Wtaat Tbatï Familiar sound, that isn't it? The peJro season is now open and will continue until next spring. Or, perhaps you like whist, seven up, or eome other game petter than pedro. Thia is to remind you that the playing cards issued by the B. & M. and D., L. & N. Railways (the favorites of Michigan) are the latest novelty in that line and the price is not "out of sight" either- only 15 cents. Send for a pack. Geo. DeHaven, General Passenger Agent Grand Rapid. 79 Public Splrlted. "How does it happen," inquired the Btranger, "that all the improvements are being made on this one streel?" "It doen't happen at all.sir," replied the citizen, who was showing him about the village, majegtically. "This is the street I live on. I am president of the town board, sir."- Chicago Tribune. 100 Beward. The above reward is offered for any case óf Kidney, Bladder or Liver Trouble that Guarantee Kidney Cure fails to cure. Sold by all Druggists. GuARANTEE Deug Co . 925 Toledo, Ohio. Ttae Slave or Hábil. First Angel (referring to a new arnval)- It isn'toften we see a real esstate ager.t 11 p here. Second Angel - What makes you think he is one? First Angel- Why, didn'i. you notice now, as soon af he pot inside the pearly gate, he shoved his crown onto the back of his tiead and began to brae about the climate?- Brooklyn Life Health is "Wealth! Dr. E. C. Wkst's Nkevk jind Brain Treatment, a guaranteed epecifie for Hysteria, Dizziness, Convulslons, Fits, Nervous Neuralgia Headache. Nervous Prostration caused by the use of alcohol or tobáceo Wakefulness. Mental Depression, Softening of the Braln resuliing in inaanity and leadmg to misery, deoay and death, Premature Old Ace, Barrenness, Loss of Power in either sex, Involuntary Ixwses and Spermatorrhcei caused by pver-eiertion of the Biain.self-abuse or over-induJgence. Each boi contains one montas treatment. íl.oo a box. orsix boxes fö? ïoostni by mail prepaid on recept of price WE GUARANTKE S1X BOXES To cure any case. With eRch order received by u for six boxes, accompanied with !5.iiO we wiíl send the purchaaer ojlr written guarante'e to refund the money if the treatment does not effect a cure. Guarantees issued only by Kberbaoh A So, Driigvlnta and Solé Agenta, Ann Arbor, Mich. $500 Reward ! WE wlll pay the above reward for aar case of Liver Complalnt, DyspepBia, Sick Headache, IndigesUon, Constipatlon or Costivenesa we cannot cure with West's Vegetable Liver Pilis, when tlifc directions are strictly complied wilh. They are purelyVenetable.andneverfail to give satLsfac S?i?" Sngar Coated. Large boxès, containing 30 Wils. 25 cents. Beware of oounterfeits and lmFor Sale by all Druggist. CÍDER PREMBTATITE. Clder kept sweet and fermentatlon arrested at any stage by using "Cldcr Prrp.eri.line." Thoroughly reliable, easily applled and cheap Tio not Impair taste or flavor. Absolutefy harmless Box sufficient to treat 40 to' 100 gafsoiients Sen' by miÜ1 PslPai1 on "cept of THK i'RlSFKVAl 1 K SC4NVF CO., 10 Cedar St., New York. He Covercd Illm. "Yes," eaid the eiplorer, "as my wife and I were pnshing our wy through the woods we carne upon a tiaked cannibal." "A naked cannibal? and your wife with yon? How shocking! What did you do?" "Out of consideraron for my wife's feelings I at once covered him with mv revolver."- Xew York Press. Nervous Prostration, 81eeples8ne8B,Sick and Nervous Headache, Backache, Dizziness, Morbid Fears, Hot Flashes,íervou8Dy8pepsia,DulInes8,Confusion, Hysteria, Fits, St. Vitus Dance, Opium Habit, Drunkenness, etc., are cured by Dr. Miles' Restoratjve Nervine. It does not contain any opiates. Trial bottle and fine books FREE at druggista. Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Indiana. TBIAIi BOTTIJE FREE. Nnldby EBERB V II A NON. LEGALS. oiiiuiisvioiMTN" Aotire. STATE OF MICHIGAN. aa COUNTV OF WASHTENAW, SS# The undersigned haring been appoinkd by the Probate Court for said County, Coinmissioners to recelve, examine and adiust all claims aud demanda of all persons against the estáte of Catharine Cilley, late of said County deceased, hereby eire noticethatsixmonths from date are allowed by order of aid Probate Court for Creditors to present their claims ag&inst the est te of said deceased, and that they will meet at tlie late residence of said deceated, In the towu of Salem, in said County, on Monday. the eeventli day of December, and on Monday, the sevenl h day of M arch next, at ten o'clock a. m. of each of said days, to receive, examine and adjust said tuiin-, Dated, September?. 78 Egffg j &T j Commlioners. MortgHjfP Sale. Default having been made in the conditions of a mortgage executed by Ernstine Roehm to Aun Marriott now deceased. bearing date May 21st, 1888 and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Wanhtenaw county, Michigan, May 22nd, 18ï8. and in Liber 67 of Mortgages on page 233, by w htch default the power of sale containedin said mortjage became operative, and no sultor proceedlng in law or equity baring been recover ihe debt secured by said mortg&ge or any part thereof and the sum of Twenty even hundred forty eight dollars, ({2,748.00} being claimed to be due upon said mortgage, Kotice Is therefore hereby giren that said mortgsge will be forclosed by a sale of the mortgaged premüKS. therein described or some part thereof, to wit: All the following descriDed landsituated in the city of Ann Artor, in Washtenaw County, Sute of Michigan, vii; Commencing on the north line of lot number eight (8) block number two (2) south of Huron street, and range four (4) east, forty-tbree (43) feet east of the nonhwest corner of said lot; and running thence south parallel wlth the west line of said lot, to the south line oi aid lot, thence east along the south line of said lot twenty (20) feet; thence ïorth parallel with west line of said lot to north ineof of said lot, thence west along the north Ine of aaid lot twenty (20 J faet, to the place of beRinuing; at public vendue on the eigbleentli day of December next at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, at theeast front door of the Court house in the city of Ann Arbor, in aid county of Wathtenaw; hat bcing the place of holding tne Circuit Court n said county. Martha L. Smurthwaite and Eicma Webb executors of the will of Ann Marriott, deceased. Dated September 21st 1891. N. W. Cheever, Attorney.
Old News
Ann Arbor Register