavoring to regain." "Isabella, my dear daughter, Isabella, has fallen into their hands, Fernandez," murmured tho Duke of Arcos, and a toar started from his eyc. "Alas! mi senor," replied Don Juan, "I made snperhuman elTorts to savo her ; and one would think that your Spaniards are In league with thepeople, for they all took to flight at the first cry of tho multitudo, and I was aeparated from Isabella by the iufurlated crowd." Tüere was a moment's silenco between tho vieeroy and his counselor. "Ai ntinued tho former, "what will his majesty Philip the Fourth say when I return to Spain nfter liaving lost ono of the brightest Jewels of his crown? The Duko of Arcos will bo banished from court, banished and dishonoredl Oh, God! oh, God! how will it all end:" "Woll, if you choose to listen to me" "What would you have mo do, thenf' "Why, cut out from the text of Charles the Fifth all that refera to the privileges of the corporatjous and municipalities and to tho rights and immunities of tho nobles, tho olergy and tho ciüzana. I wouid then put my seal to tho act thus modifled, and would order tbo ehr.ncellor to restore tho articlo suppressed when lie read the charter to the lazaroui aud mendicants of Naples; I should thus gaiu timo, mi señor; and to gain time is somethiug wheu vo are pressed by revolutions." "And in the meanwhile I113 Catholic majesty could send a fleet to Naples with re-euforcements," added the vieeroy. "To speak frankly, I think that the vessels of tho king of Spain would arrive too late," said Fernandez. "You think, then, that tho insurgents would discover our stratagem, and immediately take dire revenge?' "They would, on tho contrary, be crawling In theifllth out of which they never ought to havo come, long before the arrival of the fleet." "You mistako. As long as Masaniello Uves, Naples will never be tranquil." "ili senor," said Don Juan, "will your highuess allow me to invite two of my f riends, tho prince of Caraffa and the duke of Monteleone, to aecompany us to the interview?" "Most certainly ; I even beg you to do so." "Good," said Fernandez. "Now, Duke of Arcos, remember my words: before night descends from the heights of Pausilippo, you wili have returned to the Vicaria, and the whole kingdom of Naples will again be under the rulo of King Philip the Fourth." CHAPTER XVIL tHE CHARTEB. The Duke of Arcos advaneed toward the church of Santo Domenico, through the street of Toledo, and Masaniello through that of the Vicaria. But the viceroy's proeessiou ofïered a very different aspect to that of the noisy escort of the fisherman. Masaniello wore tho costumo of his calling - a slouched feit hat, a woolen mantle, with hoso of the same stuff, a bright colored sash, and long boots, the thick leather of which reached abovo his knee. Ho walked in the midst of a group of fishermen of the Mergellina. A squadron of cavalry, sword in hand, preceded the viceroy. Don Juan Fernandez and some Neapolitan nobles walked close by his side, less as a mark of honor than as a rampart to shield his person. Then carne a largo body of infantry, in the midst of whom wero seeu two pieces of artillery, loaded witu grape shot. The procession was closed by a company of municipal guards. MasameUo was tho flrst to arrive. Evei-ything had been so arranged nside the chureh that Masaniello should seem to be on a f ooting of the most perfect equality with the viceroy. Tho choir of the church was the placo selected for tho holding of the conference, and it had been agreed that tho viceroy and his adversary should enter it from opposito sides at the same time, and should each walk au equal distaace. A magnifieent throne had been raised for Monsiguore Filomarini, who came iu f uil canouicals, accompanied by that crowd of acol ytes whom tho prinees of tho churoh used to drag after them wherever they went. On entering tho ehurch, Masaniello feit his heart beat violently. "Father," inurmured ho to Dom Francesco, "my courage fails me." "ífít us pray, niy son," replied thomonk; and they withdrew to a chapel and knelt down together. Presently the roll of tho drum was heard, and tho Duko of Arcos entered the church Bhortly af tcrward. He was dressed in the state costurao of a knight of tho Toisón d'Or, wore on his breast tho order of St. Michael and that of Saint Esprit, and round his knees was the order of the Garter sparkling with diamonds. Ho w;is luaning on the left arm of Don Juan Fernandez, and tho Prineo of Caraiïa and tho Duke of Honteleone folldvved tiieni. His highness retired along a doublo row of halberdiers to the chapel reserved for him. After praying for a short time, he sent his chancellor to iníorni tho cardinal of his arrival. Two chaplains of th prelate immediatoly went to iiivitj tho duko and Masaniello t proceed to tho choir. Tho two latter left their chapéis at tho samo time, and advaneed, step for step, to tho front of tho higU altar, whero they saluted each other. The Duko of Arcos stretched out his hand to Masaniello. Fernandez and Dom Francesco stood at a little distance behind on their respective sides. "Masaniello," said tho viceroy to the fisherman, "you this day prove that if you are an Intrepid defaudar of tlie rights of the people, you are ala a lynl subject of our wel]fSVm Borereign Philip the Pourth, king o Bpain. "And you, Duke of Arcos," proudly angwered Masaniello, "are you really animated by the desiro of defending the authority of the king, and of respecting, at the same time, the liberties of tho people?" "I am," replied the duke. Whereupon tho cardinal spoke, in his effeminate voice, as follows: "Duke of Arcos, and you, Masaniello, listen to what I havo to say. Serious disagreements havo arisen between the representativo of tho king, our raaster, and the population of Naples. You, Duko of Arcos, wished to exercise the royal prerogative to lts full oxtent; you, Masaniello, attemptedto diminish the sufferings of your brothers, and to secure them, as appeared just, the fruitsof their rude labor. But too much Jblood has flowed already. The Church of Naples is in tears - she is weeping over the loss of so many of her chüdren. I, therefore, beseeoh you, in the name of that authority with which I am invested, to adjust your differences here; I beseechyou to leave your hatred on tho altar of him who gave his blood to redeem f rom crime and to heal the sufferings of mankind." "It is thus that we will act, if tho Duke of Arcos will listen to tho voice of reason and justice," answered Masaniello. His highness the viceroy put his arrn familiarly through that of tho head of the people. They romained iu conversation for some time, as they walked round and round the choir, and separated witli unequivoral marks of mutual satisfaction. "Summon my chaneellor," said the viceroy. This offlcer immediately appoaTod, holding in his hand a parchment to which a great number of seals of different forms and colora wero attached. On a Bign frorn the Duke of Arcos he read aloud tho chartor of Charles the Fif th, and then the ediets of Masan iello. During this time two arm chairs, exactly alike, had been advanced, and Masaniello and the viceroy sat down, the one to the right, the other tothe left of the altar. Dom Francesco, who was standing behind Masaniello, listened attentively to the chancellor. Tho latter had hardly ñnished when a clerk presented a Biblo to the duke, who stretched iortb his right hand toward the holy book and spoke as follows: "■Vo, Duke of Arcos, by the graee of God and the good ploasure of our gracious master Philip the Fourth, viceroy öf Naples, grandee of the kingdom, knight of the order of the Toisón d'Or, etc., etc. : "In virtuo of tho unlimited power vested in us: 1 'Af ter Uaving examined the charter granted to the kingdom of Naples by the Emperor Charles the Fiith, and the ediets drawn up by Thomas Aniello, fisherman of the Mergellina, and loyal subject of his majesty: "Acting of owu free will, and with a thorough knowledge of tho case, havo declared what follows: "The aforesaid charter of tho Emperor Charles the Fifth, Buch as it has been read by our chanceUor and signed by us, is renewed with all its privileges and immunitios: "The ediets of Thomas Aniello are approved: "A copy of these presents will be forthwith offered for our signature. "Have sworn, and swear, on the Holy Bible to observe and maintain the aforesaid charter and ediets in all their forco, without exceptlon or modifleation." The duke signed this parchment and handed it to Masaniello. Tho latter knelt down on one knee, and, placing his hand on his heart, said: "Your highness can return this evening to his palaco of tho Vicaria," Dom Francesco hero approached tho chancellor, and said: "Will your lordship bo pleased to give ma the writing that has just been read?" The officer turned palo. He stopped the hand advanced by Dom Francesco to take tho parchment, and appeared to consult the look of the Duko of Arcos. The duke was not less terrifled than his chancellor. Fernandez, Caraffa and Monteleone pressed round him, in a stato of agitation diCBcult to describe. Tho anxious eyo of the duke interrogated, in turn, tho looks of each of his friends. At last, the archbishop thought it his duty to interfere. "Tho ehancellor of tho viceroy," said he, "is invited to place in the hands of our archdeacon tho charter of tho emperor, so that it may be temporarily deposited, under our safeguard, in the achive3 of the archbishopric." "I swear by the blood of our Saviour," eiclaimcd Dom Francesco, "that tho population shall not lay down their arms, and that tbesiege of the Castel-Nuovo shall not be raisod, until I havo examined this document" The fisherman seized the parchment, and gave it to the monk. "Hasaniellol" exclaimed he. "What, father?" "Treason and sacrilege! this charter" "Welir1 "Has been falsifledl all that this impostor bas read about our municipal liberties and the privileges of the tlireo orders has boen suppressed herol" So much knavery and audacity seemed to disconcert Masaniello f or an instant ; he could only point to bis enemy and murmur: "Oh ! how cowardly and imprudent must this man be 1" The viceroy laid his hand upon the hilt oí his sword. "Contain yourself, rai senor," whispered Don Juan. "Throw open the doors," exelaimed Masaniello, in a voice of thunder. ■ This order was instantly exeeuted, and a tofrent of people.immediately inundated the church. "Duke of Arcos," continued Masaniello, from the top of the altar, "before this holy archbishop, and in the presenco even of your own soldiers, I declaro you to be an infainous and sacrilegious monster. Infamous, because you have lied impudently to this noble assembly ; sacrilegious, because you spoke your lies across the Holy Bible. People of Naples, to revengel The truce is broken. Down with the traitors! death to the perjurers! Oh 1 we must make an example which will hencef orth f righten kings 1" Fernandez had placed his Spaniards in line of battlo, and was exhorting them to sell their lives as dearly as possible. The friends of Masaniello drew themselves up on the opposite side of the choir. The sanctuary was about to be polluted withbloodl In the nave, the irritated people's thousand voices roared liko thunder. Masaniello was running to place himself at the head of his cotnbatants, when Dom Francesco stopped him. "Spare," said he, "these men, who came here conüding in your sword and in mine." "They have betrayed their sworn faith." "Teach them, then, how they ought to repect it." "But such infamous and ignoble triokery must be punished." "The justice of men, together with ttio üstice of haaven, will undertake to do this." Masaniello approached the Duke of Arcos, whose, face was livid, and whose head was ent beneath the weight of his shame and remorso. "Away with you," exclaimed the fisherman, "dishonorablo old man, who drag your white hair in the mire of perjury, and who profane the collar of tho Toisón d'Or, once worn by so many noble knishts. You are safe, beeause Dom Francesco gave you my word, and beeause the man of tho peoplo must show the man of noble birth the worth of sworn faith. But do you know, Duke of Arcos, what yqu have done? I wished to savo your daughter and you have lost her." At these words, the viceroy seemed to gather up a little energy. A spark of pride and indignation burned in his eye. "Theso men," replied he, pointing to Masaniello's friends, "who have such profound respect for tho laws of honor, will, doubtless, visit on a child of IC the hatred they bear her father." "Speak not thus, unhappy man ; she s no longer In my power." "Whero is slie, then?" "Corcelli has carried her off." "Corcelli?" exclaimed tho Duke of Arcos. "Great God! great God:" "Masaniello came to help you to save Xsabella, and you welcomed him withtreacheryl Despotism must be a sweet thing, since, in order to preservo it, you sacrifica all - repose, honor, family and the salvation even of your soul." The viceroy's pride and obstinacy were conquered. "My daughterl Save my daughterl" exclaimed he, "and all that a father's gratitudo can do I will do for you." "Save your daughterl To givo her, doubtless, to Fernandez, that infamous artisan of imposture, whom you have taken for your counselor!" roared tho fisherman: "but bofore this detested union take3 place 1 must have no blood left in my veins, no heart in my breast and no more of that energy whieh enables us firmly to grasp a pouiard and to Btriko without pityl" "What do you demand, Masaniello, to rescuo my child f rom Corcelli?" "Nothing! nothing