Latest County News
Mrs. May Rogers, of Iosco, is visiting relatives here. A Chautauqua circle bas been organized in tbis place. Very little corn in tbis vicinity bas as yet been husked. Indications are that it is not an average erop. At tbe last meeting of the Sunday School Missionary society, Mis s Mattie McColl was elected president. WItittnore l.nk. Mr.Weber and lady visited friends at Chelsea Sunday. Mrs. Gershain Truesdale is in Detroit undergoing treatment. Frank Butterfield has taken Mrs. Baxter's riding horse to care for. Philip Roper is gradually failing, no hopes of his recovery are entertained. Mit Todd and Miss Lena Schleimmer visited with her sister at Delhi on Sunday. Miss Anna Rane visited her friend, Miss Kate Hooker, of Chelsea, last week. N. W. Stevens, of Ann Arbor, a former resident here, we are informed, is quite ill with a bad cold and rheumatism. F. M. Lu in bard and daughter Lillian, play for an Episcopal social at the residence of Hobert Twichell, on Thursday evening, October 22. Allie Stevens is having an outing with N. W. Lovett of Detroit, on Mr. Loyett's yacht, hunting ducks on the St. Clair flats and on Lake Krie and Huron. There will be a social and christening at the parsonaee next Saturday evening. Presi'ling Eider Hudaon will be present to conduot the ceremony. Please bring refreshmentp. Sclo. Mrs. Thorp and Mrs. Bush, of Detroit, are visiting Míes Vina Johnson. Mrs. Wm. Quinn, of Schiawassee, is the guest of Mrs. Andrew Hughes. Miss Belle Hanchett, of Wayne, has been spending the past two weeks with Alma Litchfleld. Tbe Messrs. Ryan, of Ann Arbor and Nortbfleld, spent Saturday and Sunday ■with Mrs. Quigg and family. Mrs. Holmes and daughter, Miss Eva Holmes, have returned frotn nearly a three weeks' stay in Plymouth and Northville. The following is the report of the Scio Centre school, Scio townshipf for the monta ending October 9, 1891 : Whole number in attendance, males 13, females, 15, total, 28. Average attendance - males 11, females 13, total, 24. The following pupils missed no days during the raonth : Bertie Booth, Milton Booth, Howard Snyder, Ella Schaffer, Ethel Lvon, Everet Lyon, Phylinda Dormán, Lewis Booth, Clara Balden, Ida Helber, Clarence Snyder, Ella Shaffer, Eihel Schaffer. Those absent but one day are: Minnie Dormán, Clara Kocb, Frankie Dixon, Walter Helber, Beasie Thompson. The number of visitors was five. Among them was A. Lyon, a member of the district school board. Hilan. E. Gay, of Detroit, visited his parents ia Milan last week. Misses Whkmarsh, Hayden and Barnes visited Chicago laat week. Mr. and Mrs. Hitchcock havereturned from a several week's visit in Dakota. Miss K. Knight was the guest of Miss Gracia McGregor, Friday and Saturday. Mrs. Alex. Smith will entertain the Methodist society at her home Wednesday evening. Hickory nuts sell for 80 cents per bushei; butter 20 cent a pound and eggs 19 cents per dozen. Mrs. Myers and Mrs. Veets, of Oberlin, Ohio, were the guests of Dr. and Mrs. Harper last vreek. Mrs. Lyons left for Toledo Tuesday, where she will spend_ the winter with her niece, Mrs. Winslow. E. E. Stewart, who left Milan several months ago, returned last week and expects to spend some time with his Milan friends. He has visited in California and Oregon.
Old News
Ann Arbor Register