BUSINESS CARDO. PLEASE CALL THE XEW STORE OF 2&ZLS. A.. OTTO, for the latest sty les in MILLINERY See our handsome goode in the wiedow and you will be convinced that it is the cheapest place in the city. Cob. Washington-St. and Fourtu Ave. MISS GRAGE HENDRICKSON, Pupil of Phofs. LUDERER and YÜNCK, Detroit, will give instructioneon the VIOLIN. Fariiculars at residence, 72 S, State St. WM. W. NICHOLS, DENTAL PARLQRS over Savinas Bank oppoaite Oourt Hor Be Square. f B. WILLIAMS, Attarnej al, Milnn. Ml h. Meney loased for ouUide panitt, All leal QdBew given prompt attention. LJIX. W. HAïnLTON, AKornt-T Hl Uw. W1U practice In both SUte and Uulted uu-e, Oonra. Office Rooma, one aod two. Ut floor o! Lt uew brick block. corner of Huron and VonrUi tttreeta, Ann Arbor, Michigan. ARTHUR J. KITSON, Contractor & Builder. ËttimateB furuished on all kinds of Architecture. Rehlence amd Shop, 21 Geddes-are. WM. BIGGS. Contractor and Euilder, And all klnl of nork In connerllon wltta Ilirnbiirp promptly iliWIll iBhop Or. of Church-st and S. UniTenityave. Telephone 9 : P. O. Box 1248. attentionT DO VOL' WAN r aoytbing In the line of BANANAS, ORáMOER, FIOM, i A III t:s ui all kinds, ICK CREA Jf , ICE CKEAM SODA. - Everjtljing at Wholesale and Retail. Zi. &c E1. KOPF, 10 E. CHOICE ME ATS WBIITMAIT'S, Kr. Walitneou-l and Ff flb-ave. Our aim is to please our customen by alwaya Landling the rery üholcert Mentó that the market flordi. M.P. VOGEL, " DEALER IX FRESH, SALT 1 SMOKED MEATS. AMI GAME IX SEASOX. 22 E. Hubon-St. - Ann Akbor. TRUCK AND STORAGE. Now we re rcady with e New Brlck Storchouse ior the Btorage of Households, Pianos. Books and etovea. Planos and Furniture carefullj moved. AU kindsof Heavy and Llght draying. FREIG HT WORK. O. 33. 3-O3DFia3ï3"3r, Residence and Office, 46 N. Fourth Street. Telephone S2. J NEW MILLINERY STORE. Fancy -:-Millinery. INALLTHELATESTSTYLES. Everybody invited to Examine Stock. MRS. J. L. JOfINSON, No. 23 -V. MhIh-Si. BINSEY & SSABOLT, nsros. e -A-JsriD 8 Washington Street, Ann Arbo', Michigan. KT6 always on band a complete Stock of even th'DKlUt 1 6R0CERY LINE! Teas, Coífees and Sugars All prime Artic'es bought for Cash and can teil at low figure. Our frequent large involce of Teas ii a aure siga tnat we gire bargains in QUAXJTY AND PRIOE. We roat onr own coffeei ererjr week. alwav ireh and good. Our bakerr tnrnsout therery ntt of Bread, Cakes and Cracker. Cali and benee; L II Hl J Feniale Pillis are "" ■■■■■ ((.ainlreliab!"; tontaina Tansey, Pfnnyroyal and Cotton Hout Kever fall. At drug stores, or by mail, securely lealed, in plaln wrapper, for flOft I. N. RiiD, B-!it, Toledo, O. Wholesale by Williuis, SHEU.t k Bkoois. Detroit Mico. ,G? Mitchell's Kldney Piasters - --J AbMorb all dlsease in theKidneysaf restore tftcm to a healthy conditioi ftd OM clironic kidney Btifft-TP-s l ' Oiey yit no relief nntil they t: i i::tciii!u,'s kidm:ï PLASTEES. ■ . w .'.-..,,.. .-yu-(-rt,orB-i]L i y luíi". for 3 ... VTnrhm, I.nwell, BIkj 3E3"VC".AJE.1X' UKTACHABTjB LINK flvBELTINC. The Best. 5S Now the Cheapest. REDUCED PRICE LIST of drlTe belt other SpeclalUea for Eliatort,Cimvtijrii "■Jimjrr forh.n.lllnir.nTnutrri.l iu bulkorp&okaee. UU WIT liraiIEIf CD., tMI Sttwtrt lir., Ciir.rfc kt ifc TLLák'í-151""1" Th Larcwt, Fmut and Flnrut Ia the Wrl Pa8enKT aoeuinorlHtiims unexce ]leJ. fLW YORK. LOHDONDERRY AND BLASBOW FCHNKS8IA CM. 2 ETHIOWA NOV. 5 Dkto.via ' 29 Anchoeia _ 7 ClCAUSlA „ " 81 DüTONIA.... " 14 NEW YORK, GIBRALTAR