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The Two Sams

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Kasy Trading -t, .Ufircjest Assortment Prices tlie Lowest -j, Quality the Best 7Í tínest AGornrnoclations Always Reliable "7f v'n JDNAFjDL8ALE OF VtKr Clothing, FurnishingGoods and Hats $L At Prices Less than Ever Before Offered. g WORKINGMENS' SUITB. RUBBER CO ATS. ,1() OO CHILDREN'S VE8TEE I " ' OJ.U.UU DON'T FORGET. BRING ÏHIS PAGE WiTH YOU. tttt ah the novelties in Caps. DO YOU NEED A large assortment. We only have goods that are r,, ,,„„, „u„:„„ „f „ j„.. OUUBl „„ . „ lMHnaiMV' Buysjourchoiceof a dozen iT WILL HELP YOU TO PURCHASE SOME Something to delight the Good, Servicable Sack or euaranteed Thev are 8 c, ,. „ irvnunwvAB FrockSuitat guaranteed. They are styles and shapes . OF EACH OF THESE EXTRAORDIm "leones. See our line of UNDERWNAR ? irocK suii il cheaper than Six styles at prices f rom 85.00 poor goods. Seethem. NARY OFFERINGS. 83.00 to S5.OO [.Scotch and Plush Caps. If so, we can please you. XOVELTIES IN 8PLENDID VALUE 4_ „ _ ,.T . BOY'S"SU1TS. H " ! ! - - BOX COATS. Our line of Fall Overcoats is U e have had made extra - V, e handle all the wellJEWELRY I"8. In Medium Priced Pants. Single and Doublé Breasted. ,.„_ t - ,„ , Doublé Breasted Sack Suits, Well made and desirable New ideas, new shades ámense at prices sizes in Children's Suits, 15 ttOT n makes of We have not forgotten. good value for any man styleat 'at ing f rom and lti years, also J 'S Gloves. While a small item in itself at 1 ïi) il 7 f! .v-i do Goods. Have them from a Working we devote our efforts ftianft ' or ' New (low) Prices. 86.OO to 80.00 Children's Stout Suits. riu-n n, o, el-OO 2.5O - lUMj). Glove to Dress Gloves. to bring out the novelties. ASTUN.NER. Good wearing and well ALL W00L PANTS. The Best Line of Boy's Suits, odds and ends, BOY'S OVERCOATS. STILL ANOTHER DRIVE " l'MBKELLAS Let our competitors match appearing Xübby styleS) new pattems WORKINGMEN'S PANTS, sold at and $(. M Chú' Overcoate. Regular iQc B]ack H()ge Somethjng eyeryone Clay Worsted Prince Albert MEN'S SUITS nicely cut. at in the city for now oniy "i8 JaCket8-: Hermrf We knew it and have Coat and Vest at only at All Styles, 25c selected them carefully to 815.00 S0.00 SG.OO g"5UU t100 E3-00 All Prices. per pair. please you.; OVERCOATS. Splendid values in Men's Nobby styles, Xew shiules Children's Jersey Suits-15 See our extra good values at nlLIrí Dckiíl,, Need we talk of -Neek-wear ? We areshowlng the be8t Heavy Ulsters for Laboring Suits, for which others ask and Designs in Mens' Styles- all Wool prices sold . competito made S1O.OO „- : Our' line 5 O c. Men at 83.00 to 85.00 more, at Suits, at from ai 2oc, f or Workingman's Shirt, made 84.00 S15.OO 810.00 3.35 to 87.50 They are Cheap. Speaks for Itself. 'ith yokecoat-shaped See our line of . „ ,UR . ,.„„.„ fnr Best Values in White Shirts The Men sbuUs we are sho wDouble Breasted Sack Suits, We have the best values in Prince Albert Coats Agente lor "Silver" unlaundried 75C Our leader in OVERCOATS 818.00,S'Í0.00and Single Breasted Sack Suits, childrens clotnes ever and Vests for boys for dress YOUMAN'S HATS, "Silver" laundried 81.OO SUSPENDERS. at 825.OO Cutaways, Straight Cut wear are always appro"Gold" unlaundried 81.OO 25c. and 35c 88.OO Better than orainary cusSacks, all styles . offered. priate. KN0X HATS. "Gold" laundried SI. 25 ' Se'e them. ULSTERS CHINCHILLA Clay Worsted Cutaway children's School Snits, all A GOOD CHILD SUIT ALents rur HANDKERCHIEFS. We sell the bestj This season will be very OVERCOATS. Frocks. w extra pants and for only H. M. Silverman's Jn numerous OVERALLS & JACKETS popular. Nice patterns. Black or Extra Value, Complete well-known - S k,. Wehavethebestvarietyin blue, only Surtat Cap, sl_35 J""' Others wil! ask you 90c. tne state. 85.OO 822.OO So.00 All ages. Hat. Also Plain whlteWhy pay?


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