Srlaa Danger Threatens every man, woman or child living in a región of country where fever and ague is prevalent, sinca the germs of malarial disease are inhaled froni the air and areswallowed from the water of Bnch a región. A medicinal safegiiard is absolately necessary to nullify this danger. As a means of fortifying and acclimating tne syslem so as to be able to resiet the malarial poison, Hostetter'a Stomach Bitters is incomparably the beet and the most popular. Irregularities of the stomach, Iiver and bowels encourage malaria; but these are speedily rectified by the Bitters. The functionsof digestión and secretion are assisted by its use, and a vigorous as well as regular condilion of the eyetem promoted by it. Constilntion and physique are tbus defended against the inroads of malaria by this matchles8 preventive, which is also a certain and thorough remedy in the worst cases of intermittent and remittent feversJ Good Beason for Kmmlnc. "Oh, I know all about babies," said Harlow to the yourig mother, wbo was Kfraid he would let her little one fall; "I was one myself once." - Harper's Bazar. To nluriil vla HiirllBglini Hou Ir- Onlj One Nlgbt on (ba Rood. Leave Chicago at 1 p. m., or St. Louis at 8:25 a. m , and arrive Denver 6:15 p. m. the next day. ïhrough Sleepers, Chair Curs, and Dining Cars. All Railways fr'im the Eat con neet with these trains and with similar trains via Burlington Route to Denver, leaving Chicago at 6:10 p. m., St. Louis at 8:15 p. m., and Peoria at 3:20 r. m. and 8 p. m. All trains daily tickets are now on sale, and can be had of ticket agente of all road and at Burlington Route depots in Chicago, Peoria and St. Louis. There is no better place than Colorado for those seek ing rest and pleasure. 78 Wlinl Is VlrtneT S rength, Goodness, Eöicacy. Surely then Hibbard's Herb Extract liar virtue or how did it cure Mrs. Hibbard (whose picture appears In another column) after hcredi;ary scrofula had eaten away her noseand upper lip. Seeadvertisemen't To Paclflc Coasl. Go to California via the through linea of the Burlington Route, from Chicago or Bt f.ouis to Denver, and thence over tbe new broad gauge, through car linea oí the Denver and Rio Grande or Colcrado Midland Railways, via Leadville, Gleiiwood Spring and Salt Lake,- through interestinc cities and unsurpassed scenery. Dining cars all the way. 0 On I he Beaeh. Miss Wayback (first visit to the sea beach)- How awfully dirty the ocean water ie! Bah! It tastes horrid, too. Mrs. De Style (a cottajjer)- Yes, ít has always been so. I suppose it'a those exiursionists. - Street & Smith's Good tfews. Brntlfleld s Female Regulator. bas won, on merit alone, a widespread and enduring reputation. It is a combination o! vegetable agenta, the result of the esperience of one wiio made the diseases of women a - life-long study. Taken according to directions the organs awake to new life and energy, leaving the woman free from pain at these period8. Soldbyall druggists. 77 He Kever Dld. .links - How did Beate come to recover? Filkins- Why, Dr. Fourthly tried to console bim by epeakingof bis debt to nature, and Beate said he'd be hanged if he'd pay it.- New York Herald. For Over Fifly Vear Mrs. Winslow'sSoothingSyrup has been used for children teetbing. It soothes the child, soflens the gunia, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy forDiarrhoea. Twenty-fi ve cents a bottle. Sold by all druggists throughout the world. ' 0 Oíd Iiiii Gooü. l'athiy Dolan went into a sbop one day to buyeggs. "VVhatare eggstoday?'' "Ejtgs are eggs today, Paddy," replied the shopman, looking quite triumphantly at two or three lady customers who happened to be in the shop. "Faith, I'm glad to hear you say so," replied Paddy, "for the last ones I got here were chickens." Cure Yonrself! Don'tpay large doctors' bilis. The best medical book pablished, one hundred pages, elegant colored plates, will be sent on receipt of tbree 2-cent stampa to pay the postage. Address A. P. Ordway & Co., Boston, Maf s. 2 Wometban a Xnitant. "Do you warrant this bicycle to be gentle?" "I don't understand you, sir," "I want to know about lts habits. The last bicycle I had not only threw me, but whirled about as I struck the ground and jumped all oyer me.- Harper's Bazar.
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