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Storms In Europe

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Los don, Oct 20.- The storms which were everywhere renewed Mondaj have caused immense damage. Th continuoua rains liad filled all the rivers to the brim, and Monday's additional delude caused freshets and Ínundations in all directions. The Trent burst its banks Ín man; places and slulces were carried away, oausinjf crops and cattle to be destroyed. The damage, however, is gTeater In Ireland than England. Th Shaunon is on a rainpapt, thmisands of acres of land along its banks beinff ubmerged wlth dlsastrous elTecta to the farmers. The flood partially destroyed the Kertru Reclamation worki at Ennig, which were built by the government at a cot of L1:20,000. Th coastsare stretvn with wrecks, chiefly coasting craft, and many have been lost. Dublin, Oot 20. - The hurriean wbich liai prevailed on the west coas of Ireland for several da.vs past is pronounced to ba the worst storm known In that part of the country in twenty yars. The river Shannon has overflowed its banks and has submerged large quantities of land in its vieinity, drowning a considerable number óf cattle and sheep anddestroying several houses and raany barns and other such buildings. The river Shannon has burst its banks in county Limeriok, imindatinjj large tracts of land. The Keclamation Works near Ennis. n County Clare, which rccently cost the governmen $600,000, have been neaily ruined. Many villajes in the Trent val ley are submergpd. The rivers I'sk, Ebbew, Runney and Otway have overflowed their bank. Many thuusand acres of land are covered with nrater and tha roads are impassable. Madrid, Oct :J0. - The province of Granada u as riaited bv a territic storm Mondav. The wind blew a hurricane. The town of (iraiuida and Uu? vvhole surrouiuiinff country are inundated add immense damage bas been dona by the flood. The lower pai-t of tilt town of Ifotreil is sabmerged,


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