IS IT Olí THE LIST? Arnmonla and Aluin In Bakingr Pow ders. How to Uetect them. Ia view of wbat tbe Minnesota Hoi ate bas dope, it in boped ttiat legislative bodies in otber states will soon take u] tbe subject of food adulteration. The Rnbjoined list of baking powder continu ing ammonia and alum, compiled fron official reporta and published in a recen nuruber of the Sieutiüo American, is given below. "deals in a direct manne with an evil which must be cut down' said the Chicago Tribune in commenting on the S ieutiüc American report, l'ol lowing is tbe list of AMMONIA AND ALOM BAKING POWDEBS. Cvrnptiedfrom OfflcinX IiaporU. Powders mnrked with a star seem to have a general sale, as they aromentioncd in at least two of the reporta. ATLANTIC PACIFIC. ROYAI. COOK'S FaVORITE. 8CIOTO CROWN. SHVEBSPOON. CKYSTAL. 8ILVER STAP.. DAISY. SNOWDRIFT. DAVIS'O K. SOVEREIGN. ORY YEAST STAR. OEM STATE. QIOBE. SIAXDAKI). KENTON'. SUNFLOWKI: PEARSOK'S. WASHINGTON. PERFECTION. WISDSOR PEERLKPH ZIPP'S GRAPE. PURITÏ. CBYSTAL. There are, in additicn to the foregoing list trom the Scientifio American a number of such powders sold in the western tbat were not found in the eastern store?. Following is tbe Hst to date: CALUMET __ „....Contalns Alum. Calumet Baklng Powder Co., Chicago. FOREST CITY _ Contaliu Ammonia Alum. Vouwle Bros., Cleveland. CHICAGO YEA8T Ccntains Ammonia Alum. Chapman & Smlth Co., Chicago. BON BON _ _ Contalns Alum HOTKL,_ Contaln Ammonia Alum J 8. Grant, Baklng Powder Co., Chicago. ÜNRIVALED .Contains Alum. ONE 8POON,TAYLOR'8 .Ammonia Alum Taylor Mfg. Co.. St Louls. YARNALL'8 Contains Alum Yaroall Mfg. Co., 8t. Louls. 8HAW8 SNOW PÜFF Containg Alum. Merchante' Mlg. Associatioo, St. Lnuis. DODSON&HILS Contains Alum. Dodson & lilis, St. Louir SHEPARD'8 _ Contains Ammonia Alum. William II Shepard, St. Louls. BAIN-3, _ Contains Alum. Meyer-Bain Mfg. Co., St, Louli. MONARCH Contains Ammonia Alum. Reed Murdoch & Co., Chicago. 8N0W BALL Contains Alum. Bengal Coffee A Spice Mills, Chicago. GIANT Contatos Alum. MILK, Contains Alum. W. F. McLaughlin & Co., Chicago. ECHO, _ ConUinsAlnm. Spencer Blulng Paddle Co., Chicago, KALBFKLL'8 PURITY Contains Alum, Kalbfell Mfg. Co., Chicago. RISING 8UN Contains Ammonia. Phoenl Chemical Works, Chicago. WHITE ROSE Contains Ammonia Alum. Globe Coffee & Spice Mills, Mlnneapolis. WOOD'8 ACMÉ _ Contains Ammonia. Thos. Wood & Co., Phlladelphla. ANDREWS' PEARL .Contalm Ammonln. C. E. Andrews Co., Milwaukee KARRIE8S FAVORITE Contains Alum. H. H. Hanies, Mlnneapolis. FIDELITT Contains Alum. 8OLAR _ ..Containa Alum. Sherman Broa., Chicago. PUTMAN'S BE9T Conttini Alum. Wells Putman & Co,. Chicago. CHINA "T" HOU8E „ .Contains Alum. Noah MiDowell, St. Paul, Minn. TWIN CITY, ...ContainíAlum. J. K. Ferguson, Minneapolls, Minn. HERCULES, Contains Ammonia. Hercules Baklng Powder Co , San Francisco. CLIMAX' „_ Containa Ammonla. Climax Baklng Powder Co., Indianapolls. Ammonia and alnm are the most commoa adulterante raed in the mannfaoturo of baking powdera. Tbe Govermeüt report tthows tbat a large j.ercentHge ot the bakiDg powders on ths marketcoDtain eitber one or the other or botb these pernioions draga. What womau would use an ammonia or alum bakiag powder, if he knew it? Uuoh powders not only undermine the healtli, bat nmmuoia givee to the oomplexion HSillow or blotched appearance. The preaence of ammonia or alum id a imkiui? powder, however, cau easly be deteoted. To Detbot Ammonia. - Mix one heapÍDg teaHpooiifal of bhking powder with ons teas ponn ful of water in a tin cap; boíl tboronghly for a few momento, stir to prevent burning' and if ammunia is present on oan smell it in the risintí steam. Or, place a oan f the saflpected powder top dowu on a hot stove for a minute or two, than take off the cover and smell. To Detect Alum. - Alom powder eau be t stt d by putting a coupW o t RRpoor fula of ttie powder in a rIhbh of oold water. If no effervenrence, that is bubling or simmerme, takes place, tondemn tbe powder and retarn it at once. Some alnm powder, bowevcr, like tbe "Calumet," "Boa Bou," "Chicago Teat." etc., oontain pliosphates in combination with alum, and with these braoda the following test is simple and sure: lake one hall teaHpootmiI oí hakmi; powder in lid of say half pound cao ; oliar tboronghly over a stront; iileobol flame, a 'ni triiH jet, or red bot coala. After cliani'K (ibat i, bumiiiK unlil the whole maas is black) add a teaspoonful of water and place a bright pieoe of silver coin in tbe solutioD. Stir for one min ute tban tdke out tbe silver. If tbe powder prove a cream f tartar powder the coin will be hritlit; if au iilnui powder it will jave sulphur staios. Now pour a little vinegar into tbe lid nul smell tbe fumes Alum powders Rivee off snlphnretted hydrojren, whioli may be detucted by lts foul odor. Thp handsomest, and the most artistic f 11 the exhi 'its at the ureat Anntial Fair of the American [nntitut in N "W Y'.rk ihis year is that of Walter Biker & Co., the oldest and one of th largest manufactnrers ol cocoa and chocolatein he worid. The utmost taste iw evinced n thecon8tructim of the booth. whiirti íh i picure in white and gold; while the temptiue display of gnods pienses the eyes and HrreBtB the steps of all vinitor to the. Fair Simple cups if W. Baker ACo'e. Break fut-t C icn areservid fn-etoallbv two pretty younii ladiea attired in the emct oo-iutneofLiotard's fainnnn portrait of "La Belle Chncolatiè'e," (adnpted nrianv years ago hh the itrHdemark of thi firm) mie hlue satín gowiiK, waists of old icold 8tin, and lace caps of pink and blue. The evolinion of the product is alm) shown, from the immense cocoa pnds comainiiiif the hean to the esqnisitely colored powder which is so familiar to the mnsewife, and, when served at the table, 10 grateful to the moet fattidious palate. Taken altogether, it is a heantiful ezhibit and one which deservedly receiyes the admiring attention of every visior to the Fair.
Old News
Ann Arbor Register