WM&Ë ELYS CBFAM BALM l ':ni tlir Nmutll ■Jl'-5' !!m ! in, il liifi.iiiiiiatlon, H,:ill fOOc. ÍJrugats r by uiaiL ELY BKOS., 5t! WarreuSL, N. Y. ma El $1 flk mmm .fl 11" Vrtlt IIAVÜ A.NT'OlXB.!!edbrf,irf 11T1 MM V P BL ■ rta plftin -Jik. -..! ut [ia We pay blgb prloe H MM M Mm B for aundredtor dav nd kind". Aunr nL'ntaf vuil I ut: nler dollars dated bttwten 1794 snd 1868 WMmnWÊMWMmAmW wmMW wmMw ofbalf dollars beror18ï4 , quartere ol lidnc ■ ■■r H MW H Pr befor 1808; 11 datti tweDtr-cfDt pif.t-i; tl! dfttei M i R dlmea before 1869: nlpr flv-ent pie befor end AM 18e7; i.riilnl.-l..lof 1877 ind 1883, !! JiVi 'f r ' rUK AH nllrer three-cent pleces : nickel thre-c0Dt p;f-t - _ -. befor 1870; two-cnt piiH-ei brtwri-n 18e4ud 1873 ■ ft % I M t ]1 lrge comx-r cants, dito ma)] .-rnit witb ntflM o. ■ Il 1 ■ I ■ I ll UoienUof fifT.Tid 17: .11 halfcents; foreiTi coio.. WLL WWllla IVmitjon.l and ConlMfr.1 curriuc. .-. l'g, %,, ., ' ■ ■ ■■ PAT BI AHOI.VTS over face value. ifm B-?imÊmÊmmmÊmmmM rflquirrd ruudttion. Thlt if a comaaritiyely atw tui,uM Ud 17 wtnlf keepisi jonj qm opeo vh L.udM, ;, jun ni.r lod nnoy ciim lint w Vaat. A liurt time nnff . Í H i, il ü." Th " r#ri Yii "Manr pfuple hirf biiome riek lookire .IVr coini but ftw in ik Une Boitun liruktr. Mr. W. E. Sk.nurr, bu7i froiu renu all nrer the roumrj, mnd pari II" bil umi for rare pu.nj. Cuini ihal re ƒ hard to nnd iu cine aectiuu of the c-uuntry are oflm raiilj tóund in Uien !'„ bunUÍi' í,'íhe pncjf. Write at once for furthrr partifalarf tnelo!!!!! itatnp for rrplj, whlch nav be worth hundreda dollr., p.rh.p, .fortune to you. W. E. SKINNER. Reüiblc Colt. BrokeV, Ï2"i WiihloRto,, St.( Boitïn, .!
Old News
Ann Arbor Register