ANO ÑAPIIS. SALOOM, SECONO-CUSS AN STEERABf rat on Joweht tt-nna to anrl trom th prindpU letrn. cicim. mis no tu coitikeÜtu hmtt. Kïfurslon Tioketttrt'tlucMl, made avujlableto return by i elther the Plctureque Clyde & Nortti of ireland, ur DRAFTSANOMÓNEYOROERSFORANYAMOUHT at luWfBt current it-. -, Apply to anv of oor local frturi', or to HtHDtRSOH BROTHERS. Chicago, III. JAMEN K. BAl'B. Aknii. M EN CE ME AT . THE ORIGINAL too not be decelvrd but alwsTs lnstst on the mw JBoKlund Brand. The belt made. ■OLO II V ALL 6KOCERS. ■■■■■■■..., .., , DOCTOR ACKER'Sj ENCLISH REMEDYI : will stop a Cough in one ni v; Ut, ; I check a Cold in a day. and CVZZ i : Consumption if tfiken in time. ! IF THE LITTXE ONX3 HAVi: : WHOOPING COUGH OR CHOUP i ■ T lt Tastes Goed. = 1 IIIIIIIIJIIÉIIIItllllllllllIlllllllll Z PURE PINK PILLS. ■ Dr. Acker's English Pilis: (i;rk constipatiox. : : Siuull, iilrvaul. u liíM.rlt. lth Ihv lmll .. I W. H. HOOKEIt CO., Wert Broadwaj-, K. Y. 1 Every Month miicy women tuffcr from Bzctuiv or I Scant Menstruation; they don't know who to confide a to get proper advis. Oon't conñde in nybody but try Bradfleld's Female Regulator ■ Speclflc lor PAINFUL, PROFUSE. SCANTY, SUPPRES'jEO and IRREGULAR MENSTRUATION. IBook to "WOMAN" mailed free. BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO.. Atlanta, Ga. Sold bj 11 UruHl.ti. LOOSE'S EXTRACT RED CLOVER BLOSSOM CancEBV W Female Weukness Sores, Ulcem, Tumors, Abacesses, Klood PoUoning, Sult Klieinii Catarrh, Lrysipelasf Ilheuinatlsm and al. Klood and Skin DUeases. Price %i. per Pin: Bottle. or 6 Boules for$5. i Ib can So lid ExtraL■5. J, m. LOOSE RED CLOVER CO Detroit. Mich. soid bv au druegit. Ank hit Hiifum lor w l. IoiikIhs Shof. II Hol Iiii-shIi' In MirplHrriwk .Tour l ■..uil r antalogiip, secure Ihe t j. mul gn iheiu Tor jron. irï.tht NO Sl.BSTl'TlTE. .A W. L.WDÖÜCLAS $3 SHOE GENOMEN THE BEST SHOE IN THE WORLD FOR THE MONEÏ? It is a seamlesü shoe, wlth do tacks or wat thread to hurt tbe fect; made of the best line calf, stylish and easy, aud because we make more shot of this írade Oían an ttther manufacturer, it equals haudsewed shoett custlng f rom $.uu to $.".()0. CC 00 t-iiuliic llaud-HFWed, the (lnest calf IWa ahoe ever olTtred for 5.iJU; equals Frcnoli Imported shiK'S whluh coat fnini $S.Ulltuf 12.00. HA O" lliiiKl-Srwrd Wrli !-hoc line ealf, T. stylNh.i'iiinfortulilcauiJ durable. Tbe best shoe ever offered at this price ; same grade as rus tom-made sin tes costlng from $tj.iw to $9.00. CO 50 Pólice r-lior: Farmer, Kailroad Ken MW" and LettcrarriiTall weartbem; floecair, seamless, sjnootli buide, heavy three soles, exteusiitii mIm. One palr will wearayear. ffiO 50 fmr calfi no Letter shoe ever offered at ■ this price; one trial wili cominee tlM)M who want a looe l'ir ctunfnrt and service. O '3 nnd M.00 WiM'liiiiL-iiiiin'M sboes P"" are very stronjí and durable. Those wliu have given theni a trial wlll wear noothermakc. Dvue' ;) iiml 1.75 school sbiws are J O worn bjr Ihc l.o.vscverywhere; tbeysell nn thelr merite, u th6 Increulng sales show. I ofJínc :t.oo lli! nd-Mewed slioe. best " ICO DouKola, virj sivlish; equals Frenen mported shoes (.'stiiijí fnun $.o.l totfi.OO. I.ikIí.-.1 !í,3, VJ.00 ii ud SI. 75 shoe for Missesare the best HueUuiiKnla. stylisb and durable. iuilioii. tbat w. L DuuKlas' name and pnce are stautped ul the Uitutin of eacb shoe. W. L. IXJUULAS, Bruektou, Mase. WJM. KEINII RDT A CO. 42 H Hniu f)t.
Old News
Ann Arbor Register