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Michigan State News

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Repirts 'ei 1 1,. if hcíilta by sovont_v-fovir observen in different parts oí the state for tb reek onded OctobiT ö Indicated that iiflainraation of the kidneys, pneumonía, typhoid malarial fever, diphtheria and inflammatiun of the brain tncreased, and scarlet fever, smallpox and eerebro-splnal meningitis lecreased, In area of prevalemv. Diphtheria was reportad at forty-two placen, Bearlet fever at thirty-two, typhoid fever al sixty and mea . places. s; WiTf Lot. During i terrible (fale the sehooner Frank Perew fonnderod ofï Vcrmillion Ppiot. 1 : and crew took to the yawl n time to escape being drawn down by the suction of tho staking boat After gis honra the yawl drifted to withln 10 rods of Parlsian island and then ups ■'. Capt. J. K. Maxkle eland, O., and Cook Mary Ann WcKay, of Bay City, and four unlvTiown man were drowned. StrtM-k ly IJglit ning;. A Jackson motor car op tliu electrio line waSustrubk by lightning during a ■torm. The concussion was tcrrific and the passengen were badly bhaken up. Tlie conductor and motor-man Jumped for their lives and the car went spinning down the traok at a great rato until stopped by a passenger. One passenger was badly shocked and the car Conslderably damaged. Sult Output Tor September. The report of the state salt inspector for the month of September shows an increasc over the inspection for August and for September of lastyear. The report by countiea is as follows: Saginaw, U.9,958 barrels; Bay, 6,818; Mason, 51,306; Manlstee, 185,731; II uron, 7,200; Iosco, 35,738; St. (air, 83,099; Midland, 2,812; total, 478.519. Hl Had Blotru xr. Whüe repairing an oil tank at Detroit, S. A. lJurlingame, an oil dealer, placed a red-hot iron to lts surface. The tank exploded, blowtnff off the top of Burlingame's head and killing him instantly. Q. S. Doñean, a helper, was so horribly burned that he oould not recover. Bliorè luit fv,y Itmn. Mnskegon citizens will organizo a humane society. H. II. Ilinds, of Stanton, has harvested 1,500 bushels of wheat from hia pine stump lands - an average of twenty-five bushels to the acre. West Hay City's common council extended the fire limits to shut out a wooden barracks, about to be erected by the Salvation Army. Willie Morrison, of Hay City, 10 years old, saved three persons from drowning this summer. The first locomotivo ever landed in the town has been reeeived at Charlevoix. It beloogB to the Chicago & West M'chigan railrmi L A bachelor 45 years old reeeived first premium apon a jar of buttcr at the Wayland fair. Fred Lee, ageJ 14 years, the son of a clerpyman, was killed and three others were soriously injared by B wild mustang at the fair grounds in Charlotte. Here is a, coineidence. The wives of John Obermiller and John Koen, living upon farms near Bay City, feil on the sarao dayand each broke a left arm and each was 65 years of age. Hirain BquireB, wlio carne from New York to Macomb oounty in 1817, was found dcad in his chair at h:s home in Utica. Eev. D. E. Iirownell, for thirty-tivo years a widcly-known preacher of the Methodist churcD of Canada, died in Detroit, John Allen, a Eraneh county pioneer, died at the age of B0 years. Ile waa born in Sndbury, Vt., and scttled in Michigan in 1843. By an explosión in the Seley evaporator works at Eaton Rapids T. J. Bromeling was fatally iñjured. Low water in the boiler was the cause.. Actual loss, Sfl.000. Regular trafile through the St. Claii tunnel will begin Oetober 27. The state board of pharmacy will examine cand dates for registration in Lansing November 4 and 5. Mrs. Josephine Reynolds, of Caro, has been acquitted of tho charge of Btrangling her babe in March last. She is the mother of six children. Frank Martin was killed by an electrie car at Grand Rapids. School instituto conductors and inBtructors will talk over methods of work in the sonate chamber at Lansing Oetober 23 and 21. Henry Lynch was killed by a train at Reed City. Mrs. Anna Johnson, of Muskegon, who was injured in tlie Krie wreek, died at Kent, O. Mrs. Michael Maddigan, of Kalamazoo, died suddenly whUe sitting in her chair. She was 47 years of age and leaves a hosbaod and ten children. Mrs. Oeorgia Boylan, a patiënt from Lansing, was Cound dead in the asylum at Elgin, 111., havingdiedof suffocation durinjr a convulson. George N. Davis, vrhose term as warden of the on at Jackaon, expired Oetober 1, wars reappointed by Gov. Winaus. Perry McNeil, of Watertown, Tuscola county, was thrown from his wagon and bo lerionsly injured tbat he died in a few hours. [ ■ was 00 years old. Louis E. Martin au.l wife of Kalamatoo, left for niissiunai.v work in India. They were giren a rarewell reception at the First Baptist chureb before leavIng. Neis Londstrnm, a lumberman, was fonnd sliot throngh the back and dead npon the railroail trae i at Republic Eobbery was evldeatly not the motive, asa considerable süm of money was Untouched on the body. Postmaster WUliatn Harris, aged 74, a pioneer resident of the Lake Superior copper country, died at Lake Linden of cáncer of the stomach. He was proprietor of the largest mercantilo establishment in town.


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