f rom you, perjured man - I love your daughter ! I havo accompanied her a hundred times from Naples to Procida, and we have sworn to belong, some day, to each other. If soldiere are required to rescuo her, I shall have them ready; if gold is neeessary, I know palaces which are fllled with it, and I shall not hesitate to take lt. And now back with you," added Masaniello, driving the viceroy and his attendants bef ore him; "lea ve this place, you accursed of men, who camo here to rob, by means of perjury, the people of their libertiesl Back, I say, and hide your shame in tho vulture's nest you havo chosen for your retreat. Forward, flshermen! forward, lazaronil and drive these reptiles to their den." During all this flery discourse, pronounced with all the passion that an act of perfldy can arouse in tno neari oí a man or nonor, Don Juan Fernandez was talking with the Princo of Caraffa and nis brother, the Duke of Monteleone. "Caraffa," said Fernandez, pointing to Masaniello, "it appears to me that the Duke of Arcos is extremely indulgent to this ragamuffln." "It is hardly to be credited," replied the prince. "Oh I if I were not shut up in the CastelNuovo," said Fernandez. "And if Corcelli had not gained tho Apennines," added Monteleone. "A poniard or a musket shot would have already silenced this scoundrel's insolence." "But I am free," replied Caraffa; "and though Corcelli is a distinguished leader of the bravi of Naples" "There are plenty more in the city able to supply his placo. Is that what you mean, prince?" asked Fernandez. "Pretty noarly." "VVell, my dear friend, do us tho pleasure to get rid of this flsherman ; he is no ordinary conspirator, and he is bocoming rather troublesome." "Hos lio not a mania for harangue?" "Yes; he is a very verbose street tribuno." "TVe will try to bring him to an argument ad hominem, which will admit of no reply," said the prince. "I know near the faubourg of Loretto" "But let us separate, Fernandez; we may be remarked, and I should really 6igh after my liberty if I were compelled to follow you to the Castel-Nuovo, as the pretty Countess of Camerini hos giveu me a rendezvous." Masaniello, with his eye on flre and his hair in disorder, drove bef ore him the Duke of Arcos and his courtiers. Caraffa and Monteleone were soon left to themselves. On his return to the Vicaria, the head of the peoplo retired immediately to his private apartments. He turned over in his mind a thousand projects of vengeance and of pillage. The bad faith of the Duke of Arcos and of tho nobles who were hia advisers, tho necessity thero was to ransom Jeanne and Isabella, and, abovo all, tho resentment ho feit for the treachery just shown him, incited Masaniello to precipítate the Neapolitan revolution into that courso of summary justice and of terror from which he had, till then, turned it away. Ho evoked a thousand remembrances of injury, prodigality and assassination, in which tho people had always played the part of dupes and victims, and he asked himself if it would not be just to press, in his turn, thoso greedy sponges which had already sucked up tho people's gold and blood for ages. His mind wavered in the midst of a thousand perplexities. Tho natural probity and moderation of his character combated, howover, the hasty resolutions of his anger and his hatred. His better f eelings gained, at last, the ascendant, and he detormined, in order to procure the sum ho wanted, to make an appeal to tho devotedness of his f rienda; ho therefore convoked the artisans of Naples and tho tishermen of the bay to the market place. It was night. A compact body oi people already filled tho place when Masaniello appeared. The greatest silenco immediately prevailed. "Neapolitans," said he, "you are ao quainted with the events of this day. The viceroy has replied by deceit and treachery to my wordsof reconciliation. Letus, therefore, tako, without Consulting any one, the liberty that is refused us; let us proclaim tho Bovereignty of the people, since not one o loso haughty nobles who ■ deeeive and opiress us is worthy to rulo over our country." These words were received with the most oyful aeclamations. Masaniello was motioning the people to be ilent, when a sudden flash of light illuminted the whole place; a terrible detonation OUowed, and 200 balls whizzed about the Isherman's head. But, by some miracle or ther, he was not touched. The people rushed to that side of the marlet whence the balls carne. But the assasins had fled throughthe neighboring streets; ne only of thera was seized; he was brought o Masaniello, who recognized in him the rince of Caraffa. "It was he who ordered the assassins to ïe," exclaimed several lazaroni. "Death to the assasein," criod the people. "Let a circle be formed round us," said lasaniello, "so that the prisoner may not escapo." The order was immediately exeeuted. Masaniello took a boat hook from the lands of a fisherman, and approacning the rince, exclaimed: "Look to yourself now. Sol so! monsignore, it was by assassination that you strove o combat me, after deeeit and perjury had ailed! But the eye of Masaniello is vigilant, and his justico prompt. By St. Januariusl will preparo no ambush for you; yet, make our peace with God, for, ero five minutes lavo elapsed, I shall have nailed you to ■onder gibbot as we nsil n noxious animal to a wall." And the fisherman drew back a step, aimng at bis enemy the terrible weapon he held n his hand. Caraffa drew his sword. "That'sright; defend yourself," continued íasaniello; "I havo been told that you are a Ekillful fencer; so much the better, for never eforo did duelist ongage in a more solernn combat, or bef oro a more numorous assembly. Are you ready?" Caraffa placed himself on his guard. Then a terrible struggle ensued. The two adversarles attackod one another and rexeated in turn withall the saugfroid inspired y hatred and by that sentiment of personal reservation in men who will not flinch in he face of danger. Masaniello was the stronger and the more alert of the two, but his boat hook was heavy and difficult to handle. Caraffa, who was armed, on the contrary, with a short, light sword, parried his adversary's thrusts, but with great difficulty, and dared not advance near enough to touch him. But he retreated with wonderful alacrity. In a few moments the prince's sword broke. "So, you aro brave enough to fight and oowardly enough to turn waylayer, venomous beastl" said Hasaniello. "Giovanne," continued he, turning to a fisherman, "give him your musket; this must have an end." The princo seized the musket, as a shipwrecked man soizos the plank borue toward bim on the rolling wave. He examinod it caref ully, tried the lock, to which the match was hangüig, and than held himself ready to fire on his adversary at the first movoment the latter made. Nothing was now heard throughout the market place but tho breathing of the people assembled thero, unless it were an exclamation of terror whenever the chances of the combat seemed to turn against Masaniello. All shudderod when they saw him place himself, boat hook in hand, at about fifty paces from the prince. "Take care, monsignore, cried he, ironically ; "for by the holy Madonna, you will be a dead man if I reach you!" And at the same time he rushed toward his adversary. A musket shot was fired. But Masaniello went on, and presently a dull sound was board in tho boards that surrounded the gibbet. The prince, mortally wounded, threw up both his arms, uttered a groan, and feil dead at the f eet of Masaniello. "And now, fishermen and lazaroni ot Naples," cried tho latter, whom the emotion of this scène had rendered f orgetful of his good resolutions, "forward with you to the alaces of these assassinsl" He seized a tcrcb aod was the first to rush oward the stitt of Toledo. The rest soon !ollowed. That night Naples was lighted up by iwenty conflagrations, and numbers of the ïighest nobles perished in tliein. At daybreak Masaniello possessed the 60,100 ducats necessary f or the deliverance of Coroelli's prisoners. CHAPTER XVIIL THE BANDITTI. TVTien he awoke in the tavern of Cappucino, Conrad started up, feit hin limbs, as if 0 be sure he was himself, and tried to recolect where he was, and why he was there. Not being able to solve this problem, he uttered a terrible Donner-Wetter, which jrought the tavern keeper into the room. "What does your lordship want?" asked 1 Cappucino. "Veré I am, Donner-Wetter?" replied the drunkard. H Cappucino, thinking that he wanted to wet his throat, hurried to his cellar and soon returned with a flask of sorao generous liquor which he placed beforo Conrad. Tho brigand gave tho flask a blow with his 3st and sent it flying into the middle of the rooir, whero it broke into a thousand pieees. "I didn'd asg you vor any ding," said he to II Cappucino. "J thought that your lordship said something about wetting" "Veil, vod ov dat, vool?" "Why" "I vos only svearing. Put to de quezdshun; veré I am!" "At the tavern of II Cappucino, your lordship's very humble servan t." "Put Gorjelli-do you know Mr. GorielUf' "Alas!" "Vot has begomo of himr' "He left my house last night" "At bresent, I recollect. Ho levd me begauso I vos trunk. Put has nopody peen to hang me?" "I don't understand you?' "I asg you iv anypody has gome to hang me, dis morning?" "No." "Nopody has peen?" "No one, on my honor." "Howefer, I vos to be hung; de gabtain zaid so last efening, and do gabtain nefer lies; do you bear, you plaguard? Put if dey haf not peen, dey vil gome," added Conrad, rocking himself on hischair. "Iv you are my serfant," continued he, "pring my preagvast, and be quig." "Your lordship has money, thenf' "I vill leaf you my sword in bawn - in your pelly." "You shall be served instantly," added II Cappucino, with a low bow. The poor tavern keeper soon returned, cartying a pyramid of sourcrout surmounted by half a ham. "Go and piing de oder haf ov de ham," said Conrad, twisting up his large mustaches, "wid a flasg ov vine like dat ve had yesterday." Il Cappucino obeyed. Conrad began to eat with the appetite of a brigand, and he was finishing his last slice of ham, when Pietro entered the tavern. Il Cappucino ran to meet the smuggler. "Well, caro mió, wül Masaniello payf asked he. "Be not uneasy, jreu shall lose nothing." "Aiid will you (teliver me of this ogref' added the tavern keeper, pointing to Conrad. "Bring another glass for me, and leave us alone," answered Pietro. "If you do what I bid you, ín a quarter of an hour you shall be rid of him." "Hay your wordseome true!" murmured the poor tavern keeper. Pietro went and sat down opposite Conrad. "Good day," said he. "Goot day," answered tho Germán. "You don't kuow me!" "No." "I fought with you yesterday against the arquebusiers of the Duke of Arcos." "Ve attagked dem pravely, Donner-Wetter!" "And they defended themselves bravely. But we were victorious. Will you flll my glass, carissimo Conraddino?" "You know my name?" "Corpo di Christol who doesn'fc know all Monsignoro Corcelli's soldiers?' "And vot is your name?" "Pietro." "Vot are you?" "A smuggler." "Donner-Wetter! dere is not zo great a distance between our two brovessions as 1 thought. Smoogler and prigand are bretty nearahke. Bush ofer your glass." Pietro filled his glass to the brim and emptied it at one draught. "Donner-Wetter 1 votacholly vellow you are, Mr. Bietro; you gan take your pottlo like a man I Gif me your hand." And the two new friends shóok hands affectionat_ly. "I had a vunny idea just now," continued Conrad. "What was it?" "Gabtain Gorjelli told us dat de trunkards who did not leaf wid him vould pe hanged, and I vancied dat you was gome to hang me. ' "And you did not try to escape?" "Put de gabtain had tsld us dat ve veré to be hanged." "Ahí Iunderstand. But Corcelli has lef t, and j'ou aro alone in Naples. What are you going todo!" "I am going to yind my gabtain, Donner"Wetterl" "But where is he?,' "ín de Abennines; in two hours I shall haf rechoined him. Vill you gome vid me?" "Ií" "Ya, mein Herr." "And turn brigand?" "Haf prigand, only, pegause you are a emoogler already, and in a smoogler" "There 3 always the stuff of half a brigand," interrupted Pietro. "Ya, mein Herr. You have understood," said Conrad, laughing boisterously. "Trink!" "With all my heart," said Pietro. They agaiu filled and emptied their glasses. "Corpo santol I would willingly accept your proposal," continued Pietro, "but I am af raid of the gallo ws." "Dat is vat always vrightens peginners," replied Conrad. "Put liddle by liddle" "You get used to the thought of it." "As veil as to de muskot ov de spirri, and de tears ov de girls, and de sermons ov de Peuedictines." "And how much doos that bring in a year?" "Pesides de vusket shots vrom de spirri. de tears ov do girls and do sermons ov de vriara, ve get a vew doogats now and den, vine enough to hinder us vrom dying ov dirst, vid vood enough to geeb us vrom starfation, and dese are all de brovits of our brovesBion." "Is it not enough?" "I knowit vould be petter tobeagardinal." "Caro mío," said Pietro, "you are a drunlíard." "Dat is true." "A dissipated fellow." "I say noding to de gontrary." , "Andaprattler." "Dat's right; enumérate all my-vine tes; gontinue." "If you keep sober for three days 1 will Bhow you how you can get 10,000 dueats." "Vor ten dousand doogats I gan be as brudent as de serbent, as soper as de gamel and as jaste as de elephant. " "In the first place. I must teil you that Corcelli has carried off the daughter of the Duke of Arcos and the