The Secret Of Fine Pastry
Is wholly in using Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder. Thé only pure Cream Tarter Powder sold on the market. Other brands contain either ammonia, alum or some other adulterant. Ammonia or alum powders dry out, make the dough too porous, leaving a bitter taste, etc. No agency has assisted so much toward perfection in cookery as Price's Cream Baking Powder lts ingredients are simple and so blended as to exist in exact chemical proportions, so after use there is never any excess of either left in the food. Henee there can be no impurities whatever left in the finished food. N bitter taste, no taint of ammonia, but food raised with Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder partakes of the natural sweet ílavcr of the flour and keeps moist and fresh for days. This powder possesses qualities peculiar to it alone. No other makes such delicious pastry. No other contáins the vhite of eg-gs. j
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