Twenty Years President
The regent's meeting yesterday was a very important one in many respects. President Angelí submitted bis twentieth annaal report, giving a summary of tbe cbanges in tbe University, since 1871, when he first carne to Ann Arbor. In the beginning he ei ves a list of the appointments on the faculty made during tbe past year, alludes feelingly to the death of Dr. Winchell and Prof. Wells, remarks upon the large graduating classes and large attendance, speaks of the Woman's League, the crowded buildings and measures for relieving the overcrowded buildings, the purchase of the athletic grounds, the gymnasium project, and the proper place of athletics in the course, the enlargement of conrses in the literary department, the policy of encouraging diploma high schools,the value of the gradúate department, the changes in the medical, law and other departments, the establishment of the University Record, the new general catalogue, the completion of the McMillan and Newberry Halls, the legislativo appropriations, and the condition of the library. The most interesting portion of the president's report relates to the contrast between the Universit in 1871 and the University in 1891. Says Dr. Angelí after a few introductory rexiarks: "One who should not have visited the University since 1871 would on coming into our campus be struck at nrst with the increase in the number of our buildings. Those then here were the two wings of the present Uniyersity Hall, originally erected for dormitories and recitation rooms, the law building, the chemical ïaboratory, one story high, forming about one-üfth or one-sixth of the present edifice, the medical college and four dwelling-houses, of which one was used as a hospital, one was occupied by the president and the other two were rented to professors. The astronomical observatory and the dwelling attached to it had also been built on the site they now occupy, half a mile away from the Campus. "Since then the following buildings have been erected on the campus: The large central building connecting the two wings, the scientific museum, the library with the art gallery, the phyeical and hygienic laboratory, the neering laboratory or workshop, the anatomical laboratory, the two hospital wards, the two boiler bouses. The chemical laboratory has been several times enlarged and a large wing has been added to one of the houses, which thue enlarged has furnished a home for the dental college. In the observatory grounds a small observatory for the instruction of students has been built, and on a site purchased for the purpose two new hospitals have juat been constructed. "In 1871 there were in all the faculties thirty-six persons. In 1891 there were ninety-two resident professors, assistant professors, lecturers and instructors, eleven non-resident lecturers and twenty-seven assistants, many ol whom give some instruction, making a total number of one hundred and thirty. The increase has been chiefly in the additions to the literary faculty. The literary faculty, which consisted o; twenty-three persons ia 1871, now numbers seventy. ünly the three departmente, of arts, medicine, aad of law existed in 1871. " Twenty years ago the students numbered 1,110, last year 2,420. The proportionate and the absolute gain has been much larger in the literary department than in any other, as we are glad thal it should have been. The law department has, however, in spite of the establishment of numerous law schools in the West, nearly doubled ite number "Twenty years ago the students were drawn from twenty-six states and territorios, but none from foreign lands. Last year they represented forty-four states and territorios of our Union am; twelye foreign statesjand pro vinces. In 1871 Michigan students formed only forty-six per cent of the whole number, while last year they formed forty-eighl per cent. "The law library has grown from 3,000 volumes to over 10,000; the general library from 17,000 to 60,000, containing the McMillan and Shakspeare library of 3,000 volumes and other special collections. The collections in the scientific museum have quadruplec in extent." The president details the changes o courses in the different departments the extensión of the requirements for admission, the addition of the degree of Bachelor of Letters. He says further of the literary department; "The scope nd Tariety of instruction have been greatly enlarged. In 1871 there were ifty-seven courses of instruction given. In the last calendar no lesa than 378 courses were announced." The establishment of different laboratories, the seminar? system of instruction, the elective system and the voluntary attendance at chapel was as touched upon at some length. Studente are on an ayerage one year younger upon entrance than they were twenty years ago. The president thinka that ;he roorals and order of the University are also mueh better than they were in 1871. The diploma system has grown so large that now eighty-two high schools are on the approved list. The president touches on the wisdom wiih which the professors have made changes in policy and at some length speakes of the changes in thepersonnel of the faculty. He rejoices at the growth of the several Western Universities and attributes this largely to the influence of the U. of M. The most important business transacted by the regents was the letting of the contracta for the additions to the law and dental buildings; the former for $26,591, the latter for $15,428. It was decided to cali for bids for erecting the new gymnasium, according to plans already prepared. The sum of $400 was appropriated for finishing tho athletic grounds. Professor A. C. McLaughlin was made full professor of American history at $2,200, with the understanding that he is to deliver lectures on constitutional law in the law department. Other important business was transacted, which cannot be mentioned on account of lack ofspace. ARODND THE CAMPUS. Dr. Will Dunn, medie, '91, is seriously Hl. Leroy Southmayd has been elected president of the senior medical class. H. M. Bridgman, from Natal, África, has registered in the dental department. The iirst number of the new weekly, the "Yellow and Blue," will appear nezt Saturday. President Angelí has announced that class rushes are hereafter prohibited. The students are asked not to congrégate in large numbers. The class of '95 on Saturday appointed a committee, consistí ng of Messrs. Neal, Manley, Hyatt, Bourland and Abbott, to look after ioot-ball interests. There were 445 woinen in the University last year, as against 369 the year before. In the literary department were 356, medical 60, law 2, parmacy 4, homceopathic college 17 and dental G. The TJniversity of Michigan foot ball eleven was defeated by Albion last Saturday. The score stood 10 to 4. This bad record was partially atoned for Tuesday.when the Oli vet team metdefeat at the handsof the University. Gymnasium practice would go a long way toward improving the local eleven. The senior laws succeeded in electing a president last Saturday. There were four candidates - J. H. Adams, of Iowa A. C. MacKenzie, of 3hio; F. A. Sheldon, of Michigan; and J. E. Duffy, of this city. After five ballots MacKenzie was elected, the vote standing: Mac Kenzie, 134; Duffy, 48; Adams, 33 Sheldon,3. _
Old News
Ann Arbor Register