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ütou citi.ens think they must have an opera house. Owosso's weekly papen all talk of starting a daily edition. The Hudaon macona made t hei r fraters in Adrían a viMt wsterday. E ith Lyon merchante met last week and organizad a protecthre aasoclaUon. Ou; of thirfy-one rases beíoie the LiTÍDggton couiiiy circuí! eourt, ten are divorce suite. Hillsdale, Jonesville, and Albion are to have lecture loarsea tbis nter, and Litclifield want one. The Woinan'ti Foreigo Miasionary society, synod ot Michigan, was io sion at Adrián last week. The villege of Howell has leen sued for $16,000, aid to be ilue on certain T. A. A. 4 N. M. railroad bonds. There will bfl a reunión of Co. G, Third regiment, Michigan cavalry, at Whitmore Lake, Tuetday, Nor. 5. Geo. Grim, of Amboy, a young man 22years old, was sent to the asyium at Kalamazoo Tuesday. He was taken violently insane hen returning from tb e fair Thursday lasf.- Jonesville In dependent. Levi Harrington, of North Adams, a man eighty-two years oíd, got into a quarrel wiih Mr. Van Akin, sixty years of age, about some long-standiugmoney difficulty and stabbed him in the abdomen, inflicting an ugly wonnd. A little ö-year-old daughter of Charles Armington,"of Milán, carne home from school on Monday, and accidently feP into a boiler of boiling water which htd just been lifted from the stove. Siie was terrilly scalded, and died Wednwday night. "Tinker" Dewey of Wuterloo has a horse witli the best jnmptng qualities ofany e ever heard of. Withtheaid of a steam engine tliat struck him in the rear end he clearod 40 feet at n single junip. With the exception of a small bruise th" hor.-e was unii'jured. - Stockbrkige Sun. The balloonist at the Plymonth fair last week. made three very bticcessful failures. The first day he went up twenty feet, the Eecond day his wife hung'on his neck, and her tears kept him on earlh. The third day, for fear of its catchinc lire, the bag was lipped over and collajised.- Livingston Democrat. Monday night at 11 o'clock the barn belonging to Mrs. and Miss McGraw was struck by lightning and burned, together with the season's proilucts. The loss to the ladies is estimated at $1,000, and theshare of contents belonging to Frank Raymond who works the farm, $300. No inurance.- Ypsilanti Commercial. Soinetimes the world seems so bler.k and cold to an editor that he feels like wearing snow shoes the year 'round, . but he is taught by example that if he shall labor faithfully and well the reward will surely come. Editor S C. Rowlson, of the Hilli'dale Standard, was . elected as a member of the school board last week over a woman candidate.- Grand Rapids Dasaoerat. Geo. Barrui, living about three miles east of this place, met with a seriotis accident Saturdey night, cansed by his team becominsr frightened at a train, ronning and breakinjí t he w 'ni filet rees, throwing him to the groumt, resulting in fracturing the shoulder blade hik) two or three rib?, llw bod, Who whh with him, was thrown into a brush h ap and escaiied unhurt.-'Cheleea Standard. It 8 estimated that the publishers of the recent portrait and biograptiical album of Clinton und Shiawassee BCOOped about $12,000 out of the two counties. The purchasers paid all the way from $15 tó $100 for the book, according to theextentol patronage bes'owed. And now it is all over with and gtowing colder, there is a good deal of kieking, both on the part of the Beller and the sold. - Detroit News. Frank A.Worden.aclerk in a dry goods storeinStockbridge,w88onhis way toihe homeofhisparentsinUnadillH.lHteMondaynight.and w hen abouthalfamileeaKt of Stockbridge was fired at with a rifle by someone cencealed in the bashe. The bullet grazed the right side of nis neck suflic.ient to draw blood. It is thought Worden was mistaken for someone else, or that the deed was prompted by pure cusstdness. - Cutlsea Standard. Keho, the Manistee murderer, was found guilty of manslaughterand Judge Judkins sentenced him to the state priaon for flfteen years. The Jndge took occasion to censure the jury ín the mout severe languaee for their profnund ignorance in not fiuding a verdict of murderin the first degree, and expressed his regret that it was not in his power to sentence tne prisoner lo Jackson for life. The defense, too, carne in . for lis share of critici m for the disre putahle means empluyed to save the mnrderous wreteli from mepting hic just deserts. -Osceolii County Democrat, The close of the Eaton eounty fair Vas marred by a horrible accident, in which one person lost his life and thr. e others were injured. The mut-tanj; race was just over and the er. .wc. had flocked into the ring, when a wild mustang, the winner of the raie, rUKhed back into the crowd and over severnl people. The animal feil on nndcruxhpd Fred Lee. the 14-year-old Fon of li-v. George I). Lee, ko sevenly aboot the head and body tha he died an hour later. He never reeovered cohm-.oi]-ness afier the aeo'dent. Peter Caney, another small boy, and the ridrof a hnrse slihlly injured. - Ingham County N9ws. Whilu circuit court was in session at Coninna lasf week a school tea her was arrttigned before Judee Newton on the charge of stealing 52 sheep. When asked to defend himself the prisoner said that it was not true that he Btole 52 sheep, but he admitted of taking 51. One of the sheep he said belonged to him and the other 51 animals had got so mixed up with his sheep that he couldn't piek them out The court concluded that the prisoner was not as well versed in mathematics as he shoHld be, considering the occupation he followed, aml gave him three years in which to figure out the problem of how to substract one of his sheep from fifty-one of somebody else's sheep.


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