sister of Masaniello from the Abbey of Santa Chiara, where they had taken refuge." "A good biece ov pusiness.!" "He wants 60,000 dueats for their ransom." "Dat pill po tree hundret doogats vor each man. I moost goand vind my gabtain." "Wait a minute, can't you? The 60,000 dueats havo not been paid yet. If you liked, Conrad - if you liked" "Vell, vot?" "We shor' ' rescue these two women, and by so doins v. i should each of us get at least 10,000 dueats." "I vill not pedray Gorjelll, Donner-Wetter." "He has betrayed Masanioilo." "It vould pe too immoral- aad too tangerous." "I will undertake to put you bevond the reaeh of danger." "Gorjelli would be sure to catch me, and vould haf me guilled. No, mc-in Herr, I vill not betray my gabtain." "It would be an easy affair, I tell you, and well worth your trouble." "Vot should I haf to dor "To tako me to tiio fortiess oceupied by your friends on the Apennines; once there, I shall immediately enroll myself in Corcelli's band, and then I will manago to get placed as sentinel over the young girls on the same evening, whüe you must manage to be on duty at the outpost Do you understand?" "Ya, ya, I understand." "The rest will be easy enough." "Vot a rogue you are, Bietro, for a mere imoogglerl" "If you happen to be on duty at the outpost, without my being placed to watch over the womon, we must bribe the man who is." "O guill him." "It would be better to bribe him. To kill a man, you seo, causes noise." "Not iv you know how to do it." "No matter; it would be better to bribe. How shall we do it?" "Ve vill take a vlask vuil ov vine, and make him trunk virst." Af ter having concerted their plans for deceiving the vigilanco of Corcelli, Conrad and Pietro set out for tho f ortress of the banditti. In that part of the Apennines which sepárales Calabria from Terra di Lavoro is a cave situated on the summit of an inaccessible mountain. In this cave were Jeanne and Isabella held prisoners. The two young girls were seated on a block of stone, at the entrance of their prison. Pale and overeóme by fatigue and sufEering. Isabella had rested her head on Jeanno's bosom, and had fallen asleep. Frightful dreams troubled her slumbers, for from time to time her breathing became short, her hands wero tightly clinched and a deep criinson mantled her cheek. Then she suddenly woko up, looked around her in a terrifled manner, and went to sleep again. Jeanne remained a wake and prayed. E very now and then a tear rolled down her cheek. Her handsome face, meloncholy and resigned, and her languishing head, ieaning over that of her companion, made her look like ono 01 tnose Madonnas wnoin painters represent weeping over the inanimate body of ;heir divine son. At some distance from the two women a ragged bandit was pacing up and down with ineasured steps, and a musket over bis shoulder. Corcelli had not yet dared to present himself bef ore bis captives; he feared to faoe the first anger of their despair. When at last they were somewhat resigned to their f ate he ventured to pay them a visit. The noise of footsteps and the movement of ihe sentiuel, who presented arms, rrarned Jeanne and Isabella of the captaiu's coniing. Isabella awoke. The brigand advanced toward the two young girls with great courtesy. "Corpo santo! sangue di Cristo!" said he, in order to appear at bis ease, for the sight of [sabella intimidated him. "You have good air here, ruy pullets, and this cave is rather moro inhabitable than your cell iu the abbey." "Do not come near us, villain," cried bella, throwing herself into the arms of her frieud, "or fear tho anger of the Duke of Arcos." "Tho Duke of Arcos is in his fortress, and I am in mine, señora, HasanieUo is between us both, and the anger of the viceroy cannoi reach me here." "But if you do not fear the anger of man," Interrupted Jeanne, "fear, at least, the justice of heaven." "It is what I am always trying to do, my dear; but, unfortunately, times are hard, and I havetwo hundred men to f eed." "Father! father I" exclaimed Isabella, hidingher face in her hands, "come and protect us! come and deli ver us !" "May heaven hear your prayer, my dear; and may you soon leave this placel" "Wretch!" cried Jeanne, "why did you, then, toar us from our retreat?" "So that you might be taken back to it, corpo di Cristo I" "Well, then, send us back to Naples, and restore this young girl to her old father, on whom so many misf ortunea have fallen all at once." "I will do so willingly. Monsignore the Duke of Arcos has only to send me 60,000 ducats and you will be f ree. Sixty thousand ducats for such pretty girlsl Why, it is nothing!" "Have you informed the Duke of Arcos of my captivity?" asked Isabella, "No, señora; but I have written to Masaniello, who will not leave you with us long. Console yourselves; in three days you will havo quitted us." "Three days more in this heil !" said Isabella, bursting into tears. "During this time you will be the object of the most delicate attention and unceasing care, and all your wishes will be complied with. You mustn't ask for French wines or roasted pheasants, but anything from kirsehwasser to olla podrida is at your service." "Let us go in, Jeanne," said Isabella, with disgust. On leaving the tavern of II Cappueiao, who had given them, with a sigh, a large fiask of wine, Conrad and hia companion gained the road Jeading to Nola, and soon entered a rugged, winding way, of which each side was covered with vines. Littlo by little all vegetation disappeared, and they at last found themselves in the midst of mountains. A silonce of death reigned around. The heat was stifiing, and the eye could BCarcely bear the eff ulgence of the sun's rays, which poured down to the ground almost perpendicularly. Pietro and the brigand stopped at the foot of a wall formed of lava, which it seemed impossiblo to climb over. But Conrad soon discovered a passage by which they would be able to reach the summit of the rock. He saw, by the footmarks here and there visible, that a numerous troop had recently preceded them. "De enemy is not more dan a hundred baces vrom us," said he. "Addentionl" When Pietro reached the top of the rock, a frightful sight opened to his view. He found himself on the edgè of a fathomless abyss, the yawning mouth of which appeared ready to receive him. ïhis ravine was siz feet wide and had been formed, between two layers of lava, by the rapid waters of a torrent. On the opposite side aróse a mass of lofty volcanic rocks. These cyclopean-like heights were covered with slimy plants and rugged moss, and in every interstico heather and wild stocks had taken root. A noisy Btream worked its way along the bottom of the raviiie. "Ve are arrifed, Eietro," whispered Conrad in his compam'on's ear. "'Dere are eyes looging at us through de obenings indese rogs; dere is a musked parrei hid between each Btone, and diregted against us. Vait a moment." So saying, the robber put two flngers of hls left hand ia his mouth and gave three sharp whistles. Immediately afterward a man showed his shaggy head and hideous face at the entranco of a cavern on a lovel with the abyss. Ho reeognized Conrad. "Oh, it is you, you drunkard, is it?" he oberved. "We have not lost you, then, as the captain said." "De prute abbears to have eaten up de pass word," replied Conrad. "Do you think you ean cross the plank without stumbliug?" asked the other. "Nefer fear, my good Dristanl," said Conrad. "Subbosing I did fall, I should not go do de poddom, pegause ad de poddom dere is vater, and I always geep avay from dat liquid. Make baste and drow de pridge ocross, for ve are vatigued." "Who is that fellow with you?" "A goot f riend of mine, a smooggler, whom I have gonferted, and who vants to pecóme a ropper." "I will run and ask the captain whether he will allow him to pass?' 'Let him bass, you idiot, at vonce. If the gabtain does not like him, he gan easily drow him into do rafine." During this conversation, Pietro ran along the edge of the abyss, and finding one place narrower than the rest, leaped from one side to the other with the agility of a chamois. The report of a musket was instantly heard from a ueighboring projection of the rock, and a ball whistled past Pietro'a ears.ri'pown wid de moosguets, Donner-Wetter. own wid de moosguets!" cried Conrad. Sacrament und tausend Teuf el, do you want (oguill your gomrades?" The sentinel Tristani took a thick plank, uren feet long, to the end of which a rope wis fastened. He placed one end of the jjink 'n a groove chiseled out of the rock, wok the rope in both hands, and allowed the mspension bridge, invented by Corcelli, to H across the abyss. Conrad passed over. Immediately af terward he presented Pietro lothe captain. The smugglur underwent a long examinaÜon, hut he awaited the issue without fear. fhe liberty of the prisoners, and, perhaps, [he life of Jeanne's eourageous betrothed, depended on it. The face of the person under jxaniination was not unknown to Corcelli. the captain was cunning and suspicious. "So you are determined to enter my bandf ' he said to Pietro, when the latter had replied (o all his questions, or dispersed almost all bis doubts. "Conrad has explained to you mr mode of life, has he not i" He has." "A conti nual state of warfare." "Such, I am aware, is the case." "Perilous expeditions." "Of thoso, too, I am also awnre." "The most absolute submission." "To that I had made up my mind before loming here." "I will give you an opportunity of proving rourself, this very day," added Corcelli. "A Jew of Capua has ransomed himself for a (Din of money, which he is to pay this eJing. You shall go and f etch it f rom him. " "Very good, captain. When must I set (Ut?" "Kest yourself a little, and take some re(resbmcnt. You will leavo the mountain iFhen the sun has nearly run its daily tourse." It -nould take too long for us to explain to oar readers how Pietro accomplished his journey successf ul!y, and, besides the money, brougut back from Capua a letter which he iras eharged to givo to Corcelli. The Jew to whom he had beeu sent was no other than a feceiver of stolen goods with whom the brigmds kept up a constant communicatlon. The night was drawing to a close when Pietro regained the camp. He was conducted into the captain's presenee, and there he witnessed a horrible tight. All the brigands were drawn up in a circle at the bottom of a small cráter that had long tince been extinst. Beforo tbem were piled op jeivels, precious stuffs and the sacred vesKls that had been stolen the night before trom the Abbey of Santa Chiara. Corcelli was walking up and down inside the circle, and when Pietro, who was breathless and worn out with fatigue, had given an account o! what he had done, Corcelli said to him : "It is good. Sit down with your comrades; you will receive your share of the Bpoil." Each member of the band now arose in his turn, approached the lieutenant who was eharged with the distribuüon, and received bis portion of the booty. Velvet cloaks, satin vests, rich castern itufEs, magniflcently chased jewels, chalices and sacerdotal omaments adorned with golden arabesques - all were torn, broken up and distributed in pretty equal portions among the bandits. Corcelli, with a pistol in his hand, presided at the distribution. When it was finished, the robbers, retiring on one side, scrutinized, examined and weighed in their hands the lot which had tallen to the share of each one. Lupo, the same who, in the morning, had been on guard before the cavern in which Jeanno and Isabella were conflned, approached Corcelli. "I have been cheated," said he to him, impudcntly. "In what way?' inquired the captain. "The foot of the ehaliee, of which I havo bardly received a quarter, was only silver pit." "Well, and if it were, you have received about the value of two ducats." "And what are two ducats for three days' pay'i" "Ah! you are not contented with your pay, ehP said the chief, leveling his pistol at Lupo. He fired, and Lupo feil down dead. A low murmur ran through the brigands. "Is there any other among you who is not atisfied with his pay?" asked the captain, drawing a second pistol from his belt. So one spoke; the robbers sought their several cantonments in affright. The next day Jeanne and Isabella were seated on the same spot where Corcelli had found them the day before. A man of lofty stature, with a face red from drinking, and ffhoso lips were shaded with an immense pair of mustaches, was guarding the prisoners. To the great astonishment of the two maid6ns, this individual, as he paced up and down before them, threw out the following phrase In fragmente : "Pe ready to leafe, my shildren- Bietro kas been here since yesterday - We are guarding ofer you, and dis efening, berhaps, ve shall flnd an obbortunity of delifering ion." It is superfluous to add that this man wa3 Conrad. Jeanne wished to ask him a few questions; kut tho Germán, still marching up and down with a military step, added: "Silence, silencel Seem to know neiderme lor Bietro- odervise' all is lost." Tho young girls returned into the cave, 'nd threw themselves into each other Varms. They then knelt down upon the ground and besought heaven to aid Pietro, who was risking his life in such a dangerous enterprise. They had not to wait long ere Conrad's Promises were realized. That very evening Pietro was selected to Piardthe ravine. The night was dark and the wind blew tanpestuously over the bare mountain tops. imetimes the thunder was heard growling h the distance, while brilliant flashes of üghtning illuminated for a second the clouds from which they burst f orth. Every one was asleep on the mountain. At this period a man appeared upon the P of the ravine, and, descending from rock rock, came and touched Pietro on the ihoulder. De moment is gome," he said. 