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■'Here's to the maiden of basbful fifteen, And here's to the widow of forty!" They have each reached a period in life when most females need assistance in tiding Ihem over the shoals which go often completely wreek their after lives. In producing regularity and healthy action of the female organe, Dr. Pierces Favorite Prescription stands without a peer. At a time whennature gives them increased burdens,so many youcggirls have their health for life shattered. If yoa wish yonr daughter to miss tbofe periodical, agonizing backaches. and dizzy headachep, languid and tired feelings% accompanied with roush pimply skin, and dull, heavy eyes, get her a bottle of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Preseription, If yon have reached thelatter period of danger and weakaess, you wlli need a bottle, too. See wrapper on bottle for printed guarantee. Satisfaction given iu every oase or nioney returned. Silliilllnr. A fourteen-year-old boy at school wrote this sentence in nu exercise: 'Ten men ;u)d four woman." His teacher pointed out to him the eeutence wiJh the remark: "Is it postible that you do not know, after all these years at fchool, that the plural of womaa ia wnmen?" The boy scrutehed his head in a Bomewhat disconcerted w;iy. "Anywuy," he said, "I've often heard ray father gay that woman is a singular creature. - Youth's Companion. Ilw Ortrn We see someyoung man who has squandered his money and ruined his health by excesses, and before 30 years of age is an all broken down and played out man! In all such cases I prescribe nature's tonic and nervine, Sulphur Bitters. They supply food for the brain, f-trengthen the nerves, and are successful in nine cases out of ten. - Old Physician. 2 Mlühf Even Do JI int Good. Mr. Koops. - Now Mose; how did you come to kill that bird? Mose.- Dat's jes w'at I'se comin' to 'splain, Marte Koops. I don kill dat chicleen in self defence! Mr. Koops.- Oh, look here, Mose! A little chicken wouldn't hurt you. Mose. - Ya'as; dat's w'atl thought. - Piick. What Was It, John, That made your face so free and clear from pimples, said his sweetheart. Why, don't you know, E?a? For overa year I took everything I could think of without helping me, then I boughttwo bottles of Sulphur Bitters, and now I haven't one pimple on my face. It is the best blood-cleanser I ever saw. 2 Drlven to Mntrimony. Georgia is going to tax bachelors. A bilí for that purpose has been brought into the Georgia legislature and the house committee on hygiëne and sanitation has reported it favorably. Under its terms it will cost a Georpian $25 to begin the bachelor business at thirty years of age, and on a rising scale of $25 for five years a man of sixty and over will be at the expense of $200 per annum for the privilege of going . out a wife. I.iullfs m. Great French Remedy. Dr. Le Duc's Periodical Pilis from Paris, France, act only upon the generativo organs in fe males, and positively cure suppression of the mensus (from whatever cause) and all periodical troubles peculiar to women. Established in Europe, 1839; England, 1850. Canada, 1878; United States, 1887. A safe, reliable remedy, warranted to excite menstruatation, or money refunded. The larger portion of the i lis to which ladies are subject is the direct result of a disordered and irregular menstruatation. The American Pili Co., proprietors. Price, $2. Sold by Eberbach & Son, druggists, Ann Arbor. Micb. 0 The Cat and Dog Agrec. A cat in Texas bas developed such an aflection for a dog that she is learning to bark so that she can converse with him with greater freedom. Kichi{;an Minimi School. A State School of Mining Engineering gJving practical instruction in Drawing, Pliysics, MechanicalandElectrical Engineering, Shop-practice, Chemistry, Assaying, Ore Dressing, Metallurgy, Surveying,Mining, Mineral ogy,Petrography Geology, etc. Has sunimer schools in Siirveying, Shop-practice and Field Geology, Laboratoriep.Shops and Stamp Mili well equipped. Tuit ion free. For catalogue apply to the Director, Houghton, Michigan. 