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OUR 25 CENT COLUMN. Adveitisement, such as To Rent, For Sale, and Wants, not exceeding three Unes, can be Inserted three weeks for 25 cents. W A.NTF.l. WA.STKD- 01x1 to do" general houseworlT, No. 2 Packard-st. 76_ WAN KI- A glrl to do housework In a famlly of two eitherthe wholeor part of each day. Inquire at 24 Maynard 8t. between the hour of 5 and 6 m. 76 Three or Cour lady or cntleireá canvassers. to sell Domestic, white and Davis Sewiug Machine. No previous experience required. Will pay salary or eommission. Apply at once. J, F. Schnh. 67tf ■yANTEl- Plain sewing of all kinds; also ' comforters, bedding, etc. Mrs. Flngerle, over Sheehan's Book Store, State-st. 74 ■yASiTKD- Young man who wishes to take a ' complete course in Shorthand and Typewijting and pay kis tuition by doing janitor work. Apply at once to the School of Shorthand, 20 South State-st, thircl door. WA! TM- A competent ladywho wishes to take care of house for the use of a few rooms for herself and son. Enquire at No. 10 Belser-st. 75 FOK HAI.E. FOK SA II . i i Knod ncw milcli cow sold for no fault, a regular breeder. Also a one yearold gelding sired by Sanford's norse, Dam byOld Raven, Grand Dam Inbred Washtenaw Chief. J. F. Avcry. 74 T71OKSAUK- 4 foot wood and stovtT blocks on X ground. James Muriay 2% miles east of Febles church, Salem. 7 EïOK NALE-One Ladies' Warwlck Perfection Bicycle. Good as new. Cost S135. Ï86 will buyit. Culi at Wilscy's Mutic Store. 75 ÍOK SAI.K ('IIEAP- Steinway, Bradbury, and other second-hand planos. Clouxh & Warren, Story & Clark, and other second-hand organs. All in good order, some good as new. Alvin Wilsey, 2K H. 4thave. 75 FOK SAIK- Sign9 "Rooms." "Rooms and Board." "BoardinK," 'For Sale," "For Rent," "Dressmaking,''etc1 etc, at the Rkgistek Office. 76 FOR SAI.K Sixroom house No. 63 Millerave. This property offered cheap to close an estáte. Apply to Moore & Taber. 08tf MK Farm of forty acres at Whitmore Lake. Soil, a level, sandy loara. Good house, barn, and sheds. Finest lake front. Five minutes walk from hotels, post office and expresa office. Two railroads. Rail on or address Walter L. Taylor, 90 Broadway, Ann Artmr, Mich. 67tf ÍT'OR SAI.K- A quuinuy of machine oil. shipped us by mistake by a wholeeale dealer. This will be fold at a bargain in order to avoid the meessity of returning it. Iuquire at the Register Office. FK SAl.i:- A arm' quantity of heavy rapping paper, suitable for putting under carpeta, also ola newspapers for sale cheap at The Register office. F OU .SAI.K- Slxty nlce half-blood Shropshire Lambs. Also would like about eight horses to winter. 1. 8. 8avery, Slem, Mleh. H 1Ï1A.UI FOR SAI.K- The Bullock orETerett 1 farm, 3 miles west of Salem Station and 11 miles from Ann Arbor; contamina 109 acres; house and barns, stock and well water, timber; school and church within a mile; land naturally the best and in good condltion. Also 40-ncr? farm for sale. The s M of the east H of the s. e. qr. of sec. 34 of Ann Arbor town, being part of the Howe-North place north of the county farm 3 miles from Mack & Schmid's, one and a half miles from city limitó. First class land for peaches. Prices and terms reasonable. Cali on or address Andrew E. Gibson, 9 S. Ingalls-st., Ann Arbor. Mich. 60tf FOR REMT. FOR RENT.- Rooms in the Hamilton Block suitable for light house keeping. Steam heating and water, Apply to A. W. Hamilton. 75 i TJ1OR RENT.- A suite of rooms in Unity Block Jj enquire of B. Brown, No. 13 S. State-st. 73tf WIl.l.Tlli: WOMAS, thatwasseen to taks those white Lillies from J. L. Babcack's grounds please return the roots and save trouble. For she is known. J. L. Babcock. At home. 12 North Dirision Street. 76 LOKT. T I9,bëtwecn Oomw&U'l -Jpulp müland 54 s. Division-st, a lady's black ackot. Finder will please return to 54 south uivision-st, and receive reward. 