'Havo you succeeded in sending Giacomo sleep?' asked the smuggler. 'Ko, he is not trunk y et." I As he spoko these words Conrad showed accomplieo the wine flask they had ""iglit from the faubourg of Loretto. It I asempty. I ''Dat man is a regular cessbool," added the ■ rman; "dere is no villing him." I 'It is you who have drank the wino, you ■V said Pietro. Conrad took the liberty of I Jnguoanswer. ' hat is to bo done now?" said Pietro. M ü 6uiil him, Donner-Wetter I" replied 'int ho will cry out," continued Pietro. I „. '" to gry out louder dan dee tunder?" I =d Conrad. I tóT retrace1 ni3 steps, and, drawing hia dy ai?vaaced on tiptoe toward the cavern r hich Giacomo was mounting guard. I ,;1Te minutes afterward Conrad rejoined I This tüne however, he had I Jeanne upon hls back. I b(r!POr girl """S"1 t0 clasP the neck f "Thanks! thanlKl Pietro, " said she. "And what of Giacomoï" asked the smnggler. "It Í3 all right," replied Conrad. "I vill now go and fetch de oder shild. Do you, Bietro, get de plang ready; it vill saf dime." The Germán fulfllled his task of carrying off tbc young girls with the greatest ooolness In the world. It was not long bef ore he reappeared, holding Isabella in his herculean arms. "She has fainded," he remarked; and, so Baying, crossed the ravine. Pietro followed hlm. They now both united their strength and endeavored to draw the suspension bridge of the fortress over to their side. But one of Corcelli's lieutenants had been awakened by the noise made by the fugitives as they went to and fro. He suddenly leaped, like a hyena, from the rock on to the plank, and, placing the barrel of his musket on Pietro's breast, exclaimed: "Surrender yourself prisoner!" To this summons Conrad replied by a blow with the butt end of his musket, which caused his comrade to lose his balance. The latter feil astride on the plank, and holding on to it convulslvely, cried loudly for help. There was not a moment to lose. Pietro seized the end of the fragüe support which still kept up the lieutenant, and balancing his victim over the gulf, cast him into it. An oath, the noiso of water disturbed by the falling body, a roll of thunder, and all was over. Some others of the brigands now ran up. Conrad and Pietro saw them in the lightning, glidiug, like shadows, through the brushwood. The bandits also saw Pietro, for five or six shots wero heard at the same time, and than boomed, for some time afterward, along the somber depths of tho ravine. Conrad and his friend had placed their precious burdens on their backs. It took them a long white to descend the sharp rocks, at the foot of which they had stopped as they came from Naples. They succeeded, however, in effecting their purpose before Corcelli could send any one in pursuit of them. They then fled across the mountains; in the midst of the rolling of the thunder, which seemed to pui'sue them, and of the flashes of lightning, which cast a dead like glare beneath their feet. As long as their road lay over the crumbling lava, Pietro allovred Conrad to serve as guide; but as soon os they reached the vineyards he went on first, and, beginning to run with marvelous rapidity, leaped over hedges and ditches, and passed, like a reptile, through thickets that appeared impenetrable. At last he reached the middle of a glade, to which there appeared to be no beaten path, but where he had, doubtless, often fled for refuge during the course of hissmuggling expeditions. Placing Jeanne upon the ground, he exclaimed: "We are sa ved ! We are sa ved I" CHAPTER XIX POWEB AND POWER. The head of the people had for a whole weary day awaited Pietro's return, but in vain. Devoured by anxiety and agitated by that feverish feeling of impatience which recders mee accustomed to take the lead incapable of vaiting, he had resolved to set out for the Apennines the next morning and place himseli in direct communication with Corcelli After a long conference between the head of the people and Dom Francesco - a conference in which they were not able to come to any understanding - Masaniello was on the point of setting out from Naples, when our old acquaintance, Conrad, appeared before him. "Cheneral," said he, accompanying his words with a military ealute, "I haf goot news do dell you." "Wüo are you?' asked the fisherman. "I am galled Gonrad, and as late as yesderday I pelonged to Gorjelli's band." "To Corcelli's bandl What has become of my sister? What has become of the daughter of the Duke of Arcos?" "I hab garried dem off dis morning wid Bietro." "And where are they now?" "In Nables, Cheneral, in a gabin ov de Marchellina." "Come, come, my brave fellowl" said Masaniello, as he rushed into the street preceded by the lansquenet. Conrad proceeded to the sea shore, and, after walking sometime along the beach, reached the flsherman's hut. "It is derel" ho said. Masaniello's heart beat violently, and his limbs could scarcely support him, as he entered the wretched dweiling that he was never destined to inhabit again. Jeanne threw herself into his arms. Isabella cast toward him a look full of sadness and of love. As for Pietro, the poor smuggler, he was vrorn out with fatigue. As he lay stretched npon a coarse mat in ono corner of the cabin, he could hardly press the hand Masaniello held out to him. "Thanks, thanks, my brave Pietrol" murmurmed the chief of the people, in one of those tones of voico that proeeed direct from the heart. He approaehed the viceroy's daughter, and knelt down before her. He then took her hand and kissed it. "What have I seen- what havo I hea.-d, Masaniello?" said Isabella to him. "Can it be true that at Naples houses have been pillaged and burned - that nobles have been killed in their own palaces?" The fisherman held down his head. "I have also been informed," continusd the Spanish maiden, "that it was you who led on tho pillagers, the incendiaries and the murderersl" "Dear Isabella" "What!" sho continued, "doyouwishto dishonor the revolution you have effected- to sully the victory the people have achieved, and raise against the Neapolitans the whole of indignant Europe?" "Do not judge me without a hearing," he replied. "Speak, oh. yes, speak!" she exclaimed; "for between you and me there is at present blood, the blood of the dead! You were ever dear to me, Masaniello, but aJas! at present I do uot know that you are not odious in my sightl" "Odious. do you say?" asked tho young man shuddering mournfully, and passing his hand across his forehead. He then continued as follows: "Señora, I am but a poor fisherman ; I have no right to feel indignant os a noble viceroy does, who crashes beneath squadrons of cavalry the vulgar rabble that rise up in insurrection 1 I have incurred your contempt, and I should have expeeted it. I dared, m a moment of rage and despair - I, a mere serf , a lazarone, dared to meet assassination with murder, dared to reward treachery with the incendiary's torch." "Assassination, treason!" exclaimed tho young girl. "Gracious powers, what bas happened during my absence; who has betrayed your' "Yourfatherr "My father attempt to assassinate you?" asked the young girL "Prince Caraffa, and others whom I suspect, but whom I will not name. I had two Lundred musket shots aimed at me," replied Masaniello. "Unhappy creature that I aml" said the malden, iJiterrupting him, and burstlng into tears. "f am surrounded with naugbt but perjury and murder." "Ay, you speak rightly, Isabella," observed Masaniello: "murder and perjury! But it is not I ; it is the noble Duke of Arcos who is the perjurer." "By Heaven, it is impossiblel" exclaimed Isabella. "Hear me," continued the fisherman calmly. "Some friends of mine, whose prudenco and good intentions are well known to me, advised me to drive the Spaniards out of the kingdom and have done with tyranny forever. I had already proclaimed the deposition of Philip the Fourth ; all I had to do was to persevere. I saw you at the convent of Santa Chiara, and my affection for you obtained the mastery over me. I agreed to treat with the Duke of Arcos. It became still more necessary to carry on a negotiation when Corcelli had carried you oLf, as well as my sister, from your sacred retreat. The villain required sixty thousand ducats for your ransom, and the viceroy was the only person who could raise that sum within the time stipulated by the brigands. "Dom Francesco proceeded to the CastelNuovo, where he obtained an audience of your father. "An interview was agreed on between the Duke of Arcos and myself. It was to take place in the church of Santo Domenico, in the presence of his grace the archbishop, aud all the great offleers of the crown. The duke there gave his sanction to myedicts; herenewed the charter of the Eraperor Charles the Fifth, aud swore, by the holy eangelists, to observe it. Do you mark, Isabella? He swore I" "Thus, then, my father accepted all your terms, and submitted to all your demands?" asked the maiden. "Yes, but the charter which was read, I blush to say'" "■Well- the charter" "Had been tampered with." "Oh, Heaven I" exclaimed the maiden, this is infamous! My father must have been deceived by somo perfidious counselors 1" "I spared these perfldious men," he continued. "They had gone to the church of Santo Domenico, trusting on my pledged word. Up to this point, on which side, Isabella, was the wrong; on the side of the grandee of Spain, or on that of the poor fisherman?" "Do not askp replied tho raaiden. "But I wanted money," Masaniello went on to say; "I wanted money to procure your freedom and that of my poor Jeanne. After deliberately weighing over tho matter, however, in my own mind, I preferred making an appeal to the people, for the people would have paid your ransom, believe me, but" "What happened then?" asked Isabella, in a tone of anguish. "As I was addressing the assembled crowd, a horrible explosión broke forth, and a Bhower of gnipeshot passed over my bead. But heaven, doubtlessly protected me, for I was not touched." "Poor Masaniellol" "Prince Caraffa, who had ordered the troops to flre, was brought bef ore me. It is superfluous to teil you the rest. An instant afterward the young man was dead, his palace and twenty others were pillaged, ransacked, burned, and I had the sixty thousand ducats, without which I was doomed never more to behold all that I love in the world, all that gives me joy, hope, courage, and liie here below. At present, Isabella, will you condemn me?" asked Masaniello. "Conduct me to my father without an instant's delay !" cried the maiden. 'You shall be obeyed, señora," replied the Head of the People, "butif to-morrowyou do not return, I shall have ceased to live I" "Bef ore the sun sets we shall all be asscmblcd at the VicariaJ" answered Isabella. "Peace shall be re-established in Naples, and nothing shall ever separate us again, dear Masaniello - for 3"ou are still the same Masaniello you were wont to be, my dearly beloved Masaniello, my savior, my husband! Pietro, Jeanne, farewell for a short time." After the fisherman had sent Isabella nnder a good escort to the Castel-Nuovo, Conrad wanted to accompany him to the Vicaria. The lansquenet entered the council chamber with him without ceremony. "Signore Masaniello," said he to him, "I haf still someding do asg ov youl" "What is itf "Only den dousand doogats." "How can I procure so large a sum, my brave fellow?" "It is Biedro who bromised dem do me." "For delivering the two young maidensT' "Ya, ya, mein Herrl" The flsherman immediately granted the demand of the deliverer of Jeanne and Isabella. Conrad fUled his pockets with the gold pieces. "At bresent I shall goo," he observed. "And where are you going?" asked Masaniello. "Do find out my liddle Pafarian." "Your little Bavarian?" "Ya, ya, my Pafarian, Donner-Wetter I a bretty girl, who is in lofe wid my musdacbe, and whom I haf peen gooing to marry lor dirty-fife years." "I wish you raay be successful, Conradl" "Dank you, signore. Shako hand Tid [dat goot vellow, Bietro, for me." As each successive day passed by, tho position of the Duke of Arcos in tho CastelNuovo becamo more critical. The revolt of Naples was becoming moro serious. The people had fought with the Spaniards on the first day ; they had pillaged and murdered the next day, and from the battlements of hls f ortress the viceroy had been ablo to seo the gloomy reflection of the burning buildings. The Spaniards were completely discouraged. On the first day of the siege, Naples might have been frightened into submissiou by a bombardment. But the viceroy had hesitated; for, af ter all, tho Neapolitans were a property to him, a valuable property, a harvest always ripe, always fit to be cut down in fat sheaves by the sickle; it was more profltable for him to deceive this vulgar herd taan to mow themdown with grapeshot. Suddenly the news was brought to the Ticeroy that his daughter, escorted by a troop of armed fishermen, was at the gates of the fortress. The old man rushed down In person to the gates in order to convince himself of the truth of such good news.which indemnified hiro for his most bitter annoyances, and afïorded hira an honorable excuse for renewing Tvith Masaniello the negotiation that had been broken off. He did indeed behold his daughter in the midst of a group of