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CHEATiNC HORSE B LAN KETS Nearly cvcry pattcrn of 5a Horse Blankei is imitatcd in color and style. In most cases the imitation looks just as good as the genuine, but it Jiasrít the worp threads, and so lacks strength.and while it sells for onlya Httle Icss thari the genuine it isn'tworth one-half acmuch. The fact that Va Horse Blankets are copied is strong evidence that they are THE STANDARD, and every buyer should see that the -k trade mark is sewed on the inside of the Blanket. BBS i _ Five Milo Ask 4& Êk Boss for ml S Electric #JWft Extra Te,t SI Baker HORSE BLANKETS ARE THE STRONGEST. 100 SA STYLES at prices to suit everybcxly. If you can't get (them from your dealer, write us. Ask fof he5'A Book. Vou can get it without charge. WM. AYRES & SONS, Philadelphia. A HATURAIj KEMEB? FOB Epüeptie Fits, Falling Sickness, lijsterics, St. Vitus Daucc, Nervousness, Hypochondria, Melancfaolla, In. ebrity, SIeeplessuess, Diz. züiess, Bruin and Spinal Weaknegs. TMs mi : dirpct action upon the ncrve centers, allayiug all irritaliilitios, and increasing the flow and pover of nerve fluid. It is perfeetly Iiarmless and leaves ;:o anpleasant effocts. "rtF 'v Valuubïo Hooi: on Nervous W NL Dimi' i 10 to any addresB, f Vy f alul ioor patte&tB cuu al-o obtaiu HUL this inealdne Irce of charge. This remedy has been pnpszed by the Reverend Pastor KoeniK. ut ! ::a)., siuce lSTti. and Isnowprepared uiu-. i Ijythe EtOENIC MED. CO ., Chicago, III. SoldbyDri' : ?. O for 85. tarso Size, 1.7. (, . ■ .■ btH, MRS. GRAHAWl'S Cucumber and Eider Flower Cream Is not a cosmetic in the sense in whioh that term is popularly used, but permanently beautllies. It oreates a soft, smooth, clear. veivety skin, and by daily use gradually makes the complexIon sereral &hades whit r. It is a constant protectlon from the effects of sun and wind and preventa Bun burn and freckles, and blackheads wlll never come while you use it. It eleansos the face far better than soap and water, nounshes aüd builds up the skin tissues and thus prevents the formation of wrinkles It gives the freshness, clearness and smoothness of skin that you had when a Httle glrl. Every lady, younK or old ought to use it, as it gives a more youthful appearance to any lady, and that permanently. It coutains no acid, powaer or alkall, and Is as hannless as dew and as nourishing to the skin as dew is to the ilower. Frlce L11 OO, at all druggiste and hair-dressera, or at Mrs. Gervaise Graham's establishment, 103 Post Street, San Francisco, where she treata ladles for all bleniishes of the face or figure. Ladles at a dlstance treated by letter. Send stamp for her Httle book "Hoto to be Beautiful." SaiTiple B0ttle mailed freeto any lady on receipt of 10 cents in stampa to pay for postage and packing. Lady Agenta wanted. MRS. GRAHAM'S FACE BLEACH. Cures the worst cases of Freckles, Sunburn, Shallownes, Mothpatches, Pimples and all skin hlemlshc". Prlcc 81.00. Haimless and effective. No sample can be sent. Lady Agents wauted. The Druggist m m& t0Wn who ñrst orders a bilí of my preparations will have hls name added to this advertisement. My preparations are for sale, by Wholesale druggisls in Chicago and every city west of it. 1)26 Henry Richards, Dealer in all