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A M.V!slr.v. How the human syetern ever recovers from the bad eftects of the nauseous medicines often litorally ponred into it for the suppositive relief of dyspepsia, liver complaint, constipation, rhetïmatism and other aüments, is a mystery. The mischief done by bad medicines is scarcely less than that caused by disease. Ifthey whoare weak, bilious.dyspeptic, constipated or rheumatic, would oftener be guidea by the experience of invalids who have thoroughly tested Hostetter's Stomach Bitters, they would in eyery instance obtain thespeediestaid derivable from rational medication. This medicine is a searching and at the s;ime time a thoroughly safe remedy, derived from vegetable sources, and possessing, in consequence of its basis of pure spirits, properties as a medi'in&l stiraulantnotto be found in the fiery local bitters aud stimulants often resorted to by the debilitated, dyspeptic and languid. " 4w Of Grent Iniportance. In a Xew York newspaper oflice. A seedy-looking man enters, and thus addresses the inanaging editor: " I have something here that I think will please your readers." "Don't ïyant it; i'till now." " But it is very important." " Don't want it, I teil you." " It is not a murder or anything of that sort- it is more important than a fire." " Will you get out!" " It is a slam at Chicago." Morning editor seizes the article, rushes to a tube, and shouts: "Leave out news from Washington. Chicago matter of great iniportance." A Great Explosión. In these daysof gunpowder, dynamite giai.t powler, and the like, tremendous expluhions are no rarity, but tlie greatest explosión of modern times is, without doubt, that of the "old-school" idea that Consumption is incurable. Thousands of lives nave been sacriflced to this mistaken notion. Modern research has established the fact that Consumption is a scrofulous disease of the lungs, and that there is one reinody which will eradicate it from the system - Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. Of course, there were in the olden times many who would havepronounced modern explosivt-s instruments of witchcraft; but there are, iortuntely, few today who do not acknowledge that the ' Golden Medical Discovery" is the one sovereign remedy for all scrofulous diseases, and Consumption is one of them. Fiat Experliiientum. Anxious mother - I wish, Susan, when you give baby a bath you would use a thermometer so as to ascertain whether the water is at the proper temperature. Susan - Oh, don't you worrit about that, mum; I nade no 'mometers. If the little wan turns rid, the wather's too hot; if it turns blue, its too coldj that 's all there is about it. l.ailU' Trj. Great French Remedy. Dr. Le Duc's Periodical Pilis from Paris, F ranee, act only upon the generative organs in fe males, and positively cure uppression of the mensus (from whatever cause) and all periodical troubles peculiar to women. Established in Europe, 1839; England, 1850. Canada, 1878; United Stutes, 1887. A safe, reliable remedy, warranted to excite menstruatation, or money refunded. The larger portion of the ilis to which ladies are subject is the direct result of a disoidered ind irregular menstruatation. The American Pili Co., proprietors. Price, $2. Sold by Eberbaeh & Son, druggists, Ann Arbor. Micb0 the iiiir mi'. Cubbage - What's the difference between a düatory man and the president of a female college? Bubbage - I'll give it up. Cubbage - One misses the trains and the other trains the misses. How Olten We see some young man who has squandered bis money and ruined bis health bv excesses, and before 30 years of age is au all broken down and played out man! In all such cases I prescribe nature's tonic and nervine, Sulphur Bitters. Ttiey supply fcod for the brain, strengthen the nerves, and are successful in nine cases cut of ten. - Old Physician. 2 A tilxe Tu I.arüre. Employment agent - Those are fine reoommendations that girl, has, mum. Shall I eend for her to come and talk with you? Mrs. Bronston - Is she tall or short? "Rather tall, mum, but - " "Is she fat or thin?" "Rather stout, mum; a good, strong" - "Is she stouter than I atnï" "Oh, yes, mum, a good deal." "She won't do. She'd split the seam of every dress I havi. ' Bradlieltl s I m il Iti- ul.iloi has won, on merit alone, a widespread and enduring reputation. It is a combination oí vegetable agents, the result of the experience oí' one who made the diseases of women a life-long study. Taken according to directions the organs awake to new life and energy, leaving the woraan free from pain at these jieriods. Sold by all draggista. 77 WIsh Worda. "I think l'U ask the boss to get this atternoon off," said the youthful clerk. "Don't," said the old cashier. "Why not?" "You came into this establishment to try and get on, didn't you?" "Yes." "Well, don't be so often trying to get off, or you'U never get on." Surprise to All. After using "Mother's Frien-" two months I was so speedily and easily relieved that it was a .surprise to those attending me. "Mother's Friend" undoubtedly lessens the pains.shortensthe time and restores the mother speedily to health. Will recommend it to all expectant mothers, and advise them to use it. Mrs. J. A. R., Muncie, Indiana. Sold by all Druagists. 