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GILL í( lv... ickest ü MARE BREAO TKAt PRËVBNTS DYSPEPSiA. ' NO OTHÊR ElQUALS GR APPROACHES T IN LEAVENING 3TRENGTH, PURITY, AND WHOLESOMENESS. LUMBER ! LUMBBR'! LUMBER ! you oontemplate building cali a: PERDÓN Lumber Yard Corner Fourth ad Depot Sta., and get our flgur for all kinds of LUMBER We manufacture our oto Lumber and sruarantee VERY LOW PRIOES. Ctlve na n callHod we h III mak f t co jour mierest, nu nr larte and well irrtuled stock fnlly nunIkíun onr nmr tlon. JAMES TOLBEKT, Prp. T. J. KKF.CU. Snpt. BEMOTED. -HANGSTERFERCATEEEE. $TQ NEW STORE-sff OJÍ WASIIIMJTON STREET. Fret door east of Main-sL ICE CREAM SODA, 5 CENTS. The fincst Confectionary in the City, aoe per 1b, G. H. WILD, MERCHANT TAÍLOP Is showing the largesi stock 01 FALL COODS. He has Ihe fiuest Tiuisi:ui;s In Aun Arbor. Examine G. H. WUd's stock ot EDglish Dress SuitingsiJ AU the latest Norellies can be seen at So. 2 Washington SI., Nenr Mnln. I W. F. LODHÖLZ v IS OFFERING BA RG Ai NS WM and PROTISIOSS. miMiuss Goaas sntum. New Teas at 26,30, 40 and 63c. per ponnd Ketties, porcelain liued, tree with 1 pound Bakini Powder at 60 cents China wgre free wit 1 pound Coffee a; 'o cents per 1b The best goodji at the lowest pri(e. Always fuil wi ishi nd measure. All goods frth nd -viirraiit). Delivered to auj part of Ihe c.ty. Yuu will aye money by tradiug wilh W. F. L0DH0LZ, 4 and Itroiufway. JOHN BAUIWGARDNER DEALER IS AMERICAN AND IMPORTED GRANITES, and all kinds or Building: Stone! QEMETERY yORK Ji. BPEOIALTT. Corner Detroit and Catherine sta. ANN ARBOR, MICH. vrrr We send the marrelons FTPncb VJ gl Kemody CALTHOS rree, and a íMLNl legal guarant tbat UAiTHoawiU _ __ 1 STOP DlMh.rtc Kmlkms VlXj&i'Sr f CPRE Sixrmatorrhea, Varlooccle VIJL l and KKSTOUK Uxt Vlam. VVlL vJ Ust it and pay if tatitfed. W IC( d!'. VON MOHL OO- rk. -ÏL Solt Arleu ÁfOkU, CUdsuO, Mk


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Ann Arbor Register