Rev. Benjamin Day
The death of Rev. Benjamin Day, which occurred on Saturday night last, was a severe shock to many Ann Arbor people who had loved and respected him lor many yearg. Mr. Day was eighty-four years of age. His life was pre-eminently a useful one, He was bom and reared in Essex county, N. Y., and gained a good education. He was ordained a Methodist minister in 1S32 and was first assigned to the parish in Bloomfíeld, N. J. After fllling several other pulpits with ability and faithfulness, he decided ia 1S69 to give up active work and removed to this city, wbere he has continued to reside. His wife, formerly Miss ;.Mary Taylor, and three brothers survive his death. Funeral services were held yesterday afternoon in the Methodist church. Rev. C. M. Coburn officiated, with the assistance of Rev.Mr.Pope.a former pastor of the Ann Arbor church. Mr, Pope spoke feelingly of his former parishioner. The honorary pall-bearers were J. Austin Scott, Dr. W. F. Breakey, Rev. E. Steele, Prof. R. Hudson, Prof. E. LWalter, Prof. H. S. Carhart; the active bearers, Messrs. W. J. Booth, C. H. Worden, L. D. Wines, T. C. Trueblood, A. H. Roys and E. B. Hall. A large procession followed the remains to the cemetery. Mr. Day was a man of the highes character. He was called by many the "father"of the Ann Arbor church. Upon his judgment minister and laymen both relied, and his influenee was fel strongly outside the church. Benjamin Day will not soon be forgotten.
Old News
Ann Arbor Register