76 At Ihe Sensbojs' .nission School, Teacher (to Mickey:) Now. Mickey, you read the lesson to me first, and then teil me, with the book closed, what ! you read. Mickey (reading :) See the cow. Can the cow run? Yes, the cow can run. Can the cow run as swiftly as the horse? No, the horse runs swifter than the cow. (Closing up his book to teil what he has read.) Get onto de cow. Kin her jig-stepsrun? Be'cher'life she kin run. Kin de cow do up de horse a runnin? Naw, de cow ain't in it wid de horse. - Life. Serlons Hanger Threatens every man.woinan or child living in a región of country where fever and ague is prevalent, since the geruis of malaria! disease are inhaled l'rom the .irand areswallowed from tlie water of sueh a región. A medicinal safeguard ia absolutely necessary to nullify tbia danger. As a means of fortifying and acclimating tne eyslem BO as to lie i lile to resiist the malarial poison, Hoa!ettei'.s Stomaoh Bitters i 8 incomparable the best and túe moet popular. Irregnlarities of the stomach, livVr and bowelB encourage malaria; bu t these are epeedily rectifled by the Bittere. The functionsof digestión and secretion are assisted by iis use, and a vigoróos as well as regular condilion of the pysteni prorooted by it. Constitution and physique are thus defended against the inroads of malaria by this matchless preventive, which is also a certain and tborough remedy u the orft cases of intermittent ñt;d remittent fevers. ,V líublous SiluHlion. Rv. JoHepb Gravely (giving his views on the evils of card playing during a pastoral cali)- As I was saying, I am in doubt- Parrot (intenupting eagerly )- Whenyouare in doubt play txotnps! (And no member of that family has been able to account for the parrot's utterance to the satisfaction of the pastor. - Kate Field's Washington. For Over FIfty Venrs Mrs. Winslow'sSoothing Syrup has been used for children teething. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy forDiarrhoea. Twen ty-fi ve cents a bottle. Sold by all druggists throughout the world. O A Lont; Vacation. Llewellyn, a Little Lord Fauntleroy darling on the Nortb Side, saw an Indian for the first time the other day. He gazed in speechless wonder at the noble red man'sswarthy face and hands for some moments, and then gaid: "Papa, what an awful long vacation that man must have been Chicago Tribune. Wntchlnir Ibe Honr-GIsss. As a miser counts his gold, nlght and day, .o I count the minutes told in the glass: My eye is dim. my hair is thlu and gray, And I know I'm growing old as they pass. When we approach the "sere and yellow leaf" of our days, we are prone to look back regretfully. A clear conscience and sound health will lighten our gloomy reilections. Health is the greatest blessine- Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. the greatest medicine. It arresta the progreís of lung and scrofulous díseases, and cures consumption, or lung-scrofula, if taken in time. It is the king of liver invigoralors and blood-purifiers, and a powerful tonic. building up the debilitated patiënt to perfect health. Contains no alcohol. After church.- Mrs. Patrón- Wel), how were you pleased with our pastor? Mrs. Frankey - Very mueh pleased with his manner and style of delivery, bat do not like his advocacy of eternal punishment. Mrs. Patrón. - What was there in bis sermón this morningthat impressed him as an advocate of such a revoiting doctrino? Mrs. Frankey. - lts style and duratlon. - Boston Courier. IF YOU ARE A BAPTIST, And want to kDow what is gome on in the world of Baptists, and are not already taking it, YOU INIEEÜD THE EXAMINER, m wm mi mi It will teil you weekly what is goini; on in the denomination - East, West, North and .South - for it is the National Baptist paper, taking cognizance to the uttermost borders of our denominational nteresta. But itis more than a mere denominatioual reeorder; it is A Family Newspaper, Givingthe Becul&rNews of the Week, with pungent Editorial and Paragraph eomments thereon, besides all tbe Baptist News and Notes, with Outlooks on other Denominations and Eeligious Bodies; its Story Pag is filled with Serial and Short Storiea and a Puzzlers' Eealm ; it eupplies Review Anieles, Book Notices, Literary, Scientiflc and Art Chat, Sermons, Sunday School Lessons and Educational Information, has a House, Farm and Garden department, Market Reports, i regular Washington letter- in short, takes into a fcubscribing family every week something suited to the intellectual wants of every member, from the world-knowing grandsire to the awakeniug intellicence of the toddier at his knee. Three Months for Thïrty Cents. Send thirty cents and try it for the months of Oetober, November and December; then if you are pleased, we will be glad to have you become a yearly subscriber at our regular prlee of !2. Addreu The Examiner, Box 3G61,ATeu; York. 75


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