men of the lower classes, whose weapons were ornamented with olivo branches fastened by white kercbiefs. In his joy he immediately ordered the drawbridge to be lowered, and advanced to meet Isabella. He led her into his own apartments, and pressing tho beautiful head of his beloved child between his trembling hands, said to her: "Do I then see jou once again, ray Isabella, my beloved? Do I then see you, after these dreadful days of revolution, stil! young, beautiful and smiling? Ohl my misfortunes are now nothing since you are here to share them with me ! But what are those men doing there?" continued tho viceroy, as he perceived those who had brought back his daughter walking peaceably up and down on the esternal glacis of tho fortress. "They are waiting for me, they are waiting for us, father," answered Isabella. "They are waiting for us?" "Yes, for I proclaim peace to you, and I am come to bring back to you the viceregal crown which you were uní ortunate enough to lose." "My child- my good Isabella, is that possible? Good heavens, is that possible?" "You must sign Masaniello's edicts; you must renew the emperor's charter - tho true one, mind, and tho head of the people will himself reconduct you through the city to your palace of the Vicaria 1" "Have you seen this fisherman, thenr "Yes, I have seen him. Ohl Masaniello has a noble soul. Under the embroidered doublets of our Spanish grandees there does not beat a more generous heart than his." The countenance of the Duke of Arcos darkened. "Señora," said he, "you feil into this man's power on quitting the palace, did you not?'' "I did ; and I was iminediately conducted to Convent of Santa Chiara, where Jeanne, his sister, had already taken refuge." "Do you know this girl, then?" "Ido." "And Masaniello?" "Yes, Masaniello as well." "Very good 1 But wbat can the danghter of the Duke of Arcos have in common with such persons as these i" "Musaniello used to take us in his bark when we went with Dame Pedrilla to eat oranges and pomegranates in the islands that Btud the gulf." "You used to talk to Masaniello, then?" "Of course I did." "And it was be, doubtlc, who taught you those fine speeches about the misery of the people, and the tyranny of the Spaniards, which you used to repeat to me at the Vicaria, when I was good uatured enough to talk politics with youi" "Yes, it was he, father. Oh, if you had but listened to me" "I did what 1 judged right; let us change the conversation if you have no objection. I wish to question you ; answer me. How did you leave the convent of Santa Chiara?" "A certain Corcelli, chief of the brigands, who f ought against tho Spaniards during the insurrection, carried me off, as well as Jeanne, and conveyed me to an almost impregnable fortress which he inhabita In the Apennines." "As well as Jeanne, do you sayT' "Yes, father." "Masaniello's sister?" "The same." "Very good. And who rescued youi" "Pietro, a smuggler; in order to do so he risked his life a thousand times, father." "What motive iuduced thi3 smuggler thus to risk his life a thousand times in order to save your' "He is Masaniello's friend." "And the lover of his sister, mayhapF1 "He is betrothed to her." "Oh, betrothed to her, is he? At present I understand completely the bonds which unite Jeanne, the smuggler, Masaniello and yoursell, my dear señora. You saw this fisherman on your return from the Apennines?" "Pietro took me to his cabin on the Mergellina." "A cabin that you have often visited - which is very dear to you, eh?" continued the Duke of Arcos, with a bitter sneer. "I will not deny it." "Oh, you are very frank in your afïections, my child. It is only to be regretted that you should place them so low." "But, mi senor" "Do not let us enter on a discusson, I entreat you. Have the kindness, however, to inform me whether, in dictating his terms, Masaniello aslced nothing for himseJf "Nothing." "Are you sure- nothing?" "I am quite sure - nothing." "And you, Isabella, do you not'demand gome reward for the service you have this day rendered to the king of Spain, Philip theFourthi" "Ohl I see at what you would hint, father," replied the maiden, blushing. "But I will not disuvow in your presence a passion that does me honor. I love Masaniello, and I wül never baveany husband but him." "But consider, my dear Isabella," continued the Spanish grandee, calmly, "in what a singular position we are placed. Masaniello asks for the band of my daughter - for thus I must interpret his advances - he asks for it at the head of 50,000 armed lazaroni - can I refuse it him?" "Father, do not refuse it One word from you and the Neapolitans lay down'their arms, the city returns to its obedience, Masaniello is gained to your cause, and Isabella is happy at tho thought of having reconciled two men so well suited to know and understand each other. By the memory of my dear mother, mi senor, let me move you." The young girl clung round the knees of the viceroy. He raised her up. "I am about to cali my couneil," he said, "and I will submit to them Masaniello's humble request." With these words he rang a bell. "Send for the women of Donna Isabella d' Arcos!" He accompanied his daughter as far as the door, and took leave of her with a sort of affected politeness. Kever bad tho poor girl Been this haughty man so unkind, so severe, so pitikssly sarcastic. She awaited his decisión in a state of the greatest anxiety. At length he appeared at the expiration of two hours. He was dressed in state, and all hi3 orders sparkled on his breast. He held in his hand various papers, fumished with all the formalities used ia the offices of government, and bendingtoward his daughter, said: "All your desires are fulfiiled, my dear eenora. Cali Goldeu Fleece," he continued, addressing one of his pages. Golden Fleece was his herald. He entered the room. "You will cali together all thegreatofficers of state," said the duke to him. "You will then go with them to tho Vicaria, and take these title deeds for me to El Senor Masaniello, head of the people. Let him cause them to be iminediately published in Naples, and then let him come directly to the CastelNuovo, where I shall await him." That day was a happy one for the population of Naples. The edicts sanctioned by the viceroy were read aloud in the public squares in the midst of cries of joy and triumph. When this was concluded Masaniello proceeded to receive tho Duke of Arcos as ba left the fortres;.-The duke advaneeó, hat in hand, to meet the flsherman, and having crabraced him, leaned familiarly ou his shoulder. He would not allow the troops to accompany him, but re-entered his palace surrounded by an escort of the people and greeted by a thousand cries of "Long live Masaniello! Long live the viceroy I" In the evening a splendid banquet brought together the families of the two masters of Naples. They showed themselves together to the people on the terrace of the Vicaria. We must not omit to state that II Cappuoino was paid to the last real. But how great was the happiness of the people, when, the next day, the edicts of their chief were put into execution 1 Thero were no more farmers of the customs in the market place, uo more offlcers, no more taxes, no more villanage, no more of those persons who had so often etirred up such ill will] Peasants and fishermen were free to sell their wines, their fruit and their flsh without paying any tax save that which they willingly allowed the begging f riars to colleet. As head of the people, Masaniello shared with the Duke of Arcos the cares of the government. His hands were always filled with favors and with alms, which he distributod In profusión as he passed along. The viceroy delighted to take him iu his carriage, to place him at Isabella's side, and to show the peoplo their fisherman triumphant, still wearing his woolen jacket and disdaining the purple which ho might have assumed. Everywhere the greatest enthusiasm greeted the two chief offlcers of state, who lived in such harmony with each other - everywhere did the Neapolitans join in their cries the name of the viceroy to that of Masaniello and of Isabella. The duko insisted on Masaniello's occupying a splendid suite of apartments ín the Vicaria. He gave him gentlemen to bear him company, and lackeys to wait on him. Masaniello, the fisherman of the Mergellina - Masaniello, the plebeian - Masaniello, the rebel, whom a defeat would have conducted to the gibbet, had as his attendants riccos hombres, ■who boro lance and banner, and were descended from the kings of Arragon. Such was the good feeling of the Duke of Arcos toward Masaniello - such was the sincerity of his esteem and affection for him- that he did all in his power to basten the day on which Masaniello should become a member of his family. The flsherman was indeed the betrothed of Isabella; and he enjoyed all the privileges of his position. In his impatiesce to see their marriage concluded, the viceroy begged from the cardinal archbishop the necessary dispensations to do away with the delay required by the ecclesiastical laws. He sueceeded in obtaining them. Immediately he had done so, and of his own free will, he decided that the nuptials should be eelebrated the next day. CHAPTER XX. POISON' IN" THE FLOWEB. liet us now enter that same chamber where we have seen the Duke of Arcos forget all etiquette, as well as his own dignity as a grandee of Spain, in his excitement against Señor Badajoz y Suerry y Nevada yFualdes, and especially against his daughter Isabella, at the moment the revolt was threateniug him at the gates of the Vicaria and on the market place. Fernandez was standing up, leaning against the wall, while the duke was hastily pacing up and down, stamping impatiently on the bright colored carpet under his feet. Most certainly his grace the Duke of Arcos had lost a great deal of his dignity and his marvelous calmness. "Two days more," said he, "two days more, during which I must master my anger, and veil, with a continued smile, the rage which is gnawing at my heart." "But, then, your grace, you will revengo yourself like a kingl" replied Fernandez. "Tet, after all, will it be less true that this fisherman - this boor- has been forthree days betrothed to Isabella; that he has spoken to her of his love bef ore every one; and that, with his lazarone hand - a serf s hand i - he has pressed that of the noble daughter of the house of Arcos?" "Your grace is a devotod subject of the king, our master, and you were resolved, even at the most fearful sacrifice, to preserve intact the sacred pledge of power which you had received." With a gesture of rage, the duke tore his ruffles of Brussels lace. "What will his most Catholic majesty say of this revoltï He will be irritated against me, and a host of cowardly enemies will seize this opportuuity of ruining me. Oh ! Masaniello, Masaniello 1 accursed lazarone! can it be true that I have degraded myself so far as to hate you?" "The miserable wreteh will pay dearly the honor your grace does him,"said Fernandez. "You have seen thecourt perfumer?" "Yes, this evening we shall have the flowers I ordered." "Have you written to Corcelli!" "Your grace must excuso my not having dono that; I never eoramit such an act of imprudence. A person on whom I can depend, and of tried fidelity, has made an appointment with him for to-morrow evenüig." "But supposing that our projects are not uccessful" "They will be successful, mi senorl" "Havo we not another revolt to fear from this people?" "Masauiello," replied Fernandez, with a gloomy smile, "has, for the last two days, ghared with you tha supreme authority. Yesterday the Ner.politans still adored him; today they look on him with indüTerence; to-morrow they will desert him. Such is always the courso of popular favor, mi senorl" "You have not yet been able to persuado him to assurne a court dress?" "Not yet; but when he has beheld the splendid entertainment tbat you are preparing ior this evening, the rich toilets aud tho briliiant uniforms, in the midst of which his wretched fisheruian's custumo wiU look like a black spot; when alone, ia tho recessol'u wiudow, foeling himself ridiculous, and not daring to go near Isabella, he has seen his betrothed, light and joyful, following tho excited rhythtu of tlie boleros and sarabandes ; when we have rendered him intoxicated witk jealousy, and still more intoxieated with the periume of tho flowers I have destined for him - oh, thon, never fear, ho wül put on his noble's dress. I kuow llasaniello." "(jood 1 In this dress we will taku him" "In a state carriage, mi senor, that all eyes may seo him." "The very thing. Vc will show tho Neapolitans tho head of tho peoplo transl'ormod into a courtier." "And your grace can then celébrate the marriago of your daughter Isabella," added Don Fernandez, with his sinister smile. They left the apartment together. Tho hour fixed for the fete giveu by tho viceroy on the occasion of the approachinj marriage of his daughter was now arrived. Twenty chandeliers illuminated the principal saloon - tweuty chandcliei-s covered witli crystal drops which glisteued like a myriad of stars, and were reflected by the show of diamonds around. All tho court were assembled. Hardly had the Duke of Arcos, accompanied by tho grcat offlcers of kis household, traversed the various aparfments in which the guests were eollected, courteously saluting the ladies and addressing a few words of flattery to the men, ere the orchtstra gave the signal for the dancing to commence. A rapid movement now took place