James Parton
Newbuktport, Mass., Ocl 19. James Parton, th historian, dled here 6turday after an ülness of MTWM trttks. [Mr. Parton was bom Kt Canterbury, laf.. IB 1WS, n iini to tbli country when kt I rUt of f . When a y ounf mtn he ekttUci Kiployinnt is a wrlter en th New Tefk Home Journal. Me keetme a v)forfI M popular wrIUr, and h devoted kmHlt to Uterary labors all Dl Hfc. H WSI the autbor of maD.v bookt, amtnf them Uu "LU ol Koraoe Orceley," "Life and T!ms 1Ê BsajaailBfrankUn," "Life of Thomas Jeatiln," 'Xlfe and Timen of Aaros Burr," sJB "Gn. Butler at New Orleans." Hls wiio vd Sarah Pajson Wllll, better knowa by hS Bom de ylume. "Fanny Fern."
Old News
Ann Arbor Register