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Sunol Is Now Probably The Most

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ünguished being on the American continent. She has trotted a mile in 2.08J and Maud S is no longer the queen of horees. A fame equal to that of Sunol would excite tbe envy of many a human beine. Democrats, good and bad, seem able to perform the most difficult feats of mental gymnastics, but how an honest man can strengthen by his vote and influence the corrupt alliance between wealth, as represented by Eoswell P. Flower, and crime, as represented by Tammany, it is hard to see. Even Ceorge William Curtis, who since 1884 has been coquetting with the Democratie party, says publicly that the elec. tionof the Tammany candidate would be a national disgrace. The wheat erop of Michigan, according to the estimates of the sccrelary of state, ís over 30,000,000. The average yield per acre is 19.34 bushele. The total erop bas been exceeded only in theyears 1879, 1880 and 1882, and the average yield per acre hae been exceeded only in 1885. These facts together with the fact that prees are higher than they have been for several years mustbe very encouraging to Michigan farmers and very diecouraging to professional wailers. The chances for Democratie victory next fall aje becoming smaller and smaller. The farmers of New York state are ■making an organized effort to secure from Congress a law authorizing free mail delivery in country towae. This project is supported by the postmaster general and ougbt to become a law. Many farmers are unable to visit a city or village more than once or twice a week, and oftentimes an important letter or the favorite family paper lies in the postoffice until it has become quite etale. There can be no doubt that universal mail delivery would prove notonly useful toall citizena but at the same time profitable to the government. Some time ago a table was completed, showing the number of persons per liquor dealer, in the various statcs. The figures are based on census returns and on the official reports of the internal revenue department. They are interesline as showing where the most liquor is drunk, and what particular varieties are preferred in the different states. It wiü be seen that the south in point of quantity is more températe, but in point. of quality more intemperate than the north. Michigan is an average state, being neither very wet nor very dry. The figures given for the several prohibition states indicate that thelaws are very laxly administered by Ihose in power. The table is as follows: Alabama, mostly whisky „_ 1188 Arkansas, mostly whisky „ 1,170 South Carolina, mostly whisky _...._ 1 158 Miralsslppl, mottly whisky 1,017 North Carolina, mostly whisky 1,008 G eorgi, moetly whisky 939 Yennont, prohlbition, mostly whisky 86 Florida, mostly whisky _ 846 KaDSM, prohibitiou. whiaky 823 West Virginia, whisky 767 Tenneesee, whisky _ 731 Nebraska, mostly beer drank 711 Malne, prohlbition, whisky 7n2 Virginia, whisky 663 Delaware, whisky 640 Mansacliunetts, whisky and beer ..., 511 Texa. whisky 488 - Pennsylvania. whisky and beer „ 478 i.owa, prohtbition, mostly whisky 455 KeiUuiky, whisky 407 Minnesota, beer „ S03 Missomi. whisky and beer 371 Michigan, whisky and beer 814 Indiana, whisky and beer SV Maryland, whisky and beer 297 Watnincton, whisky and beer 286 Ohlo. whisky and beer '.61 Illinois, whisky and beer 257 Oregon. whisky and beer 249 New Hampshire, whisky. „ 248 Wisconrin.berr 242 Connecticut, both _ 240 Louisiaiia. whisky.. 216 New Jersey, both 184 Rhode iKland, both 174 New York. both 1.V7 Colorado, both 151 ldaho. both Hl Wyoming, both 12Í California, both and wine 91 Nevada, both 71 Montana, mostly whisky 60


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