Mack & Schmid
At Thf, Store. ■ gband opening Saturday, October 24th, '91. GRAND BENEFIT SALE ! Having just completed the remodeling of our Store we have no ■ hesitancy in saying we have now the largest, finest and best arranged place of business between Detroit and Chicago. In order that the general public may see what we have been doing this fall in the way of refitting our entire building, and that your attention may be particularly directed to our MAGNIFICENT STOCK of Dry Goods, Fancy Notions and Novelties, Cloaks, Carpets, Draperies, etc, ete., filling our three floors to their utmost capacity we have concluded to give a Grand Opening next Saturday, and to show our appreciation of the splendid Trade we have had this fall by giving a BENEFIT SALE ! Our souvenirs on that occasion will be of practical value to you being in the shape of a BIG REDUCTION ! ' On every Cloak and every piece of Dress Goods in the house. Reduction for this day only, SATURDAY, OCT. 24th. Ten (10) per cent off on every Cloak and every Dress purchased.
Old News
Ann Arbor Register