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jCARTER'Sl CURE 61efc Headiche and rallara sil tho tronblsj loef dont to a bilious Btato of the system, suolt M Dlzzinesa, Nausea, Drowsines, Distraes attev eating. Pain ia tho Side, 4e. While tbelr mort remar luble success bas been shown In cactog j SICK Headachs, yet Cartor'a Llttle Llver PÜU SM equally valuablo in Constipation, curing and pro Tcnting thisannoyintf complaint.whila theyalw? correct all dl sordora of thestoxuachtimTilAtetlia liver and regulate the boweU. JE van U' they oalj riiAp AebstheywonldbealmoctprlcelosstotbiMawM euííor from thisdiatroesingcomplaint; butforta Cately theirgnodnees does notond here.and tbou whooncetry thom vül flnd these llttle pülsmtasble lo so man j wars that they will not be williiig to do without tüem. But aiter allaick bawl ACHE Jfithebaneof aomanylives that hen l vttttt emakeonrgreatboast. Oor pilla car lt vaila Others do not. Carter' Littla Llrer PiD an vary smal and Tery easy to take. Oue or two pillnniaksa doas. They are striotly vegetable and do not grip or purge. batby thelr gentle aotton pisase all wtM nsethem. Inrlalaat 25 cents ; flreforfL SoU by druggitseverywliere,or sont by mail. 'CARTER MEDICINE CO.. New Vork. SMALLPILL. SMALL DOSE! SMALLPRICt MRS. GRAHAM'S Cucumber and Eider Flower Cream Is not a cosmetic In the ense In which tha' term is popularly used. bat permanently beautifies. It creates a soft, smooth, clear. veivety kin, and by d&ily ase gradually makes the complexIon eereral shades wbit r. It Is a constant protectlon from the eflects of sun and wind and prevente sun burn and freckles, and blackhead wlll never come while you ase it. It cleansee the face far better than soap and water, nourshes aDd Imllds up the skin tissues and thus prevenís the formatlon of wrinkles It gWes the freshness, clearness and smoothness of skin that you had when a llttle girl. Every lady, yoong or old ought to use it, as it givee a more youthful appearanoe to any lady, and that permanently. It coutains no acid, powaer or alk all, and is ai harmleu as dew and as nourishlng to the skin ad dew is to the flower. Prlce 91 o, at all dmggists and hair-dressers, or at Mrs. Gerralse Graham'a estahllshment, 103 Post Atreet. 8n Francisco, whtre she treats ladles for all blemlshes of the (ace or figure. Ladies at a distance treated by letter. Send stamp for her lltile book "How to be Bauti(ul." Sample Bottle maUedfreetoanyladr on receipt of 10 cents in stampa to pay for pottage and pacldng. Lady Agenta wanted. MRS. GRAHAM'S FACE BLEACH. Cures the worst cases of Freckles, Sunburn, Shallowness, Mnth-patches, Pimples and all skin biemlshes. Prlee SI. O. Harmless and effec tire. No sample can be sent Lady Agents wanted. The Drilggist m mu town wbo fint orders a blll of my preparatlons will have hls name added to thts advertisement. Hy preparailons are for sale, by Wholesale druggists in Chicago and every city west of It. