Social Doings
![Social Doings image](/sites/default/files/aa_register/aa_register_18911022-p04-07.jpg)
Oscar Schmid is visiting in Jackson. Emil Baur has beenyisiting in Huron counly. Mrs. H. B. Dodsley is visitina in Chicago. S. A. Moran was in Detroit on business yesterday. The Wolverine Cyclers will give a dance November 5. Edwin F. Mack, of Detroit, spent Sunday with bis parenis. Mrs. C. B. Cady, of Chicago, has been visiting friends in the citv. Miss Emma Kemper is the newbookkeeper in the office of H. Richards. Miss Bena Seyler returned Tuesday from Detroit, where she visited a week. Mrs. and Fred Hutzel.of Chicago, are visiting their daughter, Mre.T. Schmid. Mrs. O. J. Parker, of Howell, spent Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Bach Dr. Farnsworth, of Petoskey, and Dr. Knapp, of Fenton , were in the city last week. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schulz, of New Hamburg, Ontario, has been visiting E. C. Spring. Prof. A. C.Tagge, of the Monroe high school, spent Sunday with his parents in this city. G. O. Ide, Chattanooga, Tenn., who has been visiting Mrs. M. H. Mills, reurned Monday. Master Stanley Mills, of Terrace Hill, entertained many of his young friends aturday evening. Mis Matie Schlenker, of Toledo, is visiMng Miss Amelia Schleede and other Ann Arbor friends. Mrs. E. A. Rathbone and Miss Rathbond left Thursday for New York, whence they sail for Europè. Marión Goodale, of Port Hurón, has ecided to remove to this city. Mr. Goodale was in business at Delhi many years ago. Rev. C. A. Young retumed Monday vening from Allegheny, Pa., where he Hended the national convention of the Msciples' church. Mrs. A. J. Shively, of Brooklyn, New York, visited in tbiscity, the latter part of the week, on her way to New York rom San Francisco. Mrs. Anna Hamilton and Miss Mary j. Hamilton will attend next Tuesday evening the fiftieth wedding anniverary of Mr. and Mrs. Horac-e Hamilton of Eaton Rapids. Miss Alice Hunt was surprised Friday venins by a party of friends who wished to honor her birthday. Many eautiful gifts were received. Refreshments were served and toasts were ven. J. D. Stimson, jr., is now a Benedict. )n Wednesday afternoon last week, he was wedded to Miss Dollie Kain, of Kendallville, Ind. The bridal couple reurned to this city Friday evening and are living in their home on South Jtate-st. The twenty-fifth wedding anniverary of Mr. and Mrs. A.D. Markham and he fonrteenth anniversary of Mr. and ï. H.Winslow were celebrated together rriday evenine at the residence of the atter. A number of friendw were present and the evening passed off very leasantly.
Old News
Ann Arbor Register