The World's Census
![The World's Census image](/sites/default/files/aa_register/aa_register_18911022-p03-02.jpg)
New York, Oct20.- Au announcement oí interest to statisticians of the world comes from the little city of Goth in Germany. H is to the effect that the famous publishing house of Juttus Perthes, widely known for iU "Almanach de Gotha. " and its immerui geographieal publications, has this year resumed the publicatijn oí the "Beroelkerungder Erde." This notablo work wai first issued in 1872 under the editorship of Dr. Ernest Behm, now deceated, and Dr. Herinann Wagner, ■ow professor of geography in the University of Goettingen. Accordinft to Dr. Behm's most careful estímate in 1866 the population oí the earth was about 1 ,850,000, 000. In 1880 the ■ame eminent authority est imated it at 1,466,000.000, the apparent inerease beinf larg-ely diie more to accuracy in enumeration than to actual growth of popnlation. A tul more startlinjf change was announced two 3'ears later when, in the edition of the "Bevoelkerung der Erde" for 1S82, the world's population was (fiveu at 1,434,000,000, showinjf an apparent loss of 22,000,000, in two years. This was also due to greater accnracy in the statistics, the figures for China, for example, having been reduced, under the light of new investigations, from 405,000,000 to 350,000,000. Tbepresest population of the world, aocording to tlie edition of this work jut published, is 1.479,729,400. These ügiires ould indioate an inerease wit li the rate of 5,700,000 a year since 1K8;. accordingto Dr. Behm's estímate in that year. Aceording to this work the area of Asia, the largest of the yreat ilivisions of the earth's surface, is 17.530,686 square miles, and its population is 825,954,000, or forty-seven inhabitants to the square mile. Tliese firurisdo not include the Arctic islanils. I he second g-rand división in area is ica, including both the noi-thern and sonthern continents, bnt not inuluding tho Arctic rejions. lts are:i is 14,801,403 and its populatioa l:ii. 713,000, or onlv ei'.ia to the square mile. Tliird in aiva s África, with 11;Z:,:.fA ni,u:hv miles and 198,953,000 inhabitauts.ur fourteento the square mile, Done of tlioe tigíres includinjf Madaífasoar or other islands. The área of Europi ík put at 3,750,880 square miles and its population at 857,879,000, or to the square mile, these figures n.t luclndiog lct-land or Xova Zembla. N.-.xt c-oiaea Australia, including- Tasmania, with 2,991,44.! ■qnase milex and S. '.'80,000 population, or only aliait one to the square mile. Under the head cf polar rejfious are included 1,730810 square mile, with 80,400 ïuhnbiUuits. Finally, the island of the weans are grouped togcther, with 7S8,130 Minare miles of area and 7.40,000 inhaUtants, or a bout ten to the square inüe. In the fiffures for America the resulta of the census in 1S90 in the C'nited States are -iven. There are eu?ht Americans to the square mile. Some corrections of areas of various South American States appear. The most denaely populated country of Europe is Ueljfium, with 5S0 persons to the square mile. England comes next with 480, thougfa the Tnited Kindom as a whole has only 312. Holland has 365, The most sparsely populated couutries are Xorwuv and Finland, where there are onljr sixteen people to the square mile.
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