The Postal Service
Washington, Oct 17. - Postmaster General Wanamaker i& collcctinj the data for his annual report to congTess. 80 far as can be ascertained, the speel al features of the report will ba Imilar to those of last year. Durlngf the last year he has been making experlments In on or two branches of the service, and he is likely to make a special point for their development. His postal telegTaph scheme is not dead, all reporta to the contrary notwithstanding. The last congress sat down on it, but now Wanamaker proposes asking the nest house to look into it and investígate the arguments and figures he is now preparing in its support. Much the same argumenta will be used. The same may be said of th postal savings bank. Mr. Wanamaker Is thoroughly convinced that one of the inot benefioial addition to the present postal service would be the establishment of savings banks in postoffices. His experience and 'the reporta from the country generally during the last year oonvince him more thoroughly than ever of its practicability. The demand for snch institutions in farming districts and small villages where there are no regular banks has been growing steadily. His rocommendations in this line will be similar to those of last year, when he urged the establishment of postal savings banks in states haring no laws regulating savings banks, and In any other states upon petition of a considerable number of residents in any one locality. He will recommend that there be no more than one bank for everv 10 miles of área and that the interest paid on deposits be one-half of 1 per cent lower Shan that paid by private bankers. With regard to penny postage th postmaster general is not so enthuslaatic as he was. While in nis recommendations he will not recede from th position taken in his forraer report h will not lay special stress on thU radical changue. The postmaster g-eneral is anxious to see the penny postajj adopted, but congTess will hare to make the chance possible by increased appropriations. The extensión of the free delirery ■ystem is one of the points which will receive much attention in the report. The Ust congress appropriated 910,000 with which to try the free delivery experiment. The postmaster general i$ now eng-aged in flgurinf ont résults from these localities. As far as they go they indícate the Rucees of the plan. He anticlpates that th inerease of business and revenue In conntry towns will about balance the expenditures made in the experiment. With the resulta in hand he purposes before the next congreca and asking for as&istance in extending the free delivery throughout the country. The amount of money needed to put the system intooperation has not been estimated, but Mr. Wanamaker feels justified in tfuaranteeing that the increase of revenues will recompense the government for th necessary outlay.
Old News
Ann Arbor Register