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BUSINESS OARDB. MISS GRAGE HENDRÏCKSON, Pupil of Profs. LUDERER and YUNCK, Detroit, will give instructionson the VIOLIN. Particulars at residence, 72 S, State St. WM. W. NICHOLS, DENTAL PAELORS over Savings Bank opposite Court House Square. R. WILLIAMS, Attorney at I-jiw, 3II;ti. Mlcli. Money loaned for outside parties. All lesal ueiness given promrt attention. A LKX W HAMILTON, AllliriICTIlt I.HH. Will practlce In both State and ücttefi st e üourte. Office Rooms, yi nd two, l&t flooiol the now brick block, corner of Huron and Fotirtli Streets, Ann Arbor, Michigan. ARTHUR J. KITSON, Contractor & Builder. Estimates furnished on all kinds of Architecture. KesiiENCe amo Shop, 21 Geddes-ave. WM. BIGGS. Contractor and Builder, 111I all kiiiils of iKirk lu councctlo wlili ttacnboTe promptly execiited. Shop Cr. of Church-st and S. Unlvereity ave. Telephone 9 : P. O. Box 1248. "ATTENTION ! DO YOV WAJir anj-thing in the line of BANANAS, OBAJÍGES, FIOS, i (VVDIKSuInll kinds, ICE CBEAM, ICE CREA1H SODA. Everything at Wholesale and Retail. Ij. & IF. KOPP, 10 E. I Inruil -si. CHOICE ME ATS Cor. Wnlilnitloii-t and Fifth-ave. Our aim is to please our customers by always handliog the very Choicest Meats that the market aflords. M.P.V0GÉL7" DEALER IN FRESH, SALT 1 SMOKED MEATS. AND GAME IN SEASON. 22 E. Hoeon-St. - - Ann Arbob. TRÜCKANDSTÖRAGE. Now we are ready with a New Brick Storehouse for the storage of Households, Pianos, BookB and gtores. Pianos and Furniture carefully moved. All kinds of Heavy and Light draying. FREI& HT WORK. o. e. o-oiDiFZRaïrx', Residence and Office, 46 N. Fourth Street. Telephone 82. Our New Store. LADIES' FALL AND WINTER GOODS IN ALL THE NEWEST STYLES. Nice Children's Hats and Cap?, Ribbons, Feathers and Tips to be sold at a low price. Give us a cali at our ííew Store, Cor. Fourth and Washington-sts. Respectfully, MES. A. OTTO. NEW MILLINERY STORE. Fancy -:-Millinery. IN ALL THE LATEST STYLES. Everybody invited to Examine Stock. MRS. J. L. JOHNSON, No. 23 X. Maln-Nt. WHEN IN YPSILANTI STOP AT THE Occidental -Hotel. Minera! and Fresh Water Baths. ta-SPJlCIAZ, ltATES TO STUIiEXTS.S Five o'clock Dinners Suudays. H. E. SHUTÏS5 l'rop'r. 1IIS1Ï & SEABOLT, 1STOS. 6 -A-TsTX) 8 Washington Street, Ann Arbo , Michigran. Have alrays on hand a complete Stock of eve6R0CERY LINE: Teas, Cof ees and Sugars AU prime Articlcs bought for Cash and cansell at low figures. Our frequent large inyoices of Teas is a sure sign that we give bargains in QUALITY AND PRICE. We roast our own eofiees every week, always iresn and good. Our bakery turns out the very ust of Bread, Cakes and Crackers. Cali and bessee; MProf. I. HUBERT'S ALVINA CREAM Kor BeantlfVineO&e Contplexioa. ííiMíiovoN ■'■ " : d Bnnburn I ■ ■ ■■ plet ion to it? "! I. HU ICfl r. 8100 Krwnril. The above reward is offereil for any case of Kidney, Bladder nr Liver Troublo that Gnarantee Kidney (Jure fit i 1 s to cure. Sol ! by :i!l Druggists. Gü AR ANTEE DRUG ■' 925 Toledo, Ohio. l'iiUicïiy Friclay A Georgia f;iruer is living wiili liis sisth wifr. Eaeh of hia Bve "ther wives died on thé Friday pr:eiling the eeoonil Snnday of i ie month. í"hen Bnbv -was si.-k. we gars oer Castoria '■' hen r u a Cblld. slio cried for Castoria. . n !..