Michigan State News
At the forty-fimrth annmil fjiand en;ampmcnt of odd iellows of Michigan, leid in Lansing, the grand s;ribe's report Indicatea a total inembership of 5,600. The grand treasurer reported that the year'a receipta were $'2,317.64, md the disbursements f8,057.93, which, ivith the balance of S9J0. i'A on hand at the close of last year's encampment, leaves 11,185.04 in the treasury. The following offleers wore ehosen for the snsuinff yi'ar: Grand putriarch. E. K. Fiool, or Plainwell; {rand high ijnest, Krtwin (i. Johnson, of Luther; grand herine. K. H. Whitney, of Lansing; intndtrrusurcr. A odre w Harttiaw, "f Alpena; lenlor warden, John B. Ponilêid. 01 Vicksburg; junior warden. Joslah Dandy. of Grand Raptdn; representativo to grand soere.gn lodge, W. W. Own. of Mu-Uegon. ■ :■! ■ :■ in adchlgM. Reports to the state board of hcalth by sixty-eiglit observers in different parts of the statu for the week ended October 10 indicated that pneumonía, cr-rebro-spinal meningitis and scarlet fever increased, and typhoid fever, inflammation of the brain and cholera infantum decreased in area of prevalence. Diphtheria was reported at thirty-five places, scarlet fever at thirty-two, typhoid fever at forty-eight and measles at five places. llfroiiu of m Wonnded Latl. While Edward RgynoldR, a fariner's ion aged 12, was out hunting near Caro, the breechpin of his gun broke, flew back and penetrated his skull. The boy walked home and though in a horrible condition clearly related the details of the accident He was taken to Caro and a doctor removed the pin with the fórceps. There was a gToove ín the side of the skull f rom which oozed the brains. Thè boy could not live. Michigan i armer"' Alliance. The state Farmers' Alliance in session at Lansing adopted a resolution indorsing the Ocala platform and declaring iteelf as unyieidingly n favor of independent political action as outlined at the Cincinnati conference. Officers wcre elected as follows: President, A. E. Cole, Fowlerville; vice president, D. P. Deining, Tuscola; secretary, Miss Anna E. Potter, Lansing; lecturer, C. E. Lockwood, Cold water. 8htterd HU Jaw. An intoxicated man attempted to assist Deputy Sheriff Ford, of Ontonagon county, to arrest an escaped convict at Lake Oogebic The officer ordered him away, but in spite of the command ha covered the convict with a revolver and in a moment of excitement drew the trlgger. The prisoner's jaw was shattered by the ball, but no fatal injury was expected. ■hort bat Hmj Item. Peter Teller, an ex-resident of Bay City, died at Areola, Miss. The Michigan cranberry erop is reported as almost a complete failnre, The July droughí is to blame for thia state of affairs. The new board of control of state penal institntions has adopted a resolution to the effect that its management should be strictly unpartisan. William Burke was kicked and so badly injured by his brother Hnrlbert at Bay City that he died. Hurlbert was under arrest He said he acted in sel f defense. A. R. L. Covert, for twenty-six years ticket agent at Leslie, has resigned. Lightning struck Widow McGraw's barns Dear Helleville and they were completely destroyed. Loss upon buildings and contents, $2,000; no insurance. Qardner Waite, of Horton, aged 90 years, committed suicide by hanging. Prof. John J. Anderson, of Holland, formerly member of the faculty of Hope college, went out for a sail and the boat capsized and he was drowned. Parker, Webb & Co. 's packing house in Detroit was damaged to the extent of 5100,000 by fire, and Joseph Reef e was burned to death. Miss Beile Windies, a teacher in the Spring Arbor schools, was killed by a rnnaway horse. Harvey W. Wiland, of Lansing, has been appointed superintendent of the tate public school at Coldwater. Seven cows belonging to Ezra Johnson, of Clayton, Uenesee county, were liable to lose their hoofs becanse they wandered into burning muck swamps. 'Samuel Slingerland's dairy barn at Maniates was burned. Twenty-three cows, tbree horses and a large quantity of winter grain were consumed. Loss, $5,0U0; insurance, $3,500. Holly is the first town in the state to talk of a roller skating revival. Roaring Biver, Barry county, has a Sunday-school list of sixty-four. There are only slxty-Bve persons in the town. Woodsmen estímate that there are 200,000,000 (eet of hemlock in Alpena county and those parts of Montmorency and Presque Isle counties adjoining. ine clothing store of Barney Julios at Vicksburg wa burglarized and twenty-six overcoats, valued at $300, were stolen. An expres trajn struck a team at Weat Bay City, cmp!etely wrecking it and seriously injuring Henry Kleinlioh, oL Amelith, the driver. John Grove, living 5 miles west oí BelleTÜle, lost an arm in a threshing machine. CapitalUts were fig-uring upon an electric railroad from Alpena to Long Lakt. The Michig-an world's fair commls■lon has fixed its ecretary's salary at 3,000 per anmim to(fether with transportation. The Register printing office and Mrs. Oriffin's millinory storo in Union City were burned. ihe total loss being $6,000. William Daniels, the pugilist, and Frank Branlette, both of Rhinelander, Wis., were at Crystal Falls acquittedof the rnurder of Prize-Fighter Jim McOormlck at that place on July 16 last McCormlck died after fighting Daniels.
Old News
Ann Arbor Register