74 Anotlier Varlatlou ol au Old Joke. "I own a thousand acres of land," said the heiress. "Howdelightful!" "And there are twenty young men after me." "Por the land's sake!" "Yes." Hir Raic jfgmamm n. Those desiring to visil their homes n, fnenils in Indiana, Michigan and Ohio will have au opportunity to do so at n extremely low rate on Tuesday Sent 22nd, when excursión tickets to Li, t in al)ove named States will be sold vi Baltimore and Ohio Kailroad at half rate. Tickets. will be valid for thirt days for return pasease. Be sure to ast for tickets via the B & O. Two expresa trains daily from Chicago and 8t. Louis 73 In I'nisc. Algernon Scroggs (a facetious man)- Where are you going, my pretty niaid Miss Lily White (of the Back Bay)- I don't remember to have met you before and in such a case I do not feel at lib-' erty to nomínate my destination. "NËW"lD"v"ËR'ri,sÊMENT& UHimfcll No. 163 Kim si t vISSÊÊy' B Proinnic-s a ïuMiriant growth I i Pfirkcr's Gingcr Tonic. Il cures the wTïrïï tVctik Langt, De!üiiy, Indigestión, Pain, Takemthi; HINDERCORNS. The cmlyinreciiwforConii Mupa all pain, loc, at DruiiU, or HISCOX & CO., COLBY'S CATARRH CURE Wlien taken as direcled, is absolutely ceitain to effect a curo in any ea?e not already hnwlea It is a combiued local and eonstitutionel treatment, and is sent to part of the country prepaid. Price 81.00 per package. Address olvkrim; iii:iim t i. et.. Box 147. Detroit, .nich. ■%■■ ■■ 4t "A-AKESIS"(rivesimtam II ■Bn'lk't and is un inl'illililo ■ ■ I la % Cure for riles. l'riii'Sl. ily V 11 Druirfjristsormail. Samplea I ■■ freo. AddreKS"A XAK ESIS," ■ . ■ ■■ ■■ U Jio.v 84W, Nuw Vurk city. foñifn ÖAI-AÜY nnd i ommissionto (DHUJ Agenta, Men and Women, Teaebets and Clergymen to introduce a new "marKls'f thIeTïeW west A nw Atffj.t s.hl 7 in oiM uek. Aicent'N rofiiN .si:{(i.."0 i vt-r :s."5o original enKravings. 10,400 copies solii in E WKKK. Exclusive territory. Endorsed hy the greatest men of our couiury. Agcnts thoroühly instructed. Apply to i3 The HenrvBill PublishingCo.,Norwich,Conn PORTRAITS! IFYOU WAN'T A PORTIUIT FROM LIFE Free Hand rom Photograph, or any Permanent Enlargement, place yuur order at Cole's Stuiilo. work are to be fouod In the homes of Mrs. Duuster, Mrs. G. S. Morris, Prof. A. Winchell. Mr. O. M. Martin and many others. Address. COLE'S STUDIO, 351 Woodwardave, Detroit. Probute Order. STATE OF MICHIGAN, 1 COÜNTY OF WASHTENAW.j BS At a session of the Probate Court for the County of Washtenaw, holden ut the Proliate Office to the Gity of Ann Arbor, on Tuesday, the 2oth day of August in the year one thousaud eight hundred and ninety-one. Present, J. Willard Babbitt. Judge of Probate. In the Matter of the Estáte of Thomas 8. Sanford, deceased. Benjamin Brqwn, executor of the last will and testament of said deceased, comes into court and represents that he is now prepared to reuder his dnuual account as such executor. Ttiergupon it ia Ordend, 'lhat Tuesday, theüünd dayof Heptember next, at ten o'clock in the assigned for examlning and allowitiKsuch account, ana that the devisees, legatees and heirsat aw of said deceased, and all other persons interested in said estáte, are required lo appearat a session of said Court, theu ti be holden at the Probate Office, In the City of Ann Arbor, in said County, and show cause, i f any there be, whythe said account should not tx allowed: And it is further ordered that said executor glve notice to Ihe persons interested m said estáte, of the pendemy of said account, nnd the hearing thereof, by eausing a copy of this order to be published in the Ann Arbor Register, a newspaper printed and circulating in said County, three succefsive weeks previous to said day of hearing. J. WILLARD BABBITT, [A true copy.] Jadge of Probate. WK. 5. Doty. Probate Register. 73 't 'f ífis pie dcliciolis F ■■ H 11 IJ Ft'ioale Pillis are ■B ■■ ■■■■B# safejn,, rellable; eontains Tansey, Pennyroyal and Cotion Hoot Never fail. At djag stores, or hy mail, securelT sealed, In plata rapper, lor $1.00. I. N. Kked. Agent, Toledo, O 'Wholpsalö by Williíms, Smuí' i Bhooks. Detroit Micíi. r-. Wo Bond tho marvelous Frnrh ííéÍÉÍ Ki-mcly CALTHOS free, ná K yfn Ln le?al euarantoe that Calthos will A. x7 -- STOI" ii Emi.l:". VSSXS f CUKE Spcrmatorrhen, Turlcocelc W" t , and RESTOUE Lot Vleor. VHk ja Use it and fay if satisfice. t lCT Addre., VON MOHL CO.. VOlV Bol AMerloui Agent, ClntUinü, ühli. A Salesman Wanted to eell Fruit and Ornamental Nursery Stock. Must be active and intelligent. Positiou permanent. Previous experieuce not uecessary. Tact and industry alone required. B B. KICIIAKDMOX CO.f KnnadesaK'i Nulseries, (ENKVA. X. " ? & Mitcheil'SMiineynasrt tJ -J Absorb all disease in theKidm i an I i I restore thom to a hcalthy coni!:'."íhd Old chronic kidney BuCcrcrs at ( ( they got no relief until tbej PLASTEES. „ Sold by Pmgfrl.t overywhere, or sent by mail frrsuo Noraltr llatpr AVork, I.owellj SW MProf. I. HUBERTS" ALVINA CREAM Por Bruut ifyliiK the CompIlonJ Rpinovea allFreeklea, fan. Sunburn Pimpla. "W Moles, nd othorimperfectionB. JVot cocrrir.y, bat rei ig all blemishen. and permanently restonnK tne i ■ plüiion to itB orininal froahness. For Mie at your Urui ïist, or sent poetpaid on receipt of price- ot1 Prof. I. HÜBERT. TOLEDO. OHIO.


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Ann Arbor Register