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OUR 25 CENT COLUMN. Adveitisements, sueh as To Rent, For Sale, j n3 Wants, not exccedtng three linee, can be Inserted three weeks for 2fi cent. WAM1 ËÏK WAMtli - Experienced Gul tor housework. Small family, good wages. Mrs. Ed. H. Ebcrbach, No. 1 Paekard-fct. 79 WAXTED- Man wanted to take care of norse and do chores about house. No. 2 l'ackard-et. 78 Glrl to do housework at Nofi Soutn Thayer. 77 Three or Tour lady or geutleuc canvaseers. to iell I.nietic, White ana Oavis Sewing Machine. No previons experience required. will pay salary or commlislon. Apply at once. J. F. Schob. 67tf Plain sewing of all kinds; also ' oomforters, bedding, etc. Mrs. Fingerle, over Sheehan's Book Store. State-t. 77 FnK KA I.E. tpOR NALE-i fine Carriage Team. dark 1 Chestnut Mares, well materieel, perfectly eentle and good drivers. Knquire or addrees Leonard Bassett, 23 Thompson -ht. Ann Arbor. 79 i, ACRE FARM for sale at Whltmore Lak e 1U Excellent soil. good liouse. barn, and shed e Apply to Wal ter L. Taylor, 90 Broadway. Ann Arbor, Mich. 876tf FOR HA1.K- Cbeap, one Warwlck Safety Bicycle, good as new. Enquire of No. 10 Wet Pecond-st. 78 PR SALE- Good two-story frame house. 36 Broadway. Will be sold at a bargaln Enquire at the house. 77 ÜOB SALE- Wood Priees lower than any r other dealer; all orders promply delivered. F. M. Hallock, cor. Packard and Hillsts. 77 17OR 8Ai:E- At auctlOD. Oct, 7. 1891, at 1 r o'cl ck, a,t my house, on Weit Iluron-st, the following household goods, to-wit: Five bedsteads and bedding, three stoves, wood and coal, twelve chaira, flve tables good Singer sewing machine, slz bushels potatoee, and other arlicles, JobnG. Feitz. Frank Kravsk, Auctloneer. 77 FOR S A I.E- 4 foot wood and stove blocks on ground. James Murray 2% miles east of Peblea chnrch, Salem. 70 FOR SAI.K.- 9ii room house No. 63 Millerave. This propertv offered ohcap to close an estat. Apply to Moore & Taber. 68tf FARM FUR MAI.K- Tbe Bullock or Everett farm, 3 miles west of Salem Station and 11 miles from Ann Arbor, contain inj; 109 acres; house and barns, stock and well water, timber; school and church witbin a mile; land natnrally tbe best and in good condition. Also -10-acre farm for sale. The s % of the east )4 ot the s. e. qr. of sec. 34 of Ann Arbor town, bcing part ot the Howe-North place north of the county farm 3 miles from Uack & Schmid's, one and a half miles from city limits. First class land for peaches. Prices and terms reasonable. Cali onj or address Andrew E. Gibson, SS E. Washlngton-st, Ann Arbor. MIch. S FOB REMT. Ï,"OR REKT- Elegant Parlors and a fine Suite 1 of Room. All tastlly furnlshed. Furnace, heated and lighted. CUse tu Crnnpus. Parlors 15 00 per week: Suite Í3. 75. 3'.i r'hnrch-st. '9 rro Unfurnished : Two ground-floor 1 parlors and an upstairs bedroom. 28 Xorth-st. 77 I-OST. LOST- On September 22, Ladies' Oold Watch Chain, witn Gold Pen and Penholder attached, between Washington-st. and 106 8. Main-st . Leave at Arnold's Store, and receive r ward. 78 MISi'KM.AftEOI'W. EX. BI1.BIE - Teacher of Violin. Rooms northeast cor. Main and I.ibertysts. 78 IF yon winh to adrertiee anythlnx anywhere at any Urne write to GEO. P. ROWELL & CO., No. 10 Spruce 8t., New York. 870-921 T) ROPOSAI. WAXTED. University BuildX irigs- Tendera wanted. Proposals will be received by the Board of Keeents of the Uniyersity of Michigan up to, and including the 20th day of October for tbe erection and completlon of an additlon to tbe law building, and anaddltlon to the engineering bullding.all on the unlTersity ground in the City of Ann Arbor. Plans and speclflcatinns can bc secn at the office of the secretary of the univereity, or at the office of the architect, E. W. Arnold, 57 Buhl block, Detroit. ProposaJs must be sealed and Indorsed "Proposals for University Buildings,'1 and addreseed to James H. Wade,secretary of the Board of Regents, Ann Arbor, Mich. Separate proposals will be reqnlred for each building. Each tender must be accompanled by an approved bond. or certiiied check of five bnndred dollars [$6001 as surety that the parties will enter Into a contract should their proposal be acceptcd. Blank schedules will be supplled by the aecretary upon appilcatien. The board reserves the right to reject ny or allbids. 77 EVER Y one in need of Information on the subject of advertising will do well to obtain a copy of "Book for Adverttaere," 368 pago, prlce one dollar. Mailed, poetage paid on recelpt of price. Contains a careful compilation from toe American Newspaper Directory of all the best papers and class joumals; gives the oirculatloii rating of every one, and a good deal of Information about ratea and other matten pertalning to tbebnslnessofadTertKlng. Address R0WEW8 ADVEBTISING BUREAU, 10 Bpruce 8t., N. T. rro-Mi YOU CAN QET IT Calkins' Drug Store 84 South State-st. DHftRA.BOYLE&CQ. DEALERS IN Groceries, Crockery and Glassware OFFER THE FOLLOWING BAhGAINS: 7 lbs. RolledOats 25c 35 lbs. Sears' Best Crackers 25c 2 Cans of Salmón 25c 3 Cans of Corn 25c 3 doz. Pickles 25c 6 Bars Kirk's Soap 25c 1 lb. Good Japan Tea 25c 1 lb. Crushed Java Coffee 25c 2 Cans Fine Table Peaches 25c Teas, Coffees and Spices, Warranted to LÍve Satisfaction. Pillsbury Flour, White Loaf Flour, Roller King Flour, and A. A. Milling Co.'s Flour always on hand. Goods delivered to any part of the city free. O'HARA.BOYLE&CO. No. 1 Broadway, Ann Arbor.


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Ann Arbor Register