Neighborhood Notes
E. H. Stiles, of Howell. has a fotirpound potato. The GrassLake News has just entered pon its thirteenth year. Grass Lake i beginning to be known &s 8 shipping point for cucumbers. Owosso's military conrpanj' will soon be mustered into tbe state service. The Adrián Land Purchasing and Improvement Compmy has been organized. The state convention of the T. W. C. A. began il 9 sessmns in Jacks-on last Friday. A. J. Hume, of Owosso, has pur chased the Inghain County Republiean jiublished at Leslie. Chester Wright, jr., a prominent manufacturer of Hudson, feil from a tree Tbursday, inflicting fatal injuries. Chester Wrjgbt, one of Hudson's voung manufacturera, feil from a tree Thursday afternoon and sustained injuries that may prove fatal. The Leslie Local gaya that two Willïamston men have applied for a patent on a gasoline heating stove, whicn they claim will take the place of tbe large toves. Fred J. Cutler, of Ionia, ships poultry to New York City by the carload and Boes along with the car to collect the eggs and unload the fowls. The business pays. All the papers of the neighborhood are reporting a second erop of strawberriea, and each pronounces its local . fair "a grand Buccess," with a threeline header. A kiln of 500,000 brick is now being burned at Wm. Slayton's brirk and tile yards. This probably is the largest kiln ever burned in this portion of tbe State. - Dundee Reporter. No traces hare been found of little Frankie Owen, of Owosso, the Michigan Charley Ko&s who disappeared laat June. His mother'shealth has became eeriously impaired through grief. W. E. Boyden, of Delhi Mills, has been appointed by Gov. Winans io represent the second congressional dis trictattbe national farmers' congrew, to be held at Sedalia, Missouri, Nov. 10. Warden Davis received an original package yesterday in the person of A. E. Preston, the ewindlerwho defrauded man y women in southern Michigan with his bogus express package scheme. Hegoes up for two years and was sent not c. o. d., and p. d. q - State Kepublican. The Dexter Leader proposes the organization of a literary society for that village - one "that will awaken the echoes of olden times" and " help to (lispel from the social atmosphere that sectarian taint that appears to hinder a free mingling of those people who wonld naturally be expected to enjoy literary ezercises." A meeting of the stockholders of the Fowlerville fair will be held Outober 31 for the purpose of settling up the affairs of the present company. Tl. e lease of the grounds and the limit ot the organization have both expired. If favorable terms can be secured for the land it ÍS sai'l o ■" nnrap'uj ujy De furmed to continue the fair. - Livingston Democrat. Sheriff Baker, of Genesee county, eshumed the body of an infant in order that an autops-y might be held. He looked two days for a physician to perform the work, but in vain. Th board of supervisors of Genesee had reduced the fees on autopsies from $25 to f 10, and no reputable doctor cared to undertake the work for the lesser figure. It is claimed the infant was a victim of mal practice. The judges' report ol the threshing trial at Ellis Bird's, one-half mile eaxt of Romulus, Friday, Oct. ütb, shows that the Huber machine, owned by Peter Sundberg, wasted from lour to five times as much grain as the Port Huron Rusher, owned by Chester and Lew8 Wright. The report was sworn to before a justice of the peace. The Port Huron machine made the fastest time.- Belleville Enternrise. One morning last week Jas. Torrey, who lives five miles southwest of Lealie, found on the platform to his well a small package containing a white powder, and thinking tbat Bomeone had been playing foully, looked into the top of the pump, and there saw a quantity of the powder on the pump valve, He brought it to Leslie and showed it to Justice Wheaton. Supposing it to be poison it was taken to Campbell's drug store, and afterwardR to Dr. Greene, tind it was found to 1 e what it was anticipated. ProsecutirgAttorney Prosser, Sheriff Paddock anti Detective Hodge began work on the case, hoping to find who bad been guflty of trying to poison Mr. Torrey and hisfamily. The Local said notliing abónt the matter, at tbe officers request, but as nothing bas been done, there is no keeping "m'im" any longer. The neigbbors claim to believe tha: there is not so much of a mystery connected with the cae e as might be, while others think it comes from fami'y irouble. - Leslie Local. Durinjï the races of thevfair, Seereiary Fitzsimmons had nis suspiciong arousedias to the identity of a hore that trotted in the tbree minute and 2:40 classes and entered under the name of "Harrv." The horse wa entered by a W. H. Clark, who gave h s residence as Toronto. Ont., and gave the owner's name as Peter Goldthorpe of the same pUce. Uoth men were here and with them a man named J. P. Howard. Saturday noon Secretary Fitzüimmons received word from Broekport, N. Y., that the horse's true name is "Wallace Jr.," and procuring the neoeesary papers and in company with Under Sherifif Converse and Attorney Goy M. Chester overhauled the horse and men at Jonesville on a train. By attachment proceedins, Howard was comp lied topay back $75, the premium paid in the three minute race. The ' 2:40 purse had not been paid on account of the euspicions of the secrelary. Mr Fitteimmons now says he has the men ' who were with the horse all located, tht Clark Uves in Perry, N. Y., Goldthorp is from Cooksville, Out., and Howard lives at or new Clarion, Pa.- Hillsdale Standard.
Old News
Ann Arbor Register