in the midst of this crowd of beautiful women and noble lords. A large space was cleared in the center of the principal saloon. Into this space a number of couples advanced and began whirling round to the sound of the castanets, inarking with their light steps the joyous cadenee of the music, varying their attitudes with marvelous grace, and exciting each other with their gestures, their looks and their voices. Dressed in his fisherman's costume, which, in truth, f ormed a strange contrast with that of the haughty Spaniards and of the vain Neapolitans, Masaniello contemplated, with a feeling of naive siraplicity, a sight so new tohim. Don Juan Fernandez went up to the fisherman, and, putting his arm familiarly under his, led him into a neighboring room. "What do you think of our fetef" said he, in a winning tone. "It is magnifieent," replied theyoung man; '■nothing could be more admirable." "Unless it were a revolt in the market place, ehP' Masaniello looked his interlocutor full in the face, and then replied: "There is this difference between a revolt and a bal], senor: that those who take part in the one are starving people, while in the other'' "Come, come," remarked the Spaniard; "let us leave politics, and change the conversation. You are a man of taste, Masaniello." "I am, at least, a man of courage." "Taste and courage are nearly connected. Allow me to ask you, therefore, why you have come in the simple costume of a fisherman to so noble an assembly?" "The costume I wear belongs to my class." "Ay, it did so a few days since, when your courage and talents had not raised you above the vulgar berd, when Naples had uot yet bestowed upon you the title of head of the people - a title which you so well merit. But today" - - "Today I am the same I was yesterday, the same I shall be to-morrow, the same I wish to be all my lite- a child of the people, who resembles, neither by his educatiou nor his mind, nor, on my faith, by his frankness, those malevolent beiugs whom we eall il prepotenti." "Masaniello, you do not set a suffieient valuo on the consideration which the court manifests toward you. Seel every eye is turned to you, every ono admires you. All these noble ladies whisper to one another tow handsome you would be with a vehet mantle, and how well a sword would become you, as well as bucket boots, garnished with point lace, and which it is so difflcnlt to wear with grace." "As for the sword," replied the chief of the people, proudly, "the ladies are right. I do wear it pretty well - in my hand.". "Come, come, my dear friend; forget your stoicism for a moment, and let us talk sensibly. You love Isabella?" "I do, senor; that is no longer a secret fromany one." "And you are about to marry herf' "I desire this marriage with the whole force of my soul." "Will you renounce the pleasure of dancing with your wife, or will you forbid her to indulge in an amusement which is fitted to her age and of which she is distractedly fondi" "I do not knowl" replied Masaniello, sharply. '■That is no answer. Your position will become a most horribly difflcult one at the viceregal court. In your fisherman's dress you will not be able to take any share in all these fetes, to which your betrothed is as much accustomed as you are to spread out your sail to the breeze, and of which she constitutes the brightest ornament." "It is good, senor; I will reflect on what you have said." replied Masaniello pensively. "Judge of the future by what happens to you today, my dearest friend. Your betrothed awaits you, and what a betrothed! The riehest, the handsomest, and the sweetest creature in all Castile. Our most popular young noblemen press around her, all soliciting the honor of guiding her steps in a bolero or a saraband. But Isabella refuses - her eyes seek you; she would fain indulge, as she has been wont to do, in the amusement of the dance; but she would blush to have any partner save Masaniello; and you - you dare not approach lier, you daro not offer her your hand, and conduct her, triumphant and radiant with joy, through the ball. And what is tho reason? A ridiculous one - because you have on a monk's hood, a carman's gaiters, and a pointed hat, like the steeple of Notre Dame del Carmine." ' "I know some of these same young nobles who are parading before theso high bom dames this evening, whom this hat, this hood, and theso gaiters have struck with terror at Santo Domenico, and on the market place," said tho young man, whose fnce brighte-ned up with prido at the recolleetion. "Well, my dear friend, the times of revolt are passed. You are the Head of the People, the equal of the viceroy, and the betrothed of Isabella. Try to fill wortuily the high position that you have achioved. I am giving you a piece of friendly advice. Good-by for a time. I see Donna Marie de Badajoz, whose saucy little foot is impatiently counting tho measures of the bolero. 1 must go and oHer her my arm, and lead her to take her place in the dance." Fernandez disappeared in the crowd that blocked up the room. Af ter having long waited in vain for Masaniello, after having sought him with her glanee in every direction, Isabella had, at length, not been able to refuse the invitations of the young nobles who pressed around her. In obedience to her father's orders, she selected as her partner the Duke of Spinola. Her botrothed perceived her bending her voluptuous figure and taraing alot't her charming arms in the midst of the groups that were moving in cadenee to the jerking measure of the bolero. His heai-t was wrung with jealousy. A cry of rage and impetuous passion burst trom Lis breast, aud ho hesitated whether he should rush into the midst of this diabolical visión, stab Spinola, seizo Isabella, and carry her off frooi the dance. Who could place any obstacle in his way? Was she not his betrothed - his property - whom he had gained by talking of love to her in tho bay, and in fighting like a lion in the midst of the carnage on the field of battle? He then cast his glance upon the poor dress he wore, and recollected the words of Don Juan Fernandez. It was, indeed, strictly truo that ho bad got on a monk's cowl, a carman's boots, and a pointed bat, like tho spü"o of Kotre Daino del Carmine. The bolero had just terminated. The same man whose cruelly logical conversation had proved to the iisherman how great an abyss separated his present positiou from that which it was the day before, now went up toward thetdaughter, of tho Duko of Arcos, and led her to that corner of the apartment in which Masaniello had taken refuge. In her naive and childish coquetry, Isabella little suspected tho torture she had caused her lover. "Jlasaniello," said Fernandez, "I have tho honor to present to you Donna Isabella, who has long been looking Lor you in the crowd, and whom, doubtless, you have forgotten to greet." The unhappy lover knew-iiot what to reply. A spasmodio contraction closed his throat; ie could only make an inclination oL the ïead. "Don Juan, lea ve us," said the daughter of ;he Duke of Arcos. The Spaniard withdrew. "What a horrible lazaronel" he grumbled o himself, as he retired; "and to think that we are obliged to deliver up Isabella - yes, o deliver her up to this wretched being I A 'ew hours more - only two days - and the noules of Castile will be revenged!" Fernandez left the apartment, and, retirng into his room, took up a bouquet of artiIcial flowers, which he contemplated with all the intense pleasure of an impatient sentiment of hatred on the point of being jratifled. "What is the matter with you, dear, Masaniello!" said Isabella to her future husband. ' Why that thoughtf ui face and that mourn'ul look? The fete given in our honor by my 'ather is charming; but you were not near me and I have not been amused." "Yet the Duke of Spinola is an elegant dancer and an amiable cavalier." "What is that you say?" "The Duke of Spinola is an elegant dancer and an amiable cavalier I" ' Why. you are uot jealousf' Masaniello made no answer. "Jealous of Spinolal" exelaimed the maiden, laughing, but at the same time di■ecting from her limpid eye a glance of reroaeh and love upon the fisherman. "Isabella," said Masaniello, "I have this evening beeome conscious of many things of whicb I had never befoi-e had an idea. A man so easily shuts his eye to the truth when ie loves," no added, in an accent of sadness. ' And what are theso things í" "I have measured the abyss which separates us from each other, and I feel that I should in vain endeavor to cross it." "Has uot my father consented to our unión ? are we not affianced?" "Alas, how can a fisherman of the Mergilina ever beeome the husband of the viceroy's daughter?" "Confess the truth, Masaniello- is it not Jon Juan Fernandez who has suggested .hese thoughts to j-ou?" "Alas! I appreciated their forcé but too well 1 I feit that I was not in my place in he midst of this brilliant assembly ! I was so pooriy ciad that I did not dare approach you." "You do not think, then, Masaniello, that my affection is a suflïeient titie to respect 3as any one smiled, perchanco contemptuously, at the sight of my future husband?" asked the uoble spirited girl, looking proudly around. "Had any one doue so I should have killed lim," said Masaniello. "And you would have done but your duty. Come, my loved one, comel" Isabella took the fisherman's arm and oonducted him iuto the middle of the ball. The most noble señoras and the most ïaughty noble3 of the court came to pay heir respects to the two lovers. At tho extremity of the suite of apartments )onna Isabella perceived Don Juan Fernandez reclining on a sofa. He approached the iwo lovers and pointing to the head of the eople, said to Isabella: "You have consoled him, then?" Isabella did not deign to reply. "Here are some beautiful flowers," conlinued Fernandez, presenting his bouquet k the daughter of the Duke of Arcos. 'They are the work of a Florentino artist, n comparison with whom the artists of Nales are nothing. The perfume that proceeds from them is even more delicious than ;hat of natural flowers. Will you accept of ;hem, Donna Isabella d'Arcos?" "No," replied the maiden. "Not to offer them to our dear Masaniello." Isabella took the bouquet, and, pressing it to her heart, earried it rapidly to her lips, and then gave it to the üsheraian. Masaniello hid under his cloak the treasure he had received. The tumult that resounded about his ears became insupportable to him. Ho whispered to himself that he should be happy, when, retired in his om apartment, he should be able to press to his lips and cover with kisses the sweet pledgo of love he had obtained. The Duke of Arcos had just taken his daughter's hand in order to make the tour of the room with her for the last time. Masaniello bade them adieu and hastened to shut himself up in his own apartment. Then, indeed, full of joy, and the more accessible to sweet illusions because during the evening he had feit sad and unhappy, he drew from beneath his cloak Isabella's bouquet. He kissed it a thousand times, calling to mind as he did so that it had touched her breast, that it had met her lips, that shu had inhaled its delicious perfume. He then retired to rest, thinking with ecstasy that he would still behold the imago of his beloved in his dreams. At the very first gleam of day HasanieUo started from bis coueh. For a fcw minutes he rematned tottering ia the middlo of the room, with his arms extended, his fingers convulsively clasped, his mouth half open, and his eyes haggard, endeavoriug to eall to mtnd some of the events of the preceding evening. Saddenly he exclaimed, in a transport of rage which it is impossible to describe: "Maledictionl Yes, I saw her hanging on Spinola's arm, passing to and f ro before him, showins the suppleness of her figure, the eleganco of her corsage, and smiling on him over her shoulderl And whero was I all the while? Oh! I was weeping, concealed iii an obscure corner of the splendid room; I was Treeping, whilo eaeh wanton ereature present threw rao a look of pity and disdain ! 