Death Of Mrs. Thurman
Coluxbu.o, O., Oct. 19.- Mary Dun Thurman. the wife of .Tudge Allen O, Thurman, died at her home in thil eSty, Saturday eveniDg, aged 80 yearfc (Bhe was the victim of la grippe during latt winter and nerer recorered from the attaek. [Mr. Thurman was bom in Chillicothe, O Ib 1811, and her malden name was Mary Dun. Hr father, Wal ter Dun, was a wealthy lanawner and merchant at that place. Whllyl Tnnt lady Ler father moved to Lexlagtva, Ky. Here Bhe marrled Mr. Tompklns, but ■ JJ after a few yeari, learlng on daufkMT, Kney. 6be ww tnarrtea to Judg Thur la Mtrember, I8i4, and has betn hti 1BOQ onitant companton and halpmeet durlBf 19 loog profettional and public career.
Old News
Ann Arbor Register