HAMILTON'S INSURANCE, Real Estáte AXD . Loan Ágency. No. 2, Hamüton Block, FIRST FI.OOR. . Ff$1? detíringto buyoraell Real Eiuie will flnd lt to tbelr advantag lo cali on me. I represent ten First-Class Fire Iniurance Cos. Ratee Low, Losse Promptly Adjusted and Promptly Pid. í alio itíT LIFE INSURANCE POLICIES in the Connectlcut Mutual Life Insurance Co. - Ond Hundred Loto In HAmllton Park AddiÜon foraale. Ornes Hocrs- 8 a. u. to 12 ., and 2 to 5 r. u. A. W. HAHILTON. KTVBETTON'S. mÉMl a positive Bk CURE FOR USE aJBr dfaflaV MI over VAriLCvi 4qyears. JrmT WONDERFUL.gFJ BOXl Hlghesl TESTIMONIALS. M-S At I)rn[l( or Malled on L. WINKELMANK'&BROWN m. Drug Co. Frop. Baltimoro. Md. BiH Vnnri tV Tho Grmt Germán llKrAl llüi "'■'"I'"!'" Curo will uur rMLiiic Enrt forms of henrlache. Peopie who have suifered, ea it inaGud'8 blcBSine BAB to mankind. Pleasant to use. No bad ■ #f effecta. Curecertaiu andjnick. For sale by drueeist, or by mail 25 cents. wKA-!;n.A?,viji:jinAPiiir sss iitflllAOnC flPNQinMQ Old BËJECTED Claims ULHOIUIIQ. A SPECIALTY.' I Lost Discharges Quickly Duplicated. !8YearsEXAMINER U.S. Pension Bureau? D. I. MURPHY, í P.O. Box 534. Washington, D.C. -- - jl. N. W. A V E K SON. our authorlzud aírenla 30LD MEDAL, PABI5, 1878. . Baker & Co. s Breakfast Gocoa from which the excpss of oil has been removed, is Absolutély Pure and it is Soluble. No Chemicaís are used in its preparation. It lias more than three times the strength oí Cocoa mixed with Starch, Arrowroot or Sugar, and is therefore far more economical, costing less than one cent a cup. It is delicious, nourishing, strengthening, kasily digesied, and admirably adapted for invalids as well as for persons in health. Scld by Crocers evorywhere. W. BAKER & CO., Durchester. Mass. The Best in the World. The "DA VIS' OYER HALF A MILLION IN ÜSE È Xjffjl 11 __ FOR TERM8, ETC., A DURE SS, DAVIS SEWING MACHINE CO. DAYTOK, O. CHICAGO, ILL. 'Capacity, 400 Machines per Day. NEW SHOPS OF THE DAVIS SEWINQ MAOEIKE C ÁT "TTON. OHIO.
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