13ecauso I am poorl becauso I wear ueither feathers nor lace, nor a garment of gold Spinola! Fernandez! and you, viceroy e Naples! AYoo, woe to you!" As he spoke his oye sparkled with a somber brilliancy; ho was delü-ious. One of the domestica of the palaeo now entered the room, and placed on the tablo a large basket containing a complete nobleman's suit. "His Graeo the Duke of Arcos begs tho Head of tho People to accept the insignia of his dignity," said the lackey, bowing. Having uttered these words he retired. "The insignia of iny dignity 1" exclaimed llasauiello. "Ah! prepotenti, I haveasgood a right as you, then, to wear a plumo in my hat, anti a sworü at mv íhle, and to ussuiog the spurs which clink upon the pavemeut as you walk along the streotsl Goodl" CHAPTEH XXI. MAD.VESS. Masaniello kicked away with his foot tha rags he had worn the day before. "Farewell to the cabiu wetted by the sea waves!" he exclaimed; "farewell to the bat with its torn brim! Dress yourself, fisherman of Naples, and basten to show yourself to Isabella in the surnptuous habitsgiven you by thepeople." Speaking thus, he drew convulsively from out of the basket the costume which it contained. Hardly, however, had he put it on, ere he feit a feeling of invisible lassitudo creep over him. He sunk upon a chair, and leauing his whirling head upon his hand, wiped away with his handkerchief of fine Flemish cloth the drops of perspiration which burst out on his forehead. "Oh! how I suffer," he murmured. "My strength is leaving me, and life seems flying from me. Wbat is this illness which is consuming me? Dear Isabellal is it possible that, when the day of our union draws near, there will be naught here save a corpse?" Masaniello now perceived the flowers he had received the preceding night, and tried to carry them to his Ups. Hardly, however, had he touched them than he started up with his hair on end, his eyes inflamed; and, pacing rapidly up and down his room, he exclaimed: "Fernandez carne to Naples to marry herí but it is I - I alone, the fisherman of the Mergellina, whom she lovesl Fernandez has leagued himself with Spinola to tear her from me! Do they not remember Caraffa's death? Oh! I will challenge these haughty nobles who, from their earliest infancy, have learned the art of making up for want of courage by the use of stratagem, and who kill their adversary with such graco. By Saint Januarius, 1 will teach them a mode of fighting they do not know - a mode of fighting always practiced by a man whose arm is strong and whose heart is iuaccessible to fear. Spinola, Fernandez, defend yourselvesl" cried the fisherman, drawing his sword and making sparks of fire fly from it at every one of his movements. But his strength was soon unequal to his courage, and he feil completely exhausted into a chair. Such were the altérnate fits of furious madness and of discouragemeut, of excitement and weakness which Masaniello was destined to experience until the fatal rnorrow. The murderous perfume of the bouquet givon by Fernandez hadderanged his reasou. The state carriage of the Duke of Arcos, a magnificent and heavy vehicle, inclosed on all sides with plates of Venetian glass fixed in frames of carved wood ornamented with gold, drove out toward evening from thg stables of the Vicaria. The fresh sea breezff had arisen, and the population began to scatter themselves through the various streets, delighted at quitting their houses, where the sun had, so to speak, kept them besieged during the day. Masaniello, dressed ín a suit of clothes made in the French fashion and of the most incomparable richness and eleganee, occupied the seat of honor at the back of the carriage. On his left was the viceroy, and opposite him Fernandez. The Count of Spinola wasseated opposite the Duke of Arcos. Officers galloped at the doors of the magnificent vehicle, while a number of reitere closed the line of march. The palmy days of Spanish tyranny had returned. ín vain, during his progress through the city, did Masaniello seek among the crowd for some of the popularity he had enjoyed only the day before; in vain did he attempt to gain a few cheers by bowing to the few lazaroni that were grouped along his passage. The people remained dumb. They contemplated with uneasy curiosity the erman of the Mergellina metamorphosed iuto a great nobleman ; they no longer recognized in him their chief , but merely saw in him au ambitious man to whom his brethren owed nothing, since he had received from the Spaniards the priee for which he had sold hlmself. A silent feeling of rage was boiling in Masaniello's soul when he reached the market place. He could now hear the cries of mcnace which rose above the murmurs of the erowd. The most violent of the lazaroni exclaimed: "Down with the traitorst Down with Masaniellol" At this moment he had one of those fits of irrestraiuable and senseless fury produced in him by the fatal disorder to which his strong system was now a prey. Ho got out of the carriage and mounted his horse. Then putting hhnself at the head of the Spanish soldiei-s, and advancing with drawn sword into the midst of the lazaroni, he said: "Who was it cried, 'Down with Hasaniello?' " There was something so menacing and so full of despair in his look and attitude that the crowd were awed. Prolo, however, the same who had conducted Corcelli and his brigands to the faubourg of Loretto, advanced bravely, and replied: "Itwas II" Without giving him time to continue, Masaniello seized hold of the fisherman and lifting him up by a superhuman effort, carried him up to the front rank of the Spanish soldiers and threw him under the horses' feet. This act of violeuee excited an immense cry of indignation through the entire market place. "Ah ! you have not had enough sedition, enough niurders and combats?" contimied Masauiello, with a menacing gesture. "Pollow me, soldiers 1 Let us charge these wretches !■' Speaking thus, he galloped forward, followed by the soldiers of the cavalleria del re. When this torrent of men cased in steel and of horses excited by tho spur, had swept across the market place, five or six Neapolitans, killed or wounded, were seen stretched upou the ground. They raised up those that still lived. Some of tho horsemen threw them across their horses' necks, and with these funeral trophies did Masaniello return to the palace. That same evening, while the young man, a prey to the working of the poison and worn out by the emotions of this unfortunate day, was lying stretched out senseless upon his bed, the prisoners were hanged by torchlight. Over the gallows was the f ollowing inscription: "Thomas Aniello - condemned by the head of the people." In a moment of hallucination Jeanne'a brother had indeed signod this sentence. The town was stupefied. The night had scarcely set in when the streets were deserted, and a man wrapped in a cloak glided along the outskirts of the faubourg of Loretto, and directed his steps toward a little grove of fig trees and laurel roses which stood out a short distance from him like a somber mass on the trausparently blue sky. Hardly had this mysterious personage reached tho border of the wood befora another individual advanced from the bushes, and taking off his large slouched hat, said to him: "Good eveuing, monsignore." "What I it is y ou. ruffian, is it? Horw could you have the audacity to comei" "■YVhy should I not comei" asked Corcelli'; "you sent for me." "And snp?oso .. : you -sp:ied Juan Fernandez. "What, for can-ying off Donna isabeUaT "Yes." "Per Bacco! that pieee of work was certainly lucrativo enough to merit hanging, 1 must own." "And the Abbey of Santa Chiara, which you pillaged?" "A peccadillo, monsignore." "You have come here to make up for the loss you sustained f rom the flight of the beloved senoraf' "Precisely so; I have to feed two hundred Btrapping fellows, with stomachs of ostriehes, teeth of iron, and throats of the depth of Ah, it is not all profit in my profession." "Teil me," continued Don Juan Fernandez, "how much do you ask to be prsent to-morrow with your band at the marriage of Donna Isabella d' Arcos and Monsignore Masaniellor "What, is Masaniello to be married tomorrow?" "Yes." "To Isabella?' "To Isabella." "Ah, it is very true that only honest people get on in tuis world. And must my band be armed with their carbines?" Fernandez made an affirmative sign of his head. "Loaded ?" "Loaded. " "Where does the ceremony take plaoef "In the ehapel of the Vicaria." "Very good. And now about the price. But I cannot teil you, monsignore, before you have given me your directions." "That is but fair." Don Juan Fernandez now entered into some long explauatious, which it is nnnecessary to repeat. "The business will eost his grace the Duke of Arcos G0,000 ducats," said the brigand; 'the exact sum Uiat the abduction of Jeanne and Isabella ought to have brought us in. I will not take a single maravedí less." "Oh," replied Fernandez, "we will not haggle about the price." "I must have a thousand ducats beforehand." "There they are." The Spaniard banded Corcelli a purse. The latter first weighed it in his hand, and thea let it f all into the immense pocket which had swallowed up the ring of the Abbess of Santa Chiara. "We are beginning to understand each other," be added. "At what o'clock does the ceremony take place?" "At 12 o'clock, with military precisión. But, above everythiug'1 "Whati" "Remember that you must not let-one of your bullets go the wrong way." "Monsignore, did you ever hear that, when flring at an archbishop, we killed a lazaroneP CHAPTER XXII. MT7RDER AT THE ALTAR. The day at last arrived on which Masaniello was to marry Isabella, on which he was to contract, in the presence of the Archbishop of Kaples, and in the ehapel of the castle itself , the happy alliance which realized all his dreams and crowned all his hopes - and on this day Masaniello was dyingl The poison he had absorbed by smelling the perfume of Isabella's bouquet had worked since the night before with frightful activity upon his feverish and passionate organization. Th fisherman esperienced moments of ecstasy, of f urious delirium, of such prof ound prostration and of such a complete annihilation of all his faculties, that he seemed to have reached his last hour. The sauetuary was being decked out, and the altar covered with flowers and golden reliquaries; the happy Isabella was trying on her marriage dress; in a word, all the preparations for the union were on the point of completion when Masaniello, after a most violent crisis, feit that the hour of his death agony wascotue. The offieers who served him hastened to acquaint the viceroy with the fact and sent for Dom Francesco to attend the dying man. The Bénédictine made all possible hasta to reach his bedside. He remained for some time standing near the bed of suffering on which the inanimate body of his adopted son lay stretched; he took the latter's hands in his own and wiped away the cold perspiration which wetted his f orehead ; twenty times, too, did he cali on him in his most tender and persuasivo voiee. The fisherman at last opened his eyes. "Father - I am dyingl" he murmured. He could say no more, but lay motionless en his couch. "Oh, heavenl heavenl they have poisoned himl" exelaimed the Bénédictine, horror Btruck. Dom Francesco was skilied in medicine; he had long studied botany, and had particularly devoted himself to the investigation of those numerous and subtle poisons of which the Italian aristocracy had preserved the recipes ever since the horrible times of the Borgia and the Medici. He looked for the traces of crime in Masaniello's apartment, and reeognized them in a faded bouquet that had fallen f rom the uncertain grasp of the dyiug man on to the floor. He gathered up the last portions of these fatal flowers and plucked them leaf by leaf to pieces; then hiding them under his robe he called one of Masaniello's offieers. "This young man is dying," he said to him. "Alas! he is still very young to finish a career which he has succeeded in rendering so glorious. The emotions of these few last days have killed him." The officer, an old Spaniard, devoted to the Duke of Arcos, mado no reply. '■I will run to the Church del Carmino and fetch the last sacraments," added the Bénédictine. "Do not quit the room in my absence." Dom Francesco immediately got into a calessino, drove in a few minutes over the distanco that separated him from his monastery, and taking a little glass vial out of his cell returned with it in all haste to the palace of the Duke of Arcos. The monk gently opened the flsherman's lips and poured a few drops of the cordial into his mouth. Under the influence of the generous liquor Masaniello experieneed a nervous feeling of shivering, raised his trembling frame and looked round him with an air of affright. The monk dipped the end of a pieco of linen in the vial and rubbed the palms of the patient's hands, as well as his temples and eyelids with it. "Oh, father, father, what ease you have procured me," said poor Masaniello in a tremulous voice, feeling new lif e as he spoke. The Bénédictine continued his paternal assistance until he had placed him out of danger. Bui the fisherman had lost all his strength ; his head was weak, while strange noises rang ín his ears, and the room seemed to be turning round him. Dom Francesco hastened to the officer in the ante-chamber. "Brother," said he to him, "you have forgotten to bestow on me a slight alms, which the monks who pray at the pillow of a dying man always receive." The officer feit for a piece of money in the pocket of his doublet. "It is not money that I ask for, but to f ar colazione," continued Dom Francesco, in an ebsequious tone. (Continued on page SI.)THE FISHERMAN OF NAPLES ( Continued from page 24.) "Ahí I understand, to far ." rcplietl the Spaniard, haughtily. "Tbat prove that j-on havo a xd appetite, Catner. and by Our Lady of Atochal I wish yon un excellent one. You shall have some breakfast broughtyou from my lord's own kitchen. " Dora Francesco awaited the offieer's return. A few minutes afterward the worthy Bénédictine re-entered Masaniello's room with a large slice of roast beef, a game pasty, and a bottle of wine. "Eat, my son," he said to him, "and refresh your shattered strength. Yon have Just escaped death. Teil me, with your hand opon your heart, wbether you wero preparcd to appear before the never erring Judge who rewards or punishes usï'f "I have been fearfully guilty, I know," replied the fisherman. "As late as yesterday - horrible tbought - 1 condemned to execution. But 1 was mad, Dom Francesco; my reason had deserted ma Father, what is this horrible complaint, these changes from furious passion to the most dreadful state of prostration, from which you havecuredineï" "You 6hall know. We have no time to lose, unfortunate youth. ïake a little of this food; this, at least, contains no poison," he added, in a low voice to himself. The fishermaa obeyed Dom Fraucesco's