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Dry Goods Galore

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The firm of Wines & "Worden was established many years ago. It won great success and was ttlways one of the foremost dry goods establishments in this part of the country. In March, 1890, however, the survivingmemberof the iirin, C. H. Worden was led, by a wish lor retirement f rom active life, to dispose of the business to younger men. portunately it feil into the hands of E. F. Mills and H. G. Van ïuyl, men who had devoted many years to the dry goods business in Detroit and Albion, Mich., and had pushed themselves to the front by dint of hard vvork and natural acuteness. ïhe firmname is E. F. Mills & Co., Mr. Van Tuyl beiug a silent partner. As soon as the new men took charge of the business they instituted many iniprovements. The stort; was entirely remodeled, a new pbite-gldss front was put in, a better tloor was bid, new shelving was purchased and other ehanges were brought about - the total cost of the improvements exceeding S2,0U0. The old stock of goods was lar'gely cleared out duriii a special sale, and was replaced by a larger variety of goods than had ever been carried by the old firm. The business of the store has increased 50 per cent. since E. F. Mills & Co. took hold. Twelve persons are now employed and three floors are used for the display of goods. The store is one of the best lighted places in the city. The Windows in front and in the rear are supplemented by a large sky-light in the center. In the evening large electric lights on the are system make the store as bright as it is in daytime. A GLANCE AT THE STOCKS. The display Windows are undoubtedly the iinest in the city. Said a prominent citizen to Mr. Mills the other day: "I atn not mach of an ssthete myself, but my wife prevailed upon me the other day to stop and look at your Windows as I passed by. I did so, and I must say that the display struck me as being the best I had ever seen. It is far ahead of anything in Ann Arbor." The display Windows, it should be added, are under the special chaise of Messrs. C. E. Mutschel and II. Duke. Let hs glance at the various departments of the store. There is, first, the dress goods department. Everything from 10 cents up to $2 a yard, includingthe latest Parisian and Berlin novelties, can be found here. The preparations in this department t'or the f all trade are much more extensive this year than they have ever been bef o re. Over 10,000 yards of the lfttest designs and fabrics have been placed on sale this month. Trimmings in every conceivable shade, ranging in price from 15 cents to $2.50, are kept to match all shades of dress goods. In view of toe facts, why need ladiea go to Detroit or Chicago for fine dress goods ? The silk department is quite as extensive as the dress goods. The firni we the agency for the celehrated Gold Medal warrante.d black silks, of hlch they carry every grade and lor hich they have an enormous sale. Xot only black silks, but full lines of wlored fa-illes, surahs, chinas, plain and iigured Florentines, etc, are kept. A large stock of silk surahs at 25 cents a)ard attracts especial attention. A farranted black taille at 83 cents is ondeniably cheap. These and a full ""e of plaid silks at 50 cents, which {st 65 to import, are some of the many bargains offered. Linens and white goods are a specity in this house. Every grade, from -0 cents up, is carried. Napkins, rang% from 50 cents to $7 a dozen, attract "ie attention of every visitor. A new department of this store is wat of ladies' muslin underwear. It as opened about six months ago and Jas attained marked success. There Jw been a growing demand in this city 'Wabetter class of these goods, and "wie the firm are carrying a line 'Peeially suited to meet the demand, ?yhave not neglected the cheaper sjades. Everything from 17 cents to ui., per garment is being carried. ,A complete line of llannels, eider "OwQs, etc, is kept in stock and sold at usual reasonable prices. The deTOment of wash goods and domestics tto a strong one with this house. ine gents' f urnishings department is ad(1ition made by the firra. Slum and low priced goods are kept ia sold at prices far below those ■"rea by exclusively furnishing No departinent in the store gives more satisfaetion to the average lady than that of hosiery and underwear. Few establishment ín the cities carry so complete a line in everything. f rom Infante up toladie3' clothing. Ladies' Union suits at $1 a garment are remarkably cheap. A specialty with E. F. Mills & Co. is misses' and children's underwear, of which an unusually full stock is shown. The notion departinent enjoys alarge and rapidly increasing trade. A specialty is made of kid gloves, of which the firm handles a large number. The Biarritz glove, at 98 cents, and the warranted dressed kid, at 91, attract man y buyers. The Fontaine 8b snede glove and Le Grande seven-hook glove, it $1.50, are also great favoritos wi; li the ladies of this city. The carpet departinent of this house is probably the largest in the city. It occupies the greater part of the basem ent. Everything in carpets, lace curt.iiiis, portieres, rugs, linoleums, oil cloths, mattings, etc., are to be found in endless variety. The carpet room is in charge of an experienced carpet man, Mr. L. C. Goodrich. Nbtwithstanding the recent rise in the manufacturera' prices of carpets, this house is selling nearly all grades at less than the prices of two years ago and can .ivt' trom 10 to 15 per cent. over the prices obtained by the large city stores. In proof of this statement may becited the fact that the new proprietors of the Cook House placed tneir entire order lor carpets with this tinn, and that after obtaining uompeting prices froin Detroit. E. F. Mills & Co. have, from the begiuningof business, adopted the oneprice system and, as a result, have sold at lower prices than would otherwise be possible. Kapidly increasing business has made it necessary for the firm to obtain larger quarters. Arrangements have been completed by which, in February next, the two upper floors. 24x100 feet each, will be entirely remodeled and placed in such a condition that they may be occupied by the firm. A fine new passenger eleyator will be put in, thus making the higher fioors easily accessible. New departments will be added, and when all the improvements have been completed the city can congratúlate itself on possessing one of the finest and best equipped dry goods stores to be found in any city of its size in the United States.


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Ann Arbor Register