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. AlllAtBud Tumoni CURKD. no knifei IiDHIiI" K boolc Ir Dr.(!RATi(lKY A Naam tS HAIR BALSAM WB(Z JBH Cleftmtef and beaotiflea the hair. 33Jt-_B Prmiiivej a iuxuriant yrowtji. BSsgBfeS_MKeeT PallB to Restore Gray lSsífñ5&:lM Hair lu Youthful Color. KfefjfïSIfiriHI Curee scalp liPMti fc hair fallu;. Upe Parker's G-inger Tonic. It curen the woru Oi:Lh, Wenk Lunga, Debiüty, Indigestión, Iain,Take in time. ,vi,u HINDERCORNS. The only rare cure for Corn. Stopt all pain. lic. at Urcfgiati, or H18COX ft CO., N. Y ■■4 f- ft I- SES AND HRAD 1 I- L I- NOISKS lli;il t,y La L_ IT I Pcck' IN VISIBLE TÜB UuAKEaKCUSHIONS. Whispere heard Comfortable. Succs8lul wbere all Remedies raiL. Hls. book and proof free Address F. Ilurot, K83 Kroailwny, New Tork. WeWishtoExchange GOOD m FOE M WORE 8ALARY aad EXPENSE! patd ENERGETIO mentoaellour "TBIE TO NAME" Norserr Stock. Eiperience not required. WE TBACH Vül' ÏIOW. Nov is the best time to commence. K. O. CHASE O.. lHKH. N. V Wrlte oí once and secure Urritnry. Addre stating age. GRATEFUL-COMFORTING. EPPS'S COGOA. BREAKFAST. "Bt a Ihorough knowledge of the natural laws whicn govern the operations of digestión and nutritlon, and by a careful appllcatlon of the flue propertles of well selected Coco, Mr. Eppa has provided onr breakfast tables with adeiicately tlavoured beverage which may save us many heavy doctors' bilis It is by the Judícinus use of such anieles of cilet that a constitution may be eradually built up uuttl strone enongh to resUt cvery tendeucy to disease. Hundreds of BUbtle maladiee are floating around us reatly to attacK wherever there is a weak point. We may encape mxny a fatal haft by keeping ourselves well for tifled with pure blaod and properly nonrished frame."- Civil Service Qcuette. Made slmply wilh boiline water or mtlk. vild oniy In half poundtlns, by Giooers, labelled tbus: J ilKsEIH8:o., Hom..pathicrhemtsU, London, England. BOOK Af.EWS WACTEP for SHSQIHKtiAYLIGHT or l.MiR IS VS ï KHAD0W8 OK NEW TORK L1KK. A ('hriatian woidbd'b ntUTrntireof Miuion work dona ' In uil Name" In toughplMes.reTeaiiDgthe ■ vmer Ufe " of the wviertoo of New York" astembja toomax." It describe Gospel work In th lumt. u.d eiree famoiu dt"tclÍTe Ít4t yerexncticooM. B Mr. iTelPB Cttmpbell, Tol. Thw. W. K..OT, tnd ltcUr Tho-. Hjrnrm CkvfritktN.Y. Detectim . WIth&4encvinfro(nhflf[1itpKotoiph of urenet bt Darkeat jfetc Yorkhy iy oml fep SichL Pur mi c-'xwi, f uil of tean ud smilea. it U %a all erf Tnapmnco, m witncM to the power of the Ooipel,- o book or every home. Minuten mt, " Ood wpeed it." Eminent wonen endofw it r-;,OOl Agento W&uted, Hea tad H' ■■. #a0 a " ntJi made. r lIMiioe le b1t1rf. forwtf Pag fixiuhtt nd_giT fCxtra Ttirm Write far cireaUn to DETROIT Jane 21st, 1891. I HI % ABTD BfORTHKBlf H. R. GOIFQ AST. A.. U. P. K. P. K. Leave HOWELL JÜNC 9 46 4 1 8 15 Arr'ye SOUTH LYON.... 10 12 4 SO 8 45 ' PLYMOÜTH 10 32 5 ÍS 07 „.. " DBTKOIT_ 11 15 6 05 9 55J 80IN0 WK9T. A. X. P. K. P. M. p. M. Leave HOWELL JUNC. 8 50 12 43 7 27 6 50 Arr've LANSING 10 00 1 50 8 18 80 GRAND LEDGE 10 30 235 840 956 LAKR ODEHMA.. 