■ Miss. she clung to Castoria. '■e b ld I .Uri-D. she gave them.Castorii. I A f? First Clab9 ..o I,arect. Fiwtest and Flnent In the World. nfter omodationa nnexcelled. SEV- YORK. LONOQKOCRRY AND GLASGOW FUKNKS-SIA Oft. 8 -THIOPIA OCt. 17 fÜTYOPROlTE " '" r'l'KNKSsM " 24 ClKCASSIA ' 16 Gf'JCAPOA ... " 81 NEW YORK, GIBR.'lTAR AND NAPLES. SALOON, SECOND-tUSS AK STEERAGE rate8on ïowestti rmatoandfivni tlif i'rnci)]p SCOTCH, EN6I.ISÏ, IBIS AND ÍLL CONTINENTAL POIflTS. Ezi5nTslon Tickets rvdaoed. made ivuilnbleto retm-nby eitlier tho Picture qne Clyde & North of Ireland, or DRAFTS AND MONEY ORDERS F!JB ANY AMOUNT at loursi i- rreni r.-t-. Apply to iiiv of oor IopíiI afrente, or to Hè'NDERSON BROTHERS, Chicago, IM. 1AHKM IC. ll I1. A-itil. ÍTHE KÍNCTl OF ALL i COUGH CURES; DOCTOR lACKER'SI ENCLISH REMEDÍ ; Sold in England ! for Is. lHd., and in America for 25 cents a bottlc. IT TA8TE8 GOOD. ] e" "Dr." "Ackérs "ËnHish" Puls j Care Sickness and Headache. Smull, pleanant, u favorlte wit h t.e " : W. H. HOOKElt & CO., NEW YORK. ■ ■kfiaiiBaR WUIIHUIIMHMIIIIHHIUlllHllf Every Month miny vomen suffer from Excessivo or ■ Scant Menstruation; they don't know who to confide in to get proper advice. Don't conñdc in anybody but try Bradfield's Femaie Regulator a Specifio lor PAINFUL, PROFUSE, SCATY. SUPPRESSED and IRREGULAR MENSTRUATION. ÍBookto "WOMAN" mailed free. DÍ1ADFIELD REGULATOR CO., Atlant, Ga. Sold by all Drugeltta. (MsËyS EXTRACT CL0VEPO)SS0 0 Kemale Weakni Sores, Ulcers, Tumor", Absresses, ISlooil roisoning, Salt Kliciim Catarrh, Eryslpelaa, Klieumatlsm anl :il ïtlood and Skin Distases. Price $i. per Pin Bottle. or 6 Boules for ís. ilbcan SolidHxtr.if2.50. J. M. LOÓSE REDCLOVER CO Detroit. Mich. soid bv aii druggists. Ank in.y niirnm for W. I . Doiiclnii Mio?m. II nol fr sale In yonr plaoc asK your ilr-l'i' to wend l'or ciiiiiloiiiir. iii iiu.ikj , and rct ttieni Tor you. tí-TAKE NO St'BSTÍTUTE.a WHY IS THE W. L. DOUCLAS $3 SHOE CENTIEMEN THE BEST SHOE IN THE WORLD FOR THE MONEV? It is a seamless shot', with no tacki or wax thread to hurt the feet; made of the best flne calf, ityliah ami easy, and becanse we make more shoes of this grade than anu other manvfacturer, it euals liaudsewed iboea coatlng f rom $4.UÜ to $5.00. OR OfHii'nniiic Iland-Newcil, Tho fincst calf ■ ahoe ever offered for $SJ0O; eqnate Prench Import Pd shoes which eest from gS.oiito $12.00. CiA OO H and-gewed cli Sb o e, Bne ralf, ■■ styiish, comfortable umi durable. Tho beet shoe ever offt-red at this prlCQ ; sanie grado as custom-niaiU1 Bhoes costlng trom 96.0U to ÉOO. ffiO 50 l'olico SImm'ï Farmers, Railrood Men vwi and Letter Carriers all weartbem; flnecalf, seamless, umooth hulde, heavy tbree slon edge. One pair will vveara year. A O 50 fint' ealfi oo better shoe ever offered at ili&i this prlce; one trial will convince those who want a sooe fr comfort and serrlee. &Q '"ï I!1M1 -'( orUiiiemairs shoes P ar1 very Btrong and durable. Toóse wbo have given them a trial will wear do o titer make. Dauc' !.00 nud Si. 79 school shoes are DUJ8 woro by the boyseverywhere; tbeyseU on theTr merlts, as the Increaslog salea show. ■ oHics:{-"" Uan4-ewed shoe. best ■■Cl VI Iv9 Dongola, vers stylish; t-quatsKreneh Imported ahoea costina from Ladles1 íí-50, fö.00 and fl.75 shoe for Miases are ÜiebeatftneDongola, stvlishaud durable. ('aiition. Ser thut W, L. Douglas name und price aro stamped on bortom of eaeh shoe. W. L. luU(iI.S. Iirockton, Mass. wh. itnvji K r a c. 42 s. nin st


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