78 1OST- A five dollar bill elther In or between Mnsfy Seabolts aH Bach Abel & Co., store. Will flnder please leave at Riusey & Seabolt's and eceive reward ? 76 T ONT- At the unlon service at the Baptist n-K, .ÏEh on ?unday eva. Sept. 6th, an Oxford Biblc without signature, was taken by mlstake, from a seat In the gallery. Leave at the University Library and greatly obllge. 76 LOST- A gold pin set in pearls and ruby. A monogram of Phi ('hl- looks like I.O. X Name on back, W. L. Dunn. Return to 35 South ütate-st and roceive reward. 76 L?J--A Silvia Watch wlth CDftln made ofSilverCoinsanda Silver Cross. Finder apply at 4 N. State-st, Ker. J. T. Suuderland, Reward offered. 74 . MISCB-XAMEOPH. FOÏ)SiD- Ï5.00. The loser can have same by callingat the The Register office provine property, and paying ibr this advertisement. 76 IF you wish to advettise anythiue aDywhereat any Urne wrtte to GEO. P. ROWELL & CO., No 10 8prno 8t, New York. ■ 870-921 EVEK Y Öië in need oYinformation on the subject of advertising will do welltoobtain a copy of "Book for Advertlsers," 368 pages price one dollar. Mailed. postage paid on receipt of price. C'ontains a careful compilation from the American Newspaper Directory of all the best papers and class journals; gives the circulatlon ratin? of every one, and a good deal of Information about rates and other mattere pertaining to 870-921 CITY NOTICES. RcIucel Itai.s VI Wabasb. Every Monday and Thursaay, September 14 to October 15, the Wabash R. R. will sell tickets from Chicago to St. Louis and return at $8, account St. Louis Exposition. Fnrmers Before selline your rye and liarley, get our prices. We want 10,000 bushels of each at the Ann Arbor Central Mills. AlLMENDIXGER & SCHNEIDER. Wanted. Apples for Cider and Evaporating purposes by the Ann Arbor Fruit and Vinegar Company. 7Uf Three II nrvesl i:mrsi The Burlington Route, C. B. 4 Q. R .R. will run Harvest Excursions, Tuesdays] Aug. 2óth and Sept. lóth and 29th, from Chicago, Peoría, Quincy and St. Louis to St. Paul, Omaha, St. Joseph, Kansas City, Denver, Helena, SaltLake and all other points in the North West, West and South West. Rates very low; tickets for gaje at all company's ticket offices at pointson andeast of Mississippi River. Jlany connecting lines will sell through tickets for these excursioss. Inquire of local agents for full information, or address P. S. Eustis, Gen'l Pass. and ticket Agt., Chicago. Two Views of It. "Tommy," said his mother reprovingly, "I should think you'd be ashamed to be in the same class with boya who are all so much smaller than yourself." "Well, mother," replied the imperturbable Tom, "I look upon the matter in a different light altogether. It rtally flatters my vanity to see how proud the small boys are to be in the same class with a big boy ike me." BUSINESS OARDS. A. C. NICHOLsT DENTIST. 15 South Main St., Ann Arbor. B, M. Thompson. W. D. Hatrimani 6; B, Thtmpsom THOMPSON, HARRIMAN & THOMPSON ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, Cor. of Main and Hurón Sts. I'atronize tlic OPERA HOUSE BARBER SHOP BATH HOUSE. Strlctly Flrst-class. C. J. SHETTERLY Prop. MISS GRACE ! HENDRICKSON, Pupil of Pbofs. LUDERER and YUNCK, Detroit, will give instructions on the VIOLIN. Partieulars at residence, 72 S. State St, WM. W. NICHOLS, DENTAL PARLORS over Savings Bank opposite Oourt House Square. R. P. JOHNSON, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR. Practico in both State and Federal Courts OFFICE IN POST OFFICE BL'K. f R. WILLIAMS, Aiiorm-y at, Milán, Mlch. Money loaned for outside partlea. All legal usiness given prompt attention. A LEX. W. HAMILTON, A lomi' v at Law. Will practica in both State and ünlted SUtei Oourta. Office Rooms, one and two, lst floorol the new brlck block. córner of Hurón and Fourth Streets, Ann Arbor, Michigan. ARTHUR J. KITSON, Contracta & Builder. Estímales furnished on all kinds of Architecture. Residence amd Shop, 21 Geddes-ave.


Old News
Ann Arbor Register