11 10 9 15 GR'ND RAPID8_ 12 10 _. 10 15 " IONIA „. 11 25 g 45 9 35 12 22 4 57 10 82 " HOWAKDCITY.. 100 5 35[ H 15 CHICAGO Sept. 6th 1891. AD WEW MICW18if R' T. OOIHG 3OCTH. A. H. P. . P. H. P. M. Leave GR'ND RAPID8.. 9 00 1 05 5 80 8 30 ArVe HOLLAND 955 145 625 980 GRAND HAVEN. 10 37 3 14 7 05 1 13 MU8KEGON 11 06 4 16 7 35 10 45 GOING MORTH. A. M I P M Le&ve UR'ND RAPIDS _.. 7 26! 5 17 Ar've NEWAYGO _.. _ __ 8 62 6 49 " WHITE CLO0D_ 15 7 16 " BIG RAPIDd 10 15 8 10 BALDWIN _. 10 20 8 30 LÜDINGTON, I P' Ti.F.P.M. R.R. f 200 9S0 MANI8TEE, 1 ,„ ,„ ,, „ VI. M & E. R. R. f 12 10 M 14 " THAVEtt8B CITY. ,. _. 12 6 10 50 Pu-lor Cara on all traJoi between Detroit and Grand Rapids. Beata, 25 oenU for any dlstance. FreeCbairCar between Grand Rapids and Man tatea Leave Grand Rápida 5:17 p. n The ■ Favorltee " between Detroit, Grand RapIda and all poinu In Western and Northern MichIffan. GEO. DlHAVEN, Geneml Pataeager Agent. Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti Street Railway. Time table taking effect Octobar 4, 1891. ■ ÍÍSTS ■$?L. Arbor (rom CouTt Home at 6.15 'S' 'o ' m ' and 12(S0' 85' S-20' . o.-u, y ou, il. n. p. m . Leave Fníflantt at 6.00, 7.15,9.00, 10.30 a. m and 12.30, Lu0, 8.80, 6.00, 6.30, 8 00, 9.80, U.00 p.m! 8ONDAY TlMK TaHLB. Utre rpantí at 2.00, 8.30, 5.00, 6.30. 8.00, OU p.TTt L Por run en City Time. Coapon ticket 10 ct For Bale by conductora. WursterandKirn M AHUF ACTOS EBS Oí Fine Cartiages, Wagons and Sleteh. Repairiag or all Kinda Neatlf Done. Satifaction Guaran teed. GIVE TTS A. TBLA.L. 31, 33, and B3 Detroit Hlreet, Ann Arbor, Ifleh. PORTRAITSÍ TFYOO WANT A PORTKAIT FROM LIFE X Free Hand rom Pbotograph, or any Permanent Bnl&rgemeDt, place your order at Colé' 8tn11a Bampleaof whoae work are to be fonnd in the hornea of Mrs. Duoster, Un G. 8. Morria, Prof. A. Wlnchell. Mr. O. M. Martín and m&nT others. Addreaa, COLE'S 8TODTO 861 Woodward are, Detroit. Henry Richards, Dealer In all kinds of HARD WOOD, IiTJMBER, FBNOB PO3T8, MAPLB FLOOBING, etc, also And all kinds of Firewood. Prices as Low as Anv Dealer in the Citv, AGENT FOB THK cbaxfiox mmi m mm, Ho. Detroit st., m Aan V rhor. Hlcb ;#%BÜYSPOUNDBAR S5JBEST&M0ST jECONOMICAL ■ ÁJLZL7V &. W7?JL'Y %k SjC, c - c a o. __4H ' ' - ONLY 1 OF A DOLLAR T . for @ H1 ONE FÜLL YEAR FOR THE E""HMERICAN rRRMNEWS, Among the Bet of Agrlcaltarsl Montbliet and the only one of Firat-Class QUalitr that eos ao llttle. Don't lose a nuraber, bat eud your 2s cents at onoe to Uw IncRicflNFflRnHcws AKRON, OHIO. Agents Wanted - - wmitc ron th fS"ACÍN TÍ" COINl i &-.■■ "■■'■ Cooker. Latest andB bn 3K best cooking utcosil ever ■ I, JF td. Sdls al sight. One Agent! ' ftold orer 1700 in one town. H One sample Cooker froe tol ' M 35 "f ' Kxxi agents. Advertbing tutter D h L - L furnished. Forfull patticulars ■ I Y rjy drcw W. E. BEVERIOQE, ■ U) V-V J BLTIMORE, Md.


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