The Star Clothing House
V OUR POSSIBILITIES ARE GREAT. YOUR OPPORTUNITIES ARE CORRESPONDIÓ. We are in position to Clothe one-half of Washtenaw County at , ANN ARBOR. We have the goods. We can name the right prices. When visiting the BASTERN MARKET we had great success in buying goods upon our own terms. Wholesalers were over loaded. We relieved them. m m ON SATURDAY, OCTOBER 24TH ü ü We propose to open the Greatest Overcoat Sale in the County or State. jDQ fa FLYER AT 9 A. M."Twenty (2) Overcoats for Men and Boys at one dollar each. ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY OVERCOATS AND ULSTERS, from the Wagner purchase, at one-quarter off from the regular price. Everyboby remembers our June Cy clone. LOOK OUT NOWFOR OCTOBER and NOVEMBER WHIRLWINDS: We are offerinff Splended Inducements in Suits at $10.00, $12.00 and $10-00 but AS A SBCOND FLYBR we have selected ONE HUNDRED (100) SUITS- Good Value at marked prices, but IN THEY GO FOR This May Cover Cost of Cloth and Trimming. They are in part from the Wagner purchase, Winter Weights, goods laid aside after the June rush and just opened to CRÉATE A CLOTHIN G SENSATION. But Our Chief Pride is the TAILOR MADE SUITS AND OVERCOATS. These surpass the Best Merchant Tailoring in Style and Workmanship. IM THP rl-lll nRFN3 DEPARTMENT We will mention one leader in each line- CHILORRN'S SUITS $1.79, BOYS' SUITS $2 öü botn worth twoor tíiree times as much. A CASE pF UNDERWEAR, worth 50 ets. per garment, closed out at less than one-third of original cost, reduced during this sale to 29 ets. ANOTHER DRIVE is our $1.00 White Shirts- selling rapidly-only 69 cents. EVERY DEPARTMENT CROWDED TO SÏÏFFICATION AND ACflING TO BE UNLOADED. COME TO HEADQUARTBRS AND GAT EER THE RIPE FRUIT OF 0HOICE GOODS AND RARE BARGAINS. 35 South Main Si, Ann Arbor. jí.. Xj. NOBLE, Leading Clothier and EatteL
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Ann Arbor Register