dlrections. As he devoured the slice of beef and imbibed the generous liquor, which had been given as an alms to tüe Bénédictine, Masaniello feit his strength return. Then rising and ruuning to a Venetian mirror, he exclaimed: "I am once mora strong, full of health, vigor and couragel Come' to me, honor, glory - and you, oh, future, with your delicious promises! Coma to me, my botrothed! I shall soon lead you to the altar I" Dom Francesco looked on the üsherrtan with a smile of pity. "And your brothers of Naples? Have you forgotten them, Masaniello?" said he tohim. "What have thoy to ask from me?" inquired the young man. "Have my edicts been violatedf' "Oh, no - not yet," replied the monk in a sad voice. "I would sacrifico my lif e in their defense I" "Ay - if between this and to-morrow you do not fall a victim to some ambuscade - if you are not strangled like a slave, or poisoned in some silent chamber of this palace I" "Who would dare to do this?" "Who would dare? Is it possible that you believe in the sincerity of the homage paid you by these great nobles, who take off their plumed bats to greet you!" "If they hate me they fear me still more. They know that I have the whole population at my back." "Alas ! I pity you, poor Masaniello, if f or your defenso you reckon on the people's rising at present." "What! would they not do so even if I inToked their aid?" "No, not even if you invoked their aid; How can you suppose that they will recognize their flsherman in that Masauiello who has become the husband of Isabella - in that Masaniello who has been ennobled by the viceroy - in that Masaniello who parades our publio streets in a court dress, aud who hangs his brethren for aseditiouscry? You were once everything in the eyes of the people - now you are nothing I" "But, father, I cannot live at the court of the Duke of Arcos in the costóme of a fisherman." "And why not? Do you think that the heart beats less nobly beneath your common fisherman's clothes thau it does under the Bplendid dress of a noble? I understand, Masaniello; you love Isabella, and this young girl must have a husband covered with lace and ribbon. Yet it was a man of the people, a poor monk, who, when you were abandoned by all, came to your dying bed to save you. " "1 kuow it, father; and my gratitude will be eternal. Yes, your love for me is sincere." "Then fly from this cursed abode, where you can meet with notuiug but death and perdition 1" "Dom Francesco, what you require of me is impossible. 1 love Isabella, and cannot bear the thought of being separated from her." "Well, then, shall I teil you," added Dom Francesco, approaching the fisherman, "what was the cause of that horrible act of madness whieh urged you to immolate your brothers yesterday I Shall I teil you what caused the dreadful suffering to which you neariy succumbed t" Masaniello experienced a presentiment of some fatal revelation. He was motionless. " Who gave you those flowersi" asked the Bénédictine. "Isabella." 'Then k-arn that they weVo poisonedl" The young man stagered to the waü, and remained for an instant resting motionless agamst it; his e}"o was haggard, and his hands were tightly elinched together. "Isabella's flowers poisouedT' inurmured he at last, stopping at each syllable. "Dom Francesco, is it possible?" "Was it I who saved you?" "Ohl yes- you must be right - ho who can find the rumedy must kuow the cause of the disease. Oh, Heavenl ij it possible for the dainned to suffer more thau I have suffered for the last few days?" "Come, my son, let us awayl" Tho fisherman hesitated. He passed his hand across his forehead, and seemed to be cillecting his thoughts. "It was Don Juan Fernandez who gave Isabella this bouquet to oiTer me," said he. "No! I will not go," added he. "Ohl Fernandez, you have not yet seized your prey. Masaniello livesl Masaniello has a sword which he knoivs how to usel To obtain Isabella you must first pass over my bod;-. Adieu 1 father, adieul" And the young man ran to tho door. Xt the samo instant somo one knocked, Everything had been prepared, so that the terrible drama which was that night played at the Vicaria might end in a proper manner. Though informed of Masaniello's hopeless state, and even certain of being able to get rid of him without tho intervention of Corceili, Fernandez and tho Duke of Arcos had none the less continued the preparaüons for the nuptial fete. All the court were about to assemble in the state chamber of the palace, and tho viceroy sent his chamberlain to fetch Masaniello and to conduct him into the council chamber, whero the marriage contract had been drawn up. Masaniello threw the door open. The chamberlain bowed down to the ground. "The Duke of Arcos and his daughter are waitiug for you in the council ehamber," said he to the young man. '■Lead the way 1" replied Masaniello, flrmly; and he passed through the door. The chapel of the Vicaria presented a magniüeent aud fairylike appearance. It was entirely hung with red velvet, en which th anns of the viceroy were embroidered, A thousand tapers illuminated the altar. The viceroy's throne stood on one side, beneath a cauopy of blue silk, picked out with Eilver, and seats had been prepared on the steps for all' the great dignitaries of the state. The cardinal archbishop of Naples, who was to celébrate the marriage of Isabella and Mamieuo. was seatea on the otber Siae. nu _% tnrone somewMt íess eievated than that of the viceroy. Tho marblo flooring of the sanctuary was bidden beneath a beautiful Ispahan carpet. A crowd oí generáis, of commanders, of captains, all in ., and oí worae:i sovered tb diamonds, plumes and flov.-tjrs, Hlled the navo and tiie galleries, who, while waiting tor the oommencement of the ceremony, were commenting on the strangeness of the uuion which was about to take place. At last the first peals of the organ broke upon the ear. The chanters commenced the grave melodies of the Roman liturgy, the doors of the sacristy were thrown wide open, and the grand master of the ceremonies of the kingdom of Naples annouuced: "His highness, the viceroy. " Every one rose, in accordanee with the rules of etiquette, which now agreed pretty well with the impatient curiosity of all present. The Duke of Arcos had his daughter on his arm. Isabella seemed agitated; but her face was radiant. A smile of happiness and pride played on her lips. She appeared pleased at havins; raised up to her the courageous fisherman who had restored Naples her lost rights. Her white dress showed off her slim and elegant form to great advnntage; her head, encircled with the coronet of a duchess, moved with much grace and majesty in the midst of the lace ruff she wore round her slender neck. A white veil, attaehed to a cluster of her black bair, feil over a mantle of white satin, bordered with swan's down. Her arms were bare, and the black enamel of her braeelets formed a strong contrast with their whiteuess. Behind her walked Masaniello. Jeanne was leaning on his arm. She still wore the picturesque dress of the peasant; but ber brother woê attired in a splendid costume; he wore a black cap with a heron's feattcr in it, a mantle of violet colorad velvet, and a vest of white satin, under which, as it was left open in front, was seen a frill of Mecbün lace. Above his bucket boots, Bilk stocking3 clothed the symmetry of his legs. Jeanne was on his right arm, while his left band gracefully rested on the handle of his sword. Thus attired, Masaniello, with his athletic form, his noble face and martial bearing, was, without exception, tho fluest man of the viceroy's court. Masaniello and Isabella knelt down, and the cardinal immediately appeared, followed by a crowd of deacons, subdeacons, thuriferaries and acolytes, who undulated round tba aitar liJss a stream of gold. Mass was said with all the pomp of the Roman Catholic ritual. The church was f uil of harmony and perfumes, and the archbishop was about to pive Masaniello and nis bride the nuptial blessing, when cries of: "Long livo the head of the people! Long live Masaniello!" were suddenly heard at the doors. Don Juan Fernandez, who had maintained tbroughoat the ceremony a most becoming attitude, gave orders to have the people admitted, so that they might witness the triumph of their beloved tribune. The doors were, therefore, thrown open, nnd 200 reckless looking individuals, with hoarso voices and menacing gestures, invaded the nave of the chapel, rushed among the spectators, overturned the chairs and threw confusión everywhere. Theso were, in effect, the assassins employed by the intriguing Don Juan Fernandez. Thoy had come, under cover of the name of "the people," to destroy the fisherman. Dom Francesco's shrewd eye perceived the wholo of the infamous design in an instant. In another moment he approached olie of the Windows, and raising the sash he made a sign - the sign of dauger - to a tall figure which he descried in the crowd. A few moments later there was a rush around the door of tho church ; and this was immediately succeeded by the appearance of a large body of fishermen, variously armed with knives, muskets, pistols, pikes and clubs, who rushed into the building, exclaiming: "Death to the enemies of tho head of the people! Woe be to him who lays a hand upon our Masaniello I" Tho band of assassins glaneed at one another uneasily. They saw, intuitively, that their game was up. Don Juan Fernandez glaneed toward the viceroy - their eyes met, and both turned pale. At this moment the former feit a band upon his arm ; turning, he beheld the eyes of Dom Francesco lixed sternly upon him, while a sarcastie smile played upon his lip. "What want you with me, monkl" demanded tho young noble. "To teil you that the poisoned bouquet has failed in its effect - to teil you that the assassin horde whom you have introduced here to ilay the Head of the People will fail in their design - and to teil you, miserable wretch, that not Masanieüo's, but your own hour has comel" "Insolent priest- this to mei Beware" Dom Francesco made a sign to a knot of fishermen, who had been cradually drawing themselves into a circle, of which Don Juan Fernandez was the center. The young man saw in an instant that he was surrouuded and a prisoner. "Away with him]" said Dom Francesco, iternly. In another minute Don Juan Fernandez was lmrried out of the church. Ten minutes later and his body hung, dangling by the neck, from the portals of the palace of the viceroy. "So perish!" cried a voice which everyoody recognized, "the enemies of Masaniello, the Head of the People I" It was Pietro who spoke. The populace joined in the cry, whieh ws aorne on the breeze to the cathedral. The Duke oí Arcos turned pale as he teard it. "What is to be donoF he murmured. "Our plot is discoveredl Oh, who will counsel me?" "That will I," answered a low but finn voice at his elbow. The viceroy turned and .beheld Dom Francesco. . _. - - - - i "Tour ho cxclaimei "Tou counsel the viceroy of Nap "Even I, my lordl" replied the monk flrmly. "I will gire you the same counsel that I would ei i..-ji.,er n n ., -.■ jrour position !" "What would 3-011 nMse v mr broth demanded tho Bpaiiiard proudly. "To give bis daughter to the head of th people, if he had, like you, so promised. and then to resigu his office into the hauds of his oew rnado son-in-law." "And then" "And then, my lord, I would counsel him to take tho eariiest opportunity to fly f rom Naples, every one of whose people consider it a duty to shed his bloodl" The viceroy made no reply. He bowed down his head for a few momeutsin thought. Meanwhile the throng inside the templo begati to murmur. "Why do you not proceed with the ceremony?" shouted a voico in the crowd. "Must the people await forever the convenience of ft tyranti" "Do you hear, my lord?" said Dom Francesco significantly. "Tbe people prow clamorous; and you are already aware of the power of the p, oplel" The viceroy raised his eyes and fixed them upon tho monk as if he wished to look him down. But the latter met bis flanee with an eye as imperious and flrmer than his own. Arcos quailed aud bit hia lip. Pride and passion counseled him to smite the monk to the earth, but prudence advised him to an opposi te course. "You are right, priest," ho said in an undertouo. "Yuur adviee, though not trior.dly, is based on wisdom, and I will follow it. On with the bridáis!" Vt'o have littlo moro to teil, and that little can bc summed up in a few words. After the marriage of his daughter Don Arcos relinquished the government into the hands of his son-in-law, Masaniello, whose mild, ürm and gonerous rule won for him the enduring lovo and loyalty of Xaples, and evideneed the genuiueuess oí, his patriotism as head of the people. Pietro and Jeanne were united a few weeks after the niarriago of Masaniello. Their fortunes were eared for by their brave and noble brother, and right woithily did ho watch over their interests, without, however, sacriücing a single ducat of the public money. Dom Francesco remained the friend and became the principal counseler of his foster son, Masaniello, between whom and himself existed a Qrm und fervent friendship, which remained unbroken whilo thcy both lived. Corcelli, alone, did not proüt by the new order of things. Not haviug thought fit, under the new viceroy, to put a stop to his hazardous expeditions, he was caught in the very act of plundering, and was soon swinging high up in tho air, to the great satisfaotion of all the country.


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