Koch & Henne
![Koch & Henne image](/sites/default/files/aa_register/aa_register_18911022-p04-12.jpg)
We Have Been Successful In obtaining for the fall trade, a very desirable line of goods ia every department. We have looked the markets over carefully and know that we are prepaired to give our customers the best there is to be found for the money. Will You Furnish Student's rooms this fall ? If so we want to see you. We have taken special pains to find just what you are in need of. That is, good substantial Fifrniture and Carpeta at the lowest possible prices. If you will give careful attention to our complete line of Chamber Suits (Big Bargains), Folding Beds, Writing Desks ancf Tables, Book Shelves, Lounges, Chairs, Rockers, etc, we know that our low prices will induce you to trade with us. Please Notice In particular our special attractions in fine Parlor, Dining Boom and Library Furniture. We have the latest designs at pricea that will please you. Our Oarpet Departrrent Is known as the largest in this part of the state. Last season business has been a big success. The people of Ann Arbor and Washtenaw county appreciated our large assortment, fine stylee and reasonable prices, and Carpet trade has been above all expectations with us. This fall we will be prepared to Discount Anything Of the past in a complete line of Axminsters, Marquettes, Brussels, Ingrains, cheap Carpets, Straw Mattings, Art Squares, Ruga, Draperies, Lace Curtains, Window Shades, etc. Oall and Oonvince Yourseif That our prices are the lowest. : : : : : : 56, 58 and 60 S. Main-St., ANN ABBOB, MIGH.
Old News
Ann Arbor Register