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The Mayor Of Long Island City

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Faddy Gleason by name,has been ïndicted by the Queen's county grand jury for assault in tbe second degree. If he goes to ïhe county, as he probably will, it will be the second time during his official term. Paddy is an all-around plug-ugly. It is hardly necessary to say that he is a member of Tammany , in high standing. A tater published in one of the niinIng towns of Montana carne to the RkuiSTiK last week. The leading article was an account of a church entertain ment that had been given on the afternoon of the Sunday before, and the principal attraction of which was a sparring match between some Idaho ahampion and a local favorite. When :he pocket-book is to be touched, the pub!i taste must be consulted. E Germán government bas purchased in this country eighty-five tons of pure alutninum for the army. It is to be manufactured into buttons, buckles, cartridge - shells, field telegraph and {lephone wire, and fittings for pontoon bridges. It is of great importance to soidiers on the march and in action 'ihat the impedimenta of the army be &s light as possible, and the Germán government has been quick to see the ■advantages of this metal. That Mr. Cleveland weakened his field on Western Demócrata when he nade his capitulation to Tammany and endorsed Tammany's candidate is a fací that is patent to everybody. Imnsediately after his defeat three years go, Mr. Cleveland declared that, in his opinión, it was due to the treachery of ïamniany, and on many occasions he r.&E given the people to understand that he was an uncompromising enemy f Tammany's methods. We believe ihat he was. JVe give him the credit of honestly desiring purer politics. But Mr. Cleveland is an avowed candidate the prehidencv; and, though lie would gladly be as independent as Gecrge William Curtís and come out for what he really believes to be right, he daré not do it. Without Tammany, ■ eland cannot hold the New York delegation at the national convention; without Tammany, he cannot carry New York state, if he receives the nomination; and without New York, he cannot be elected. The man who thought & president should serve but one term is now desirous of beine a candidate ihethird time, and it is Ihis desire !hat niakes hini a slave. HavLng surreadered hiuiself to Tamy, Mr. Cleveland was called on to i de at the Cooper Union meeting last week. At tbat meeting he made some statements which the New York Press disposes of very neatly. We quote from the Press of October 9. " 'We see the money of the people unnecessarily extorted from them under the guise of taxation. We saw that tbis was the result of a scbeme perpetuated for the purpose of exaeting tribute from the poor for the benefit of the rich.' - Grover Cleveland's Speech at Cooper Institute last night. The actual results of the new Rèpubicaa Tarift' bill (n the first seven months of the year) was a reduction in taiiff revenue of $ 70,000,000. In that period our imports coming in absciutely free of all duty have inereased from $Uil,"2(i9S! in 1S90 t $250,848,770. in 1.S9I. a net gain ia Free importa in seveu months of $89,516,777. The Mill's Taiiff bilí (indorsed by I resident Cleveland) taxed the people ttbout $60,000,000 a year on sugar alone. Sugar trust stock then sold at $115 to $125 per sbare. Now it sella at $85 to $96. Every dollar oí that $60,000,000 in taxes tho Repubhcan bilí leaves in the pockets of the people. Mr. Cleveland! In your effort to drag irrelevant and frivolous" national issues in this purely local fight against Tammsnyizing the state of New York 70U made statements that jrou cannot back up. You are floored by our shrinking Custom House receipts and our increasing Free importa." The S. C. A. offers a coarse of biblical Btudy, to extend through four years, at the end of which time a certiñcate will be given. A fee of flfty centi fur each semester will be charged. Among those who willgive instructlon are Kev. C. A. Young, Prof. F, N. Scott, Frof. C. W. Beteer, Prof. F. C. Wagner, J. E. Sherrick, and W. H. Nichols.


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