Literary Notes
The Alhambra, by Washington Irving, edited for the use of schools by AliceH. White, ie the title of a text-book for Jinglish work. The particular merit of the book lies in its loot notes, which give explanations of the most difficuit words, historica! referencee, etc. The book is neat in appearance and reaches in an excellent manner the aim of its editor.- Ginn & Co.,Publishere, Botton, M8i. Number VIII, in the Guidos for Sclence-Teaching series entiĆ¼ed Insecto. is a very neat handy little volume, publiehed by D. C. Heath & Co., Boston, Mast. The authors are Alpheus Hyatt and J. M. Arms, who areeminently sncceseful in carrying out their purpose in the preparation of this work, intended to be of practical aasistance to teachers of Entomologv. lts numerous drawingg are finely executed and add much to the interest and helpfulness of the work. D. C. Heath & Co., Boston, Mass. Hxghtr Algebra, by G. A. WeuUorth, Boston, U. S. A., Published by Ginn & Company, 1891. This work is intended togive n one book a thorough preparation for colleges and scientific schools. It combines the courses given in the author's school and college Algebra; the elementary part is as full as the school Algebra; the advanced part is. however, briefer tljan the ooilege Algebra. The typography and mechanica! work are of the best, making the book very attractive in appearance.
Old News
Ann Arbor Register