Conflicting Theories
Once apon a mMnisht dreary A detective formtxl a Iheory tnat a man mt bcina murdured in the streot a block betow; He could hear hira londly calllng As the wickeil blowa wcre falling. And Lis koen detective instinct told bim all h wüihed to know. Hy the sound bis car detected That the blows must bo directod By a man of btond complexión with a blue and gentío eye. And with Leos a little bandied, Kither riht or clso left handed. And betweea four fect six Inches and six feei four iuchea biU. 6o be calmly sat and waited TUI the noise bad all abated, Thcc ho strolled ut leisure down the strect the corpse tu note. There he met with Mrs. Leary, Who herself bad formed a thcory, Por filio aaw the fight between O'Dooley'a dog and Grady' ffo&U
Old News
Ann Arbor Register