kinds of HARD WOOD, LUMBER, FBNCB POSTS, MAPLB FLOORING, etc, alao And all kinds of Firewood. Prices as Low as Anv Dealer in the Citvt AliKNT KOK TUK mmt mm and howers, Ho. 9 lclnl( SI.. ! A il il Arlior. Mlcll EnrAUT DETACHABTiTI LINK fvBELTINC. The Best Now the Cheapesl. REDUCED PRICE LIST ofdrlvobeltSothorSpeclaltlciforEíei'OÍors.Coiiww- U.1K BELT BlCUIJtaf CO., 3901 Stewirt He., CWftgo. hruiinnOF$5O El fa Uil AU I BmTP's French II1II JyomalePUIlsare ■ ■ ■■ ■■■■ safe and rellable; eontalns Tansey, Fennyroyal and Cotton Root Severfall. At drug stores, or by njail, securely sealed, In plaln wrapper, for $1.(X. I. N. Keed. mt, To1-;ü, O Whokvsale by Williams, Seelki % Bhooks. Dftroit llkh. LUMBER ! LTJMBER ! LUMBER! you oontemplate building oall at PERDÓN Lumber Tari Corner Pourth eid Depot Sta., acd get our flguri for all kinda of LÜ1ÍBEE We manufacture our own Lumber and sruarantoe VERY LOW PRIOES. -!■ n HCHlli.iul h. h III makelt to ynr luier, i, na onr lárice nl rell (trml.,1 stock rnlly nnatnlnHnr naaer. (Jon. JAHER TOLBERT, Prop. '. J. HKEIH.Nutn. -HANGSTERFERCATEEEE. BS=TO NEW STORE-r ON tSIIMi) STREET, Frat door east o( Main-st. ICE CREAM SODA, 5 CENTS. The finest Confectionary in the City, 50c pet ft. New Firm! IIAVING BOÜGHT THE wooÍTAím FEED BUSINESS Ot GEO. H. HAZELWOOP. we propose to keep wooit or uil klnda, KiiKllfng W'ood; aleo Baled HAY and HUW, t'I.OI 11 ana FEED, of the best quality, Charcoal, etc. Goods dellvered free to any part of the City. W Cash paid for l'orn and Oat. The firm will continue the Track Business ot C. H. Jones, as before. Orders by Telephone promptly attended to. Hl. O. CLARK; ' 33 E. llllrou-SI. Telephone No. 1 1. W. F. LODHÖLZ IS OFFERIXi, BA RG Al NS gïOCElIlü and FES7ISI0IS. mm ma l mmi New Teas at 2.1, 30, 40 and 5Dc. per pound i Kettles, Forcclain lined, free with 1 pound Baking Powder at 50 cents. China ware free with 1 pound Codee al 25 cents per lb. The best goods at the loivest prices. Always full weignt and measure. AU goods fresh and -varranted. Delivered to any part of the city. You will save money by trading with W. F. L0DH0LZ, 4 and O Broadnwy, jlsTIT ARBOR FRUIT-.-FARM! 1M.AHS AND GRAPES A SPECÍALTY All kinds of Fruit and Ornamental frees and Flowers, froni Ellwanoer & Harev. Order Early by Mali. Syrups, Medicinal Wines. Raspberry Syrups, Boneset, Dandellon and Other Domestlc Grapo Wines, prepared especially for Invalida. -Pure Plymouth Rock ERgs. EMIL BAUB, W, Horon-St. JOHN BAUMGARDNER, DEALKR IN AMERICAN AND MPORTED GRANITES, and all kinds ot Building Stone! QEMETERY flJORK A. SPEOIALTT. Corner Detroit and Catherine tts. ANN ARBOR, MICH. IG. H. WILD, MERCHANT TAILOP is showing the largest stock ot 7JLZ.Ii GOODS. He bas the finest l'ltoi si:iil S in Aun Arbor. Examine G. H. Wild's stock oi English Dress Suitings_J AU the latest Novelties can be seen at No. 3 WasliliiKton St., Near Main. I ?í;r- VTo Bond tho marTclmis Frnrh íiff Í? Bmntdj CALTHOS rrc, au.! i 6'sJjl E N 'I;"a' guaraotee tbat Calthos will WÍ=7 --. STOP DUoharse ifc Emlulona, Vt $È.Zr T WHF. Hpcrmatorrheit, Vurloocclc XJP1 L and RESTORE l.ut Vlcor. VmAIj Jí Use i tand pay if satisjied,. t lCT "tou, VON MOHLCO., . OJV 8ole laurltu ÁftaU, CUdautl, Oblo.


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