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A FU. II I FOB LIFE. símil We Drive Blow Polson From onr BreakfaBt Table? ALUM AND AMMONIA IN OÜR BREAD. A nuisance that troubled England fifty yeara ago is novr rapidly spreading in tbis country, that is putting Aluin in the bread we eat. This question is causing a great deal of discussion at me present moment, as it is revealed that alum is being used as a substituto for cream of tartar in bakiug powders. A story is told that a very large percentage of the baking powers sold on the market contain either alum or ammcnia, and many of them contain both these pernicions drugs. Much timely alarm is feit at the wholesale use oí aium in oread, biscuit and pastry. To young ebildren, growing girls, persons of weakly frame alum bread eaten rnorning, noon and evening is the most harmful. It is the small qunutities taken at every meal that do the miachief. Alum is cheap, costiug but two or three oents a pound while oream of tartar costa 30e. and the high price of cream of tartar has led cheap bakiug powder to be made of alum. If the reader wants to know something of the corrosive qualities of alum let him touch a p:ece to his tongue tlien rerlect how it acts on the tender delicate coats of the stomnch. Following is a list compiled by the Scientific American, of theiilum and ammonia baking powders tlnithave already been teated. ATLANTIC & PACIFIC. ROYAI. COOK'S FAVOHITE. SCIOTO. CROWN. SI I, VER SPOON. CRYSTAL. SILVEK STAK DAISY. SNOWDRIKT. DAVIS'O. K.. SOVEREIGN. PRY YEAST. STAK. EM. STATE. O'OBE. STANDARD. KENTON. Sl'NFLOWER. l'EARSON'S. WASHINGTON l'EHFECTION. WIXDKOIi PEERLBSS. ZIPP'S (JRAPE. PÜRITY. CRYSTAL. There are, in addition to the foregoing list from the Seientifie American a num of such powders sold in the western that were not found in the eastern atores. Following is the list to date: CALUMET .... Contains Alum. (CMhi.nct üiiking I'owder Co., Chicago 1 FOREST CITY . Contains A-.niiiiuiiá Alum. (Vouwie Bros., Clevclüinl.) CHICAGO YEAST, Coatatns AmmonU Alum. (Chapman Bmltb (o., Chicago.) BON BON, .... Contahis Alm. HOTEL, - - Conlain.s Ammonla Alum, (J. C. lirant Baking I'omter Co., Chicago.) UNRIVALED, - - . ContninsAlum. (Spraguee, Warner L Griewold, Chicago.) ONE SI'OON, TAYLOli'S, - Aimnnnia Aluin. (Taylor Mfg. Co., st. Louis.) YARNALL'.s, - - . Oontalns Alom. (YarnaU Mf?. Co.,St. Louis.) BBAWS SNOW POFP, - Containa Alum. (Meivhant' Slfir. Association, 8t Louis.) DODSON4HIL8, - Coma in s Mum. (Dod.-on A Ilils, St. Lol! SHEPARDS, . 'iiuüiiiis Ammonin Altim. i Win. EU Shcplmnl, St. Louis.) BAIN'S - .... Conuiins Alum. Bain Mfg. Co., St. Louis ) Monarch, - Contatos Ammonla Alum. (Beid. Murdocb fi Oo., Chicago.} SNOW ÈALL, . - Contains Alum. (Bengal CoffeeA Sploe .Mills, Chicago.) GIANT, - . . Contatos Alom. MXLK, - Contains Aluin, (W. K. MoLangnlln & ('o. .Chicago.) ECHO, ■ ... Contaï'is Alum (Spencer jíImíhk Paddie Co., Cbloago.) KALBFELL'S PURITY, - Contains Alum. (Kalbfell Mfg. Co , Chicago.) I!IS1N; 8UÑ, - - Contüins Ainmmiia. (Pnoenij Ohemloal Works. Oblcago.) WHITE ROSE, Cántalas Ammonla Aluin. (Globe ('ofi'ec & Spioe Milis, Minneaiolis.) WOOD'8 ('.MK, - Contains Ammonla. (Thos. V.rfl& Co., Philadelphia ) ANDREWS' PEARIi, - Cmitains Ainiuohia. (C. E Andrews & (., Milwaukec ) HABEIE6' FAVOR1TE, - Contains Alum. (H. IL Harries, Hlnneapolli.) FIDELITY, - ('onlains Alum. SOLAU, ..... Oontalns Alum (herman Bros., Chicago.) PÜTNAM.8 BE8T, - - Contains Alum. (Wells Putnam & Oo., Cliu-ago.) CHINA "T" HOUSE, - - Contains Alum. (Noah McDowcll.St. Paul, Minn.) TWIN CITY, - - - Conlains Alum. (.1. K. Ferguson, Minneapolis, Minn.) HERCULES, - - Oontalns Ammonia. (Hercules Baking Powder Co., San Francisco.) CLIMAX, - - Costalns Ammonla. CCUmax Iiaking Powder Co., Indlanapolls ) The Great American 4'orn 4ril. Only three countries in all Europe have grown enough wheat and rye thie year to feed their own people. The shortage in the world's supply is estimated at GlG,000,000 bushels. The greater part of Europe will therefore feed at our corn crib this winter. The American harvest is not only unprecedentedly large, but it is now beyond danger from froat. - New York Press. A ChrlNtlnil'H I lil;.li. He had for woc a kindly word. His heart was open and nis Puise. And when he payed he said, "oh, Lord, I'm not like other men- I'm worse.1' 8IOO Keward. The above reward is oflered for anjease of Kidney, Bladder or Liver Trouble that Guarantee Kiilney Care fails to cure. Sold by all Drüggists. GCAEANTEE DRUG Co., 925 Toledo, Ohio. A oll World. y.r. Jleke after a discussion went to his wife for sympathy. "The young men know more than the old ones now a days." said he. "I'd plty them if they didn't," she replied. To olornilo vin Iliirilnuloii Iloulr Only One Mghi ou the Read. Leave Chicago at 1 p. m., or St. Louis at 8:25 a. IC., and arrive Denver 6:15 r. m the next dav. Throngh SleeperR, Chair Cars.'and Dining Cars. All Railways from the East connect with thee trains ml with similar trains via Bnilington Roote to Denver, leavingChicüfto at (:10 1'. M., St. Louis at 8:16 P. M., and Peoria at 3:20 i. si. mul 8 p. IC All irains daily Touri-t tickets are now on sale, and can be had of ticket agenta of uil road and at Burlington Route depots in Chicago, Peoriu and St. Louis. There is no tictter than Colorado lor those Boeking rest and pleasure. 7S A Siiinll Ihurili. Dr. Lorimer, of Boston, tells a reporter of this utterance by Spurgeon: "I do not like a amall church," he said. "It is like being in a rowboat. If you go to move about you are likely to upset and swamp the whole machine. A big church, on the other hand, was like an ocean ateamer, on which one could walk about without fear of overturning anything or of interference from deacons or any one else." IThe frigate Philadelphia was disenvered by Decatur on February 15, 1804.


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